set timer counter size to be a byte wide
build iomcu-dshot from existing iomcu
correct defines for DMAR size on iomcu
allow iomcu dshot rate to be configured from FMU
correct DMA allocation for dshot on iomcu
allow debug builds on iofirmware
ensure dshot is enabled on iomcu dshot
support proper iomcu dshot output thread triggered by FMU
allow selective disablement of serial LEDs and passthrough
disable serial LEDs and passthrough on iomcu-dshot
propagate ESC telemetry to iomcu
dshot_send_groups() for iomcu
remove use of ICU on iomcu for dshot. only allocate possible DMA channels
rename serial passthrough and dshot defines
update dshot docs
resize dshot iomcu main stack to minimum
correct dshot prescaler usage and bit_width_mul calculation
use ChibiOS in tickless mode on iomcu-dshot so that virtual timers can be used
propagate dshot commands to iomcu
passthrough oneshot125 to iomcu
this doesn't actually allow you to specify a default, despite the name
and a couple of hwdefs trying to use it that way.
This would have stopped being useful when we did the
compass-prority-table stuff - or before.