<description>Mid Level commands sent from the GS to the autopilot. These are only sent when being operated in mid-level commands mode from the ground.</description>
<fieldname="target"type="uint8_t">The system setting the commands</field>
<fieldname="hCommand"type="float">Commanded Altitude in meters</field>
<fieldname="uCommand"type="float">Commanded Airspeed in m/s</field>
<fieldname="rCommand"type="float">Commanded Turnrate in rad/s</field>
<description>This message sets the control surfaces for selective passthrough mode.</description>
<fieldname="target"type="uint8_t">The system setting the commands</field>
<fieldname="bitfieldPt"type="uint16_t">Bitfield containing the passthrough configuration, see CONTROL_SURFACE_FLAG ENUM.</field>
<description>Orders generated to the SLUGS camera mount. </description>
<fieldname="target"type="uint8_t">The system reporting the action</field>
<fieldname="pan"type="int8_t">Order the mount to pan: -1 left, 0 No pan motion, +1 right</field>
<fieldname="tilt"type="int8_t">Order the mount to tilt: -1 down, 0 No tilt motion, +1 up</field>
<fieldname="zoom"type="int8_t">Order the zoom values 0 to 10</field>
<fieldname="moveHome"type="int8_t">Orders the camera mount to move home. The other fields are ignored when this field is set. 1: move home, 0 ignored</field>
<description>Control for surface; pending and order to origin.</description>
<fieldname="target"type="uint8_t">The system setting the commands</field>
<fieldname="idSurface"type="uint8_t">ID control surface send 0: throttle 1: aileron 2: elevator 3: rudder</field>
<fieldname="bControl"type="float">Order to origin</field>
<!-- Moved into MAV_CMD_RETURN_TO_BASE -->
<description>Orders SLUGS to RTB. It also decides to either track a mobile or RTB </description>
<fieldname="target"type="uint8_t">The system ordered to RTB</field>
<fieldname="rtb"type="uint8_t">Order SLUGS to: 0: Stop RTB and resume flight; 1: RTB</field>
<fieldname="track_mobile"type="uint8_t">Order SLUGS to: 0: RTB to GS Location; 1: Track mobile </field>
<description>Transmits the last known position of the mobile GS to the UAV. Very relevant when Track Mobile is enabled</description>
<fieldname="target"type="uint8_t">The system reporting the action</field>
<fieldname="turn"type="uint8_t">Order turn on lights 1: Turn on; 0: Turn off</field>
<description>Transmits the readings from the voltage and current sensors</description>
<fieldname="r2Type"type="uint8_t">It is the value of reading 2: 0 - Current, 1 - Foreward Sonar, 2 - Back Sonar, 3 - RPM</field>
<fieldname="voltage"type="uint16_t">Voltage in uS of PWM. 0 uS = 0V, 20 uS = 21.5V </field>
<fieldname="reading2"type="uint16_t">Depends on the value of r2Type (0) Current consumption in uS of PWM, 20 uS = 90Amp (1) Distance in cm (2) Distance in cm (3) Absolute value</field>
<description>Transmits the actual Pan, Tilt and Zoom values of the camera unit</description>
<fieldname="zoom"type="uint8_t">The actual Zoom Value</field>
<fieldname="pan"type="int16_t">The Pan value in 10ths of degree</field>
<fieldname="tilt"type="int16_t">The Tilt value in 10ths of degree</field>
<description>Transmits the actual status values UAV in flight</description>
<fieldname="target"type="uint8_t">The ID system reporting the action</field>
<fieldname="magDir"type="int8_t"> Magnetic variation direction E/W. Easterly variation (E) subtracts from True course and Westerly variation (W) adds to True course</field>
<fieldname="modeInd"type="uint8_t"> Positioning system mode indicator. A - Autonomous;D-Differential; E-Estimated (dead reckoning) mode;M-Manual input; N-Data not valid</field>
<description>Transmits the diagnostics data from the Novatel OEMStar GPS</description>
<fieldname="timeStatus"type="uint8_t">The Time Status. See Table 8 page 27 Novatel OEMStar Manual</field>
<fieldname="receiverStatus"type="uint32_t">Status Bitfield. See table 69 page 350 Novatel OEMstar Manual</field>
<fieldname="solStatus"type="uint8_t">solution Status. See table 44 page 197</field>
<fieldname="posType"type="uint8_t">position type. See table 43 page 196</field>
<fieldname="velType"type="uint8_t">velocity type. See table 43 page 196</field>
<fieldname="posSolAge"type="float">Age of the position solution in seconds</field>
<fieldname="csFails"type="uint16_t">Times the CRC has failed since boot</field>
<description>Diagnostic data Sensor MCU</description>
<fieldname="float1"type="float">Float field 1</field>
<fieldname="float2"type="float">Float field 2</field>
<fieldname="int1"type="int16_t">Int 16 field 1</field>
<fieldname="char1"type="int8_t">Int 8 field 1</field>
<description>The boot message indicates that a system is starting. The onboard software version allows to keep track of onboard soft/firmware revisions. This message allows the sensor and control MCUs to communicate version numbers on startup.</description>