This is the unified workspace to be used with all the robots, starting from drones, ground robots and legged.
Go to file
2024-02-15 13:36:05 -05:00
Batman_setup_scripts Update 2021-09-14 01:38:09 +00:00
.gitignore Unified the workspace to contain all the rover packages. 2022-09-15 14:44:47 -04:00 Added batman setup guide into the workspace. 2021-09-08 16:06:42 -04:00
packages_https_bs.rosinstall add spot base station 2022-11-17 15:30:57 -05:00
packages_https_cognifly.rosinstall fixed the fastlio branch on cognifly package list. 2023-05-26 19:19:35 +00:00
packages_https_gazebo_quadrotor_l515.rosinstall Quadrotor Gazebo model with l515 rosinstall file. 2023-03-28 01:35:46 -04:00
packages_https_m300_batman.rosinstall Renamed m300 file 2021-08-12 18:33:53 -04:00
packages_https_rover_optimus_slam_base.rosinstall Added xarm for optimus. 2024-02-06 18:20:00 -05:00
packages_https_rover_slam_base.rosinstall added nimbro into the package. 2022-09-28 07:31:52 +08:00
packages_https_spiri_batman.rosinstall Add rosinstall for spiri 2021-08-12 18:34:35 -04:00 Some basic readme for the autonomy components. 2024-02-15 13:36:05 -05:00

Clone the package

git clone

Dependencies to install

sudo apt-get install python-catkin-tools python-wstool ros-kinetic-cmake-modules protobuf-compiler autoconf ros-kinetic-mavros* ros-kinetic-tf* \
ros-kinetic-rviz ros-kinetic-cv-bridge ros-kinetic-image-geometry ros-kinetic-pcl-* ros-kinetic-octomap* ros-kinetic-image-proc \
ros-kinetic-nmea-comms ffmpeg libusb-1.0-0-dev libsdl2-dev

Setting up the bat0 phy interface


DJI M300

This workspace includes relevant packages to run rosbuzz with the DJI OSDK on the M300 drones.

The workspace has been tested in Ubuntu 16.04 and ROS Kinetic.

Setup the workspace

cd mist_ws
wstool init
wstool merge packages_https_m300_batman.rosinstall
wstool update


  • In case of permission error, make sure to follow the permission section to have read/write access for the uart communication.


Setup the workspace

cd mist_ws
wstool init
wstool merge packages_https_spiri_batman.rosinstall
wstool update

DJI M100

Khepera IV


Build the whole workspace

catkin config -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DSIM=0 -DKIN=1
catkin build

Autonomy Stack Notes:

  1. Based on the robot launch its respective launch file from the rover_launch ros pkg.


roslaunch rover_launch rover_optimus.launch 

Jean rover

roslaunch rover_launch rover_agx.launch


sudo route add -net gw # Route to the robot not setup yet, so do this to communicate with the robot.
roslaunch rover_launch spot.launch
  1. Use a computer with valid ROS installation to act as a base station, on the base station launch the base station launch script. Make sure you have a ps4 joystick paired or connected via USB for control.

Note: Make sure the IP of the robot and your Ip are correct in the script

Get to the location of the script

cd src/rover_launch/launch_scripts



Jean rover




Now one should be able to visualize the autonomy module components (pointcloud, images, tf, etc.), and control the robot manualy based on the commands below.

Local Planner Joystick Mapping

# Teleop configuration for PS4 joystick.
# Left thumb-stick up/down/left/right for forward/backward translation
# Right thumb-stick left/right for yaw
# Left shoulder button for obstacle enabled 
# Right shoulder button for obstacle disabled
#          L1                                       R1
#          L2                                       R2
#       _=====_                                  _=====_
#      / _____ \                                / _____ \
#    +.-'_____'-.------------------------------.-'_____'-.+
#   /   |     |  '.        S O N Y           .'  |  _  |   \
#  / ___| /|\ |___ \                        / ___| /_\ |___ \      (Y)
# / |      |      | ;                      ; | _         _ ||
# | | <---   ---> | |                      | ||_|       (_)||  (X)     (B)
# | |___   |   ___| ;                      ; |___       ___||
# |\    | \|/ |    /  _      ____      _   \    | (X) |    /|      (A)
# | \   |_____|  .','" "',  (_PS_)  ,'" "', '.  |_____|  .' |
# |  '-.______.-' /       \        /       \  '-._____.-'   |
# |               |  LJ   |--------|  RJ   |                |
# |              /\       /        \       /\               |
# |             /  '.___.'          '.___.'  \              |
# |            /                              \             |
#  \          /                                \           /
#   \________/                                  \_________/
# BUTTON         Function
#   L1             Disable Obstacles
#   L2             Not defined
#   R1             Enable Obstacles
#   R2             Not defined
#   A              Stop enable
#   B              Stop release
#   X              Manual control
#   Y              Autonomy control
#    AXIS        Value
# Left Horiz.      Not defined
# Left Vert.       Forward/Backward
# Right Horiz.     Yaw
# Right Vert.      Not defined

Exploration planning

Start the exploration using the following commands by calling the rc cmd topic.

rosservice call /buzzcmd "{broadcast: false, command: 1, confirmation: 0, param1: 0.0, param2: 0.0, param3: 0.0,
  param4: 0.0, param5: 0.0, param6: 0.0, param7: 0.0}"

The command can be replaced with any of the following to switch the state of the robot:

No_cmd = 0
Turnoff_cmd = 21
Explore_cmd = 1
Home_cmd = 2
Wp_cmd = 3
Find_object_cmd = 4 # Not Implemented
Sit_cmd = 5
Stand_cmd = 6
Dance_cmd = 7 # Not Implemented
all_robots_explore_cmd = 8 # Not Implemented
all_robots_home_cmd = 9 # Not Implemented


  1. Robot too close to Obstacles: If the robot gets too close the planner states clear the space around the robot. Ideally one can take back control and move the robot a little bit to resolve the warning and re-enable exploration.
  2. Planner unable to find feasible path: Either try moving the robot, switch to turnedoff and back to explore, Move the robot a bit in the prefered direction and switch state -> turnedoff -> explore.
  3. Robot connection bad: Restart the communication hub radios radio0 from luci.
  4. Rover driver not starting (ROSBuzz complaining Waiting for pose): check if the can bus is up and sending data using: candump can0, if not bring it up and using bringup can script from the driver package. Some robots have a service setup check sudo systemctl status bringupcan.service
  5. Vector nav driver not starting: check the /dev/vectornav or /dev/USB0 is there based on the device.