mirror of https://github.com/ArduPilot/ardupilot
225 lines
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225 lines
7.5 KiB
#pragma once
#include "AP_HAL_Namespace.h"
#include <stdint.h>
/* Define the CH_n names, indexed from 1, if we don't have them already */
#ifndef CH_1
#define CH_1 0
#define CH_2 1
#define CH_3 2
#define CH_4 3
#define CH_5 4
#define CH_6 5
#define CH_7 6
#define CH_8 7
#define CH_9 8
#define CH_10 9
#define CH_11 10
#define CH_12 11
#define CH_13 12
#define CH_14 13
#define CH_15 14
#define CH_16 15
#define CH_17 16
#define CH_18 17
#define CH_NONE 255
class ByteBuffer;
class AP_HAL::RCOutput {
virtual void init() = 0;
/* Output freq (1/period) control */
virtual void set_freq(uint32_t chmask, uint16_t freq_hz) = 0;
virtual uint16_t get_freq(uint8_t chan) = 0;
/* Output active/highZ control, either by single channel at a time
* or a mask of channels */
virtual void enable_ch(uint8_t chan) = 0;
virtual void disable_ch(uint8_t chan) = 0;
* Output a single channel, possibly grouped with previous writes if
* cork() has been called before.
virtual void write(uint8_t chan, uint16_t period_us) = 0;
* mark the channels in chanmask as reversible. This is needed for some ESC types (such as DShot)
* so that output scaling can be performed correctly. The chanmask passed is added (ORed) into
* any existing mask.
virtual void set_reversible_mask(uint16_t chanmask) {}
* Delay subsequent calls to write() going to the underlying hardware in
* order to group related writes together. When all the needed writes are
* done, call push() to commit the changes.
virtual void cork() = 0;
* Push pending changes to the underlying hardware. All changes between a
* call to cork() and push() are pushed together in a single transaction.
virtual void push() = 0;
/* Read back current output state, as either single channel or
* array of channels. On boards that have a separate IO controller,
* this returns the latest output value that the IO controller has
* reported */
virtual uint16_t read(uint8_t chan) = 0;
virtual void read(uint16_t* period_us, uint8_t len) = 0;
/* Read the current input state. This returns the last value that was written. */
virtual uint16_t read_last_sent(uint8_t chan) { return read(chan); }
virtual void read_last_sent(uint16_t* period_us, uint8_t len) { read(period_us, len); };
set PWM to send to a set of channels when the safety switch is
in the safe state
virtual void set_safety_pwm(uint32_t chmask, uint16_t period_us) {}
set PWM to send to a set of channels if the FMU firmware dies
virtual void set_failsafe_pwm(uint32_t chmask, uint16_t period_us) {}
force the safety switch on, disabling PWM output from the IO board
return false (indicating failure) by default so that boards with no safety switch
do not need to implement this method
virtual bool force_safety_on(void) { return false; }
force the safety switch off, enabling PWM output from the IO board
virtual void force_safety_off(void) {}
setup scaling of ESC output for ESCs that can output a
percentage of power (such as UAVCAN ESCs). The values are in
microseconds, and represent minimum and maximum PWM values which
will be used to convert channel writes into a percentage
virtual void set_esc_scaling(uint16_t min_pwm, uint16_t max_pwm) {}
return ESC scaling value from set_esc_scaling()
virtual bool get_esc_scaling(uint16_t &min_pwm, uint16_t &max_pwm) { return false; }
returns the pwm value scaled to [-1;1] regrading to set_esc_scaling ranges range without constraints.
virtual float scale_esc_to_unity(uint16_t pwm) { return 0; }
enable PX4IO SBUS out at the given rate
virtual bool enable_px4io_sbus_out(uint16_t rate_hz) { return false; }
* Optional method to control the update of the motors. Derived classes
* can implement it if their HAL layer requires.
virtual void timer_tick(void) { }
setup for serial output to an ESC using the given
baudrate. Assumes 1 start bit, 1 stop bit, LSB first and 8
databits. This is used for passthrough ESC configuration and
firmware flashing
While serial output is active normal output to all channels in
the chanmask is suspended. Output to some other channels (such
as those in the same channel timer groups) may also be stopped,
depending on the implementation
virtual bool serial_setup_output(uint8_t chan, uint32_t baudrate, uint16_t chanmask) { return false; }
write a set of bytes to an ESC, using settings from
serial_setup_output. This is a blocking call
virtual bool serial_write_bytes(const uint8_t *bytes, uint16_t len) { return false; }
read a series of bytes from a port, using serial parameters from serial_setup_output()
return the number of bytes read. This is a blocking call
virtual uint16_t serial_read_bytes(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t len) { return 0; }
stop serial output. This restores the previous output mode for
the channel and any other channels that were stopped by
virtual void serial_end(void) {}
output modes. Allows for support of PWM, oneshot and dshot
enum output_mode {
MODE_NEOPIXEL, // same as MODE_PWM_DSHOT at 800kHz but it's an LED
MODE_PROFILED, // same as MODE_PWM_DSHOT using separate clock and data
virtual void set_output_mode(uint16_t mask, enum output_mode mode) {}
* get output mode banner to inform user of how outputs are configured
virtual bool get_output_mode_banner(char banner_msg[], uint8_t banner_msg_len) const { return false; }
set default update rate
virtual void set_default_rate(uint16_t rate_hz) {}
enable telemetry request for a mask of channels. This is used
with DShot to get telemetry feedback
virtual void set_telem_request_mask(uint16_t mask) {}
setup serial led output for a given channel number, with
the given max number of LEDs in the chain.
virtual bool set_serial_led_num_LEDs(const uint16_t chan, uint8_t num_leds, output_mode mode = MODE_PWM_NONE, uint16_t clock_mask = 0) { return false; }
setup serial led output data for a given output channel
and led number. A led number of -1 means all LEDs. LED 0 is the first LED
virtual void set_serial_led_rgb_data(const uint16_t chan, int8_t led, uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue) {}
trigger send of serial led
virtual void serial_led_send(const uint16_t chan) {}
// helper functions for implementation of get_output_mode_banner
void append_to_banner(char banner_msg[], uint8_t banner_msg_len, output_mode out_mode, uint8_t low_ch, uint8_t high_ch) const;
const char* get_output_mode_string(enum output_mode out_mode) const;