A board can optionaly define RC_SERIAL_SWAP_USING_SINGLEWIRE
If the board is wired board with TX to the input (Swapped) and
the SoC does not support U[S]ART level RX-TX swapping to allow
useing onewire to do the swap if and only if:
TIOCSSWAP is defined and retuns !OK
imxrt:117x Reuse all but io_timer_hw_description and imxrt_pinirq.c
imxrt:ADC & LPADC bifurcation and restructuring
imxrt:hrt support Up to GPT6
nxp/rt117x:adc Corrected
Bootloader needs to have a mechanism to de-initialize crypto, in case some HW accelerator
is being used. This adds the needed function for it
Signed-off-by: Jukka Laitinen <jukkax@ssrc.tii.ae>
- vectornav library (libvnc) fixed for NuttX
- open serial port O_NONBLOCK (like __APPLE__)
- set serial port baud rate with cfsetspeed (like __APPLE__)
- vectornav backend thread increase stack and run at higher priority (SCHED_FIFO)
- reduce boost priority to PX4_WQ_HP_BASE - 6
- add cli command 'trigger_watchdog' to manually trigger watchdog
- add perf counters when triggering watchdog
- reduce top measurement to 300ms
- restore priorities after 1.5s
There are precautions in case the SD card code itself has a busy-loop.
- Do not pull in PWM parameters when DISABLE_PARAMS_MODULE_SCOPING is TRUE since VOXL2 has no PWM nor any of the required timer_config files that go along with that
- Replace non-standard M_PI constants with PX4 defined M_PI_F constants
- Include missing header file for function hrt_absolute_time declaration
- Add new PX4_SOC_ARCH_ID for the VOXL2 board
- first version of IMU driver for the VOXL 2 platform (Qurt)
- this is a customized version of the Invensense ICM42688P driver, it is currently in the VOXL 2 board directory
- new ROS2 platform in PX4 intended for creating configs that build and run entirely in ROS2
- PX4_CONFIG defaults to px4_ros2_default if no config specified and in a colcon workspace with ROS_VERSION=2
- currently doesn't do much other than allow you to build px4 msgs interface package
* Changed M_PI to M_PI_F in the matrix library since M_PI is non-standard.
* Added a new M_PI_PRECISE constant definition to px4_platform_common/defines.h to be
used in places when M_PI is desired but shouldn't be used because it is not C standard.
* Added the px4_platform_common/defines.h include to the matrix library math.hpp header to pull
in some non-standard M_PI constants and updated the test files to use those constants.
* Fixed PI constants in matrix helper test to prevent test failure
This removes the odd px4_i2c_bus_external override which was confusing
me and lead to odd and inconsistent results.
The function is now only available with an int as the argument.
- Previously, not having a proper boundary check caused overflows in the
buffer (wrong memory access)
- Moreoever, negative size values getting introduced to snprintf &
strncat were also being truncated to unsigned value, hence causing
overflow, so index check needed to be added before both functions
- Fixed typo in board_common.h
Move logic implemented in the header files to source files, this way
it will be simpler to define which is compiled to kernel space and
which to user space
Also allows to remove some headers that pull in half the universe
from the board definitions (which should just be pin definitions and
no functionality)
- 4096 of 3 hex digits each for rev and ver is enough.
#defines used in SPI versions do not be long format, use use the macro
- Board provides a prefix and the formatting is sized and built in
- No need for funky board_get_base_eeprom_mtd_manifest interface
Original mft is used where the abstraction is done with the MFT interface
Co-authored-by: David Sidrane <David.Sidrane@Nscdg.com>