Briefly (from the NEWS file):
- Updates for the email package:
+ All deprecated APIs that in email 2.x issued warnings have been removed:
_encoder argument to the MIMEText constructor, Message.add_payload(),
Utils.dump_address_pair(), Utils.decode(), Utils.encode()
+ New deprecations: Generator.__call__(), Message.get_type(),
Message.get_main_type(), Message.get_subtype(), the 'strict' argument to
the Parser constructor. These will be removed in email 3.1.
+ Support for Python earlier than 2.3 has been removed (see PEP 291).
+ All defect classes have been renamed to end in 'Defect'.
+ Some FeedParser fixes; also a MultipartInvariantViolationDefect will be
added to messages that claim to be multipart but really aren't.
+ Updates to documentation.
binary distros (read RPMs) don't include the test module in their
standard Python package. This eliminates an external dependency and
closes SF bug # 650441.
project, and with assistance from Oleg Broytmann. Specifically,
added some new tests to make sure we handle RFC 2231 encoded
parameters correctly. Two new data files were added which contain RFC
2231 encoded parameters.
(i.e. email.test), so move the guts of them here from Lib/test. The
latter directory will retain stubs to run the email.test tests using
Python's standard regression test. is a torture tester which will not run under
Python's test suite because I don't want to commit megs of data to
that project (it will fail cleanly there). When run under the mimelib
project it'll stress test the package with megs of message samples
collected from various locations in the wild.
email/test/data is a copy of Lib/test/data. The fate of the latter is
still undecided.