* Changed the method of checking and setting the server file lock on Posix to avoid conditions where the server can indicate that it is running but still hasn't finished it's initialization
- always publish esc_status
- when enabled via MODAL_IO_VLOG param, enable actuator debug output
- for modal_io commands, use ESC HW ID values instead of motor number for easier use
- publish esc_status message for command line commands
- Uncommented the code that fills in the cmdcount and power fields in the esc_status topic
Co-authored-by: Travis Bottalico <travis@modalai.com>
- if timestamp (or timestamp_sample) unpopulated fill it with current hrt_absolute_time()
- if using provided timestamp don't allow it to exceed current hrt_absolute_time()
- Switching to the first order filter that was previously
only in FlightTaskManualAltitude.
- Moving the scaling of full stick deflection to
radians per second into the class.
* RTL: only do calculations in is-inactive if global position is recent
* RTL: refactor calcRtlTimeEstimate to only calc and not pub
Signed-off-by: Silvan Fuhrer <silvan@auterion.com>
When requesting a message from a stream that is not active we start the
stream with interval=0 and call the request method once. For all streams
this works fine except the gps_global_origin. For this one the request method
is actually overidden to throttle down the rate and not just send out the message.
This will cause this message to never being sent on request if the stream
is not active by default.
* Update README: Maintainers, Boards, Roadmap
- First step after the community coordination call from January 30th
* README: Fromat list & remove discontinued boards & add others
- Addressed comments
* README: Add Simulation, remove QGC
- Only leave the PX4 specific categories (QGC is not)
* Add Beniamino as ROS2 maintainer
* README: Add note that README is main source of truth for maintainers
- We need to have a source of truth, we can use Github README for that.
- vectornav library (libvnc) fixed for NuttX
- open serial port O_NONBLOCK (like __APPLE__)
- set serial port baud rate with cfsetspeed (like __APPLE__)
- vectornav backend thread increase stack and run at higher priority (SCHED_FIFO)
Block Device driver uses a buffer so we need to ensure data is written or read to the device and not to the buffer so we can be sure if the device works properly
* Cyphal: fix comparing floating-point issue
* Cyphal: fix setpoint serialization
* Cyphal: fix bug with wrong comparasion of param name and pub/sub name: remove prefix from UavcanPublisher::updateParam and UavcanDynamicPortSubscriber::updateParam and PublicationManager::updateDynamicPublications
* Cyphal: integrate UavcanEscController with PublicationManager, remove second instance of UavcanEscController from CyphalNode
* Cyphal: publish readiness with minimal frequency because according to UDRAL The drive shall enter STANDBY state automatically if the readiness subject is not updated for CONTROL_TIMEOUT
* Cyphal: increase setpoint publish rate from ~75 to 200 by removing PX4_INFO (it really significantly react on the the output rate) and changing the mixing output rate and the shedule interval
* Cyphal: restore prefix because we need it for uorb over uavcan/cyphal and add udral prefix for non uorb pub/sub
* Cyphal: fix DynamicPortSubscriber subscription: if it has multiple subscribers, it should call subscription only after updating of all port subscribers port identifiers
* Cyphal: fix SubscriptionManager: we should take care about prefix
* Cyphal: fix readiness for test motor mode
* [Cyphal] Fix dynamicsubscription, improve printinfo, enable MR-CANHUBK3 config
Co-authored-by: Peter van der Perk <peter.vanderperk@nxp.com>