this test was relying on the EKF bug fixed in this PR. The copter was
actually fully landing and touching the ground in the LAND phase
whereas the original intention of this test was that it not touch the
ground in LAND. See the graph in where the test was
this adds a chibios_flags.h which contains the flags we pass to the
ChibiOS make, which allows us to have a make level dependency on the
this fixes (among other things) the build of copter followed by
bootloader for SPRacingH7
these are causing some boards to crash on startup. Tested with a
QiotekZealotH743 which doesn't get out of setup_usb_strings()
once we have debugged this we can re-add the functionality
This modification allows to have imu 42605 and 42688 defined in the same hwdef
Tools: luminousbee5 add new bootloaders
AP_HAL_ChibiOS: luminousbee5 , change PC7 from FLOAT to PULLDOWN
AP_HAL_ChibiOS: luminousbee5 , change version 5.32/5.4
Tools: Update luminousbee5 hwdefs, Add new bootloaders
AP_HAL_ChibiOS: luminousbee5 hwdefs Rev 2 , luminousbee5 default.parm
Tools: Update luminousbee5 hwdefs, Add new bootloaders
This modification allows to have imu 42605 and 42688 defined in the same hwdef
Tools: luminousbee5 add new bootloaders
AP_HAL_ChibiOS: luminousbee5 , change PC7 from FLOAT to PULLDOWN
AP_HAL_ChibiOS: luminousbee5 , change version 5.32/5.4
Tools: Update luminousbee5 hwdefs, Add new bootloaders
AP_HAL_ChibiOS: luminousbee5 hwdefs Rev 2 , luminousbee5 default.parm
AP_HAL_ChibiOS: Removed BETA in comment
We consume these at line rate from the transciever, don't allow this to
cause unnecessary congestion on the bus, as it may be used for flight
critical functions. A more proper solution would be to behave more like
the actual AP_ADSB library, and simple rate limit how often we send any
updates out to the host device, as well as filtering for distance, but
that requires more information then is currently readily available.
From the build server:
File "./", line 570, in get_exception_stacktrace
ret = "%s\n" % e
File "/usr/lib/python3.8/", line 113, in __str__
if self.returncode and self.returncode < 0:
we have to run the that corresponds to the branch being built. We may say a feature is presnet when it isn't or vice-versa if we don't.
Add launch module to ardupilot_sitl package
- Move body of launch scripts into package for reuse.
- Add utilities module.
Update launch scripts
- Provide type hints.
- Add arguments to
- Fix formatting bug in home argument.
Update micro_ros_agent launch script
- Modify import for lauch_ros.actions.Node.
- Change argument order in node initialiser.
- Add args for UDP transport and set as default.
Update ROS 2 DDS default params
- Add default params for both serial and UDP transports.
Rename ROS 2 sitl_dds launch script
- Rename sitl_dds launch script with serial suffix.
- Add launch script for UDP transport.
Update ROS 2 launch test fixtures
- Make common test fixtures more granular.
- Add fixtures and tests for UDP transport.
- Update ROS 2 package.xml dependencies
- Use yield rather than return in test fixtures.
- Use ardupilot_sitl launch module directly.
- Correct return type descriptions.
- Fix flake8 failure.
- Update launch instructions.
Signed-off-by: Rhys Mainwaring <>
A parser that finds incoming, requestable, and outgoing MAVLink messages for each vehicle.
May not indicate full support, but at least shows the messages which are handled in the code.
Optionally also:
- finds incoming commands
- finds unsupported messages (and commands)
- breaks out messages in the search groups for the selected vehicle
- allows specifying a header for the markdown file output
Requires Python >= 3.11
Add ros2.repo for installing packages with vcstool.
Add cmake custom targets to run waf configure and build.
Update ros2.repo.
- Add dependency on arshPratap/ardupilot_ros2.git.
- Update version used for ardupilot_ros2.git.
- Update ardupilot branch.
- Reduce to minimum required.
Add ROS 2 launch tests.
- Add ROS 2 Python package for testing the AP_DDS library.
- Initial version including example Python test.
- Move the CMakeLists.txt to ./Tools/scripts/ros2/ardupilot_sitl.
- Add virtual port test.
Update README.
- Add instructions for using the docker image.
Disable socat tests return code.
- Not portable across platforms?
Update ros2.repo
- Reduce to minimum required.
- Update README.
- Update ardupilot_dds_tests packahe.xml
Use pytest tmp_path_factory.
- Use pytest built-in fixture for tmp directories.
Update test README.
- Update instructions for running test in docker.
Add test config and param files.
Add subscriber to Time messages.
Clean up virtual port test.
- Remove unused code.
Test time message is published.
- Copied from ardupilot_ros2/pr-ci-test-package branch.
Update time msg test
- Update workspace relative path.
- Remove sleep in main test.
Add original time message test.
- Add original version of time message test to help resolve failure.
Use separate processes for sitl and mavproxy.
Update original time message test.
Add Python testing to the ardupilot_sitl package.
- Add support for Python testing in the ardupilot_sitl package.
Add install section to CMakeLists.txt.
- Install executables and libs.
- Install default params and launch files.
Add launch for SITL.
- Add example launch file for SITL.
- Add local param file in config (test install).
Update ROS time message test.
Update CMakeLists.txt
- Set executable bit when installing programs.
Add example launch file for mavproxy.
Fix param path in sitl.launch.
Fix sitl address and port in example dds test.
Rename ardupilot dds yaml config file.
Rework sitl.launch to support launch arguments.
- Add launch arguments.
- Prep work for composing launch files.
Rework mavproxy.launch to support launch arguments.
- Add launch arguments.
- Fix default instance in sitl.launch.
- Run as MAVProxy in non-interactive mode.
Add launch file for socat virtual port process.
- Add separate launch file for process creating virtual ports.
Rename launch file for creating virtual ports.
- Remove unused import.
Add sample config yaml for sitl.launch.
Update ros2.repos.
- Remove ardupilot_ros2 and micro_ros_setup.
- Rename branch.
Move ROS 2 packages up a level.
Update path to ArduPilot root directory in CMakeLists.txt.
Update paths in ros2 dds time message tests
Update ros2 README and provide separate ros2.repo for macOS.
- Add build instructions for each platform.
- Provide separate ros2.repos for macOS which has additional dependencies to build from source.
Add composite launch for sitl and mavproxy.
-Provide example of composite launch that reuses existing launch files.
Add uart and serial port arguments to sitl.launch
- Add extra (optional) arguments for ports.
- Handle default arguments (e.g. wipe and synthetic clock).
- Remove use of TextSubstitution which seems redundant.
Simplify and update formatting in mavproxy and virtual port launches.
- Update print formatting.
- Remove use of TextSubstitution.
Add launch file for micro_ros_agent.
- The launch file in the micro_ros_agent does not have launch arguments.
- Replace hardcoded transport.
Correct install path for launch files in
- Correct install path for launch files.
- Format line length.
Update micro_ros_agent launch.
- Do not use None for launch argument default value.
Add composite launch file for the time message test.
- Compose launch from four simpler launch files.
Comment unused variables for linting.
Install dds profile.
- Update CMakeLists.txt to install the dds_xrceprofile.
- Move install location of dds.parm to config/default_params.
- Update README with notes on equivalent command line calls.
Correct launch for micro_ros_agent.
- Remove extra space prefixing device field.
- Update README with example launch commands.
Update launch examples in README
- Update README with example launch commands.
Update combined launch for DDS time message test.
- Add events to combined launch to control launch sequence.
- Update README with example command for combined launch.
Remove dds.parm from ardupilot_dds_tests.
- File moved to ardupilot_sitl.
Update combined launch for DDS time message test.
- Disable events as these will not work with a launch description as the target_action.
Rename launch file for bringing up sitl with dds.
Rename virtual ports launch test.
Use PathJoinSubstitution and FindPackageShare for package resolution.
- Use substitutions for package and launch path resolution.
Update launch example in readme.
- Fix typo in combined launch.
Update virtual ports test case.
Rename virtual ports test case.
Rename time message test case.
Rework the time msg test case to use previously defined launch files.
Add time message check node.
Clean up test cases.
Move bringup fixture into
- Factor out bringup fixture.
Remove unused code and imports.
Add test for navsatfix.
- Update qos profile for navsatfix test.
Update test case names.
Use pathlib instead of os.path.
Set speedup to 10, reduce test timeout.
Update CMakeLists.txt
- Remove --debug.
- Remove commented code.
- Use max_serial_ports instead of hardcoded number.
Remove sample python test.
Update maintainer for ros2 packages.
Update ros2.repos.
- Point to ardupilot master instead of fork and PR branch.
Update CMakeLists.txt.
- Fix format (indent) in build test section.
Enable ament linters and use black formatter.
- Enable ament_lint_auto in CMakeLists.txt.
- Override default flake8 config to prevent conflicts with black formatter.
- Update README.
- Update files to satisfy linters.
More PEP 257 compliance.
- Adopt recommended style for comments.
Apply linters and formatter.
- Apply linter and black formatter to ardupilot_dds_tests.
- Move package tests under folder.
- Reinstate copyright, flake8 and pep257 tests.
Reorganise ros2 launch files
- Move launch files for SITL from ardupilot_dds_tests to ardupilit_sitl.
- Update docs.
Signed-off-by: Rhys Mainwaring <>
Added support for stm32l4+ processor
- Added scripts for hwdef generation
- Tested in custom hardware prototype (stm32l4r5vit6)
- Tested all peripherals and auto pilot modes.
we have a sanity check that when you reboot a vehicle that soon afterwards the vehicle is in the place we expect it to start.
That's fine for most vehicles, which stay put. But we start the ship simulation with wind, so it can actually drift before we get around to checking its location. Simply skip this check for now (we could, perhaps, allow for a very large radius instead?)
accels inconsistent was popping up in here.
We can ignore that - we only care we won't arm because of the estop being active. This will also save a bit of time with the removal of the raw delay-for-10-seconds
accels inconsistent was popping up in here.
We can ignore that - we only care we won't arm because of the estop being active. This will also save a bit of time with the removal of the raw delay-for-10-seconds
this isn't referenced anywhere and is causing unnecessary maintenance overhead.
Presumably overtaken by github docker install images and the devenv install scripts
* Had to ignore pre-commit hooks for isort and mypy since there are unrelated broken issues in the file
Signed-off-by: Ryan Friedman <>
Co-authored-by: Arsh Pratap <>
Co-authored-by: Andrew Tridgell <>
A bug is being fixed where we couldn't achieve the maximum rate due to the input speed of the guided command.
This makes sure the rate achieved is independent of the rate at which the attitude rate is being set
Sometimes the vehicle/board combinations are empty as no build is done. For example, when building bootloaders several boards don't have one, and hte output is cluttered with their results.
Don't show these empty lines by default