2024-05-03 15:26:53 -03:00
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- ArduPilot lua scripting documentation in EmmyLua Annotations
-- This file should be auto generated and then manual edited
-- generate with --scripting-docs, eg ./waf copter --scripting-docs
-- see: https://github.com/sumneko/lua-language-server/wiki/EmmyLua-Annotations
2023-02-15 16:08:41 -04:00
-- luacheck: ignore 121 (Setting a read-only global variable)
-- luacheck: ignore 122 (Setting a read-only field of a global variable)
2023-02-13 22:48:43 -04:00
-- luacheck: ignore 212 (Unused argument)
-- luacheck: ignore 241 (Local variable is mutated but never accessed)
2024-05-03 15:26:53 -03:00
-- luacheck: ignore 221 (Local variable is accessed but never set.)
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
-- set and get for field types share function names
2021-10-21 18:31:56 -03:00
---@diagnostic disable: duplicate-set-field
2023-06-18 09:58:50 -03:00
---@diagnostic disable: missing-return
2021-10-21 18:31:56 -03:00
2024-05-03 15:26:53 -03:00
-- integer enum value unknown by docs generator
---@type integer
local enum_integer
2021-10-21 17:02:58 -03:00
-- manual bindings
2024-05-03 15:26:53 -03:00
---@class (exact) uint32_t_ud
---@operator add(uint32_t_ud|integer|number): uint32_t_ud
---@operator sub(uint32_t_ud|integer|number): uint32_t_ud
---@operator mul(uint32_t_ud|integer|number): uint32_t_ud
---@operator div(uint32_t_ud|integer|number): uint32_t_ud
---@operator mod(uint32_t_ud|integer|number): uint32_t_ud
---@operator band(uint32_t_ud|integer|number): uint32_t_ud
---@operator bor(uint32_t_ud|integer|number): uint32_t_ud
---@operator shl(uint32_t_ud|integer|number): uint32_t_ud
---@operator shr(uint32_t_ud|integer|number): uint32_t_ud
2021-10-21 17:02:58 -03:00
local uint32_t_ud = { }
-- create uint32_t_ud with optional value
2024-05-03 15:26:53 -03:00
---@param value? uint32_t_ud|integer|number
2021-10-21 17:02:58 -03:00
---@return uint32_t_ud
function uint32_t ( value ) end
-- Convert to number
---@return number
function uint32_t_ud : tofloat ( ) end
-- Convert to integer
---@return integer
function uint32_t_ud : toint ( ) end
2024-06-14 15:56:00 -03:00
---@class (exact) uint64_t_ud
---@operator add(uint64_t_ud|uint32_t_ud|integer|number): uint64_t_ud
---@operator sub(uint64_t_ud|uint32_t_ud|integer|number): uint64_t_ud
---@operator mul(uint64_t_ud|uint32_t_ud|integer|number): uint64_t_ud
---@operator div(uint64_t_ud|uint32_t_ud|integer|number): uint64_t_ud
---@operator mod(uint64_t_ud|uint32_t_ud|integer|number): uint64_t_ud
---@operator band(uint64_t_ud|uint32_t_ud|integer|number): uint64_t_ud
---@operator bor(uint64_t_ud|uint32_t_ud|integer|number): uint64_t_ud
---@operator shl(uint64_t_ud|uint32_t_ud|integer|number): uint64_t_ud
---@operator shr(uint64_t_ud|uint32_t_ud|integer|number): uint64_t_ud
local uint64_t_ud = { }
-- create uint64_t_ud with optional value
-- Note that lua ints are 32 bits and lua floats will loose resolution at large values
---@param value? uint64_t_ud|uint32_t_ud|integer|number
---@return uint64_t_ud
function uint64_t ( value ) end
-- create uint64_t_ud from a low and high half
-- value = (high << 32) | low
---@param high uint32_t_ud|integer|number
---@param low uint32_t_ud|integer|number
---@return uint64_t_ud
function uint64_t ( high , low ) end
-- Convert to number, will loose resolution at large values
---@return number
function uint64_t_ud : tofloat ( ) end
-- Convert to integer, nil if too large to be represented by native int32
---@return integer|nil
function uint64_t_ud : toint ( ) end
-- Split into high and low half's, returning each as a uint32_t_ud
---@return uint32_t_ud -- high (value >> 32)
---@return uint32_t_ud -- low (value & 0xFFFFFFFF)
function uint64_t_ud : split ( ) end
2021-10-21 17:02:58 -03:00
-- system time in milliseconds
---@return uint32_t_ud -- milliseconds
function millis ( ) end
-- system time in microseconds
---@return uint32_t_ud -- microseconds
function micros ( ) end
-- receive mission command from running mission
---@return uint32_t_ud|nil -- command start time milliseconds
---@return integer|nil -- command param 1
---@return number|nil -- command param 2
---@return number|nil -- command param 3
---@return number|nil -- command param 4
function mission_receive ( ) end
2023-10-01 14:31:49 -03:00
-- Print text, if MAVLink is available the value will be sent with debug severity
-- If no MAVLink the value will be sent over can
-- equivalent to gcs:send_text(7, text) or periph:can_printf(text)
---@param text string|number|integer
function print ( text ) end
2021-10-21 17:02:58 -03:00
-- data flash logging to SD card
logger = { }
2024-06-02 16:25:48 -03:00
-- write value to data flash log with given types and names with units and multipliers, timestamp will be automatically added
2021-10-21 17:02:58 -03:00
---@param name string -- up to 4 characters
---@param labels string -- comma separated value labels, up to 58 characters
---@param format string -- type format string, see https://github.com/ArduPilot/ardupilot/blob/master/libraries/AP_Logger/README.md
2024-06-02 16:25:48 -03:00
---@param units string -- units string
---@param multipliers string -- multipliers string
---@param ... integer|number|uint32_t_ud|string -- data to be logged, type to match format string
function logger : write ( name , labels , format , units , multipliers , ... ) end
-- write value to data flash log with given types and names, timestamp will be automatically added
---@param name string -- up to 4 characters
---@param labels string -- comma separated value labels, up to 58 characters
---@param format string -- type format string, see https://github.com/ArduPilot/ardupilot/blob/master/libraries/AP_Logger/README.md
---@param ... integer|number|uint32_t_ud|string -- data to be logged, type to match format string
function logger : write ( name , labels , format , ... ) end
2021-10-21 17:02:58 -03:00
2023-06-01 03:08:32 -03:00
-- log a files content to onboard log
---@param filename string -- file name
function logger : log_file_content ( filename ) end
2021-10-21 17:02:58 -03:00
-- i2c bus interaction
i2c = { }
-- get a i2c device handler
---@param bus integer -- bus number
---@param address integer -- device address 0 to 128
2024-05-03 15:26:53 -03:00
---@param clock? uint32_t_ud|integer|number -- optional bus clock, default 400000
2021-10-21 17:02:58 -03:00
---@param smbus? boolean -- optional sumbus flag, default false
2024-06-17 14:24:26 -03:00
---@return AP_HAL__I2CDevice_ud
2021-10-21 17:02:58 -03:00
function i2c : get_device ( bus , address , clock , smbus ) end
2022-09-29 02:02:44 -03:00
-- EFI state structure
2024-05-03 15:26:53 -03:00
---@class (exact) EFI_State_ud
2022-09-29 02:02:44 -03:00
local EFI_State_ud = { }
---@return EFI_State_ud
function EFI_State ( ) end
2023-03-28 13:09:05 -03:00
-- get field
---@return number
function EFI_State_ud : pt_compensation ( ) end
2022-10-14 13:09:07 -03:00
-- set field
---@param value number
function EFI_State_ud : pt_compensation ( value ) end
2023-03-28 13:09:05 -03:00
-- get field
---@return number
function EFI_State_ud : throttle_out ( ) end
2022-10-14 13:09:07 -03:00
-- set field
---@param value number
function EFI_State_ud : throttle_out ( value ) end
2023-03-28 13:09:05 -03:00
-- get field
---@return number
function EFI_State_ud : ignition_voltage ( ) end
2022-10-14 13:09:07 -03:00
-- set field
---@param value number
function EFI_State_ud : ignition_voltage ( value ) end
2023-05-02 17:26:09 -03:00
-- get field
---@return Cylinder_Status_ud
function EFI_State_ud : cylinder_status ( ) end
2022-09-29 02:02:44 -03:00
-- set field
---@param value Cylinder_Status_ud
function EFI_State_ud : cylinder_status ( value ) end
2023-03-28 13:09:05 -03:00
-- get field
---@return integer
function EFI_State_ud : ecu_index ( ) end
2022-09-29 02:02:44 -03:00
-- set field
---@param value integer
function EFI_State_ud : ecu_index ( value ) end
2023-03-28 13:09:05 -03:00
-- get field
---@return integer
function EFI_State_ud : throttle_position_percent ( ) end
2022-09-29 02:02:44 -03:00
-- set field
---@param value integer
function EFI_State_ud : throttle_position_percent ( value ) end
2023-03-28 13:09:05 -03:00
-- get field
---@return number
function EFI_State_ud : estimated_consumed_fuel_volume_cm3 ( ) end
2022-09-29 02:02:44 -03:00
-- set field
---@param value number
function EFI_State_ud : estimated_consumed_fuel_volume_cm3 ( value ) end
2023-03-28 13:09:05 -03:00
-- get field
---@return number
function EFI_State_ud : fuel_consumption_rate_cm3pm ( ) end
2022-09-29 02:02:44 -03:00
-- set field
---@param value number
function EFI_State_ud : fuel_consumption_rate_cm3pm ( value ) end
2023-03-28 13:09:05 -03:00
-- get field
---@return number
function EFI_State_ud : fuel_pressure ( ) end
2022-09-29 02:02:44 -03:00
-- set field
---@param value number
function EFI_State_ud : fuel_pressure ( value ) end
2023-05-02 17:26:09 -03:00
-- get field
---@return integer
---| '0' # Not supported
---| '1' # Ok
---| '2' # Below nominal
---| '3' # Above nominal
function EFI_State_ud : fuel_pressure_status ( ) end
2023-01-01 12:35:34 -04:00
-- set field
2023-03-06 18:49:01 -04:00
---@param status integer
---| '0' # Not supported
---| '1' # Ok
---| '2' # Below nominal
---| '3' # Above nominal
function EFI_State_ud : fuel_pressure_status ( status ) end
2023-01-01 12:35:34 -04:00
2023-03-28 13:09:05 -03:00
-- get field
---@return number
function EFI_State_ud : oil_temperature ( ) end
2022-09-29 02:02:44 -03:00
-- set field
---@param value number
function EFI_State_ud : oil_temperature ( value ) end
2023-03-28 13:09:05 -03:00
-- get field
---@return number
function EFI_State_ud : oil_pressure ( ) end
2022-09-29 02:02:44 -03:00
-- set field
---@param value number
function EFI_State_ud : oil_pressure ( value ) end
2023-03-28 13:09:05 -03:00
-- get field
---@return number
function EFI_State_ud : coolant_temperature ( ) end
2022-09-29 02:02:44 -03:00
-- set field
---@param value number
function EFI_State_ud : coolant_temperature ( value ) end
2023-03-28 13:09:05 -03:00
-- get field
---@return number
function EFI_State_ud : intake_manifold_temperature ( ) end
2022-09-29 02:02:44 -03:00
-- set field
---@param value number
function EFI_State_ud : intake_manifold_temperature ( value ) end
2023-03-28 13:09:05 -03:00
-- get field
---@return number
function EFI_State_ud : intake_manifold_pressure_kpa ( ) end
2022-09-29 02:02:44 -03:00
-- set field
---@param value number
function EFI_State_ud : intake_manifold_pressure_kpa ( value ) end
2023-03-28 13:09:05 -03:00
-- get field
---@return number
function EFI_State_ud : atmospheric_pressure_kpa ( ) end
2022-09-29 02:02:44 -03:00
-- set field
---@param value number
function EFI_State_ud : atmospheric_pressure_kpa ( value ) end
2023-03-28 13:09:05 -03:00
-- get field
---@return number
function EFI_State_ud : spark_dwell_time_ms ( ) end
2022-09-29 02:02:44 -03:00
-- set field
---@param value number
function EFI_State_ud : spark_dwell_time_ms ( value ) end
2023-03-28 13:09:05 -03:00
-- get field
---@return uint32_t_ud
function EFI_State_ud : engine_speed_rpm ( ) end
2022-09-29 02:02:44 -03:00
-- set field
2024-05-03 15:26:53 -03:00
---@param value uint32_t_ud|integer|number
2022-09-29 02:02:44 -03:00
function EFI_State_ud : engine_speed_rpm ( value ) end
2023-03-28 13:09:05 -03:00
-- get field
---@return integer
function EFI_State_ud : engine_load_percent ( ) end
2022-09-29 02:02:44 -03:00
-- set field
---@param value integer
function EFI_State_ud : engine_load_percent ( value ) end
2023-03-28 13:09:05 -03:00
-- get field
---@return boolean
function EFI_State_ud : general_error ( ) end
2022-09-29 02:02:44 -03:00
-- set field
---@param value boolean
function EFI_State_ud : general_error ( value ) end
2023-03-28 13:09:05 -03:00
-- get field
---@return uint32_t_ud
function EFI_State_ud : last_updated_ms ( ) end
2022-09-29 02:02:44 -03:00
-- set field
2024-05-03 15:26:53 -03:00
---@param value uint32_t_ud|integer|number
2022-09-29 02:02:44 -03:00
function EFI_State_ud : last_updated_ms ( value ) end
-- EFI Cylinder_Status structure
2024-05-03 15:26:53 -03:00
---@class (exact) Cylinder_Status_ud
2022-09-29 02:02:44 -03:00
local Cylinder_Status_ud = { }
---@return Cylinder_Status_ud
function Cylinder_Status ( ) end
2023-03-28 13:09:05 -03:00
-- get field
---@return number
function Cylinder_Status_ud : lambda_coefficient ( ) end
2022-09-29 02:02:44 -03:00
-- set field
---@param value number
function Cylinder_Status_ud : lambda_coefficient ( value ) end
2023-03-28 13:09:05 -03:00
-- get field
---@return number
function Cylinder_Status_ud : exhaust_gas_temperature ( ) end
2022-09-29 02:02:44 -03:00
-- set field
---@param value number
function Cylinder_Status_ud : exhaust_gas_temperature ( value ) end
2023-11-09 22:48:58 -04:00
-- get field
---@return number
function Cylinder_Status_ud : exhaust_gas_temperature2 ( ) end
-- set field
---@param value number
function Cylinder_Status_ud : exhaust_gas_temperature2 ( value ) end
2023-03-28 13:09:05 -03:00
-- get field
---@return number
function Cylinder_Status_ud : cylinder_head_temperature ( ) end
2022-09-29 02:02:44 -03:00
-- set field
---@param value number
function Cylinder_Status_ud : cylinder_head_temperature ( value ) end
2023-11-09 22:48:58 -04:00
-- get field
---@return number
function Cylinder_Status_ud : cylinder_head_temperature2 ( ) end
-- set field
---@param value number
function Cylinder_Status_ud : cylinder_head_temperature2 ( value ) end
2023-03-28 13:09:05 -03:00
-- get field
---@return number
function Cylinder_Status_ud : injection_time_ms ( ) end
2022-09-29 02:02:44 -03:00
-- set field
---@param value number
function Cylinder_Status_ud : injection_time_ms ( value ) end
2023-03-28 13:09:05 -03:00
-- get field
---@return number
function Cylinder_Status_ud : ignition_timing_deg ( ) end
2022-09-29 02:02:44 -03:00
-- set field
---@param value number
function Cylinder_Status_ud : ignition_timing_deg ( value ) end
-- desc
efi = { }
2023-03-28 17:40:20 -03:00
-- desc
---@return EFI_State_ud
function efi : get_state ( ) end
2024-08-15 02:34:09 -03:00
-- get last update time in milliseconds
---@return uint32_t_ud
function efi : get_last_update_ms ( ) end
2022-10-14 13:09:07 -03:00
-- desc
---@param instance integer
2024-05-02 14:13:31 -03:00
---@return AP_EFI_Backend_ud|nil
2022-10-14 13:09:07 -03:00
function efi : get_backend ( instance ) end
2021-10-21 17:02:58 -03:00
-- CAN bus interaction
CAN = { }
2024-04-30 23:27:23 -03:00
-- get a CAN bus device handler first scripting driver, will return nil if no driver with protocol Scripting is configured
2024-05-03 15:26:53 -03:00
---@param buffer_len uint32_t_ud|integer|number -- buffer length 1 to 25
2024-04-30 23:27:23 -03:00
---@return ScriptingCANBuffer_ud|nil
2021-10-21 17:02:58 -03:00
function CAN : get_device ( buffer_len ) end
2024-04-30 23:27:23 -03:00
-- get a CAN bus device handler second scripting driver, will return nil if no driver with protocol Scripting2 is configured
2024-05-03 15:26:53 -03:00
---@param buffer_len uint32_t_ud|integer|number -- buffer length 1 to 25
2024-04-30 23:27:23 -03:00
---@return ScriptingCANBuffer_ud|nil
2022-10-14 13:09:07 -03:00
function CAN : get_device2 ( buffer_len ) end
2021-10-21 17:02:58 -03:00
2024-10-22 22:44:17 -03:00
-- get latest FlexDebug message from a CAN node
---@param bus number -- CAN bus number, 0 for first bus, 1 for 2nd
---@param node number -- CAN node
---@param id number -- FlexDebug message ID
---@param last_us uint32_t_ud|integer|number -- timestamp of last received message, new message will be returned if timestamp is different
---@return uint32_t_ud|nil -- timestamp of message (first frame arrival time)
---@return string|nil -- up to 255 byte buffer
function DroneCAN_get_FlexDebug ( bus , node , id , last_us ) end
2021-10-21 17:02:58 -03:00
-- Auto generated binding
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2024-05-03 15:26:53 -03:00
---@class (exact) CANFrame_ud
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
local CANFrame_ud = { }
---@return CANFrame_ud
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
function CANFrame ( ) end
-- get field
---@return integer
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function CANFrame_ud : dlc ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- set field
---@param value integer
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function CANFrame_ud : dlc ( value ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
-- get array field
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@param index integer
---@return integer
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function CANFrame_ud : data ( index ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
-- set array field
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@param index integer
---@param value integer
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function CANFrame_ud : data ( index , value ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- get field
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
---@return uint32_t_ud
function CANFrame_ud : id ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- set field
2024-05-03 15:26:53 -03:00
---@param value uint32_t_ud|integer|number
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function CANFrame_ud : id ( value ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
---@return boolean
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function CANFrame_ud : isErrorFrame ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
---@return boolean
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function CANFrame_ud : isRemoteTransmissionRequest ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
---@return boolean
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function CANFrame_ud : isExtended ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2022-10-14 13:09:07 -03:00
-- desc
---@return integer
function CANFrame_ud : id_signed ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2024-05-03 15:26:53 -03:00
---@class (exact) motor_factor_table_ud
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
local motor_factor_table_ud = { }
---@return motor_factor_table_ud
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
function motor_factor_table ( ) end
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
-- get array field
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@param index integer
---@return number
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function motor_factor_table_ud : throttle ( index ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2021-10-21 18:22:15 -03:00
-- set array field
---@param index integer
---@param value number
function motor_factor_table_ud : throttle ( index , value ) end
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
-- get array field
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@param index integer
---@return number
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function motor_factor_table_ud : yaw ( index ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2021-10-21 18:22:15 -03:00
-- set array field
---@param index integer
---@param value number
function motor_factor_table_ud : yaw ( index , value ) end
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
-- get array field
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@param index integer
---@return number
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function motor_factor_table_ud : pitch ( index ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2021-10-21 18:22:15 -03:00
-- set array field
---@param index integer
---@param value number
function motor_factor_table_ud : pitch ( index , value ) end
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
-- get array field
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@param index integer
---@return number
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function motor_factor_table_ud : roll ( index ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2021-10-21 18:22:15 -03:00
-- set array field
---@param index integer
---@param value number
function motor_factor_table_ud : roll ( index , value ) end
2023-12-03 01:43:29 -04:00
-- network socket class
2024-05-03 15:26:53 -03:00
---@class (exact) SocketAPM_ud
2023-12-03 01:43:29 -04:00
local SocketAPM_ud = { }
2024-05-02 14:13:31 -03:00
-- Get a new socket
2024-09-29 01:06:45 -03:00
---@param datagram integer -- set to 1 for UDP, 0 for TCP
2024-05-02 14:13:31 -03:00
---@return SocketAPM_ud
function Socket ( datagram ) end
2023-12-09 16:05:58 -04:00
2024-09-29 01:06:45 -03:00
-- return an IPv4 address given a string
---@param str_address string -- ipv4 address as string
---@return uint32_t_ud -- ipv4 address
function string_to_ipv4_addr ( str_address ) end
-- return a string representation of ipv4 address
---@param addr uint32_t_ud|integer|number -- ipv4 address
---@return string -- string representation of address
function ipv4_addr_to_string ( addr ) end
2023-12-09 16:05:58 -04:00
-- return true if a socket is connected
2023-12-03 01:43:29 -04:00
---@return boolean
function SocketAPM_ud : is_connected ( ) end
2023-12-09 16:05:58 -04:00
-- set blocking state of socket
---@param blocking boolean
2023-12-03 01:43:29 -04:00
---@return boolean
2023-12-09 16:05:58 -04:00
function SocketAPM_ud : set_blocking ( blocking ) end
2023-12-03 01:43:29 -04:00
2023-12-09 16:05:58 -04:00
-- setup a socket to listen
---@param backlog integer
2023-12-03 01:43:29 -04:00
---@return boolean
2023-12-09 16:05:58 -04:00
function SocketAPM_ud : listen ( backlog ) end
2023-12-03 01:43:29 -04:00
2023-12-09 16:05:58 -04:00
-- send a lua string. May contain binary data
---@param str string
2024-05-03 15:26:53 -03:00
---@param len uint32_t_ud|integer|number
2023-12-03 01:43:29 -04:00
---@return integer
2023-12-09 16:05:58 -04:00
function SocketAPM_ud : send ( str , len ) end
2023-12-03 01:43:29 -04:00
2024-09-29 01:06:45 -03:00
-- send a lua string to a specified address. May contain binary data
---@param str string
---@param len uint32_t_ud|integer|number
---@param ipaddr uint32_t_ud|integer|number -- ipv4 address
---@param port integer -- ipv4 port
---@return integer
function SocketAPM_ud : sendto ( str , len , ipaddr , port ) end
2023-12-09 16:05:58 -04:00
-- bind to an address. Use "" for wildcard bind
---@param IP_address string
---@param port integer
2023-12-03 01:43:29 -04:00
---@return boolean
2023-12-09 16:05:58 -04:00
function SocketAPM_ud : bind ( IP_address , port ) end
2023-12-03 01:43:29 -04:00
2023-12-09 16:05:58 -04:00
-- connect a socket to an endpoint
---@param IP_address string
---@param port integer
2023-12-03 01:43:29 -04:00
---@return boolean
2023-12-09 16:05:58 -04:00
function SocketAPM_ud : connect ( IP_address , port ) end
2023-12-03 01:43:29 -04:00
2023-12-09 16:05:58 -04:00
--[[ accept new incoming sockets, returning a new socket.
Must be used on a stream socket in listen state
2024-05-02 14:13:31 -03:00
---@return SocketAPM_ud|nil
function SocketAPM_ud : accept ( ) end
2023-12-03 01:43:29 -04:00
2023-12-09 16:05:58 -04:00
-- receive data from a socket
2024-05-02 14:13:31 -03:00
---@param length integer
---@return string|nil
2024-09-29 01:06:45 -03:00
---@return uint32_t_ud|nil -- source IP
---@return integer|nil -- source port
2023-12-09 16:05:58 -04:00
function SocketAPM_ud : recv ( length ) end
-- check for available input
2024-05-03 15:26:53 -03:00
---@param timeout_ms uint32_t_ud|integer|number
2023-12-09 16:05:58 -04:00
---@return boolean
function SocketAPM_ud : pollin ( timeout_ms ) end
-- check for availability of space to write to socket
2024-05-03 15:26:53 -03:00
---@param timeout_ms uint32_t_ud|integer|number
2023-12-09 16:05:58 -04:00
---@return boolean
function SocketAPM_ud : pollout ( timeout_ms ) end
2023-12-03 01:43:29 -04:00
2023-12-09 16:05:58 -04:00
close a socket . Note that there is no automatic garbage
collection of sockets so you must close a socket when you are
finished with it or you will run out of sockets
function SocketAPM_ud : close ( ) end
setup to send all remaining data from a filehandle to the socket
this also " closes " the socket and the file from the point of view of lua
the underlying socket and file are both closed on end of file
2024-05-02 16:51:48 -03:00
---@param filehandle string
---@return boolean -- success
2023-12-09 16:05:58 -04:00
function SocketAPM_ud : sendfile ( filehandle ) end
-- enable SO_REUSEADDR on a socket
---@return boolean
function SocketAPM_ud : reuseaddress ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2024-05-03 15:26:53 -03:00
---@class (exact) AP_HAL__PWMSource_ud
2023-02-20 09:59:22 -04:00
local AP_HAL__PWMSource_ud = { }
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
2023-02-20 09:59:22 -04:00
---@return AP_HAL__PWMSource_ud
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
function PWMSource ( ) end
-- desc
---@return integer
2023-02-20 09:59:22 -04:00
function AP_HAL__PWMSource_ud : get_pwm_avg_us ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
---@return integer
2023-02-20 09:59:22 -04:00
function AP_HAL__PWMSource_ud : get_pwm_us ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param pin_number integer
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return boolean
2023-02-20 09:59:22 -04:00
function AP_HAL__PWMSource_ud : set_pin ( pin_number ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2024-05-03 15:26:53 -03:00
---@class (exact) mavlink_mission_item_int_t_ud
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
local mavlink_mission_item_int_t_ud = { }
---@return mavlink_mission_item_int_t_ud
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
function mavlink_mission_item_int_t ( ) end
-- get field
---@return integer
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function mavlink_mission_item_int_t_ud : current ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- set field
---@param value integer
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function mavlink_mission_item_int_t_ud : current ( value ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- get field
---@return integer
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function mavlink_mission_item_int_t_ud : frame ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- set field
---@param value integer
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function mavlink_mission_item_int_t_ud : frame ( value ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- get field
---@return integer
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function mavlink_mission_item_int_t_ud : command ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- set field
---@param value integer
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function mavlink_mission_item_int_t_ud : command ( value ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- get field
---@return integer
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function mavlink_mission_item_int_t_ud : seq ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- set field
---@param value integer
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function mavlink_mission_item_int_t_ud : seq ( value ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- get field
---@return number
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function mavlink_mission_item_int_t_ud : z ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2021-10-21 18:22:15 -03:00
-- set field
---@param value number
function mavlink_mission_item_int_t_ud : z ( value ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- get field
---@return integer
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function mavlink_mission_item_int_t_ud : y ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- set field
---@param value integer
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function mavlink_mission_item_int_t_ud : y ( value ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- get field
---@return integer
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function mavlink_mission_item_int_t_ud : x ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- set field
---@param value integer
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function mavlink_mission_item_int_t_ud : x ( value ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- get field
---@return number
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function mavlink_mission_item_int_t_ud : param4 ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2021-10-21 18:22:15 -03:00
-- set field
---@param value number
function mavlink_mission_item_int_t_ud : param4 ( value ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- get field
---@return number
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function mavlink_mission_item_int_t_ud : param3 ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2021-10-21 18:22:15 -03:00
-- set field
---@param value number
function mavlink_mission_item_int_t_ud : param3 ( value ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- get field
---@return number
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function mavlink_mission_item_int_t_ud : param2 ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2021-10-21 18:22:15 -03:00
-- set field
---@param value number
function mavlink_mission_item_int_t_ud : param2 ( value ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- get field
---@return number
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function mavlink_mission_item_int_t_ud : param1 ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2021-10-21 18:22:15 -03:00
-- set field
---@param value number
function mavlink_mission_item_int_t_ud : param1 ( value ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-06-04 09:32:32 -03:00
-- Parameter access helper.
2024-05-03 15:26:53 -03:00
---@class (exact) Parameter_ud
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
local Parameter_ud = { }
2024-06-04 09:32:32 -03:00
-- Create a new parameter helper, init must be called with a parameter name.
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
---@return Parameter_ud
2024-06-04 09:32:32 -03:00
function Parameter ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-06-04 09:32:32 -03:00
-- Set the defualt value of this parameter, if the parameter has not been configured by the user its value will be updated to the new defualt.
2022-01-17 17:02:03 -04:00
---@param value number
---@return boolean
function Parameter_ud : set_default ( value ) end
2024-06-04 09:32:32 -03:00
-- Return true if the parameter has been configured by the user.
2022-01-17 17:02:03 -04:00
---@return boolean
function Parameter_ud : configured ( ) end
2024-06-04 09:32:32 -03:00
-- Set the parameter to the given value and save. The value will be persistant after a reboot.
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param value number
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return boolean
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function Parameter_ud : set_and_save ( value ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-06-04 09:32:32 -03:00
-- Set the parameter to the given value. The value will not persist a reboot.
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param value number
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return boolean
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function Parameter_ud : set ( value ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-06-04 09:32:32 -03:00
-- Get the current value of a parameter.
-- Returns nil if the init has not been called and a valid parameter found.
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return number|nil
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function Parameter_ud : get ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-06-04 09:32:32 -03:00
-- Init the paramter from a key. This allows the script to load old parameter that have been removed from the main code.
2022-01-26 17:10:18 -04:00
---@param key integer
2024-05-03 15:26:53 -03:00
---@param group_element uint32_t_ud|integer|number
2022-01-26 17:10:18 -04:00
---@param type integer
---| '1' # AP_PARAM_INT8
---| '2' # AP_PARAM_INT16
---| '3' # AP_PARAM_INT32
---| '4' # AP_PARAM_FLOAT
---@return boolean
function Parameter_ud : init_by_info ( key , group_element , type ) end
2024-06-04 09:32:32 -03:00
-- Init this parameter from a name.
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param name string
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return boolean
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function Parameter_ud : init ( name ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-06-04 09:32:32 -03:00
-- Parameter access helper
---@class (exact) Parameter_ud_const
local Parameter_ud_const = { }
-- Create a new parameter helper with a parameter name.
-- This will error if no parameter with the given name is found.
---@return Parameter_ud_const
---@param name string
function Parameter ( name ) end
-- Set the defualt value of this parameter, if the parameter has not been configured by the user its value will be updated to the new defualt.
---@param value number
---@return boolean
function Parameter_ud_const : set_default ( value ) end
-- Retrun true if the parameter has been configured by the user.
---@return boolean
function Parameter_ud_const : configured ( ) end
-- Set the parameter to the given value and save. The value will be persistant after a reboot.
---@param value number
---@return boolean
function Parameter_ud_const : set_and_save ( value ) end
-- Set the parameter to the given value. The value will not persist a reboot.
---@param value number
---@return boolean
function Parameter_ud_const : set ( value ) end
-- Get the current value of a parameter.
---@return number
function Parameter_ud_const : get ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Vector2f is a userdata object that holds a 2D vector with x and y components. The components are stored as floating point numbers.
-- To create a new Vector2f you can call Vector2f() to allocate a new one, or call a method that returns one to you.
2024-05-03 15:26:53 -03:00
---@class (exact) Vector2f_ud
---@operator add(Vector2f_ud): Vector2f_ud
---@operator sub(Vector2f_ud): Vector2f_ud
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
local Vector2f_ud = { }
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Create Vector2f object
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
---@return Vector2f_ud
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
function Vector2f ( ) end
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Copy this Vector2f returning a new userdata object
---@return Vector2f_ud -- a copy of this Vector2f
2022-01-08 20:56:21 -04:00
function Vector2f_ud : copy ( ) end
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- get y component
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return number
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function Vector2f_ud : y ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- set y component
2021-10-21 18:22:15 -03:00
---@param value number
function Vector2f_ud : y ( value ) end
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- get x component
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return number
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function Vector2f_ud : x ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- set x component
2021-10-21 18:22:15 -03:00
---@param value number
function Vector2f_ud : x ( value ) end
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- rotate vector by angle in radians
---@param angle_rad number -- angle in radians
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function Vector2f_ud : rotate ( angle_rad ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Check if both components of the vector are zero
---@return boolean -- true if both components are zero
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function Vector2f_ud : is_zero ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Check if either components of the vector are infinite
---@return boolean -- true if either components are infinite
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function Vector2f_ud : is_inf ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Check if either components of the vector are nan
---@return boolean -- true if either components are nan
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function Vector2f_ud : is_nan ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- normalize this vector to a unit length
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function Vector2f_ud : normalize ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Calculate length of this vector sqrt(x^2 + y^2)
---@return number -- length of this vector
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function Vector2f_ud : length ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Calculate the angle of this vector in radians
-- 2PI + atan2(-x, y)
---@return number -- angle in radians
2022-03-06 23:06:46 -04:00
function Vector2f_ud : angle ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Vector3f is a userdata object that holds a 3D vector with x, y and z components.
-- The components are stored as floating point numbers.
-- To create a new Vector3f you can call Vector3f() to allocate a new one, or call a method that returns one to you.
2024-05-03 15:26:53 -03:00
---@class (exact) Vector3f_ud
---@operator add(Vector3f_ud): Vector3f_ud
---@operator sub(Vector3f_ud): Vector3f_ud
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
local Vector3f_ud = { }
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Create Vector3f object
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
---@return Vector3f_ud
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
function Vector3f ( ) end
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Copy this Vector3f returning a new userdata object
---@return Vector3f_ud -- a copy of this Vector3f
2022-01-08 20:56:21 -04:00
function Vector3f_ud : copy ( ) end
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- get z component
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return number
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function Vector3f_ud : z ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- set z component
2021-10-21 18:22:15 -03:00
---@param value number
function Vector3f_ud : z ( value ) end
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- get y component
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return number
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function Vector3f_ud : y ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- set y component
2021-10-21 18:22:15 -03:00
---@param value number
function Vector3f_ud : y ( value ) end
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- get x component
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return number
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function Vector3f_ud : x ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- set x component
2021-10-21 18:22:15 -03:00
---@param value number
function Vector3f_ud : x ( value ) end
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Return a new Vector3 based on this one with scaled length and the same changing direction
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param scale_factor number
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
---@return Vector3f_ud -- scaled copy of this vector
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function Vector3f_ud : scale ( scale_factor ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Cross product of two Vector3fs
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param vector Vector3f_ud
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
---@return Vector3f_ud -- result
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function Vector3f_ud : cross ( vector ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Dot product of two Vector3fs
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param vector Vector3f_ud
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
---@return number -- result
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function Vector3f_ud : dot ( vector ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Check if all components of the vector are zero
---@return boolean -- true if all components are zero
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function Vector3f_ud : is_zero ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Check if any components of the vector are infinite
---@return boolean -- true if any components are infinite
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function Vector3f_ud : is_inf ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Check if any components of the vector are nan
---@return boolean -- true if any components are nan
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function Vector3f_ud : is_nan ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- normalize this vector to a unit length
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function Vector3f_ud : normalize ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Calculate length of this vector sqrt(x^2 + y^2 + z^2)
---@return number -- length of this vector
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function Vector3f_ud : length ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2022-09-15 00:51:06 -03:00
-- Computes angle between this vector and vector v2
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
---@param v2 Vector3f_ud
2022-09-15 00:51:06 -03:00
---@return number
function Vector3f_ud : angle ( v2 ) end
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Rotate vector by angle in radians in xy plane leaving z untouched
2022-03-06 23:06:46 -04:00
---@param param1 number -- XY rotation in radians
function Vector3f_ud : rotate_xy ( param1 ) end
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- return the x and y components of this vector as a Vector2f
2022-03-06 23:06:46 -04:00
---@return Vector2f_ud
function Vector3f_ud : xy ( ) end
2022-09-15 00:51:06 -03:00
-- desc
2024-05-03 15:26:53 -03:00
---@class (exact) Quaternion_ud
---@operator mul(Quaternion_ud): Quaternion_ud
2022-09-15 00:51:06 -03:00
local Quaternion_ud = { }
---@return Quaternion_ud
function Quaternion ( ) end
-- get field
---@return number
function Quaternion_ud : q4 ( ) end
-- set field
---@param value number
function Quaternion_ud : q4 ( value ) end
-- get field
---@return number
function Quaternion_ud : q3 ( ) end
-- set field
---@param value number
function Quaternion_ud : q3 ( value ) end
-- get field
---@return number
function Quaternion_ud : q2 ( ) end
-- set field
---@param value number
function Quaternion_ud : q2 ( value ) end
-- get field
---@return number
function Quaternion_ud : q1 ( ) end
-- set field
---@param value number
function Quaternion_ud : q1 ( value ) end
-- Applies rotation to vector argument
---@param vec Vector3f_ud
function Quaternion_ud : earth_to_body ( vec ) end
-- Returns inverse of quaternion
---@return Quaternion_ud
function Quaternion_ud : inverse ( ) end
2022-09-15 05:59:23 -03:00
-- Integrates angular velocity over small time delta
---@param angular_velocity Vector3f_ud
---@param time_delta number
function Quaternion_ud : from_angular_velocity ( angular_velocity , time_delta ) end
-- Constructs Quaternion from axis and angle
---@param axis Vector3f_ud
---@param angle number
function Quaternion_ud : from_axis_angle ( axis , angle ) end
-- Converts Quaternion to axis-angle representation
---@param axis_angle Vector3f_ud
function Quaternion_ud : to_axis_angle ( axis_angle ) end
2022-09-15 00:51:06 -03:00
-- Construct quaternion from Euler angles
---@param roll number
---@param pitch number
---@param yaw number
function Quaternion_ud : from_euler ( roll , pitch , yaw ) end
-- Returns yaw component of quaternion
---@return number
function Quaternion_ud : get_euler_yaw ( ) end
-- Returns pitch component of quaternion
---@return number
function Quaternion_ud : get_euler_pitch ( ) end
-- Returns roll component of quaternion
---@return number
function Quaternion_ud : get_euler_roll ( ) end
-- Mutates quaternion have length 1
function Quaternion_ud : normalize ( ) end
-- Returns length or norm of quaternion
---@return number
function Quaternion_ud : length ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Location is a userdata object that holds locations expressed as latitude, longitude, altitude.
-- The altitude can be in several different frames, relative to home, absolute altitude above mean sea level, or relative to terrain.
-- To create a new Location userdata you can call Location() to allocate an empty location object, or call a method that returns one to you.
2024-05-03 15:26:53 -03:00
---@class (exact) Location_ud
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
local Location_ud = { }
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Create location object
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
---@return Location_ud
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
function Location ( ) end
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Copy this location returning a new userdata object
---@return Location_ud -- a copy of this location
2022-01-08 20:56:21 -04:00
function Location_ud : copy ( ) end
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- get loiter xtrack
---@return boolean -- Get if the location is used for a loiter location this flags if the aircraft should track from the center point, or from the exit location of the loiter.
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function Location_ud : loiter_xtrack ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- set loiter xtrack
---@param value boolean -- Set if the location is used for a loiter location this flags if the aircraft should track from the center point, or from the exit location of the loiter.
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function Location_ud : loiter_xtrack ( value ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- get origin alt
---@return boolean -- true if altitude is relative to origin
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function Location_ud : origin_alt ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- set origin alt
---@param value boolean -- set true if altitude is relative to origin
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function Location_ud : origin_alt ( value ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- get terrain alt
---@return boolean -- true if altitude is relative to terrain
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function Location_ud : terrain_alt ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- set terrain alt
---@param value boolean -- set true if altitude is relative to home
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function Location_ud : terrain_alt ( value ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- get relative alt
---@return boolean -- true if altitude is relative to home
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function Location_ud : relative_alt ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- set relative alt
---@param value boolean -- set true if altitude is relative to home
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function Location_ud : relative_alt ( value ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- get altitude in cm
---@return integer -- altitude in cm
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function Location_ud : alt ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- set altitude in cm
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@param value integer
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function Location_ud : alt ( value ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- get longitude in degrees * 1e7
---@return integer -- longitude in degrees * 1e7
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function Location_ud : lng ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- set longitude in degrees * 1e7
---@param value integer -- longitude in degrees * 1e7
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function Location_ud : lng ( value ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- get latitude in degrees * 1e7
---@return integer -- latitude in degrees * 1e7
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function Location_ud : lat ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- set latitude in degrees * 1e7
---@param value integer -- latitude in degrees * 1e7
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function Location_ud : lat ( value ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- get altitude frame of this location
---@return integer -- altitude frame
2022-10-20 12:12:45 -03:00
---| '0' # ABSOLUTE
---| '1' # ABOVE_HOME
---| '2' # ABOVE_ORIGIN
---| '3' # ABOVE_TERRAIN
function Location_ud : get_alt_frame ( ) end
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Set the altitude frame of this location
---@param desired_frame integer -- altitude frame
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---| '0' # ABSOLUTE
---| '1' # ABOVE_HOME
---| '2' # ABOVE_ORIGIN
---| '3' # ABOVE_TERRAIN
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return boolean
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function Location_ud : change_alt_frame ( desired_frame ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Given a Location this calculates the north and east distance between the two locations in meters.
---@param loc Location_ud -- location to compare with
---@return Vector2f_ud -- North east distance vector in meters
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function Location_ud : get_distance_NE ( loc ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Given a Location this calculates the north, east and down distance between the two locations in meters.
---@param loc Location_ud -- location to compare with
---@return Vector3f_ud -- North east down distance vector in meters
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function Location_ud : get_distance_NED ( loc ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Given a Location this calculates the relative bearing to the location in radians
---@param loc Location_ud -- location to compare with
---@return number -- bearing in radians
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function Location_ud : get_bearing ( loc ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Returns the offset from the EKF origin to this location.
-- Returns nil if the EKF origin wasn’ t available at the time this was called.
---@return Vector3f_ud|nil -- Vector between origin and location north east up in meters
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function Location_ud : get_vector_from_origin_NEU ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Translates this Location by the specified distance given a bearing.
---@param bearing_deg number -- bearing in degrees
---@param distance number -- distance in meters
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function Location_ud : offset_bearing ( bearing_deg , distance ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Translates this Location by the specified distance given a bearing and pitch.
---@param bearing_deg number -- bearing in degrees
---@param pitch_deg number -- pitch in degrees
---@param distance number -- distance in meters
2022-09-20 03:31:24 -03:00
function Location_ud : offset_bearing_and_pitch ( bearing_deg , pitch_deg , distance ) end
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Translates this Location by the specified north and east distance in meters.
---@param ofs_north number -- north offset in meters
---@param ofs_east number -- east offset in meters
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function Location_ud : offset ( ofs_north , ofs_east ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Given a Location this calculates the horizontal distance between the two locations in meters.
---@param loc Location_ud -- location to compare with
---@return number -- horizontal distance in meters
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function Location_ud : get_distance ( loc ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2022-10-14 13:09:07 -03:00
-- desc
2024-05-03 15:26:53 -03:00
---@class (exact) AP_EFI_Backend_ud
2022-10-14 13:09:07 -03:00
local AP_EFI_Backend_ud = { }
-- desc
---@param state EFI_State_ud
---@return boolean
function AP_EFI_Backend_ud : handle_scripting ( state ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2024-05-03 15:26:53 -03:00
---@class (exact) ScriptingCANBuffer_ud
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
local ScriptingCANBuffer_ud = { }
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
---@return CANFrame_ud|nil
function ScriptingCANBuffer_ud : read_frame ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2023-12-05 09:32:45 -04:00
-- Add a filter to the CAN buffer, mask is bitwise ANDed with the frame id and compared to value if not match frame is not buffered
-- By default no filters are added and all frames are buffered, write is not affected by filters
-- Maximum number of filters is 8
2024-05-03 15:26:53 -03:00
---@param mask uint32_t_ud|integer|number
---@param value uint32_t_ud|integer|number
2023-12-05 09:32:45 -04:00
---@return boolean -- returns true if the filler was added successfully
function ScriptingCANBuffer_ud : add_filter ( mask , value ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param frame CANFrame_ud
2024-05-03 15:26:53 -03:00
---@param timeout_us uint32_t_ud|integer|number
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return boolean
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function ScriptingCANBuffer_ud : write_frame ( frame , timeout_us ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2024-05-03 15:26:53 -03:00
---@class (exact) AP_HAL__AnalogSource_ud
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
local AP_HAL__AnalogSource_ud = { }
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
---@return number
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function AP_HAL__AnalogSource_ud : voltage_average_ratiometric ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
---@return number
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function AP_HAL__AnalogSource_ud : voltage_latest ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
---@return number
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function AP_HAL__AnalogSource_ud : voltage_average ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param pin_number integer
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return boolean
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function AP_HAL__AnalogSource_ud : set_pin ( pin_number ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2024-05-03 15:26:53 -03:00
---@class (exact) AP_HAL__I2CDevice_ud
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
local AP_HAL__I2CDevice_ud = { }
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param address integer
function AP_HAL__I2CDevice_ud : set_address ( address ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-06-17 14:24:26 -03:00
-- Performs an I2C transfer, sending data_str bytes (see string.pack) and
-- returning a string of any requested read bytes (see string.unpack)
---@param data_str string
---@param read_length integer
---@return string|nil
function AP_HAL__I2CDevice_ud : transfer ( data_str , read_length ) end
2022-09-10 13:08:12 -03:00
-- If no read length is provided a single register will be read and returned.
-- If read length is provided a table of register values are returned.
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param register_num integer
2022-09-10 13:08:12 -03:00
---@param read_length? integer
---@return integer|table|nil
function AP_HAL__I2CDevice_ud : read_registers ( register_num , read_length ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param register_num integer
---@param value integer
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return boolean
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function AP_HAL__I2CDevice_ud : write_register ( register_num , value ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param retries integer
function AP_HAL__I2CDevice_ud : set_retries ( retries ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-06-16 16:33:23 -03:00
-- Serial port access object
---@class (exact) AP_Scripting_SerialAccess_ud
local AP_Scripting_SerialAccess_ud = { }
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-06-02 01:02:31 -03:00
-- Start serial port with the given baud rate (no effect for device ports)
2024-06-16 16:33:23 -03:00
---@param baud_rate uint32_t_ud|integer|number
function AP_Scripting_SerialAccess_ud : begin ( baud_rate ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Writes a single byte
---@param value integer -- byte to write
---@return uint32_t_ud -- 1 if success else 0
2024-06-16 16:33:23 -03:00
function AP_Scripting_SerialAccess_ud : write ( value ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-06-16 18:55:34 -03:00
-- Writes a string. The number of bytes actually written, i.e. the length of the
-- written prefix of the string, is returned. It may be 0 up to the length of
-- the string.
---@param data string -- string of bytes to write
---@return integer -- number of bytes actually written, which may be 0
function AP_Scripting_SerialAccess_ud : writestring ( data ) end
2024-06-16 16:33:23 -03:00
-- Reads a single byte from the serial port
---@return integer -- byte, -1 if error or none available
function AP_Scripting_SerialAccess_ud : read ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-06-16 16:33:23 -03:00
-- Reads up to `count` bytes and returns the bytes read as a string. No bytes
-- may be read, in which case a 0-length string is returned.
---@param count integer -- maximum number of bytes to read
---@return string|nil -- bytes actually read, which may be 0-length, or nil on error
function AP_Scripting_SerialAccess_ud : readstring ( count ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-06-16 16:33:23 -03:00
-- Returns number of available bytes to read.
---@return uint32_t_ud
function AP_Scripting_SerialAccess_ud : available ( ) end
2024-06-02 01:02:31 -03:00
-- Set flow control option for serial port (no effect for device ports)
2024-06-16 16:33:23 -03:00
---@param flow_control_setting integer
---| '0' # disabled
---| '1' # enabled
---| '2' # auto
function AP_Scripting_SerialAccess_ud : set_flow_control ( flow_control_setting ) end
2023-12-02 20:32:28 -04:00
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2024-05-03 15:26:53 -03:00
---@class (exact) RC_Channel_ud
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
local RC_Channel_ud = { }
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
---@return number
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function RC_Channel_ud : norm_input_ignore_trim ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2022-03-07 02:11:21 -04:00
-- desc
---@param PWM integer
function RC_Channel_ud : set_override ( PWM ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
---@return integer
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function RC_Channel_ud : get_aux_switch_pos ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2022-05-03 08:59:37 -03:00
-- desc return input on a channel from -1 to 1, centered on the trim. Ignores the deadzone
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return number
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
function RC_Channel_ud : norm_input ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2022-05-03 08:59:37 -03:00
-- desc return input on a channel from -1 to 1, centered on the trim. Returns zero when within deadzone of the trim
---@return number
function RC_Channel_ud : norm_input_dz ( ) end
2022-10-05 01:39:35 -03:00
-- desc
winch = { }
-- desc
---@return number
function winch : get_rate_max ( ) end
-- desc
---@param param1 number
function winch : set_desired_rate ( param1 ) end
-- desc
---@param param1 number
function winch : release_length ( param1 ) end
-- desc
function winch : relax ( ) end
-- desc
---@return boolean
function winch : healthy ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2023-05-22 20:19:49 -03:00
-- desc
iomcu = { }
-- Check if the IO is healthy
---@return boolean
function iomcu : healthy ( ) end
-- desc
compass = { }
-- Check if the compass is healthy
---@param instance integer -- the 0-based index of the compass instance to return.
---@return boolean
function compass : healthy ( instance ) end
2023-04-07 00:18:23 -03:00
-- desc
camera = { }
-- desc
---@param instance integer
---@param distance_m number
function camera : set_trigger_distance ( instance , distance_m ) end
-- desc
---@param instance integer
---@param start_recording boolean
---@return boolean
function camera : record_video ( instance , start_recording ) end
-- desc
---@param instance integer
function camera : take_picture ( instance ) end
2023-04-07 23:41:57 -03:00
-- desc
2024-05-03 15:26:53 -03:00
---@class (exact) AP_Camera__camera_state_t_ud
2023-04-14 21:39:48 -03:00
local AP_Camera__camera_state_t_ud = { }
2023-04-07 23:41:57 -03:00
2023-04-28 21:39:44 -03:00
-- get field
2023-05-08 00:43:40 -03:00
---@return Vector2f_ud
function AP_Camera__camera_state_t_ud : tracking_p1 ( ) end
2023-04-28 21:39:44 -03:00
-- get field
2023-05-08 00:43:40 -03:00
---@return Vector2f_ud
function AP_Camera__camera_state_t_ud : tracking_p2 ( ) end
2023-04-28 21:39:44 -03:00
-- get field
---@return integer
function AP_Camera__camera_state_t_ud : tracking_type ( ) end
2023-04-07 23:41:57 -03:00
-- get field
2023-04-24 09:24:51 -03:00
---@return number
function AP_Camera__camera_state_t_ud : focus_value ( ) end
2023-04-07 23:41:57 -03:00
-- get field
---@return integer
2023-04-24 09:24:51 -03:00
function AP_Camera__camera_state_t_ud : focus_type ( ) end
2023-04-07 23:41:57 -03:00
-- get field
2023-04-14 21:39:48 -03:00
---@return number
function AP_Camera__camera_state_t_ud : zoom_value ( ) end
2023-04-12 09:36:07 -03:00
-- get field
2023-04-14 21:39:48 -03:00
---@return integer
function AP_Camera__camera_state_t_ud : zoom_type ( ) end
2023-04-07 23:41:57 -03:00
-- get field
---@return boolean
2023-04-14 21:39:48 -03:00
function AP_Camera__camera_state_t_ud : recording_video ( ) end
2023-04-07 23:41:57 -03:00
-- get field
---@return integer
2023-04-14 21:39:48 -03:00
function AP_Camera__camera_state_t_ud : take_pic_incr ( ) end
2023-04-07 23:41:57 -03:00
-- desc
---@param instance integer
2023-04-14 21:39:48 -03:00
---@return AP_Camera__camera_state_t_ud|nil
2023-04-07 23:41:57 -03:00
function camera : get_state ( instance ) end
2024-08-23 09:46:17 -03:00
-- Change a camera setting to a given value
---@param instance integer
---@param setting integer
---| '1' # THERMAL_GAIN
---@param value number
---@return boolean
function camera : change_setting ( instance , setting , value ) end
2024-08-08 03:03:22 -03:00
-- The MAVLink CAMERA_INFORMATION message struct
---@class (exact) mavlink_camera_information_t_ud
local mavlink_camera_information_t_ud = { }
---@return mavlink_camera_information_t_ud
function mavlink_camera_information_t ( ) end
-- get field
---@return uint32_t_ud
function mavlink_camera_information_t_ud : time_boot_ms ( ) end
-- set field
---@param value uint32_t_ud|integer|number
function mavlink_camera_information_t_ud : time_boot_ms ( value ) end
-- get field
---@return uint32_t_ud
function mavlink_camera_information_t_ud : firmware_version ( ) end
-- set field
---@param value uint32_t_ud|integer|number
function mavlink_camera_information_t_ud : firmware_version ( value ) end
-- get field
---@return number
function mavlink_camera_information_t_ud : focal_length ( ) end
-- set field
---@param value number
function mavlink_camera_information_t_ud : focal_length ( value ) end
-- get field
---@return number
function mavlink_camera_information_t_ud : sensor_size_h ( ) end
-- set field
---@param value number
function mavlink_camera_information_t_ud : sensor_size_h ( value ) end
-- get field
---@return number
function mavlink_camera_information_t_ud : sensor_size_v ( ) end
-- set field
---@param value number
function mavlink_camera_information_t_ud : sensor_size_v ( value ) end
-- get field
---@return uint32_t_ud
function mavlink_camera_information_t_ud : flags ( ) end
-- set field
---@param value uint32_t_ud|integer|number
function mavlink_camera_information_t_ud : flags ( value ) end
-- get field
---@return integer
function mavlink_camera_information_t_ud : resolution_h ( ) end
-- set field
---@param value integer
function mavlink_camera_information_t_ud : resolution_h ( value ) end
-- get field
---@return integer
function mavlink_camera_information_t_ud : resolution_v ( ) end
-- set field
---@param value integer
function mavlink_camera_information_t_ud : resolution_v ( value ) end
-- get field
---@return integer
function mavlink_camera_information_t_ud : cam_definition_version ( ) end
-- set field
---@param value integer
function mavlink_camera_information_t_ud : cam_definition_version ( value ) end
-- get array field
---@param index integer
---@return integer
function mavlink_camera_information_t_ud : vendor_name ( index ) end
-- set array field
---@param index integer
---@param value integer
function mavlink_camera_information_t_ud : vendor_name ( index , value ) end
-- get array field
---@param index integer
---@return integer
function mavlink_camera_information_t_ud : model_name ( index ) end
-- set array field
---@param index integer
---@param value integer
function mavlink_camera_information_t_ud : model_name ( index , value ) end
-- get field
---@return integer
function mavlink_camera_information_t_ud : lens_id ( ) end
-- set field
---@param value integer
function mavlink_camera_information_t_ud : lens_id ( value ) end
-- get array field
---@param index integer
---@return integer
function mavlink_camera_information_t_ud : cam_definition_uri ( index ) end
-- set array field
---@param index integer
---@param value integer
function mavlink_camera_information_t_ud : cam_definition_uri ( index , value ) end
-- get field
---@return integer
function mavlink_camera_information_t_ud : gimbal_device_id ( ) end
-- set field
---@param value integer
function mavlink_camera_information_t_ud : gimbal_device_id ( value ) end
-- Populate the fields of the CAMERA_INFORMATION message
---@param instance integer
---@param cam_info mavlink_camera_information_t_ud
function camera : set_camera_information ( instance , cam_info ) end
2024-08-08 04:02:37 -03:00
-- The MAVLink VIDEO_STREAM_INFORMATION message struct
---@class (exact) mavlink_video_stream_information_t_ud
local mavlink_video_stream_information_t_ud = { }
---@return mavlink_video_stream_information_t_ud
function mavlink_video_stream_information_t ( ) end
-- get field
---@return number
function mavlink_video_stream_information_t_ud : framerate ( ) end
-- set field
---@param value number
function mavlink_video_stream_information_t_ud : framerate ( value ) end
-- get field
---@return uint32_t_ud
function mavlink_video_stream_information_t_ud : bitrate ( ) end
-- set field
---@param value uint32_t_ud|integer|number
function mavlink_video_stream_information_t_ud : bitrate ( value ) end
-- get field
---@return integer
function mavlink_video_stream_information_t_ud : flags ( ) end
-- set field
---@param value integer
function mavlink_video_stream_information_t_ud : flags ( value ) end
-- get field
---@return integer
function mavlink_video_stream_information_t_ud : resolution_h ( ) end
-- set field
---@param value integer
function mavlink_video_stream_information_t_ud : resolution_h ( value ) end
-- get field
---@return integer
function mavlink_video_stream_information_t_ud : resolution_v ( ) end
-- set field
---@param value integer
function mavlink_video_stream_information_t_ud : resolution_v ( value ) end
-- get field
---@return integer
function mavlink_video_stream_information_t_ud : rotation ( ) end
-- set field
---@param value integer
function mavlink_video_stream_information_t_ud : rotation ( value ) end
-- get field
---@return integer
function mavlink_video_stream_information_t_ud : hfov ( ) end
-- set field
---@param value integer
function mavlink_video_stream_information_t_ud : hfov ( value ) end
-- get field
---@return integer
function mavlink_video_stream_information_t_ud : stream_id ( ) end
-- set field
---@param value integer
function mavlink_video_stream_information_t_ud : stream_id ( value ) end
-- get field
---@return integer
function mavlink_video_stream_information_t_ud : count ( ) end
-- set field
---@param value integer
function mavlink_video_stream_information_t_ud : count ( value ) end
-- get field
---@return integer
function mavlink_video_stream_information_t_ud : type ( ) end
-- set field
---@param value integer
function mavlink_video_stream_information_t_ud : type ( value ) end
-- get array field
---@param index integer
---@return integer
function mavlink_video_stream_information_t_ud : name ( index ) end
-- set array field
---@param index integer
---@param value integer
function mavlink_video_stream_information_t_ud : name ( index , value ) end
-- get array field
---@param index integer
---@return integer
function mavlink_video_stream_information_t_ud : uri ( index ) end
-- set array field
---@param index integer
---@param value integer
function mavlink_video_stream_information_t_ud : uri ( index , value ) end
2024-11-14 19:26:31 -04:00
-- get field
---@return integer
function mavlink_video_stream_information_t_ud : encoding ( ) end
-- set field
---@param value integer
function mavlink_video_stream_information_t_ud : encoding ( value ) end
2024-08-08 04:02:37 -03:00
-- Populate the fields of the VIDEO_STREAM_INFORMATION message
---@param instance integer
---@param stream_info mavlink_video_stream_information_t_ud
function camera : set_stream_information ( instance , stream_info ) end
2022-06-29 22:30:54 -03:00
-- desc
mount = { }
2022-12-27 23:05:18 -04:00
-- desc
---@param instance integer
---@param roll_deg number
---@param pitch_deg number
---@param yaw_deg number
function mount : set_attitude_euler ( instance , roll_deg , pitch_deg , yaw_deg ) end
-- desc
---@param instance integer
---@return Location_ud|nil
function mount : get_location_target ( instance ) end
-- desc
---@param instance integer
---@return number|nil -- roll_deg
---@return number|nil -- pitch_deg
---@return number|nil -- yaw_deg
---@return boolean|nil -- yaw_is_earth_frame
function mount : get_angle_target ( instance ) end
-- desc
---@param instance integer
---@return number|nil -- roll_degs
---@return number|nil -- pitch_degs
---@return number|nil -- yaw_degs
---@return boolean|nil -- yaw_is_earth_frame
function mount : get_rate_target ( instance ) end
2022-06-29 22:30:54 -03:00
-- desc
---@param instance integer
---@param target_loc Location_ud
function mount : set_roi_target ( instance , target_loc ) end
-- desc
---@param instance integer
---@param roll_degs number
---@param pitch_degs number
---@param yaw_degs number
---@param yaw_is_earth_frame boolean
function mount : set_rate_target ( instance , roll_degs , pitch_degs , yaw_degs , yaw_is_earth_frame ) end
-- desc
---@param instance integer
---@param roll_deg number
---@param pitch_deg number
---@param yaw_deg number
---@param yaw_is_earth_frame boolean
function mount : set_angle_target ( instance , roll_deg , pitch_deg , yaw_deg , yaw_is_earth_frame ) end
-- desc
---@param instance integer
---@param mode integer
function mount : set_mode ( instance , mode ) end
-- desc
---@param instance integer
---@return integer
function mount : get_mode ( instance ) end
2022-09-20 02:40:01 -03:00
-- desc
---@param instance integer
2022-10-14 13:09:07 -03:00
---@return number|nil -- roll_deg
---@return number|nil -- pitch_deg
---@return number|nil -- yaw_bf_deg
function mount : get_attitude_euler ( instance ) end
2022-06-29 22:30:54 -03:00
2022-01-01 11:55:45 -04:00
-- desc
motors = { }
2023-02-02 12:51:03 -04:00
-- Get motors interlock state, the state of motors controlled by AP_Motors, Copter and Quadplane VTOL motors. Not plane forward flight motors.
---@return boolean
---| true # motors active
---| false # motors inactive
function motors : get_interlock ( ) end
2022-10-20 19:16:28 -03:00
-- get lateral motor output
---@return number
function motors : get_lateral ( ) end
2022-10-21 20:47:15 -03:00
-- set external limit flags for each axis to prevent integrator windup
---@param roll boolean
---@param pitch boolean
---@param yaw boolean
---@param throttle_lower boolean
---@param throttle_upper boolean
function motors : set_external_limits ( roll , pitch , yaw , throttle_lower , throttle_upper ) end
2022-10-20 19:16:28 -03:00
-- get forward motor output
---@return number
function motors : get_forward ( ) end
-- get throttle motor output
---@return number
function motors : get_throttle ( ) end
-- get throttle motor output
---@return integer
---| '0' # Shut down
---| '1' # Ground idle
---| '2' # Spooling up
---| '3' # Throttle unlimited
---| '4' # Spooling down
function motors : get_spool_state ( ) end
2022-01-01 11:55:45 -04:00
-- desc
---@param param1 string
function motors : set_frame_string ( param1 ) end
2023-01-17 02:51:01 -04:00
-- desc
---@return integer
function motors : get_desired_spool_state ( ) end
2022-01-01 11:55:45 -04:00
2022-07-08 03:46:57 -03:00
-- get yaw FF output
---@return number
function motors : get_yaw_ff ( ) end
-- get yaw P+I+D
---@return number
function motors : get_yaw ( ) end
-- get pitch FF out
---@return number
function motors : get_pitch_ff ( ) end
-- get pitch P+I+D out
---@return number
function motors : get_pitch ( ) end
-- get roll FF out
---@return number
function motors : get_roll_ff ( ) end
-- get roll P+I+D
---@return number
function motors : get_roll ( ) end
2021-11-29 20:24:39 -04:00
-- desc
FWVersion = { }
-- get field
---@return string
function FWVersion : hash ( ) end
-- get field
---@return integer
function FWVersion : patch ( ) end
-- get field
---@return integer
function FWVersion : minor ( ) end
-- get field
---@return integer
function FWVersion : major ( ) end
2023-03-09 19:07:17 -04:00
--get APM_BUILD_? value from AP_Vehicle/AP_Vehicle_Type.h that is checked against APM_BUILD_TYPE()
2021-11-29 20:24:39 -04:00
---@return integer
2023-03-09 19:07:17 -04:00
---| '1' # Rover
---| '2' # ArduCopter
---| '3' # ArduPlane
---| '4' # AntennaTracker
---| '7' # ArduSub
---| '9' # AP_Periph
---| '12' # Blimp
---| '13' # Heli
2021-11-29 20:24:39 -04:00
function FWVersion : type ( ) end
-- get field
---@return string
function FWVersion : string ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
periph = { }
-- desc
2021-10-21 18:22:15 -03:00
---@return uint32_t_ud
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
function periph : get_vehicle_state ( ) end
-- desc
---@return number
function periph : get_yaw_earth ( ) end
2022-03-08 12:17:19 -04:00
-- desc
---@param text string
function periph : can_printf ( text ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-01-14 18:09:30 -04:00
-- desc
---@param hold_in_bootloader boolean
function periph : reboot ( hold_in_bootloader ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
ins = { }
-- desc
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param instance integer
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return number
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function ins : get_temperature ( instance ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-02-07 00:06:58 -04:00
-- Check if the gyrometers are consistent
---@param threshold integer -- the allowed threshold in degrees per second
---@return boolean
function ins : gyros_consistent ( threshold ) end
2024-02-07 17:59:08 -04:00
-- Check if a specific gyroscope sensor is healthy
---@param instance integer -- the 0-based index of the gyroscope instance to return.
2023-05-22 20:19:49 -03:00
---@return boolean
function ins : get_gyro_health ( instance ) end
2024-02-07 00:06:58 -04:00
-- Check if the accelerometers are consistent
2024-05-02 14:13:31 -03:00
---@param threshold number -- the threshold allowed before returning false
2024-02-07 00:06:58 -04:00
---@return boolean
function ins : accels_consistent ( threshold ) end
2023-05-22 20:19:49 -03:00
-- Check if a specific accelerometer sensor is healthy
---@param instance integer -- the 0-based index of the accelerometer instance to return.
---@return boolean
function ins : get_accel_health ( instance ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2023-11-15 20:40:05 -04:00
-- Get if the INS is currently calibrating
---@return boolean
function ins : calibrating ( ) end
2024-02-07 17:59:08 -04:00
-- Get the value of a specific gyroscope
---@param instance integer -- the 0-based index of the gyroscope instance to return.
---@return Vector3f_ud
function ins : get_gyro ( instance ) end
-- Get the value of a specific accelerometer
---@param instance integer -- the 0-based index of the accelerometer instance to return.
---@return Vector3f_ud
function ins : get_accel ( instance ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
Motors_dynamic = { }
-- desc
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param factor_table motor_factor_table_ud
function Motors_dynamic : load_factors ( factor_table ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param motor_num integer
---@param testing_order integer
function Motors_dynamic : add_motor ( motor_num , testing_order ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param expected_num_motors integer
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return boolean
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function Motors_dynamic : init ( expected_num_motors ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
analog = { }
2024-06-26 04:49:11 -03:00
-- return MCU temperature in degrees C
---@return number -- MCU temperature
function analog : mcu_temperature ( ) end
2024-10-07 19:10:26 -03:00
-- return The current MCU voltage
---@return number -- MCU voltage
function analog : mcu_voltage ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2024-05-02 14:13:31 -03:00
---@return AP_HAL__AnalogSource_ud|nil
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
function analog : channel ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:14:19 -03:00
-- Control of general purpose input/output pins
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
gpio = { }
2021-10-16 21:14:19 -03:00
-- set GPIO pin mode
---@param pin_number integer
---@param mode integer
---| '0' # input
---| '1' # output
function gpio : pinMode ( pin_number , mode ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2021-10-16 21:14:19 -03:00
-- toggle GPIO output
---@param pin_number integer
function gpio : toggle ( pin_number ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2021-10-16 21:14:19 -03:00
-- write GPIO output
---@param pin_number integer
---@param value integer
---| '0' # low
---| '1' # high
function gpio : write ( pin_number , value ) end
-- read GPIO input
---@param pin_number integer
---@return boolean -- pin state
function gpio : read ( pin_number ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-09-17 23:28:59 -03:00
-- desc
---@param pin_number integer
---@param mode uint32_t_ud|integer|number
function gpio : set_mode ( pin_number , mode ) end
-- desc
---@param pin_number integer
---@return uint32_t_ud|nil -- full pin mode ioline_t in chibios
function gpio : get_mode ( pin_number ) end
-- desc
---@param pin_number integer
---@param mode uint32_t_ud|integer|number
function gpio : setPinFullMode ( pin_number , mode ) end
-- desc
---@param pin_number integer
---@return uint32_t_ud|nil -- full pin mode ioline_t in chibios
function gpio : getPinFullMode ( pin_number ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
Motors_6DoF = { }
-- desc
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param motor_num integer
---@param roll_factor number
---@param pitch_factor number
---@param yaw_factor number
---@param throttle_factor number
---@param forward_factor number
---@param right_factor number
---@param reversible boolean
---@param testing_order integer
function Motors_6DoF : add_motor ( motor_num , roll_factor , pitch_factor , yaw_factor , throttle_factor , forward_factor , right_factor , reversible , testing_order ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param expected_num_motors integer
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return boolean
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function Motors_6DoF : init ( expected_num_motors ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
attitude_control = { }
-- desc
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param roll_deg number
---@param pitch_deg number
function attitude_control : set_offset_roll_pitch ( roll_deg , pitch_deg ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param bool boolean
function attitude_control : set_forward_enable ( bool ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param bool boolean
function attitude_control : set_lateral_enable ( bool ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
frsky_sport = { }
-- desc
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param number integer
---@param digits integer
---@param power integer
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return integer
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function frsky_sport : prep_number ( number , digits , power ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param sensor integer
---@param frame integer
---@param appid integer
---@param data integer
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return boolean
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function frsky_sport : sport_telemetry_push ( sensor , frame , appid , data ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
MotorsMatrix = { }
-- desc
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param motor_num integer
---@param throttle_factor number
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return boolean
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function MotorsMatrix : set_throttle_factor ( motor_num , throttle_factor ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param motor_num integer
---@param roll_factor number
---@param pitch_factor number
---@param yaw_factor number
---@param testing_order integer
function MotorsMatrix : add_motor_raw ( motor_num , roll_factor , pitch_factor , yaw_factor , testing_order ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param expected_num_motors integer
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return boolean
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function MotorsMatrix : init ( expected_num_motors ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2023-07-10 19:28:32 -03:00
-- desc get index (starting at 0) of lost motor
---@return integer
function MotorsMatrix : get_lost_motor ( ) end
-- desc return true if we are in thrust boost due to possible lost motor
---@return boolean
function MotorsMatrix : get_thrust_boost ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2023-07-19 11:45:54 -03:00
-- Sub singleton
sub = { }
-- Return true if joystick button is currently pressed
---@param index integer
---@return boolean
function sub : is_button_pressed ( index ) end
-- Get count of joystick button presses, then clear count
---@param index integer
---@return integer
function sub : get_and_clear_button_count ( index ) end
2024-02-21 16:11:46 -04:00
-- Return true if rangefinder is healthy, includes a check for good signal quality
---@return boolean
function sub : rangefinder_alt_ok ( ) end
-- SURFTRAK mode: return the rangefinder target in cm
2024-05-02 14:13:31 -03:00
---@return number
2024-02-21 16:11:46 -04:00
function sub : get_rangefinder_target_cm ( ) end
-- SURFTRAK mode: set the rangefinder target in cm, return true if successful
2024-05-02 14:13:31 -03:00
---@param new_target_cm number
2024-02-21 16:11:46 -04:00
---@return boolean
function sub : set_rangefinder_target_cm ( new_target_cm ) end
2023-07-19 11:45:54 -03:00
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
quadplane = { }
-- desc
---@return boolean
function quadplane : in_assisted_flight ( ) end
-- desc
---@return boolean
function quadplane : in_vtol_mode ( ) end
2023-01-17 02:51:01 -04:00
-- true in descent phase of VTOL landing
---@return boolean
function quadplane : in_vtol_land_descent ( ) end
-- abort a VTOL landing, climbing back up
---@return boolean
function quadplane : abort_landing ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
LED = { }
-- desc
---@return integer
---@return integer
---@return integer
function LED : get_rgb ( ) end
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- button handling
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
button = { }
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Returns button state if available. Buttons are 1 indexed.
---@param button_number integer -- button number 1 indexed.
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return boolean
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function button : get_button_state ( button_number ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- RPM handling
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
RPM = { }
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Returns RPM of given instance, or nil if not available
---@param instance integer -- RPM instance
---@return number|nil -- RPM value if available
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function RPM : get_rpm ( instance ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
mission = { }
2024-05-03 15:26:53 -03:00
mission.MISSION_COMPLETE = enum_integer
mission.MISSION_RUNNING = enum_integer
mission.MISSION_STOPPED = enum_integer
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2023-02-24 20:46:41 -04:00
-- clear - clears out mission
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return boolean
function mission : clear ( ) end
2023-02-24 20:46:41 -04:00
-- set any WP items in any order in a mavlink-ish kinda way.
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param index integer
---@param item mavlink_mission_item_int_t_ud
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return boolean
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function mission : set_item ( index , item ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2023-02-24 20:46:41 -04:00
-- get any WP items in any order in a mavlink-ish kinda way.
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param index integer
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
---@return mavlink_mission_item_int_t_ud|nil
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function mission : get_item ( index ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2023-02-24 20:46:41 -04:00
-- num_commands - returns total number of commands in the mission
-- this number includes offset 0, the home location
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return integer
function mission : num_commands ( ) end
2023-02-24 20:46:41 -04:00
-- get_current_do_cmd_id - returns id of the active "do" command
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return integer
function mission : get_current_do_cmd_id ( ) end
2023-02-24 20:46:41 -04:00
-- get_current_nav_id - return the id of the current nav command
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return integer
function mission : get_current_nav_id ( ) end
2023-02-24 20:46:41 -04:00
-- get_prev_nav_cmd_id - returns the previous "navigation" command id
-- if there was no previous nav command it returns AP_MISSION_CMD_ID_NONE (0)
-- we do not return the entire command to save on RAM
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return integer
function mission : get_prev_nav_cmd_id ( ) end
2023-02-24 20:46:41 -04:00
-- set_current_cmd - jumps to command specified by index
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param index integer
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return boolean
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function mission : set_current_cmd ( index ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2023-02-24 20:46:41 -04:00
-- get_current_nav_index - returns the current "navigation" command index
-- Note that this will return 0 if there is no command. This is
-- used in MAVLink reporting of the mission command
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return integer
function mission : get_current_nav_index ( ) end
2023-02-24 20:46:41 -04:00
-- status - returns the status of the mission (i.e. Mission_Started, Mission_Complete, Mission_Stopped
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return integer
function mission : state ( ) end
2023-02-24 20:46:41 -04:00
-- returns true if the mission cmd has a location
2023-01-15 20:03:55 -04:00
---@param cmd integer
---@return boolean
function mission : cmd_has_location ( cmd ) end
2023-02-24 20:46:41 -04:00
-- Set the mission index to the first JUMP_TAG with this tag.
-- Returns true on success, else false if no appropriate JUMP_TAG match can be found or if setting the index failed
---@param tag integer
---@return boolean
function mission : jump_to_tag ( tag ) end
-- desc
---@param tag integer
---@return integer
function mission : get_index_of_jump_tag ( tag ) end
-- Jump Tags. When a JUMP_TAG is run in the mission, either via DO_JUMP_TAG or
-- by just being the next item, the tag is remembered and the age is set to 1.
-- Only the most recent tag is remembered. It's age is how many NAV items have
-- progressed since the tag was seen. While executing the tag, the
-- age will be 1. The next NAV command after it will tick the age to 2, and so on.
---@return integer|nil
---@return integer|nil
function mission : get_last_jump_tag ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-01-05 18:40:13 -04:00
-- Jump the mission to the start of the closest landing sequence. Returns true if one was found
---@return boolean
function mission : jump_to_landing_sequence ( ) end
-- Jump to the landing abort sequence
2024-05-02 16:51:48 -03:00
---@return boolean
2024-01-05 18:40:13 -04:00
function mission : jump_to_abort_landing_sequence ( ) end
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Parameter access
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
param = { }
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- set and save parameter value, this will be saved for subsequent boots
---@param name string -- parameter name
---@param value number -- value to set and save
---@return boolean -- true if parameter was found
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function param : set_and_save ( name , value ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- set parameter value, this will not be retained over a reboot
---@param name string -- parameter name
---@param value number -- value to set
---@return boolean -- true if parameter was found
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function param : set ( name , value ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Get parameter value
---@param name string -- parameter name
---@return number|nil -- nill if parameter was not found
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function param : get ( name ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Set default value for a given parameter. If the parameter has not been configured by the user then the set to this default value.
---@param name string -- parameter name
---@param value number -- default value
---@return boolean -- true if parameter was found
2022-01-17 17:02:03 -04:00
function param : set_default ( name , value ) end
-- desc
---@param table_key integer
2022-01-07 01:26:14 -04:00
---@param prefix string
2022-01-17 17:02:03 -04:00
---@param num_params integer
2022-01-07 01:26:14 -04:00
---@return boolean
function param : add_table ( table_key , prefix , num_params ) end
-- desc
2022-01-17 17:02:03 -04:00
---@param table_key integer
---@param param_num integer
2022-01-07 01:26:14 -04:00
---@param name string
---@param default_value number
---@return boolean
2022-01-17 17:02:03 -04:00
function param : add_param ( table_key , param_num , name , default_value ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2023-11-01 01:16:22 -03:00
-- desc
2024-05-03 15:26:53 -03:00
---@class (exact) ESCTelemetryData_ud
2023-11-01 01:16:22 -03:00
local ESCTelemetryData_ud = { }
---@return ESCTelemetryData_ud
function ESCTelemetryData ( ) end
-- set motor temperature
---@param value integer
function ESCTelemetryData_ud : motor_temp_cdeg ( value ) end
-- set consumption
---@param value number
function ESCTelemetryData_ud : consumption_mah ( value ) end
-- set current
---@param value number
function ESCTelemetryData_ud : current ( value ) end
-- set voltage
---@param value number
function ESCTelemetryData_ud : voltage ( value ) end
-- set temperature
---@param value integer
function ESCTelemetryData_ud : temperature_cdeg ( value ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
esc_telem = { }
2023-11-01 01:16:22 -03:00
-- update telemetry data for an ESC instance
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
---@param instance integer -- esc instance 0 indexed
2023-11-01 01:16:22 -03:00
---@param telemdata ESCTelemetryData_ud
---@param data_mask integer -- bit mask of what fields are filled in
function esc_telem : update_telem_data ( instance , telemdata , data_mask ) end
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Returns an individual ESC’ s usage time in seconds, or nil if not available.
---@param instance integer -- esc instance 0 indexed
---@return uint32_t_ud|nil -- usage time in seconds, nill if not available.
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function esc_telem : get_usage_seconds ( instance ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
---@param instance integer -- esc instance 0 indexed
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return number|nil
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function esc_telem : get_consumption_mah ( instance ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
---@param instance integer -- esc instance 0 indexed
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return number|nil
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function esc_telem : get_voltage ( instance ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
---@param instance integer -- esc instance 0 indexed
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return number|nil
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function esc_telem : get_current ( instance ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
---@param instance integer -- esc instance 0 indexed
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return integer|nil
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function esc_telem : get_motor_temperature ( instance ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
---@param instance integer -- esc instance 0 indexed
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return integer|nil
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function esc_telem : get_temperature ( instance ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
---@param instance integer -- esc instance 0 indexed
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return number|nil
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function esc_telem : get_rpm ( instance ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2022-07-07 22:59:26 -03:00
-- update RPM for an ESC
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
---@param esc_index integer -- esc instance 0 indexed
2023-02-09 18:19:05 -04:00
---@param rpm integer -- RPM
---@param error_rate number -- error rate
2022-07-07 22:59:26 -03:00
function esc_telem : update_rpm ( esc_index , rpm , error_rate ) end
2022-09-01 05:04:40 -03:00
-- set scale factor for RPM on a motor
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
---@param esc_index integer -- esc instance 0 indexed
2023-02-09 18:19:05 -04:00
---@param scale_factor number -- factor
2022-09-01 05:04:40 -03:00
function esc_telem : set_rpm_scale ( esc_index , scale_factor ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-08-15 02:34:09 -03:00
-- get the timestamp of last telemetry data for an ESC
---@param esc_index integer
---@return uint32_t_ud
function esc_telem : get_last_telem_data_ms ( esc_index ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
optical_flow = { }
-- desc
---@return integer
function optical_flow : quality ( ) end
-- desc
---@return boolean
function optical_flow : healthy ( ) end
-- desc
---@return boolean
function optical_flow : enabled ( ) end
-- desc
baro = { }
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- get external temperature in degrees C
---@return number -- temperature in degrees C
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
function baro : get_external_temperature ( ) end
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- get temperature in degrees C
---@return number -- temperature in degrees C
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
function baro : get_temperature ( ) end
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Returns pressure in Pascal. Divide by 100 for millibars or hectopascals
---@return number -- pressure in Pascal
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
function baro : get_pressure ( ) end
2023-02-24 20:46:41 -04:00
-- get current altitude in meters relative to altitude at the time
-- of the last calibrate() call, typically at boot
---@return number
function baro : get_altitude ( ) end
2023-05-22 20:19:49 -03:00
-- Check if a baro sensor is healthy
---@param instance integer -- the 0-based index of the BARO instance to return.
---@return boolean
function baro : healthy ( instance ) end
2024-03-29 18:58:19 -03:00
-- get altitude difference from a base pressure and current pressure
2024-03-29 18:58:37 -03:00
---@param base_pressure number -- first reference pressure in Pa
---@param pressure number -- 2nd pressure in Pa
2024-03-29 18:58:19 -03:00
---@return number -- altitude difference in meters
function baro : get_altitude_difference ( base_pressure , pressure ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Serial ports
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
serial = { }
2024-06-16 16:33:23 -03:00
-- Returns a serial access object that allows a script to interface with a
-- device over a port set to protocol 28 (Scripting) (e.g. SERIALx_PROTOCOL).
-- Instance 0 is the first such port, instance 1 the second, and so on. If the
-- requested instance is not found, returns nil.
---@param instance integer -- 0-based index of the Scripting port to access
---@return AP_Scripting_SerialAccess_ud|nil -- access object for that instance, or nil if not found
2022-05-18 18:14:24 -03:00
function serial : find_serial ( instance ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-06-02 01:02:31 -03:00
-- Returns a serial access object that allows a script to simulate a device
-- attached via a specific protocol. The device protocol is configured by
-- SCR_SDEVx_PROTO. Instance 0 is the first such protocol, instance 1 the
-- second, and so on. If the requested instance is not found, or SCR_SDEV_EN is
-- disabled, returns nil.
---@param protocol integer -- protocol to access
---@param instance integer -- 0-based index of the protocol instance to access
---@return AP_Scripting_SerialAccess_ud|nil -- access object for that instance, or nil if not found
function serial : find_simulated_device ( protocol , instance ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
rc = { }
-- desc
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param chan_num integer
2024-05-02 14:13:31 -03:00
---@return RC_Channel_ud|nil
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function rc : get_channel ( chan_num ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
---@return boolean
function rc : has_valid_input ( ) end
2022-10-09 21:37:10 -03:00
-- return cached level of aux function
---@param aux_fn integer
---@return integer|nil
function rc : get_aux_cached ( aux_fn ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param aux_fun integer
---@param ch_flag integer
---| '0' # low
---| '1' # middle
---| '2' # high
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return boolean
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function rc : run_aux_function ( aux_fun , ch_flag ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param aux_fun integer
2024-05-02 16:51:48 -03:00
---@return RC_Channel_ud|nil
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function rc : find_channel_for_option ( aux_fun ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Returns the RC input PWM value given a channel number. Note that channel here is indexed from 1. Returns nill if channel is not available.
---@param chan_num integer -- input channel number, 1 indexed
---@return integer|nil -- pwm input or nil if not availables
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function rc : get_pwm ( chan_num ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
SRV_Channels = { }
2023-02-02 12:51:03 -04:00
-- Get emergency stop state if active no motors of any kind will be active
---@return boolean
---| true # E-Stop active
---| false # E-Stop inactive
function SRV_Channels : get_emergency_stop ( ) end
-- Get safety state
---@return boolean
---| true # Disarmed outputs inactive
---| false # Armed outputs live
function SRV_Channels : get_safety_state ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
---@param function_num integer -- servo function (See SERVOx_FUNCTION parameters)
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param range integer
function SRV_Channels : set_range ( function_num , range ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
---@param function_num integer -- servo function (See SERVOx_FUNCTION parameters)
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param angle integer
function SRV_Channels : set_angle ( function_num , angle ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
---@param function_num integer -- servo function (See SERVOx_FUNCTION parameters)
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param value number
function SRV_Channels : set_output_norm ( function_num , value ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Get the scaled value for a given servo function
---@param function_num integer -- servo function (See SERVOx_FUNCTION parameters)
---@return number -- scaled value
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function SRV_Channels : get_output_scaled ( function_num ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Returns first servo output PWM value an output assigned output_function (See SERVOx_FUNCTION parameters). Nil if none is assigned.
---@param function_num integer -- servo function (See SERVOx_FUNCTION parameters)
---@return integer|nil -- output pwm if available
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function SRV_Channels : get_output_pwm ( function_num ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Set the scaled value of the output function, scale is out of the value set with the set_range or set_angle call
---@param function_num integer -- servo function (See SERVOx_FUNCTION parameters)
---@param value number -- scaled value
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function SRV_Channels : set_output_scaled ( function_num , value ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Sets servo channel to specified PWM for a time in ms. This overrides any commands from the autopilot until the timeout expires.
---@param chan integer -- servo channel number (zero indexed)
---@param pwm integer -- pwm value
---@param timeout_ms integer -- duration of the override
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function SRV_Channels : set_output_pwm_chan_timeout ( chan , pwm , timeout_ms ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Set the pwm for a given servo output channel
---@param chan integer -- servo channel number (zero indexed)
---@param pwm integer -- pwm value
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function SRV_Channels : set_output_pwm_chan ( chan , pwm ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-11-18 22:55:42 -04:00
-- Get the pwm for a given servo output channel
---@param chan integer -- servo channel number (zero indexed)
---@return integer|nil -- output pwm if available
function SRV_Channels : get_output_pwm_chan ( chan ) end
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Set the pwm for a given servo output function
---@param function_num integer -- servo function number (See SERVOx_FUNCTION parameters)
---@param pwm integer -- pwm value
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function SRV_Channels : set_output_pwm ( function_num , pwm ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Returns first servo output number (zero indexed) of an output assigned output_function (See SERVOx_FUNCTION parameters ). 0 = SERVO1_FUNCTION ect. Nil if none is assigned.
---@param function_num integer -- servo function (See SERVOx_FUNCTION parameters)
---@return integer|nil -- output channel number if available
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function SRV_Channels : find_channel ( function_num ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- This library allows the control of RGB LED strings via an output reserved for scripting and selected by SERVOx_FUNCTION = 94 thru 109 (Script Out 1 thru 16)
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
serialLED = { }
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Send the configured RGB values to the LED string
---@param chan integer -- output number to which the leds are attached 1-16
---@return boolean -- true if successful
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function serialLED : send ( chan ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Set the data for LED_number on the string attached channel output
---@param chan integer -- output number to which the leds are attached 1-16
---@param led_index integer -- led number 0 index, -1 sets all
---@param red integer -- red value 0 to 255
---@param green integer -- green value 0 to 255
---@param blue integer -- blue value 0 to 255
---@return boolean -- true if successful
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function serialLED : set_RGB ( chan , led_index , red , green , blue ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Sets the number of LEDs in a profiled string on a servo output.
---@param chan integer -- output number to which the leds are attached 1-16
---@param num_leds integer -- number of leds in the string
---@return boolean -- true if successful
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function serialLED : set_num_profiled ( chan , num_leds ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Sets the number of LEDs in a neopixel string on a servo output.
---@param chan integer -- output number to which the leds are attached 1-16
---@param num_leds integer -- number of leds in the string
---@return boolean -- true if successful
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function serialLED : set_num_neopixel ( chan , num_leds ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Sets the number of LEDs in a rgb neopixel string on a servo output.
---@param chan integer -- output number to which the leds are attached 1-16
---@param num_leds integer -- number of leds in the string
---@return boolean -- true if successful
2023-09-29 06:53:51 -03:00
function serialLED : set_num_neopixel_rgb ( chan , num_leds ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
vehicle = { }
2023-01-17 02:51:01 -04:00
-- override landing descent rate, times out in 1s
---@param rate number
---@return boolean
function vehicle : set_land_descent_rate ( rate ) end
2022-12-22 17:21:43 -04:00
-- desc
---@param rudder_pct number
---@param run_yaw_rate_control boolean
function vehicle : set_rudder_offset ( rudder_pct , run_yaw_rate_control ) end
2022-10-14 13:09:07 -03:00
-- desc
---@return boolean
function vehicle : has_ekf_failsafed ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
---@return number|nil
---@return number|nil
function vehicle : get_pan_tilt_norm ( ) end
-- desc
---@return number|nil
function vehicle : get_wp_crosstrack_error_m ( ) end
-- desc
---@return number|nil
function vehicle : get_wp_bearing_deg ( ) end
-- desc
---@return number|nil
function vehicle : get_wp_distance_m ( ) end
-- desc
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param steering number
---@param throttle number
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return boolean
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function vehicle : set_steering_and_throttle ( steering , throttle ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2023-05-26 01:41:01 -03:00
-- desc
---@return number|nil
---@return number|nil
function vehicle : get_steering_and_throttle ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param rate_dps number
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return boolean
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function vehicle : set_circle_rate ( rate_dps ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
---@return number|nil
function vehicle : get_circle_radius ( ) end
-- desc
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param roll_deg number
---@param pitch_deg number
---@param yaw_deg number
---@param climb_rate_ms number
---@param use_yaw_rate boolean
---@param yaw_rate_degs number
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return boolean
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function vehicle : set_target_angle_and_climbrate ( roll_deg , pitch_deg , yaw_deg , climb_rate_ms , use_yaw_rate , yaw_rate_degs ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-09-14 21:03:48 -03:00
-- Set vehicles roll, pitch, and yaw rates with throttle in guided mode
---@param roll_rate_dps number -- roll rate in degrees per second
---@param pitch_rate_dps number -- pitch rate in degrees per second
---@param yaw_rate_dps number -- yaw rate in degrees per second
---@param throttle number -- throttle demand 0.0 to 1.0
---@return boolean -- true if successful
function vehicle : set_target_rate_and_throttle ( roll_rate_dps , pitch_rate_dps , yaw_rate_dps , throttle ) end
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Sets the target velocity using a Vector3f object in a guided mode.
---@param vel_ned Vector3f_ud -- North, East, Down meters / second
---@return boolean -- true on success
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function vehicle : set_target_velocity_NED ( vel_ned ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param target_vel Vector3f_ud
---@param target_accel Vector3f_ud
---@param use_yaw boolean
---@param yaw_deg number
---@param use_yaw_rate boolean
---@param yaw_rate_degs number
---@param yaw_relative boolean
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return boolean
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function vehicle : set_target_velaccel_NED ( target_vel , target_accel , use_yaw , yaw_deg , use_yaw_rate , yaw_rate_degs , yaw_relative ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param target_pos Vector3f_ud
---@param target_vel Vector3f_ud
---@param target_accel Vector3f_ud
---@param use_yaw boolean
---@param yaw_deg number
---@param use_yaw_rate boolean
---@param yaw_rate_degs number
---@param yaw_relative boolean
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return boolean
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function vehicle : set_target_posvelaccel_NED ( target_pos , target_vel , target_accel , use_yaw , yaw_deg , use_yaw_rate , yaw_rate_degs , yaw_relative ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param target_pos Vector3f_ud
---@param target_vel Vector3f_ud
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return boolean
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function vehicle : set_target_posvel_NED ( target_pos , target_vel ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param target_pos Vector3f_ud
---@param use_yaw boolean
---@param yaw_deg number
---@param use_yaw_rate boolean
---@param yaw_rate_degs number
---@param yaw_relative boolean
---@param terrain_alt boolean
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return boolean
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function vehicle : set_target_pos_NED ( target_pos , use_yaw , yaw_deg , use_yaw_rate , yaw_rate_degs , yaw_relative , terrain_alt ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2022-03-06 23:06:46 -04:00
-- desc
2022-03-08 22:16:50 -04:00
---@param current_target Location_ud -- current target, from get_target_location()
---@param new_target Location_ud -- new target
2022-03-06 23:06:46 -04:00
---@return boolean
2022-03-08 22:16:50 -04:00
function vehicle : update_target_location ( current_target , new_target ) end
2022-03-06 23:06:46 -04:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Get the current target location if available in current mode
---@return Location_ud|nil -- target location
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
function vehicle : get_target_location ( ) end
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Set the target veicle location in a guided mode
---@param target_loc Location_ud -- target location
---@return boolean -- true on success
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function vehicle : set_target_location ( target_loc ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Trigger a takeoff start if in a auto or guided mode. Not supported by all vehicles
---@param alt number -- takeoff altitude in meters
---@return boolean -- true on success
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function vehicle : start_takeoff ( alt ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param control_output integer
---| '1' # Roll
---| '2' # Pitch
---| '3' # Throttle
---| '4' # Yaw
---| '5' # Lateral
---| '6' # MainSail
---| '7' # WingSail
---| '8' # Walking_Height
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return number|nil
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function vehicle : get_control_output ( control_output ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Returns time in milliseconds since the autopilot thinks it started flying, or zero if not currently flying.
---@return uint32_t_ud -- flying time in milliseconds
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
function vehicle : get_time_flying_ms ( ) end
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Returns true if the autopilot thinks it is flying. Not guaranteed to be accurate.
---@return boolean -- true if likely flying
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
function vehicle : get_likely_flying ( ) end
-- desc
---@return integer
function vehicle : get_control_mode_reason ( ) end
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Returns current vehicle mode by mode_number.
---@return integer -- mode number. Values for each vehcile type can be found here: https://mavlink.io/en/messages/ardupilotmega.html#PLANE_MODE
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
function vehicle : get_mode ( ) end
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Attempts to change vehicle mode to mode_number. Returns true if successful, false if mode change is not successful.
---@param mode_number integer -- mode number values for each vehcile type can be found here: https://mavlink.io/en/messages/ardupilotmega.html#PLANE_MODE
---@return boolean -- success
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function vehicle : set_mode ( mode_number ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2022-03-06 23:06:46 -04:00
-- desc
---@param param1 Vector2f_ud
---@return boolean
function vehicle : set_velocity_match ( param1 ) end
-- desc
---@param param1 integer
---@return boolean
function vehicle : nav_scripting_enable ( param1 ) end
2022-06-30 23:47:45 -03:00
-- desc sets autopilot nav speed (Copter and Rover)
---@param param1 number
---@return boolean
function vehicle : set_desired_speed ( param1 ) end
2022-03-06 23:06:46 -04:00
-- desc
---@param param1 number
---@param param2 number
---@return boolean
function vehicle : set_desired_turn_rate_and_speed ( param1 , param2 ) end
-- desc
---@param param1 number -- throttle percent
---@param param2 number -- roll rate deg/s
---@param param3 number -- pitch rate deg/s
---@param param4 number -- yaw rate deg/s
function vehicle : set_target_throttle_rate_rpy ( param1 , param2 , param3 , param4 ) end
-- desc
---@param param1 integer
function vehicle : nav_script_time_done ( param1 ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2022-10-14 13:09:07 -03:00
-- desc
2024-05-02 16:51:48 -03:00
---@return integer|nil -- id
---@return integer|nil -- cmd
---@return number|nil -- arg1
---@return number|nil -- arg2
---@return integer|nil -- arg3
---@return integer|nil -- arg4
2022-10-14 13:09:07 -03:00
function vehicle : nav_script_time ( ) end
2023-03-23 00:22:45 -03:00
-- desc
---@param hold_in_bootloader boolean
function vehicle : reboot ( hold_in_bootloader ) end
2023-05-18 23:55:56 -03:00
-- desc
---@return boolean
function vehicle : is_taking_off ( ) end
-- desc
---@return boolean
function vehicle : is_landing ( ) end
2024-08-01 12:51:52 -03:00
-- Set the previous target location for crosstrack and crosstrack if available in the current mode
-- It's up to the Lua code to ensure the new_start_location makes sense
---@param new_start_location Location_ud
---@return boolean -- true on success
function vehicle : set_crosstrack_start ( new_start_location ) end
2024-09-14 21:04:14 -03:00
-- Register a custom mode. This behaves like guided mode but will report with a custom number and name
---@param number integer -- mode number to use, should be over 100
---@param full_name string -- Full mode name
---@param short_name string -- Short mode name upto 4 characters
2024-11-14 11:41:15 -04:00
---@return AP_Vehicle__custom_mode_state_ud|nil -- Returns custom mode state which allows customisation of behavior, nil if mode register fails
2024-09-14 21:04:14 -03:00
function vehicle : register_custom_mode ( number , full_name , short_name ) end
2024-11-14 11:41:15 -04:00
-- Custom mode state, allows customisation of mode behavior
---@class (exact) AP_Vehicle__custom_mode_state_ud
local AP_Vehicle__custom_mode_state_ud = { }
-- get allow_entry, if true the vehicle is allowed to enter this custom mode
---@return boolean
function AP_Vehicle__custom_mode_state_ud : allow_entry ( ) end
-- set allow_entry, if true the vehicle is allowed to enter this custom mode
---@param value boolean
function AP_Vehicle__custom_mode_state_ud : allow_entry ( value ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
onvif = { }
-- desc
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
---@return Vector2f_ud
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
function onvif : get_pan_tilt_limit_max ( ) end
-- desc
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
---@return Vector2f_ud
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
function onvif : get_pan_tilt_limit_min ( ) end
-- desc
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param pan number
---@param tilt number
---@param zoom number
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return boolean
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function onvif : set_absolutemove ( pan , tilt , zoom ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param username string
---@param password string
---@param httphostname string
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return boolean
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function onvif : start ( username , password , httphostname ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2021-10-17 13:14:06 -03:00
-- MAVLink interaction with ground control station
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
gcs = { }
2021-10-17 13:14:06 -03:00
-- send named float value using NAMED_VALUE_FLOAT message
---@param name string -- up to 10 chars long
---@param value number -- value to send
function gcs : send_named_float ( name , value ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2021-10-17 13:14:06 -03:00
-- set message interval for a given serial port and message id
---@param port_num integer -- serial port number
2024-05-03 15:26:53 -03:00
---@param msg_id uint32_t_ud|integer|number -- MAVLink message id
2021-10-17 13:14:06 -03:00
---@param interval_us integer -- interval in micro seconds
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return integer
2021-10-17 13:14:06 -03:00
---| '0' # Accepted
---| '4' # Failed
function gcs : set_message_interval ( port_num , msg_id , interval_us ) end
2023-01-12 20:36:56 -04:00
-- get the vehicle MAV_TYPE
---@return integer
---| '0' # MAV_TYPE_GENERIC=0, /* Generic micro air vehicle | */
---| '1' # MAV_TYPE_FIXED_WING=1, /* Fixed wing aircraft. | */
---| '2' # MAV_TYPE_QUADROTOR=2, /* Quadrotor | */
---| '3' # MAV_TYPE_COAXIAL=3, /* Coaxial helicopter | */
---| '4' # MAV_TYPE_HELICOPTER=4, /* Normal helicopter with tail rotor. | */
---| '5' # MAV_TYPE_ANTENNA_TRACKER=5, /* Ground installation | */
---| '6' # MAV_TYPE_GCS=6, /* Operator control unit / ground control station | */
---| '7' # MAV_TYPE_AIRSHIP=7, /* Airship, controlled | */
---| '8' # MAV_TYPE_FREE_BALLOON=8, /* Free balloon, uncontrolled | */
---| '9' # MAV_TYPE_ROCKET=9, /* Rocket | */
---| '10' # MAV_TYPE_GROUND_ROVER=10, /* Ground rover | */
---| '11' # MAV_TYPE_SURFACE_BOAT=11, /* Surface vessel, boat, ship | */
---| '12' # MAV_TYPE_SUBMARINE=12, /* Submarine | */
---| '13' # MAV_TYPE_HEXAROTOR=13, /* Hexarotor | */
---| '14' # MAV_TYPE_OCTOROTOR=14, /* Octorotor | */
---| '15' # MAV_TYPE_TRICOPTER=15, /* Tricopter | */
---| '16' # MAV_TYPE_FLAPPING_WING=16, /* Flapping wing | */
---| '17' # MAV_TYPE_KITE=17, /* Kite | */
---| '18' # MAV_TYPE_ONBOARD_CONTROLLER=18, /* Onboard companion controller | */
---| '19' # MAV_TYPE_VTOL_DUOROTOR=19, /* Two-rotor VTOL using control surfaces in vertical operation in addition. Tailsitter. | */
---| '20' # MAV_TYPE_VTOL_QUADROTOR=20, /* Quad-rotor VTOL using a V-shaped quad config in vertical operation. Tailsitter. | */
---| '21' # MAV_TYPE_VTOL_TILTROTOR=21, /* Tiltrotor VTOL | */
---| '22' # MAV_TYPE_VTOL_RESERVED2=22, /* VTOL reserved 2 | */
---| '23' # MAV_TYPE_VTOL_RESERVED3=23, /* VTOL reserved 3 | */
---| '24' # MAV_TYPE_VTOL_RESERVED4=24, /* VTOL reserved 4 | */
---| '25' # MAV_TYPE_VTOL_RESERVED5=25, /* VTOL reserved 5 | */
---| '26' # MAV_TYPE_GIMBAL=26, /* Gimbal | */
---| '27' # MAV_TYPE_ADSB=27, /* ADSB system | */
---| '28' # MAV_TYPE_PARAFOIL=28, /* Steerable, nonrigid airfoil | */
---| '29' # MAV_TYPE_DODECAROTOR=29, /* Dodecarotor | */
---| '30' # MAV_TYPE_CAMERA=30, /* Camera | */
---| '31' # MAV_TYPE_CHARGING_STATION=31, /* Charging station | */
---| '32' # MAV_TYPE_FLARM=32, /* FLARM collision avoidance system | */
---| '33' # MAV_TYPE_SERVO=33, /* Servo | */
---| '34' # MAV_TYPE_ODID=34, /* Open Drone ID. See https://mavlink.io/en/services/opendroneid.html. | */
---| '35' # MAV_TYPE_DECAROTOR=35, /* Decarotor | */
---| '36' # MAV_TYPE_BATTERY=36, /* Battery | */
---| '37' # MAV_TYPE_PARACHUTE=37, /* Parachute | */
---| '38' # MAV_TYPE_LOG=38, /* Log | */
---| '39' # MAV_TYPE_OSD=39, /* OSD | */
---| '40' # MAV_TYPE_IMU=40, /* IMU | */
---| '41' # MAV_TYPE_GPS=41, /* GPS | */
---| '42' # MAV_TYPE_WINCH=42, /* Winch | */
---| '43' # MAV_TYPE_ENUM_END=43, /* | */
function gcs : frame_type ( ) end
-- get the throttle value in %
---@return integer
function gcs : get_hud_throttle ( ) end
2022-12-20 20:39:20 -04:00
-- set high latency control state. Analogous to MAV_CMD_CONTROL_HIGH_LATENCY
---@param enabled boolean -- true to enable or false to disable
function gcs : enable_high_latency_connections ( enabled ) end
-- get the the current state of high latency control
---@return boolean
function gcs : get_high_latency_status ( ) end
2021-10-17 13:14:06 -03:00
-- send text with severity level
---@param severity integer
---| '0' # Emergency: System is unusable. This is a "panic" condition.
---| '1' # Alert: Action should be taken immediately. Indicates error in non-critical systems.
---| '2' # Critical: Action must be taken immediately. Indicates failure in a primary system.
---| '3' # Error: Indicates an error in secondary/redundant systems.
---| '4' # Warning: Indicates about a possible future error if this is not resolved within a given timeframe. Example would be a low battery warning.
---| '5' # Notice: An unusual event has occurred, though not an error condition. This should be investigated for the root cause.
---| '6' # Info: Normal operational messages. Useful for logging. No action is required for these messages.
---| '7' # Debug: Useful non-operational messages that can assist in debugging. These should not occur during normal operation.
---@param text string
function gcs : send_text ( severity , text ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2023-11-02 13:20:33 -03:00
-- Return the system time when a gcs with id of SYSID_MYGCS was last seen
---@return uint32_t_ud -- system time in milliseconds
function gcs : last_seen ( ) end
2024-06-23 06:37:15 -03:00
-- call a MAVLink MAV_CMD_xxx command via command_int interface
---@param command integer -- MAV_CMD_xxx
---@param params table -- parameters of p1, p2, p3, p4, x, y and z and frame. Any not specified taken as zero
2024-07-16 16:58:06 -03:00
---@return integer -- MAV_RESULT
2024-06-23 06:37:15 -03:00
function gcs : run_command_int ( command , params ) end
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- The relay library provides access to controlling relay outputs.
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
relay = { }
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Toggles the requested relay from on to off or from off to on.
---@param instance integer -- relay instance
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function relay : toggle ( instance ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Returns true if the requested relay is enabled.
---@param instance integer -- relay instance
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return boolean
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function relay : enabled ( instance ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2022-10-09 20:51:16 -03:00
-- return state of a relay
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
---@param instance integer -- relay instance
---@return integer -- relay state
2022-10-09 20:51:16 -03:00
function relay : get ( instance ) end
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Turns the requested relay off.
---@param instance integer -- relay instance
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function relay : off ( instance ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Turns the requested relay on.
---@param instance integer -- relay instance
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function relay : on ( instance ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- The terrain library provides access to checking heights against a terrain database.
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
terrain = { }
2024-05-03 15:26:53 -03:00
terrain.TerrainStatusOK = enum_integer
terrain.TerrainStatusUnhealthy = enum_integer
terrain.TerrainStatusDisabled = enum_integer
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Returns the height (in meters) that the vehicle is currently above the terrain, or returns nil if that is not available.
-- If extrapolate is true then allow return of an extrapolated terrain altitude based on the last available data
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param extrapolate boolean
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
---@return number|nil -- height above terrain in meters if available
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function terrain : height_above_terrain ( extrapolate ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- find difference between home terrain height and the terrain height at the current location in meters. A positive result means the terrain is higher than home.
-- return false is terrain at the current location or at home location is not available
-- If extrapolate is true then allow return of an extrapolated terrain altitude based on the last available data
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param extrapolate boolean
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
---@return number|nil -- height difference in meters if available
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function terrain : height_terrain_difference_home ( extrapolate ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Returns the terrain height (in meters) above mean sea level at the provided Location userdata, or returns nil if that is not available.
---@param loc Location_ud -- location at which to lookup terrain
---@param corrected boolean -- if true the terrain altitude should be correced based on the diffrence bettween the database and measured altitude at home
---@return number|nil -- amsl altitude of terrain at given locaiton in meters
2022-03-27 18:29:05 -03:00
function terrain : height_amsl ( loc , corrected ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Returns the current status of the terrain. Compare this to one of the terrain statuses (terrain.TerrainStatusDisabled, terrain.TerrainStatusUnhealthy, terrain.TerrainStatusOK).
---@return integer -- terrain status
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
function terrain : status ( ) end
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Returns true if terrain is enabled.
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return boolean
function terrain : enabled ( ) end
2023-11-26 01:05:45 -04:00
-- RangeFinder state structure
2024-05-03 15:26:53 -03:00
---@class (exact) RangeFinder_State_ud
2023-11-26 01:05:45 -04:00
local RangeFinder_State_ud = { }
---@return RangeFinder_State_ud
function RangeFinder_State ( ) end
-- get system time (ms) of last successful update from sensor
2024-05-02 16:51:48 -03:00
---@return uint32_t_ud
2023-11-26 01:05:45 -04:00
function RangeFinder_State_ud : last_reading ( ) end
-- set system time (ms) of last successful update from sensor
2024-05-03 15:26:53 -03:00
---@param value uint32_t_ud|integer|number
2023-11-26 01:05:45 -04:00
function RangeFinder_State_ud : last_reading ( value ) end
-- get sensor status
2024-05-02 16:51:48 -03:00
---@return integer
2023-11-26 01:05:45 -04:00
function RangeFinder_State_ud : status ( ) end
-- set sensor status
2024-05-02 16:51:48 -03:00
---@param value integer
2023-11-26 01:05:45 -04:00
function RangeFinder_State_ud : status ( value ) end
-- get number of consecutive valid readings (max out at 10)
2024-05-02 16:51:48 -03:00
---@return integer
2023-11-26 01:05:45 -04:00
function RangeFinder_State_ud : range_valid_count ( ) end
-- set number of consecutive valid readings (max out at 10)
2024-05-02 16:51:48 -03:00
---@param value integer
2023-11-26 01:05:45 -04:00
function RangeFinder_State_ud : range_valid_count ( value ) end
-- get distance in meters
---@return number
function RangeFinder_State_ud : distance ( ) end
-- set distance in meters
---@param value number
function RangeFinder_State_ud : distance ( value ) end
-- get measurement quality in percent 0-100, -1 -> quality is unknown
2024-05-02 16:51:48 -03:00
---@return integer
2023-11-26 01:05:45 -04:00
function RangeFinder_State_ud : signal_quality ( ) end
-- set measurement quality in percent 0-100, -1 -> quality is unknown
2024-05-02 16:51:48 -03:00
---@param value integer
2023-11-26 01:05:45 -04:00
function RangeFinder_State_ud : signal_quality ( value ) end
-- get voltage in millivolts, if applicable, otherwise 0
2024-05-02 16:51:48 -03:00
---@return integer
2023-11-26 01:05:45 -04:00
function RangeFinder_State_ud : voltage ( ) end
-- set voltage in millivolts, if applicable, otherwise 0
2024-05-02 16:51:48 -03:00
---@param value integer
2023-11-26 01:05:45 -04:00
function RangeFinder_State_ud : voltage ( value ) end
2023-02-15 03:15:55 -04:00
-- RangeFinder backend
2024-05-03 15:26:53 -03:00
---@class (exact) AP_RangeFinder_Backend_ud
2023-02-15 03:15:55 -04:00
local AP_RangeFinder_Backend_ud = { }
2023-11-26 01:05:45 -04:00
-- Send range finder measurement to lua rangefinder backend. Returns false if failed
---@param state RangeFinder_State_ud|number
2023-02-15 03:15:55 -04:00
---@return boolean
2023-11-26 01:05:45 -04:00
function AP_RangeFinder_Backend_ud : handle_script_msg ( state ) end
2023-02-15 03:15:55 -04:00
-- Status of this rangefinder instance
---@return integer
function AP_RangeFinder_Backend_ud : status ( ) end
-- Type of rangefinder of this instance
---@return integer
function AP_RangeFinder_Backend_ud : type ( ) end
-- Orintation of the rangefinder of this instance
---@return integer
function AP_RangeFinder_Backend_ud : orientation ( ) end
-- Current distance of the sensor instance
---@return number
function AP_RangeFinder_Backend_ud : distance ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2023-11-26 01:05:45 -04:00
-- Current distance measurement signal_quality of the sensor instance
---@return number
function AP_RangeFinder_Backend_ud : signal_quality ( ) end
-- State of most recent range finder measurment
---@return RangeFinder_State_ud
function AP_RangeFinder_Backend_ud : get_state ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
rangefinder = { }
2023-02-15 03:15:55 -04:00
-- get backend based on rangefinder instance provided
---@param rangefinder_instance integer
2024-05-02 14:13:31 -03:00
---@return AP_RangeFinder_Backend_ud|nil
2023-02-15 03:15:55 -04:00
function rangefinder : get_backend ( rangefinder_instance ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param orientation integer
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
---@return Vector3f_ud
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function rangefinder : get_pos_offset_orient ( orientation ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param orientation integer
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return boolean
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function rangefinder : has_data_orient ( orientation ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param orientation integer
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return integer
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function rangefinder : status_orient ( orientation ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param orientation integer
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return integer
2024-10-11 00:46:48 -03:00
---@deprecated -- Use ground_clearance_orient (in metres)
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function rangefinder : ground_clearance_cm_orient ( orientation ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param orientation integer
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return integer
2024-10-11 00:46:48 -03:00
---@deprecated -- Use min_distance_orient (in metres)
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function rangefinder : min_distance_cm_orient ( orientation ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param orientation integer
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return integer
2024-10-11 00:46:48 -03:00
---@deprecated -- Use max_distance_orient (in metres)
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function rangefinder : max_distance_cm_orient ( orientation ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param orientation integer
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return integer
2024-10-11 00:46:48 -03:00
---@deprecated -- Use distance_orient (in metres)
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function rangefinder : distance_cm_orient ( orientation ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-10-11 00:46:48 -03:00
-- Configured distance between rangefinder of a particular orientation and the vehicle's side which would rest on the ground. Usually used for a downward-facing rangefinder to give ground clearance.
---@param orientation integer
---@return number
function rangefinder : ground_clearance_orient ( orientation ) end
-- Configured minimum distance the rangefinder in supplied orientation can measure
---@param orientation integer
---@return number
function rangefinder : min_distance_orient ( orientation ) end
-- Configured maximum distance the rangefinder in supplied orientation can measure
---@param orientation integer
---@return number
function rangefinder : max_distance_orient ( orientation ) end
-- Distance rangefinder in supplied orientation is currently measuring
---@param orientation integer
---@return number
function rangefinder : distance_orient ( orientation ) end
2023-11-26 01:05:45 -04:00
-- Current distance measurement signal quality for range finder at this orientation
---@param orientation integer
---@return integer
function rangefinder : signal_quality_pct_orient ( orientation ) end
2024-10-11 00:46:48 -03:00
-- Returns true if there is a rangefinder measuring in supplied orientation
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param orientation integer
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return boolean
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function rangefinder : has_orientation ( orientation ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
---@return integer
function rangefinder : num_sensors ( ) end
2023-07-18 13:45:17 -03:00
-- Proximity backend methods
2024-05-03 15:26:53 -03:00
---@class (exact) AP_Proximity_Backend_ud
2023-07-18 13:45:17 -03:00
local AP_Proximity_Backend_ud = { }
-- Push virtual proximity boundary into actual boundary
---@return boolean
function AP_Proximity_Backend_ud : update_virtual_boundary ( ) end
-- Set sensor min and max. Only need to do it once
---@param min number
---@param max number
---@return boolean
function AP_Proximity_Backend_ud : set_distance_min_max ( min , max ) end
-- type of backend
---@return integer
function AP_Proximity_Backend_ud : type ( ) end
-- send 3d object as 3d vector
---@param vector_3d Vector3f_ud
---@param update_boundary boolean
---@return boolean
function AP_Proximity_Backend_ud : handle_script_3d_msg ( vector_3d , update_boundary ) end
-- send 3d object as angles
---@param dist_m number
---@param yaw_deg number
---@param pitch_deg number
---@param update_boundary boolean
---@return boolean
function AP_Proximity_Backend_ud : handle_script_distance_msg ( dist_m , yaw_deg , pitch_deg , update_boundary ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
proximity = { }
2023-07-18 13:45:17 -03:00
-- get backend based on proximity instance provided
---@param instance integer
2024-05-02 14:13:31 -03:00
---@return AP_Proximity_Backend_ud|nil
2023-07-18 13:45:17 -03:00
function proximity : get_backend ( instance ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param object_number integer
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return number|nil
---@return number|nil
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function proximity : get_object_angle_and_distance ( object_number ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
---@return number|nil
---@return number|nil
function proximity : get_closest_object ( ) end
-- desc
---@return integer
function proximity : get_object_count ( ) end
-- desc
---@return integer
function proximity : num_sensors ( ) end
-- desc
---@return integer
function proximity : get_status ( ) end
-- desc
notify = { }
-- desc
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param red integer
---@param green integer
---@param blue integer
---@param id integer
function notify : handle_rgb_id ( red , green , blue , id ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param red integer
---@param green integer
---@param blue integer
---@param rate_hz integer
function notify : handle_rgb ( red , green , blue , rate_hz ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Plays a MML tune through the buzzer on the vehicle. The tune is provided as a string.
-- An online tune tester can be found here: https://firmware.ardupilot.org/Tools/ToneTester/
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param tune string
function notify : play_tune ( tune ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-01-23 22:16:27 -04:00
-- Display text on a notify display, text too long to fit will automatically be scrolled.
---@param text string -- upto 50 characters
---@param row integer -- row number to display on, 0 is at the top.
function notify : send_text ( text , row ) end
-- desc
---@param row integer
function notify : release_text ( row ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- The GPS library provides access to information about the GPS’ s on the vehicle.
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
gps = { }
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
gps.GPS_OK_FIX_3D_RTK_FIXED = enum_integer
gps.GPS_OK_FIX_3D_RTK_FLOAT = enum_integer
gps.GPS_OK_FIX_3D_DGPS = enum_integer
gps.GPS_OK_FIX_3D = enum_integer
gps.GPS_OK_FIX_2D = enum_integer
gps.NO_FIX = enum_integer
gps.NO_GPS = enum_integer
2024-06-14 16:32:01 -03:00
-- get unix time
---@param instance integer -- instance number
---@return uint64_t_ud -- unix time microseconds
function gps : time_epoch_usec ( instance ) end
2024-05-27 18:42:18 -03:00
-- get yaw from GPS in degrees
---@param instance integer -- instance number
---@return number|nil -- yaw in degrees
---@return number|nil -- yaw accuracy in degrees
---@return uint32_t_ud|nil -- time in milliseconds of last yaw reading
function gps : gps_yaw_deg ( instance ) end
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Returns nil or the instance number of the first GPS that has not been fully configured. If all GPS’ s have been configured this returns nil.
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return integer|nil
function gps : first_unconfigured_gps ( ) end
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Returns a Vector3f that contains the offsets of the GPS in meters in the body frame.
---@param instance integer -- instance number
---@return Vector3f_ud -- anteena offset vector forward, right, down in meters
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function gps : get_antenna_offset ( instance ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Returns true if the GPS instance can report the vertical velocity.
---@param instance integer -- instance number
---@return boolean -- true if vertical velocity is available
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function gps : have_vertical_velocity ( instance ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
---@param instance integer -- instance number
2021-10-21 18:22:15 -03:00
---@return uint32_t_ud
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function gps : last_message_time_ms ( instance ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Returns the time of the last fix in system milliseconds.
---@param instance integer -- instance number
---@return uint32_t_ud -- system time of last fix in milliseconds
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function gps : last_fix_time_ms ( instance ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Returns the vertical dilution of precision of the GPS instance.
---@param instance integer -- instance number
---@return integer -- vdop
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function gps : get_vdop ( instance ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Returns the horizontal dilution of precision of the GPS instance.
---@param instance integer -- instance number
---@return integer -- hdop
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function gps : get_hdop ( instance ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Returns the number of milliseconds into the current week.
---@param instance integer -- instance number
---@return uint32_t_ud -- milliseconds of current week
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function gps : time_week_ms ( instance ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Returns the GPS week number.
---@param instance integer -- instance number
---@return integer -- week number
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function gps : time_week ( instance ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Returns the number of satellites that the GPS is currently tracking.
---@param instance integer -- instance number
---@return integer -- number of satellites
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function gps : num_sats ( instance ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Returns the ground course of the vehicle in degrees. You must check the status to know if the ground course is still current.
---@param instance integer -- instance number
---@return number -- ground course in degrees
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function gps : ground_course ( instance ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Returns the ground speed of the vehicle in meters per second. You must check the status to know if the ground speed is still current.
---@param instance integer -- instance number
---@return number -- ground speed m/s
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function gps : ground_speed ( instance ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Returns a Vector3f that contains the velocity as observed by the GPS.
-- You must check the status to know if the velocity is still current.
---@param instance integer -- instance number
---@return Vector3f_ud -- 3D velocity in m/s, in NED format
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function gps : velocity ( instance ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
---@param instance integer -- instance number
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return number|nil
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function gps : vertical_accuracy ( instance ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- horizontal RMS accuracy estimate in m
---@param instance integer -- instance number
---@return number|nil -- accuracy in meters
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function gps : horizontal_accuracy ( instance ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Returns nil, or the speed accuracy of the GPS in meters per second, if the information is available for the GPS instance.
---@param instance integer -- instance number
---@return number|nil -- 3D velocity RMS accuracy estimate in m/s if available
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function gps : speed_accuracy ( instance ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- eturns a Location userdata for the last GPS position. You must check the status to know if the location is still current, if it is NO_GPS, or NO_FIX then it will be returning old data.
---@param instance integer -- instance number
---@return Location_ud --gps location
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function gps : location ( instance ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Returns the GPS fix status. Compare this to one of the GPS fix types.
-- Posible status are provided as values on the gps object. eg: gps.GPS_OK_FIX_3D
---@param instance integer -- instance number
---@return integer -- status
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function gps : status ( instance ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Returns which GPS is currently being used as the primary GPS device.
---@return integer -- primary sensor instance
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
function gps : primary_sensor ( ) end
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Returns the number of connected GPS devices.
-- If GPS blending is turned on that will show up as the third sensor, and be reported here.
---@return integer -- number of sensors
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
function gps : num_sensors ( ) end
2024-01-06 01:03:45 -04:00
-- desc
2024-05-03 15:26:53 -03:00
---@class (exact) BattMonitorScript_State_ud
2024-01-06 01:03:45 -04:00
local BattMonitorScript_State_ud = { }
---@return BattMonitorScript_State_ud
function BattMonitorScript_State ( ) end
-- set field
---@param value number
function BattMonitorScript_State_ud : temperature ( value ) end
-- set field
---@param value number
function BattMonitorScript_State_ud : consumed_wh ( value ) end
-- set field
---@param value number
function BattMonitorScript_State_ud : consumed_mah ( value ) end
-- set field
---@param value number
function BattMonitorScript_State_ud : current_amps ( value ) end
-- set field
---@param value integer
function BattMonitorScript_State_ud : cycle_count ( value ) end
-- set array field
---@param index integer
---@param value integer
function BattMonitorScript_State_ud : cell_voltages ( index , value ) end
-- set field
---@param value integer
function BattMonitorScript_State_ud : capacity_remaining_pct ( value ) end
-- set field
---@param value integer
function BattMonitorScript_State_ud : cell_count ( value ) end
-- set field
---@param value number
function BattMonitorScript_State_ud : voltage ( value ) end
-- set field
---@param value boolean
function BattMonitorScript_State_ud : healthy ( value ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-09-18 06:05:16 -03:00
-- The temperature library provides access to information about the currently connected temperature sensors on the vehicle.
temperature_sensor = { }
-- Returns the temperature from this sensor in degrees Celsius
---@param instance integer -- temperature instance
---@return number|nil -- temperature if available
function temperature_sensor : get_temperature ( instance ) end
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- The battery library provides access to information about the currently connected batteries on the vehicle.
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
battery = { }
2024-01-05 23:42:52 -04:00
-- desc
2024-01-06 01:03:45 -04:00
---@param idx integer
---@param state BattMonitorScript_State_ud
---@return boolean
function battery : handle_scripting ( idx , state ) end
2024-01-05 23:42:52 -04:00
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
---@param instance integer -- battery instance
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param percentage number
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return boolean
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function battery : reset_remaining ( instance , percentage ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Returns cycle count of the battery or nil if not available.
---@param instance integer -- battery instance
---@return integer|nil -- cycle count if available
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function battery : get_cycle_count ( instance ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Returns the temperature of the battery in degrees Celsius if the battery supports temperature monitoring.
---@param instance integer -- battery instance
---@return number|nil -- temperature if available
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function battery : get_temperature ( instance ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- returns true if too much power is being drawn from the battery being monitored.
---@param instance integer -- battery instance
---@return boolean -- true if in overpower condition
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function battery : overpower_detected ( instance ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Returns true if any of the batteries being monitored have triggered a failsafe.
---@return boolean -- true if any battery has failsafed
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
function battery : has_failsafed ( ) end
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Returns the full pack capacity (in milliamp hours) from the battery.
---@param instance integer -- battery instance
---@return integer -- capacity in milliamp hours
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function battery : pack_capacity_mah ( instance ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Returns the remaining percentage of battery (from 0 to 100), or nil if energy monitoring is not available.
---@param instance integer -- battery instance
---@return integer|nil -- remaining capacity as a percentage of total capacity if available
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function battery : capacity_remaining_pct ( instance ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Returns the used watt hours from the battery, or nil if energy monitoring is not available.
---@param instance integer -- battery instance
---@return number|nil -- consumed energy in watt hours if available
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function battery : consumed_wh ( instance ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Returns the capacity (in milliamp hours) used from the battery, or nil if current monitoring is not available.
---@param instance integer -- battery instance
---@return number|nil -- consumed capacity in milliamp hours
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function battery : consumed_mah ( instance ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Returns the current (in Amps) that is currently being consumed by the battery, or nil if current monitoring is not available.
---@param instance integer -- battery instance
---@return number|nil -- current in amps if available
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function battery : current_amps ( instance ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Returns the estimated battery voltage if it was not under load.
---@param instance integer -- battery instance
---@return number -- resting voltage
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function battery : voltage_resting_estimate ( instance ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-07-17 05:02:51 -03:00
-- Returns the estimated internal battery resistance in Ohms
---@param instance integer -- battery instance
---@return number -- estimated internal resistance in Ohms
function battery : get_resistance ( instance ) end
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Returns the voltage of the selected battery instance.
---@param instance integer -- battery instance
---@return number -- voltage
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function battery : voltage ( instance ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Returns true if the requested battery instance is healthy. Healthy is considered to be ArduPilot is currently able to monitor the battery.
---@param instance integer -- battery instance
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return boolean
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function battery : healthy ( instance ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Returns the number of battery instances currently available.
---@return integer -- number of instances
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
function battery : num_instances ( ) end
2023-10-23 04:45:10 -03:00
-- get individual cell voltage
---@param instance integer
---@param cell integer
---@return number|nil
function battery : get_cell_voltage ( instance , cell ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- The Arming library provides access to arming status and commands.
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
arming = { }
-- desc
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param auth_id integer
---@param fail_msg string
function arming : set_aux_auth_failed ( auth_id , fail_msg ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param auth_id integer
function arming : set_aux_auth_passed ( auth_id ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
---@return integer|nil
function arming : get_aux_auth_id ( ) end
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Attempts to arm the vehicle. Returns true if successful.
---@return boolean -- true if armed successfully
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
function arming : arm ( ) end
2024-03-29 18:58:19 -03:00
-- force arm the vehicle
---@return boolean -- true if armed
function arming : arm_force ( ) end
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Returns a true if vehicle is currently armed.
---@return boolean -- true if armed
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
function arming : is_armed ( ) end
2022-04-29 08:33:05 -03:00
-- desc
---@return boolean
function arming : pre_arm_checks ( ) end
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Disarms the vehicle in all cases. Returns false only if already disarmed.
---@return boolean -- true if disarmed successfully, false if already disarmed.
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
function arming : disarm ( ) end
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- The ahrs library represents the Attitude Heading Reference System computed by the autopilot.
-- It provides estimates for the vehicles attitude, and position.
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
ahrs = { }
2024-06-08 19:49:36 -03:00
-- supply an external position estimate to the AHRS (supported by EKF3)
---@param location Location_ud -- estimated location, altitude is ignored
---@param accuracy number -- 1-sigma accuracy in meters
---@param timestamp_ms uint32_t_ud|integer|number -- timestamp of reading in ms since boot
---@return boolean -- true if call was handled successfully
function ahrs : handle_external_position_estimate ( location , accuracy , timestamp_ms ) end
2022-10-14 13:09:07 -03:00
-- desc
---@return Quaternion_ud|nil
function ahrs : get_quaternion ( ) end
-- desc
---@return integer
function ahrs : get_posvelyaw_source_set ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
---@return boolean
function ahrs : initialised ( ) end
-- desc
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param loc Location_ud
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return boolean
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function ahrs : set_origin ( loc ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
---@return Location_ud|nil
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
function ahrs : get_origin ( ) end
-- desc
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param loc Location_ud
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return boolean
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function ahrs : set_home ( loc ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param source integer
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
---@return Vector3f_ud|nil
---@return Vector3f_ud|nil
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function ahrs : get_vel_innovations_and_variances_for_source ( source ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param source_set_idx integer
2023-06-19 11:20:52 -03:00
---| '0' # PRIMARY
---| '1' # SECONDARY
---| '2' # TERTIARY
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function ahrs : set_posvelyaw_source_set ( source_set_idx ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
---@return number|nil
---@return number|nil
---@return number|nil
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
---@return Vector3f_ud|nil
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
---@return number|nil
function ahrs : get_variances ( ) end
-- desc
---@return number
function ahrs : get_EAS2TAS ( ) end
-- desc
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param vector Vector3f_ud
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
---@return Vector3f_ud
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function ahrs : body_to_earth ( vector ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
---@param vector Vector3f_ud
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
---@return Vector3f_ud
2021-11-05 23:10:46 -03:00
function ahrs : earth_to_body ( vector ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
---@return Vector3f_ud
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
function ahrs : get_vibration ( ) end
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Return the estimated airspeed of the vehicle if available
---@return number|nil -- airspeed in meters / second if available
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
function ahrs : airspeed_estimate ( ) end
-- desc
---@return boolean
function ahrs : healthy ( ) end
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Returns a true if home position has been set.
---@return boolean -- true if home position has been set
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
function ahrs : home_is_set ( ) end
2022-10-14 13:09:07 -03:00
-- desc
---@return number
function ahrs : get_relative_position_D_home ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
-- desc
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
---@return Vector3f_ud|nil
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
function ahrs : get_relative_position_NED_origin ( ) end
-- desc
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
---@return Vector3f_ud|nil
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
function ahrs : get_relative_position_NED_home ( ) end
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Returns nil, or a Vector3f containing the current NED vehicle velocity in meters/second in north, east, and down components.
---@return Vector3f_ud|nil -- North, east, down velcoity in meters / second if available
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
function ahrs : get_velocity_NED ( ) end
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Get current groundspeed vector in meter / second
---@return Vector2f_ud -- ground speed vector, North East, meters / second
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
function ahrs : groundspeed_vector ( ) end
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Returns a Vector3f containing the current wind estimate for the vehicle.
---@return Vector3f_ud -- wind estiamte North, East, Down meters / second
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
function ahrs : wind_estimate ( ) end
2023-12-19 21:41:28 -04:00
-- Determine how aligned heading_deg is with the wind. Return result
-- is 1.0 when perfectly aligned heading into wind, -1 when perfectly
-- aligned with-wind, and zero when perfect cross-wind. There is no
-- distinction between a left or right cross-wind. Wind speed is ignored
---@param heading_deg number
---@return number
function ahrs : wind_alignment ( heading_deg ) end
-- Forward head-wind component in m/s. Negative means tail-wind
---@return number
function ahrs : head_wind ( ) end
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Returns nil, or the latest altitude estimate above ground level in meters
---@return number|nil -- height above ground level in meters
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
function ahrs : get_hagl ( ) end
-- desc
2021-10-21 17:39:22 -03:00
---@return Vector3f_ud
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
function ahrs : get_accel ( ) end
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Returns a Vector3f containing the current smoothed and filtered gyro rates (in radians/second)
---@return Vector3f_ud -- roll, pitch, yaw gyro rates in radians / second
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
function ahrs : get_gyro ( ) end
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Returns a Location that contains the vehicles current home waypoint.
---@return Location_ud -- home location
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
function ahrs : get_home ( ) end
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Returns nil or Location userdata that contains the vehicles current position.
-- Note: This will only return a Location if the system considers the current estimate to be reasonable.
---@return Location_ud|nil -- current location if available
2022-01-20 19:42:41 -04:00
function ahrs : get_location ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2022-10-14 13:09:07 -03:00
-- same as `get_location` will be removed
---@return Location_ud|nil
function ahrs : get_position ( ) end
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Returns the current vehicle euler yaw angle in radians.
---@return number -- yaw angle in radians.
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
function ahrs : get_yaw ( ) end
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Returns the current vehicle euler pitch angle in radians.
---@return number -- pitch angle in radians.
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
function ahrs : get_pitch ( ) end
2024-05-06 23:55:00 -03:00
-- Returns the current vehicle euler roll angle in radians.
---@return number -- roll angle in radians
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
function ahrs : get_roll ( ) end
2022-04-26 06:07:40 -03:00
-- desc
AC_AttitudeControl = { }
2022-04-30 06:25:52 -03:00
-- return slew rates for VTOL controller
---@return number -- roll slew rate
---@return number -- pitch slew rate
---@return number -- yaw slew rate
function AC_AttitudeControl : get_rpy_srate ( ) end
2022-04-26 06:07:40 -03:00
2024-12-16 17:35:04 -04:00
-- Return the angle between the target thrust vector and the current thrust vector in degrees.
---@return number -- attitude error
function AC_AttitudeControl : get_att_error_angle_deg ( ) end
2023-05-26 01:41:01 -03:00
-- desc
AR_AttitudeControl = { }
-- return attitude controller slew rates for rovers
---@return number -- steering slew rate
---@return number -- spees slew rate
function AR_AttitudeControl : get_srate ( ) end
2024-08-02 22:05:06 -03:00
-- copter position controller
poscontrol = { }
-- add an offset to position controller's target position, velocity and acceleration
---@param pos_offset_NED Vector3f_ud
---@param vel_offset_NED Vector3f_ud
---@param accel_offset_NED Vector3f_ud
---@return boolean
function poscontrol : set_posvelaccel_offset ( pos_offset_NED , vel_offset_NED , accel_offset_NED ) end
-- get position controller's target position, velocity and acceleration offsets
---@return Vector3f_ud|nil
---@return Vector3f_ud|nil
---@return Vector3f_ud|nil
function poscontrol : get_posvelaccel_offset ( ) end
2024-12-16 07:46:33 -04:00
-- get position controller's target velocity in m/s in NED frame
---@return Vector3f_ud|nil
function poscontrol : get_vel_target ( ) end
-- get position controller's target acceleration in m/s/s in NED frame
---@return Vector3f_ud|nil
function poscontrol : get_accel_target ( ) end
2023-06-02 02:49:12 -03:00
-- desc
AR_PosControl = { }
-- return position controller slew rates for rovers
---@return number -- velocity slew rate
function AR_PosControl : get_srate ( ) end
2024-03-03 03:38:54 -04:00
-- precision landing access
precland = { }
-- get Location of target or nil if target not acquired
---@return Location_ud|nil
function precland : get_target_location ( ) end
-- get NE velocity of target or nil if not available
---@return Vector2f_ud|nil
function precland : get_target_velocity ( ) end
-- get the time of the last valid target
---@return uint32_t_ud
function precland : get_last_valid_target_ms ( ) end
-- return true if target is acquired
---@return boolean
function precland : target_acquired ( ) end
-- return true if precland system is healthy
---@return boolean
function precland : healthy ( ) end
2022-03-06 23:06:46 -04:00
-- desc
follow = { }
-- desc
---@return number|nil
function follow : get_target_heading_deg ( ) end
-- desc
---@return Location_ud|nil
---@return Vector3f_ud|nil
function follow : get_target_location_and_velocity_ofs ( ) end
2021-10-16 21:07:29 -03:00
2022-03-06 23:06:46 -04:00
-- desc
---@return Location_ud|nil
---@return Vector3f_ud|nil
function follow : get_target_location_and_velocity ( ) end
-- desc
---@return uint32_t_ud
function follow : get_last_update_ms ( ) end
-- desc
---@return boolean
function follow : have_target ( ) end
2022-12-18 20:58:35 -04:00
-- desc
scripting = { }
-- desc
2022-12-21 17:41:15 -04:00
function scripting : restart_all ( ) end
2022-12-18 20:58:35 -04:00
-- desc
2023-06-18 09:58:50 -03:00
---@param directoryname string
2024-05-02 16:51:48 -03:00
---@return table|nil -- table of filenames
---@return string|nil -- error string if fails
2022-12-18 20:58:35 -04:00
function dirlist ( directoryname ) end
2023-06-18 09:58:50 -03:00
---@param filename string
2024-05-02 16:51:48 -03:00
---@return boolean|nil -- true on success
---@return nil|string -- error string
---@return integer -- error number
2022-12-18 20:58:35 -04:00
function remove ( filename ) end
2023-05-03 04:52:52 -03:00
-- desc
mavlink = { }
-- initializes mavlink
2024-05-03 15:26:53 -03:00
---@param num_rx_msgid uint32_t_ud|integer|number
---@param msg_queue_length uint32_t_ud|integer|number
2023-05-03 04:52:52 -03:00
function mavlink : init ( num_rx_msgid , msg_queue_length ) end
-- marks mavlink message for receive, message id can be get using mavlink_msgs.get_msgid("MSG_NAME")
2023-06-18 09:58:50 -03:00
---@param msg_id number
2024-05-02 16:51:48 -03:00
---@return boolean -- false if id has been registered already
2023-05-14 03:01:57 -03:00
function mavlink : register_rx_msgid ( msg_id ) end
2023-05-03 04:52:52 -03:00
2023-05-14 03:01:57 -03:00
-- receives mavlink message marked for receive using mavlink:register_rx_msgid
2023-06-18 09:58:50 -03:00
---@return string -- bytes
---@return number -- mavlink channel
---@return uint32_t_ud -- receive_timestamp
2023-05-03 06:45:13 -03:00
function mavlink : receive_chan ( ) end
2023-05-03 04:52:52 -03:00
-- sends mavlink message, to use this function the call should be like this:
-- mavlink:send(chan, mavlink_msgs.encode("MSG_NAME", {param1 = value1, param2 = value2, ...}})
2023-06-18 09:58:50 -03:00
---@param chan integer
---@param msgid integer
---@param message string
2024-05-02 16:51:48 -03:00
---@return boolean -- success
2023-05-03 06:45:13 -03:00
function mavlink : send_chan ( chan , msgid , message ) end
2023-06-18 09:59:45 -03:00
2024-08-27 01:39:14 -03:00
-- Block a given MAV_CMD from being processed by ArduPilot
2023-06-18 09:59:45 -03:00
---@param comand_id integer
2024-05-02 16:51:48 -03:00
---@return boolean
2023-06-18 09:59:45 -03:00
function mavlink : block_command ( comand_id ) end
2023-11-02 14:10:30 -03:00
-- Geofence library
fence = { }
-- Returns the time at which the current breach started
---@return uint32_t_ud system_time milliseconds
function fence : get_breach_time ( ) end
-- Returns the type bitmask of any breached fences
---@return integer fence_type bitmask
---| 1 # Maximim altitude
---| 2 # Circle
---| 4 # Polygon
---| 8 # Minimum altitude
function fence : get_breaches ( ) end
2023-12-09 16:05:58 -04:00
-- desc
2024-05-03 15:26:53 -03:00
---@class (exact) stat_t_ud
2023-12-09 16:05:58 -04:00
local stat_t_ud = { }
---@return stat_t_ud
function stat_t ( ) end
-- get creation time in seconds
---@return uint32_t_ud
function stat_t_ud : ctime ( ) end
-- get last access time in seconds
---@return uint32_t_ud
function stat_t_ud : atime ( ) end
-- get last modification time in seconds
---@return uint32_t_ud
function stat_t_ud : mtime ( ) end
-- get file mode
---@return integer
function stat_t_ud : mode ( ) end
-- get file size in bytes
---@return uint32_t_ud
function stat_t_ud : size ( ) end
-- return true if this is a directory
---@return boolean
function stat_t_ud : is_directory ( ) end
-- desc
rtc = { }
-- return a time since 1970 in seconds from GMT date elements
---@param year integer -- 20xx
---@param month integer -- 0-11
2024-05-02 16:51:48 -03:00
---@param day integer -- 1-31
---@param hour integer -- 0-23
2023-12-09 16:05:58 -04:00
---@param min integer -- 0-60
---@param sec integer -- 0-60
---@return uint32_t_ud
function rtc : date_fields_to_clock_s ( year , month , day , hour , min , sec ) end
-- break a time in seconds since 1970 to GMT date elements
2024-05-03 15:26:53 -03:00
---@param param1 uint32_t_ud|integer|number
2023-12-09 16:05:58 -04:00
---@return integer|nil -- year 20xx
---@return integer|nil -- month 0-11
---@return integer|nil -- day 1-31
---@return integer|nil -- hour 0-23
---@return integer|nil -- min 0-60
---@return integer|nil -- sec 0-60
---@return integer|nil -- weekday 0-6, sunday is 0
function rtc : clock_s_to_date_fields ( param1 ) end
-- desc
fs = { }
-- desc
---@param param1 string
---@return stat_t_ud|nil
function fs : stat ( param1 ) end
2024-01-12 21:27:13 -04:00
2024-02-06 23:30:44 -04:00
-- Format the SD card. This is a async operation, use get_format_status to get the status of the format
---@return boolean
function fs : format ( ) end
-- Get the current status of a format. 0=NOT_STARTED, 1=PENDING, 2=IN_PROGRESS, 3=SUCCESS, 4=FAILURE
2024-05-02 16:51:48 -03:00
---@return integer
2024-02-06 23:30:44 -04:00
function fs : get_format_status ( ) end
2024-02-13 15:28:05 -04:00
-- Get crc32 checksum of a file with given name
2024-05-02 16:51:48 -03:00
---@param file_name string
2024-02-13 15:28:05 -04:00
---@return uint32_t_ud|nil
function fs : crc32 ( file_name ) end
2024-01-12 21:27:13 -04:00
-- desc
networking = { }
-- conver uint32_t address to string
2024-05-03 15:26:53 -03:00
---@param ip4addr uint32_t_ud|integer|number
2024-01-12 21:27:13 -04:00
---@return string
function networking : address_to_str ( ip4addr ) end
-- desc
---@return uint32_t_ud
function networking : get_gateway_active ( ) end
-- desc
---@return uint32_t_ud
function networking : get_netmask_active ( ) end
-- desc
---@return uint32_t_ud
function networking : get_ip_active ( ) end
2024-02-20 03:14:47 -04:00
-- visual odometry object
visual_odom = { }
-- visual odometry health
---@return boolean
function visual_odom : healthy ( ) end
-- visual odometry quality as a percentage from 1 to 100 or 0 if unknown
---@return integer
function visual_odom : quality ( ) end
2024-12-20 23:18:45 -04:00
-- servo telemetry class
servo_telem = { }
-- get servo telem for the given servo number
---@param servo_index integer -- 0 indexed servo number
---@return AP_Servo_Telem_Data_ud|nil
function servo_telem : get_telem ( servo_index ) end
-- Servo telemtry userdata object
---@class AP_Servo_Telem_Data_ud
local AP_Servo_Telem_Data_ud = { }
-- Get timestamp of last telem update
---@return uint32_t_ud -- milliseconds since boot
function AP_Servo_Telem_Data_ud : last_update_ms ( ) end
-- Get type spesfic status flags
---@return integer|nil -- flags or nil if not available
function AP_Servo_Telem_Data_ud : status_flags ( ) end
-- Get pcb temprature in centidegrees
---@return integer|nil -- temperature in centidegrees or nil if not available
function AP_Servo_Telem_Data_ud : pcb_temperature_cdeg ( ) end
-- Get motor temprature in centidegrees
---@return integer|nil -- temperature in centidegrees or nil if not available
function AP_Servo_Telem_Data_ud : motor_temperature_cdeg ( ) end
-- Get duty cycle
---@return integer|nil -- duty cycle 0% to 100% or nil if not available
function AP_Servo_Telem_Data_ud : duty_cycle ( ) end
-- get current
---@return number|nil -- current in amps or nil if not available
function AP_Servo_Telem_Data_ud : current ( ) end
-- get voltage
---@return number|nil -- voltage in volts or nil if not available
function AP_Servo_Telem_Data_ud : voltage ( ) end
-- get speed
---@return number|nil -- speed in degrees per second or nil if not available
function AP_Servo_Telem_Data_ud : speed ( ) end
-- get force
---@return number|nil -- force in newton meters or nil if not available
function AP_Servo_Telem_Data_ud : force ( ) end
-- get measured position
---@return number|nil -- measured position in degrees or nil if not available
function AP_Servo_Telem_Data_ud : measured_position ( ) end
-- get commanded position
---@return number|nil -- comanded position in degrees or nil if not available
function AP_Servo_Telem_Data_ud : command_position ( ) end