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synced 2025-03-03 04:03:59 -04:00
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102 lines
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# example airshow in a loadable file
# to use the airshow put the file on your microSD in the root
# directory with name trickNN.txt where NN is the command ID you want
# to assign. The trick can then be used in auto missions or in
# TRIKn_ID commands for tricks on a switch
# you can use name: to give your sequence a name
name: SuperAirShow
# you can add new path functions, following the same syntax
# as in the main plane_aerobatics.lua
function triangular_loop(radius, height, arg3, arg4) -- triangle
local h1 = radius * math.sin(math.rad(45))
local h2 = (2 * radius) - (radius * math.cos(math.rad(45)))
local h3 = height - (2 * radius)
local side = h3 / math.cos(math.rad(45))
--local base = (h3 + (2 * (radius - radius * math.cos(math.rad(45))))) - (2 * radius)
local base = (2 * (h3 + radius)) - 2 * radius
return make_paths("triangular_loop", {
{ path_straight(base * 1/5), roll_angle(180) },
{ path_straight(base * 2/5), roll_angle(0) },
{ path_vertical_arc(radius, 135) , roll_angle(0) },
{ path_straight(side*2/9), roll_angle(0) },
{ path_straight(side*2/9), roll_angle(90) },
{ path_straight(side*1/9), roll_angle(0) },
{ path_straight(side*2/9), roll_angle(90) },
{ path_straight(side*2/9), roll_angle(0) },
{ path_vertical_arc(radius, 90), roll_angle(0) },
{ path_straight(side*2/9), roll_angle(0) },
{ path_straight(side*2/9), roll_angle(90) },
{ path_straight(side*1/9), roll_angle(0) },
{ path_straight(side*2/9), roll_angle(90) },
{ path_straight(side*2/9), roll_angle(0) },
{ path_vertical_arc(radius, 135), roll_angle(0) },
{ path_straight(base * 2/5), roll_angle(0) },
{ path_straight(base * 1/5), roll_angle(180) },
{ path_straight(base * 2/5), roll_angle(0) },
# a cross-box tophat, used to get us back on track after the barrell roll
function crossbox_tophat(radius, height, width, arg4) -- top hat
local w = width - 2*radius
return make_paths('crossbox_tophat', {
{ path_vertical_arc(radius, 90), roll_angle(0) },
{ path_straight((height-2*radius)), roll_sequence({{1,0}, {1, 90}, {1, 0}}), set_orient=qorient(0,90,90) },
{ path_vertical_arc(-radius, 90), roll_angle(0), set_orient=qorient(180,0,90) },
{ path_straight(w), roll_angle(0) },
{ path_vertical_arc(radius, 90), roll_angle(0), set_orient=qorient(0,-90,90) },
{ path_straight((height-2*radius)), roll_sequence({{1,0}, {1, -90}, {1, 0}}), set_orient=qorient(0,-90,180) },
{ path_vertical_arc(radius, 90), roll_angle(0), set_orient=qorient(0,0,180) },
# you can add messages to display on the GCS/OSD while flying
message: Loop
loop 25 0 1
align_box 1
message: HalfReverseCubanEight
half_reverse_cuban_eight 25
message: ScaleFigureEight
scale_figure_eight -40 -45
align_box 1
message: Immelmann
immelmann_turn 30
message: Roll
straight_roll 80 2
align_box 1
message: Split-S
split_s 30
message: RollingCircle
rolling_circle -75 1
align_box 1
message: HumptyBump
humpty_bump 20 60
align_box 1
message: HalfCubanEight
half_cuban_eight 25
message: BarrelRoll
barrel_roll 30 100 2
align_box 1
message: CrossBoxTopHat
crossbox_tophat 20 60 60
message: TriangularLoop
triangular_loop 20 60