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#pragma once
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* AHRS (Attitude Heading Reference System) interface for ArduPilot
#include <AP_Math/AP_Math.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <AP_Compass/AP_Compass.h>
#include <AP_Airspeed/AP_Airspeed.h>
#include <AP_InertialSensor/AP_InertialSensor.h>
#include <AP_Param/AP_Param.h>
#include <AP_Common/Location.h>
class OpticalFlow;
#define AP_AHRS_TRIM_LIMIT 10.0f // maximum trim angle in degrees
#define AP_AHRS_RP_P_MIN 0.05f // minimum value for AHRS_RP_P parameter
#define AP_AHRS_YAW_P_MIN 0.05f // minimum value for AHRS_YAW_P parameter
class AP_AHRS_Backend
// Constructor
AP_AHRS_Backend() {}
// empty virtual destructor
virtual ~AP_AHRS_Backend() {}
// init sets up INS board orientation
virtual void init();
// return the index of the primary core or -1 if no primary core selected
virtual int8_t get_primary_core_index() const { return -1; }
// get the index of the current primary accelerometer sensor
virtual uint8_t get_primary_accel_index(void) const {
return AP::ins().get_primary_accel();
// get the index of the current primary gyro sensor
virtual uint8_t get_primary_gyro_index(void) const {
return AP::ins().get_primary_gyro();
// accelerometer values in the earth frame in m/s/s
virtual const Vector3f &get_accel_ef(uint8_t i) const {
return _accel_ef[i];
virtual const Vector3f &get_accel_ef(void) const {
return get_accel_ef(AP::ins().get_primary_accel());
// blended accelerometer values in the earth frame in m/s/s
virtual const Vector3f &get_accel_ef_blended(void) const {
return _accel_ef_blended;
// get yaw rate in earth frame in radians/sec
float get_yaw_rate_earth(void) const {
return get_gyro() * get_rotation_body_to_ned().c;
// Methods
virtual void _update() = 0;
// returns false if we fail arming checks, in which case the buffer will be populated with a failure message
// requires_position should be true if horizontal position configuration should be checked
virtual bool pre_arm_check(bool requires_position, char *failure_msg, uint8_t failure_msg_len) const = 0;
// check all cores providing consistent attitudes for prearm checks
virtual bool attitudes_consistent(char *failure_msg, const uint8_t failure_msg_len) const { return true; }
// see if EKF lane switching is possible to avoid EKF failsafe
virtual void check_lane_switch(void) {}
// check if non-compass sensor is providing yaw. Allows compass pre-arm checks to be bypassed
virtual bool using_noncompass_for_yaw(void) const { return false; }
// check if external nav is providing yaw
virtual bool using_extnav_for_yaw(void) const { return false; }
// request EKF yaw reset to try and avoid the need for an EKF lane switch or failsafe
virtual void request_yaw_reset(void) {}
// set position, velocity and yaw sources to either 0=primary, 1=secondary, 2=tertiary
virtual void set_posvelyaw_source_set(uint8_t source_set_idx) {}
// Euler angles (radians)
float roll;
float pitch;
float yaw;
float get_roll() const { return roll; }
float get_pitch() const { return pitch; }
float get_yaw() const { return yaw; }
// integer Euler angles (Degrees * 100)
int32_t roll_sensor;
int32_t pitch_sensor;
int32_t yaw_sensor;
// return a smoothed and corrected gyro vector in radians/second
virtual const Vector3f &get_gyro(void) const = 0;
// return primary accels, for lua
const Vector3f &get_accel(void) const {
return AP::ins().get_accel();
// return a smoothed and corrected gyro vector in radians/second using the latest ins data (which may not have been consumed by the EKF yet)
Vector3f get_gyro_latest(void) const;
// return the current estimate of the gyro drift
virtual const Vector3f &get_gyro_drift(void) const = 0;
// reset the current gyro drift estimate
// should be called if gyro offsets are recalculated
virtual void reset_gyro_drift(void) = 0;
// reset the current attitude, used on new IMU calibration
virtual void reset(bool recover_eulers=false) = 0;
// return the average size of the roll/pitch error estimate
// since last call
virtual float get_error_rp(void) const = 0;
// return the average size of the yaw error estimate
// since last call
virtual float get_error_yaw(void) const = 0;
// return a DCM rotation matrix representing our current attitude in NED frame
virtual const Matrix3f &get_rotation_body_to_ned(void) const = 0;
// return a Quaternion representing our current attitude in NED frame
void get_quat_body_to_ned(Quaternion &quat) const {
// get rotation matrix specifically from DCM backend (used for compass calibrator)
virtual const Matrix3f &get_DCM_rotation_body_to_ned(void) const = 0;
// get our current position estimate. Return true if a position is available,
// otherwise false. This call fills in lat, lng and alt
virtual bool get_position(struct Location &loc) const WARN_IF_UNUSED = 0;
// get latest altitude estimate above ground level in meters and validity flag
virtual bool get_hagl(float &height) const WARN_IF_UNUSED { return false; }
// return a wind estimation vector, in m/s
virtual Vector3f wind_estimate(void) const = 0;
// return an airspeed estimate if available. return true
// if we have an estimate
virtual bool airspeed_estimate(float &airspeed_ret) const WARN_IF_UNUSED = 0;
// return a true airspeed estimate (navigation airspeed) if
// available. return true if we have an estimate
bool airspeed_estimate_true(float &airspeed_ret) const WARN_IF_UNUSED {
if (!airspeed_estimate(airspeed_ret)) {
return false;
airspeed_ret *= get_EAS2TAS();
return true;
// return estimate of true airspeed vector in body frame in m/s
// returns false if estimate is unavailable
virtual bool airspeed_vector_true(Vector3f &vec) const WARN_IF_UNUSED {
return false;
// return a synthetic airspeed estimate (one derived from sensors
// other than an actual airspeed sensor), if available. return
// true if we have a synthetic airspeed. ret will not be modified
// on failure.
virtual bool synthetic_airspeed(float &ret) const WARN_IF_UNUSED = 0;
// get apparent to true airspeed ratio
float get_EAS2TAS(void) const;
// return true if airspeed comes from an airspeed sensor, as
// opposed to an IMU estimate
bool airspeed_sensor_enabled(void) const {
const AP_Airspeed *_airspeed = AP::airspeed();
return _airspeed != nullptr && _airspeed->use() && _airspeed->healthy();
// return true if airspeed comes from a specific airspeed sensor, as
// opposed to an IMU estimate
bool airspeed_sensor_enabled(uint8_t airspeed_index) const {
const AP_Airspeed *_airspeed = AP::airspeed();
return _airspeed != nullptr && _airspeed->use(airspeed_index) && _airspeed->healthy(airspeed_index);
// return a ground vector estimate in meters/second, in North/East order
virtual Vector2f groundspeed_vector(void) = 0;
// return a ground velocity in meters/second, North/East/Down
// order. This will only be accurate if have_inertial_nav() is
// true
virtual bool get_velocity_NED(Vector3f &vec) const WARN_IF_UNUSED {
return false;
// returns the estimated magnetic field offsets in body frame
virtual bool get_mag_field_correction(Vector3f &ret) const WARN_IF_UNUSED {
return false;
// return a position relative to origin in meters, North/East/Down
// order. This will only be accurate if have_inertial_nav() is
// true
virtual bool get_relative_position_NED_origin(Vector3f &vec) const WARN_IF_UNUSED {
return false;
// return a position relative to origin in meters, North/East
// order. Return true if estimate is valid
virtual bool get_relative_position_NE_origin(Vector2f &vecNE) const WARN_IF_UNUSED {
return false;
// return a Down position relative to origin in meters
// Return true if estimate is valid
virtual bool get_relative_position_D_origin(float &posD) const WARN_IF_UNUSED {
return false;
// return ground speed estimate in meters/second. Used by ground vehicles.
float groundspeed(void) {
return groundspeed_vector().length();
// return true if we will use compass for yaw
virtual bool use_compass(void) = 0;
// helper trig value accessors
float cos_roll() const {
return _cos_roll;
float cos_pitch() const {
return _cos_pitch;
float cos_yaw() const {
return _cos_yaw;
float sin_roll() const {
return _sin_roll;
float sin_pitch() const {
return _sin_pitch;
float sin_yaw() const {
return _sin_yaw;
// return the quaternion defining the rotation from NED to XYZ (body) axes
virtual bool get_quaternion(Quaternion &quat) const WARN_IF_UNUSED = 0;
// return secondary attitude solution if available, as eulers in radians
virtual bool get_secondary_attitude(Vector3f &eulers) const WARN_IF_UNUSED {
return false;
// return secondary attitude solution if available, as quaternion
virtual bool get_secondary_quaternion(Quaternion &quat) const WARN_IF_UNUSED {
return false;
// return secondary position solution if available
virtual bool get_secondary_position(struct Location &loc) const WARN_IF_UNUSED {
return false;
// return true if the AHRS object supports inertial navigation,
// with very accurate position and velocity
virtual bool have_inertial_nav(void) const {
return false;
// is the AHRS subsystem healthy?
virtual bool healthy(void) const = 0;
// true if the AHRS has completed initialisation
virtual bool initialised(void) const {
return true;
// return the amount of yaw angle change due to the last yaw angle reset in radians
// returns the time of the last yaw angle reset or 0 if no reset has ever occurred
virtual uint32_t getLastYawResetAngle(float &yawAng) {
return 0;
// return the amount of NE position change in metres due to the last reset
// returns the time of the last reset or 0 if no reset has ever occurred
virtual uint32_t getLastPosNorthEastReset(Vector2f &pos) WARN_IF_UNUSED {
return 0;
// return the amount of NE velocity change in metres/sec due to the last reset
// returns the time of the last reset or 0 if no reset has ever occurred
virtual uint32_t getLastVelNorthEastReset(Vector2f &vel) const WARN_IF_UNUSED {
return 0;
// return the amount of vertical position change due to the last reset in meters
// returns the time of the last reset or 0 if no reset has ever occurred
virtual uint32_t getLastPosDownReset(float &posDelta) WARN_IF_UNUSED {
return 0;
// Resets the baro so that it reads zero at the current height
// Resets the EKF height to zero
// Adjusts the EKf origin height so that the EKF height + origin height is the same as before
// Returns true if the height datum reset has been performed
// If using a range finder for height no reset is performed and it returns false
virtual bool resetHeightDatum(void) WARN_IF_UNUSED {
return false;
// return the innovations for the specified instance
// An out of range instance (eg -1) returns data for the primary instance
virtual bool get_innovations(Vector3f &velInnov, Vector3f &posInnov, Vector3f &magInnov, float &tasInnov, float &yawInnov) const {
return false;
// get_variances - provides the innovations normalised using the innovation variance where a value of 0
// indicates perfect consistency between the measurement and the EKF solution and a value of of 1 is the maximum
// inconsistency that will be accepted by the filter
// boolean false is returned if variances are not available
virtual bool get_variances(float &velVar, float &posVar, float &hgtVar, Vector3f &magVar, float &tasVar) const {
return false;
// get a source's velocity innovations. source should be from 0 to 7 (see AP_NavEKF_Source::SourceXY)
// returns true on success and results are placed in innovations and variances arguments
virtual bool get_vel_innovations_and_variances_for_source(uint8_t source, Vector3f &innovations, Vector3f &variances) const WARN_IF_UNUSED {
return false;
// Retrieves the corrected NED delta velocity in use by the inertial navigation
virtual void getCorrectedDeltaVelocityNED(Vector3f& ret, float& dt) const {;
AP::ins().get_delta_velocity(ret, dt);
// rotate a 2D vector from earth frame to body frame
// in result, x is forward, y is right
Vector2f earth_to_body2D(const Vector2f &ef_vector) const;
// rotate a 2D vector from earth frame to body frame
// in input, x is forward, y is right
Vector2f body_to_earth2D(const Vector2f &bf) const;
// convert a vector from body to earth frame
Vector3f body_to_earth(const Vector3f &v) const {
return v * get_rotation_body_to_ned();
// convert a vector from earth to body frame
Vector3f earth_to_body(const Vector3f &v) const {
return get_rotation_body_to_ned().mul_transpose(v);
// get_hgt_ctrl_limit - get maximum height to be observed by the
// control loops in meters and a validity flag. It will return
// false when no limiting is required
virtual bool get_hgt_ctrl_limit(float &limit) const WARN_IF_UNUSED { return false; };
// Set to true if the terrain underneath is stable enough to be used as a height reference
// this is not related to terrain following
virtual void set_terrain_hgt_stable(bool stable) {}
// Write position and quaternion data from an external navigation system
virtual void writeExtNavData(const Vector3f &pos, const Quaternion &quat, float posErr, float angErr, uint32_t timeStamp_ms, uint16_t delay_ms, uint32_t resetTime_ms) { }
// Write velocity data from an external navigation system
virtual void writeExtNavVelData(const Vector3f &vel, float err, uint32_t timeStamp_ms, uint16_t delay_ms) { }
// return current vibration vector for primary IMU
Vector3f get_vibration(void) const;
// set and save the alt noise parameter value
virtual void set_alt_measurement_noise(float noise) {};
// allow threads to lock against AHRS update
HAL_Semaphore &get_semaphore(void) {
return _rsem;
// Logging to disk functions
void Write_AHRS2(void) const;
void Write_Attitude(const Vector3f &targets) const;
void Write_Origin(uint8_t origin_type, const Location &loc) const;
void Write_POS(void) const;
enum class GPSUse : uint8_t {
Disable = 0,
Enable = 1,
EnableWithHeight = 2,
AP_Enum<GPSUse> _gps_use;
// multi-thread access support
HAL_Semaphore _rsem;
// calculate sin/cos of roll/pitch/yaw from rotation
void calc_trig(const Matrix3f &rot,
float &cr, float &cp, float &cy,
float &sr, float &sp, float &sy) const;
// update_trig - recalculates _cos_roll, _cos_pitch, etc based on latest attitude
// should be called after _dcm_matrix is updated
void update_trig(void);
// update roll_sensor, pitch_sensor and yaw_sensor
void update_cd_values(void);
// accelerometer values in the earth frame in m/s/s
Vector3f _accel_ef[INS_MAX_INSTANCES];
Vector3f _accel_ef_blended;
// helper trig variables
float _cos_roll{1.0f};
float _cos_pitch{1.0f};
float _cos_yaw{1.0f};
float _sin_roll;
float _sin_pitch;
float _sin_yaw;