RC input is configured on the R6 (UART6_RX) pin. It supports all RC
protocols except PPM. For protocols requiring half-duplex serial to transmit
telemetry (such as FPort) you should configure SERIAL6 with half-duplex, pin-swap
and inversion enabled.
## FrSky Telemetry
FrSky Telemetry is supported using the Tx pin of any UART including SERIAL6/UART6 . You need to set the following parameters to enable support for FrSky S.PORT (example shows SERIAL6).
## OSD Support
The KakuteH7 v2 supports OSD using OSD_TYPE 1 (MAX7456 driver).
## VTX Support
The JST-GH-6P connector supports a standard DJI HD VTX connection. Pin 1 of the connector is 9v so be careful not to connect
this to a peripheral requiring 5v. The 9v supply is controlled by RELAY2_PIN and is on by default. It can be configured to be operated by an RC switch by selecting the function RELAY2.