
430 lines
14 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include "AP_NavEKF3.h"
#include "AP_NavEKF3_core.h"
#include <AP_HAL/HAL.h>
#include <AP_Logger/AP_Logger.h>
#include <AP_DAL/AP_DAL.h>
2021-05-04 08:12:23 -03:00
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wnarrowing"
void NavEKF3_core::Log_Write_XKF1(uint64_t time_us) const
// Write first EKF packet
Vector3f euler;
Vector2f posNE;
float posD;
Vector3f velNED;
Vector3f gyroBias;
float posDownDeriv;
Location originLLH;
posDownDeriv = getPosDownDerivative();
if (!getOriginLLH(originLLH)) {
originLLH.alt = 0;
const struct log_XKF1 pkt{
time_us : time_us,
core : DAL_CORE(core_index),
roll : (int16_t)(100*degrees(euler.x)), // roll angle (centi-deg, displayed as deg due to format string)
pitch : (int16_t)(100*degrees(euler.y)), // pitch angle (centi-deg, displayed as deg due to format string)
yaw : (uint16_t)wrap_360_cd(100*degrees(euler.z)), // yaw angle (centi-deg, displayed as deg due to format string)
velN : (float)(velNED.x), // velocity North (m/s)
velE : (float)(velNED.y), // velocity East (m/s)
velD : (float)(velNED.z), // velocity Down (m/s)
posD_dot : (float)(posDownDeriv), // first derivative of down position
posN : (float)(posNE.x), // metres North
posE : (float)(posNE.y), // metres East
posD : (float)(posD), // metres Down
gyrX : (int16_t)(100*degrees(gyroBias.x)), // cd/sec, displayed as deg/sec due to format string
gyrY : (int16_t)(100*degrees(gyroBias.y)), // cd/sec, displayed as deg/sec due to format string
gyrZ : (int16_t)(100*degrees(gyroBias.z)), // cd/sec, displayed as deg/sec due to format string
originHgt : originLLH.alt // WGS-84 altitude of EKF origin in cm
AP::logger().WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
void NavEKF3_core::Log_Write_XKF2(uint64_t time_us) const
// Write second EKF packet
Vector3f accelBias;
Vector3f wind;
Vector3f magNED;
Vector3f magXYZ;
Vector2f dragInnov;
float betaInnov = 0;
getSynthAirDataInnovations(dragInnov, betaInnov);
const struct log_XKF2 pkt2{
time_us : time_us,
core : DAL_CORE(core_index),
accBiasX : (int16_t)(100*accelBias.x),
accBiasY : (int16_t)(100*accelBias.y),
accBiasZ : (int16_t)(100*accelBias.z),
windN : (int16_t)(100*wind.x),
windE : (int16_t)(100*wind.y),
magN : (int16_t)(magNED.x),
magE : (int16_t)(magNED.y),
magD : (int16_t)(magNED.z),
magX : (int16_t)(magXYZ.x),
magY : (int16_t)(magXYZ.y),
magZ : (int16_t)(magXYZ.z),
innovDragX : dragInnov.x,
innovDragY : dragInnov.y,
innovSideslip : betaInnov
AP::logger().WriteBlock(&pkt2, sizeof(pkt2));
void NavEKF3_core::Log_Write_XKFS(uint64_t time_us) const
// Write sensor selection EKF packet
const struct log_XKFS pkt {
time_us : time_us,
core : DAL_CORE(core_index),
mag_index : magSelectIndex,
baro_index : selected_baro,
gps_index : selected_gps,
airspeed_index : getActiveAirspeed(),
source_set : frontend->sources.getPosVelYawSourceSet()
AP::logger().WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
void NavEKF3_core::Log_Write_XKF3(uint64_t time_us) const
// Write third EKF packet
Vector3f velInnov;
Vector3f posInnov;
Vector3f magInnov;
float tasInnov = 0;
float yawInnov = 0;
getInnovations(velInnov, posInnov, magInnov, tasInnov, yawInnov);
const struct log_XKF3 pkt3{
time_us : time_us,
core : DAL_CORE(core_index),
innovVN : (int16_t)(100*velInnov.x),
innovVE : (int16_t)(100*velInnov.y),
innovVD : (int16_t)(100*velInnov.z),
innovPN : (int16_t)(100*posInnov.x),
innovPE : (int16_t)(100*posInnov.y),
innovPD : (int16_t)(100*posInnov.z),
innovMX : (int16_t)(magInnov.x),
innovMY : (int16_t)(magInnov.y),
innovMZ : (int16_t)(magInnov.z),
innovYaw : (int16_t)(100*degrees(yawInnov)),
innovVT : (int16_t)(100*tasInnov),
rerr : frontend->coreRelativeErrors[core_index],
errorScore : frontend->coreErrorScores[core_index]
AP::logger().WriteBlock(&pkt3, sizeof(pkt3));
void NavEKF3_core::Log_Write_XKF4(uint64_t time_us) const
// Write fourth EKF packet
float velVar = 0;
float posVar = 0;
float hgtVar = 0;
Vector3f magVar;
float tasVar = 0;
uint16_t _faultStatus=0;
Vector2f offset;
const uint8_t timeoutStatus =
posTimeout<<0 |
velTimeout<<1 |
hgtTimeout<<2 |
magTimeout<<3 |
nav_filter_status solutionStatus {};
getVariances(velVar, posVar, hgtVar, magVar, tasVar, offset);
2021-05-04 08:12:23 -03:00
float tempVar = fmaxF(fmaxF(magVar.x,magVar.y),magVar.z);
const struct log_NKF4 pkt4{
time_us : time_us,
core : DAL_CORE(core_index),
sqrtvarV : (int16_t)(100*velVar),
sqrtvarP : (int16_t)(100*posVar),
sqrtvarH : (int16_t)(100*hgtVar),
sqrtvarM : (int16_t)(100*tempVar),
sqrtvarVT : (int16_t)(100*tasVar),
2021-05-04 08:12:23 -03:00
tiltErr : sqrtF(MAX(tiltErrorVariance,0.0f)), // estimated 1-sigma tilt error in radians
offsetNorth : offset.x,
offsetEast : offset.y,
faults : _faultStatus,
timeouts : timeoutStatus,
solution : solutionStatus.value,
gps : gpsCheckStatus.value,
primary : frontend->getPrimaryCoreIndex()
AP::logger().WriteBlock(&pkt4, sizeof(pkt4));
void NavEKF3_core::Log_Write_XKF5(uint64_t time_us) const
if (core_index != frontend->primary) {
// log only primary instance for now
const struct log_NKF5 pkt5{
time_us : time_us,
core : DAL_CORE(core_index),
normInnov : (uint8_t)(MIN(100*MAX(flowTestRatio[0],flowTestRatio[1]),255)), // normalised innovation variance ratio for optical flow observations fused by the main nav filter
FIX : (int16_t)(1000*flowInnov[0]), // optical flow LOS rate vector innovations from the main nav filter
FIY : (int16_t)(1000*flowInnov[1]), // optical flow LOS rate vector innovations from the main nav filter
AFI : (int16_t)(1000 * auxFlowObsInnov.length()), // optical flow LOS rate innovation from terrain offset estimator
HAGL : (int16_t)(100*(terrainState - stateStruct.position.z)), // height above ground level
offset : (int16_t)(100*terrainState), // filter ground offset state error
RI : (int16_t)(100*innovRng), // range finder innovations
meaRng : (uint16_t)(100*rangeDataDelayed.rng), // measured range
2021-05-04 08:12:23 -03:00
errHAGL : (uint16_t)(100*sqrtF(Popt)), // note Popt is constrained to be non-negative in EstimateTerrainOffset()
angErr : (float)outputTrackError.x, // output predictor angle error
velErr : (float)outputTrackError.y, // output predictor velocity error
posErr : (float)outputTrackError.z // output predictor position tracking error
AP::logger().WriteBlock(&pkt5, sizeof(pkt5));
void NavEKF3_core::Log_Write_Quaternion(uint64_t time_us) const
// log quaternion
Quaternion quat;
getQuaternion( quat);
const struct log_XKQ pktq1{
time_us : time_us,
core : DAL_CORE(core_index),
q1 : quat.q1,
q2 : quat.q2,
q3 : quat.q3,
q4 : quat.q4
AP::logger().WriteBlock(&pktq1, sizeof(pktq1));
// logs beacon information, one beacon per call
void NavEKF3_core::Log_Write_Beacon(uint64_t time_us)
if (core_index != frontend->primary) {
// log only primary instance for now
if (!statesInitialised || N_beacons == 0 || rngBcnFusionReport == nullptr) {
// Ensure that beacons are not skipped due to calling this function at a rate lower than the updates
if (rngBcnFuseDataReportIndex >= N_beacons) {
rngBcnFuseDataReportIndex = 0;
const rngBcnFusionReport_t &report = rngBcnFusionReport[rngBcnFuseDataReportIndex];
// write range beacon fusion debug packet if the range value is non-zero
if (report.rng <= 0.0f) {
const struct log_XKF0 pkt10{
time_us : time_us,
core : DAL_CORE(core_index),
ID : rngBcnFuseDataReportIndex,
rng : (int16_t)(100*report.rng),
innov : (int16_t)(100*report.innov),
2021-05-04 08:12:23 -03:00
sqrtInnovVar : (uint16_t)(100*sqrtF(report.innovVar)),
testRatio : (uint16_t)(100*constrain_ftype(report.testRatio,0.0f,650.0f)),
beaconPosN : (int16_t)(100*report.beaconPosNED.x),
beaconPosE : (int16_t)(100*report.beaconPosNED.y),
beaconPosD : (int16_t)(100*report.beaconPosNED.z),
offsetHigh : (int16_t)(100*bcnPosDownOffsetMax),
offsetLow : (int16_t)(100*bcnPosDownOffsetMin),
posN : (int16_t)(100*receiverPos.x),
posE : (int16_t)(100*receiverPos.y),
posD : (int16_t)(100*receiverPos.z)
AP::logger().WriteBlock(&pkt10, sizeof(pkt10));
void NavEKF3_core::Log_Write_BodyOdom(uint64_t time_us)
if (core_index != frontend->primary) {
// log only primary instance for now
static uint32_t lastUpdateTime_ms = 0;
const uint32_t updateTime_ms = MAX(bodyOdmDataDelayed.time_ms,wheelOdmDataDelayed.time_ms);
if (updateTime_ms > lastUpdateTime_ms) {
const struct log_XKFD pkt11{
time_us : time_us,
core : DAL_CORE(core_index),
velInnovX : innovBodyVel[0],
velInnovY : innovBodyVel[1],
velInnovZ : innovBodyVel[2],
velInnovVarX : varInnovBodyVel[0],
velInnovVarY : varInnovBodyVel[1],
velInnovVarZ : varInnovBodyVel[2]
AP::logger().WriteBlock(&pkt11, sizeof(pkt11));
lastUpdateTime_ms = updateTime_ms;
void NavEKF3_core::Log_Write_State_Variances(uint64_t time_us) const
if (core_index != frontend->primary) {
// log only primary instance for now
static uint32_t lastEkfStateVarLogTime_ms = 0;
if (AP::dal().millis() - lastEkfStateVarLogTime_ms > 490) {
lastEkfStateVarLogTime_ms = AP::dal().millis();
const struct log_XKV pktv1{
time_us : time_us,
core : DAL_CORE(core_index),
v00 : P[0][0],
v01 : P[1][1],
v02 : P[2][2],
v03 : P[3][3],
v04 : P[4][4],
v05 : P[5][5],
v06 : P[6][6],
v07 : P[7][7],
v08 : P[8][8],
v09 : P[9][9],
v10 : P[10][10],
v11 : P[11][11]
AP::logger().WriteBlock(&pktv1, sizeof(pktv1));
const struct log_XKV pktv2{
time_us : time_us,
core : DAL_CORE(core_index),
v00 : P[12][12],
v01 : P[13][13],
v02 : P[14][14],
v03 : P[15][15],
v04 : P[16][16],
v05 : P[17][17],
v06 : P[18][18],
v07 : P[19][19],
v08 : P[20][20],
v09 : P[21][21],
v10 : P[22][22],
v11 : P[23][23]
AP::logger().WriteBlock(&pktv2, sizeof(pktv2));
void NavEKF3::Log_Write()
// only log if enabled
if (activeCores() <= 0) {
if (lastLogWrite_us == imuSampleTime_us) {
// vehicle is doubling up on logging
lastLogWrite_us = imuSampleTime_us;
uint64_t time_us = AP::dal().micros64();
for (uint8_t i=0; i<activeCores(); i++) {
void NavEKF3_core::Log_Write(uint64_t time_us)
// note that several of these functions exit-early if they're not
// attempting to log the primary core.
// write range beacon fusion debug packet if the range value is non-zero
// write debug data for body frame odometry fusion
// log state variances every 0.49s
void NavEKF3_core::Log_Write_Timing(uint64_t time_us)
// log EKF timing statistics every 5s
static uint32_t lastTimingLogTime_ms = 0;
if (AP::dal().millis() - lastTimingLogTime_ms <= 5000) {
lastTimingLogTime_ms = AP::dal().millis();
const struct log_XKT xkt{
time_us : time_us,
core : core_index,
timing_count : timing.count,
dtIMUavg_min : timing.dtIMUavg_min,
dtIMUavg_max : timing.dtIMUavg_max,
dtEKFavg_min : timing.dtEKFavg_min,
dtEKFavg_max : timing.dtEKFavg_max,
delAngDT_min : timing.delAngDT_min,
delAngDT_max : timing.delAngDT_max,
delVelDT_min : timing.delVelDT_min,
delVelDT_max : timing.delVelDT_max,
memset(&timing, 0, sizeof(timing));
AP::logger().WriteBlock(&xkt, sizeof(xkt));
void NavEKF3_core::Log_Write_GSF(uint64_t time_us)
AP_NavEKF3: Enable use of EKF-GSF yaw estimate AP_NavEKF3: Add emergency yaw reset using a Gussian Sum Filter estimate AP_NavEKF3: Reduce default minimum GPS velocity noise for Copters Enables fail-safe to be set with more sensitivity and improves tracking accuracy. Origin values were set using typical GPS performance for receivers on sale 6 years ago. Receiver performance has improved since then. AP_NavEKF3: Prevent constant mag anomaly yaw resets Prevents constant magnetic anomaly induced resets that can be triggered when flying with vehicle generated magnetic interference. Allows for two resets per takeoff. Allowance for two resets is required, becasue a large ground based magnetic yaw anomaly can cause a sufficiently large yaw innovation that two resets in close succession are required. AP_NavEKF3: Add option to fly without magnetometer AP_NavEKF3: Rework emergency yaw reset logic Use a separate external accessor function to request the yaw reset. Allow reset requests to remain active for a defined period of time. Tidy up reset function to split out accuracy check. AP_NavEKF3: Fix vulnerability to lane switch race condition Prevents the situation where a lane switch results in a lane being selected that does not have the correct yaw. This can occur if the primary lane becomes unhealthy before the external failsafe monitor has time to react. AP_NavEKF3: Fix EKF_MAG_CAL = 6 behaviours Fix bug causing the yaw alignment to be performed at startup before the GSF had a valid estimate. Fix bug causing emergency yaw message to be output for a normal reset. Fix vulnerability to reported negative yaw variance. Remove duplicate timer checks. AP_NavEKF3: Update EK3_MAG_CAL documentation AP_NavEKF3: Relax yaw gyro bias convergence check when not using mag AP_NavEKF3: Reduce yaw drift in hover with no yaw sensor Uses the GSF yaw estimate if available which is better than the EKF's own yaw when no yaw sensor is available.
2020-03-10 03:48:08 -03:00
if (yawEstimator == nullptr) {
yawEstimator->Log_Write(time_us, LOG_XKY0_MSG, LOG_XKY1_MSG, DAL_CORE(core_index));