
791 lines
25 KiB

"""A flow graph representation for Python bytecode"""
import dis
import new
import string
import sys
import types
from compiler import misc
from compiler.consts import CO_OPTIMIZED, CO_NEWLOCALS, CO_VARARGS, \
def xxx_sort(l):
l = l[:]
def sorter(a, b):
return cmp(a.bid, b.bid)
return l
class FlowGraph:
def __init__(self):
self.current = self.entry = Block()
self.exit = Block("exit")
self.blocks = misc.Set()
def startBlock(self, block):
if self._debug:
if self.current:
print "end", repr(self.current)
print " next", self.current.next
print " ", self.current.get_children()
print repr(block)
self.current = block
def nextBlock(self, block=None):
# XXX think we need to specify when there is implicit transfer
# from one block to the next. might be better to represent this
# with explicit JUMP_ABSOLUTE instructions that are optimized
# out when they are unnecessary.
# I think this strategy works: each block has a child
# designated as "next" which is returned as the last of the
# children. because the nodes in a graph are emitted in
# reverse post order, the "next" block will always be emitted
# immediately after its parent.
# Worry: maintaining this invariant could be tricky
if block is None:
block = self.newBlock()
# Note: If the current block ends with an unconditional
# control transfer, then it is incorrect to add an implicit
# transfer to the block graph. The current code requires
# these edges to get the blocks emitted in the right order,
# however. :-( If a client needs to remove these edges, call
# pruneEdges().
def newBlock(self):
b = Block()
return b
def startExitBlock(self):
_debug = 0
def _enable_debug(self):
self._debug = 1
def _disable_debug(self):
self._debug = 0
def emit(self, *inst):
if self._debug:
print "\t", inst
if inst[0] == 'RETURN_VALUE':
if len(inst) == 2 and isinstance(inst[1], Block):
def getBlocksInOrder(self):
"""Return the blocks in reverse postorder
i.e. each node appears before all of its successors
# XXX make sure every node that doesn't have an explicit next
# is set so that next points to exit
for b in self.blocks.elements():
if b is self.exit:
if not b.next:
order = dfs_postorder(self.entry, {})
self.fixupOrder(order, self.exit)
# hack alert
if not self.exit in order:
return order
def fixupOrder(self, blocks, default_next):
"""Fixup bad order introduced by DFS."""
# XXX This is a total mess. There must be a better way to get
# the code blocks in the right order.
self.fixupOrderHonorNext(blocks, default_next)
self.fixupOrderForward(blocks, default_next)
def fixupOrderHonorNext(self, blocks, default_next):
"""Fix one problem with DFS.
The DFS uses child block, but doesn't know about the special
"next" block. As a result, the DFS can order blocks so that a
block isn't next to the right block for implicit control
index = {}
for i in range(len(blocks)):
index[blocks[i]] = i
for i in range(0, len(blocks) - 1):
b = blocks[i]
n = blocks[i + 1]
if not b.next or b.next[0] == default_next or b.next[0] == n:
# The blocks are in the wrong order. Find the chain of
# blocks to insert where they belong.
cur = b
chain = []
elt = cur
while elt.next and elt.next[0] != default_next:
elt = elt.next[0]
# Now remove the blocks in the chain from the current
# block list, so that they can be re-inserted.
l = []
for b in chain:
assert index[b] > i
l.append((index[b], b))
for j, b in l:
del blocks[index[b]]
# Insert the chain in the proper location
blocks[i:i + 1] = [cur] + chain
# Finally, re-compute the block indexes
for i in range(len(blocks)):
index[blocks[i]] = i
def fixupOrderForward(self, blocks, default_next):
"""Make sure all JUMP_FORWARDs jump forward"""
index = {}
chains = []
cur = []
for b in blocks:
index[b] = len(chains)
if b.next and b.next[0] == default_next:
cur = []
while 1:
constraints = []
for i in range(len(chains)):
l = chains[i]
for b in l:
for c in b.get_children():
if index[c] < i:
forward_p = 0
for inst in b.insts:
if inst[0] == 'JUMP_FORWARD':
if inst[1] == c:
forward_p = 1
if not forward_p:
constraints.append((index[c], i))
if not constraints:
# XXX just do one for now
# do swaps to get things in the right order
goes_before, a_chain = constraints[0]
assert a_chain > goes_before
c = chains[a_chain]
chains.insert(goes_before, c)
del blocks[:]
for c in chains:
for b in c:
def getBlocks(self):
return self.blocks.elements()
def getRoot(self):
"""Return nodes appropriate for use with dominator"""
return self.entry
def getContainedGraphs(self):
l = []
for b in self.getBlocks():
return l
def dfs_postorder(b, seen):
"""Depth-first search of tree rooted at b, return in postorder"""
order = []
seen[b] = b
for c in b.get_children():
if seen.has_key(c):
order = order + dfs_postorder(c, seen)
return order
class Block:
_count = 0
def __init__(self, label=''):
self.insts = []
self.inEdges = misc.Set()
self.outEdges = misc.Set()
self.label = label
self.bid = Block._count
self.next = []
Block._count = Block._count + 1
def __repr__(self):
if self.label:
return "<block %s id=%d>" % (self.label, self.bid)
return "<block id=%d>" % (self.bid)
def __str__(self):
insts = map(str, self.insts)
return "<block %s %d:\n%s>" % (self.label, self.bid,
string.join(insts, '\n'))
def emit(self, inst):
op = inst[0]
if op[:4] == 'JUMP':
def getInstructions(self):
return self.insts
def addInEdge(self, block):
def addOutEdge(self, block):
def addNext(self, block):
assert len(self.next) == 1, map(str, self.next)
_uncond_transfer = ('RETURN_VALUE', 'RAISE_VARARGS',
def pruneNext(self):
"""Remove bogus edge for unconditional transfers
Each block has a next edge that accounts for implicit control
transfers, e.g. from a JUMP_IF_FALSE to the block that will be
executed if the test is true.
These edges must remain for the current assembler code to
work. If they are removed, the dfs_postorder gets things in
weird orders. However, they shouldn't be there for other
purposes, e.g. conversion to SSA form. This method will
remove the next edge when it follows an unconditional control
op, arg = self.insts[-1]
except (IndexError, ValueError):
if op in self._uncond_transfer:
self.next = []
def get_children(self):
if self.next and self.next[0] in self.outEdges:
return self.outEdges.elements() + self.next
def getContainedGraphs(self):
"""Return all graphs contained within this block.
For example, a MAKE_FUNCTION block will contain a reference to
the graph for the function body.
contained = []
for inst in self.insts:
if len(inst) == 1:
op = inst[1]
if hasattr(op, 'graph'):
return contained
# flags for code objects
# the FlowGraph is transformed in place; it exists in one of these states
class PyFlowGraph(FlowGraph):
super_init = FlowGraph.__init__
def __init__(self, name, filename, args=(), optimized=0, klass=None):
self.name = name
self.filename = filename
self.docstring = None
self.args = args # XXX
self.argcount = getArgCount(args)
self.klass = klass
if optimized:
self.flags = 0
self.consts = []
self.names = []
# Free variables found by the symbol table scan, including
# variables used only in nested scopes, are included here.
self.freevars = []
self.cellvars = []
# The closure list is used to track the order of cell
# variables and free variables in the resulting code object.
# The offsets used by LOAD_CLOSURE/LOAD_DEREF refer to both
# kinds of variables.
self.closure = []
self.varnames = list(args) or []
for i in range(len(self.varnames)):
var = self.varnames[i]
if isinstance(var, TupleArg):
self.varnames[i] = var.getName()
self.stage = RAW
def setDocstring(self, doc):
self.docstring = doc
def setFlag(self, flag):
self.flags = self.flags | flag
if flag == CO_VARARGS:
self.argcount = self.argcount - 1
def setFreeVars(self, names):
self.freevars = list(names)
def setCellVars(self, names):
self.cellvars = names
def getCode(self):
"""Get a Python code object"""
if self.stage == RAW:
if self.stage == FLAT:
if self.stage == CONV:
if self.stage == DONE:
return self.newCodeObject()
raise RuntimeError, "inconsistent PyFlowGraph state"
def dump(self, io=None):
if io:
save = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = io
pc = 0
for t in self.insts:
opname = t[0]
if opname == "SET_LINENO":
if len(t) == 1:
print "\t", "%3d" % pc, opname
pc = pc + 1
print "\t", "%3d" % pc, opname, t[1]
pc = pc + 3
if io:
sys.stdout = save
def flattenGraph(self):
"""Arrange the blocks in order and resolve jumps"""
assert self.stage == RAW
self.insts = insts = []
pc = 0
begin = {}
end = {}
for b in self.getBlocksInOrder():
begin[b] = pc
for inst in b.getInstructions():
if len(inst) == 1:
pc = pc + 1
# arg takes 2 bytes
pc = pc + 3
end[b] = pc
pc = 0
for i in range(len(insts)):
inst = insts[i]
if len(inst) == 1:
pc = pc + 1
pc = pc + 3
opname = inst[0]
if self.hasjrel.has_elt(opname):
oparg = inst[1]
offset = begin[oparg] - pc
insts[i] = opname, offset
elif self.hasjabs.has_elt(opname):
insts[i] = opname, begin[inst[1]]
self.stacksize = findDepth(self.insts)
self.stage = FLAT
hasjrel = misc.Set()
for i in dis.hasjrel:
hasjabs = misc.Set()
for i in dis.hasjabs:
def convertArgs(self):
"""Convert arguments from symbolic to concrete form"""
assert self.stage == FLAT
self.consts.insert(0, self.docstring)
for i in range(len(self.insts)):
t = self.insts[i]
if len(t) == 2:
opname, oparg = t
conv = self._converters.get(opname, None)
if conv:
self.insts[i] = opname, conv(self, oparg)
self.stage = CONV
def sort_cellvars(self):
"""Sort cellvars in the order of varnames and prune from freevars.
cells = {}
for name in self.cellvars:
cells[name] = 1
self.cellvars = [name for name in self.varnames
if cells.has_key(name)]
for name in self.cellvars:
del cells[name]
self.cellvars = self.cellvars + cells.keys()
self.closure = self.cellvars + self.freevars
def _lookupName(self, name, list):
"""Return index of name in list, appending if necessary
This routine uses a list instead of a dictionary, because a
dictionary can't store two different keys if the keys have the
same value but different types, e.g. 2 and 2L. The compiler
must treat these two separately, so it does an explicit type
comparison before comparing the values.
t = type(name)
for i in range(len(list)):
if t == type(list[i]) and list[i] == name:
return i
end = len(list)
return end
_converters = {}
def _convert_LOAD_CONST(self, arg):
if hasattr(arg, 'getCode'):
arg = arg.getCode()
return self._lookupName(arg, self.consts)
def _convert_LOAD_FAST(self, arg):
self._lookupName(arg, self.names)
return self._lookupName(arg, self.varnames)
_convert_STORE_FAST = _convert_LOAD_FAST
_convert_DELETE_FAST = _convert_LOAD_FAST
def _convert_LOAD_NAME(self, arg):
if self.klass is None:
self._lookupName(arg, self.varnames)
return self._lookupName(arg, self.names)
def _convert_NAME(self, arg):
if self.klass is None:
self._lookupName(arg, self.varnames)
return self._lookupName(arg, self.names)
_convert_STORE_NAME = _convert_NAME
_convert_DELETE_NAME = _convert_NAME
_convert_IMPORT_NAME = _convert_NAME
_convert_IMPORT_FROM = _convert_NAME
_convert_STORE_ATTR = _convert_NAME
_convert_LOAD_ATTR = _convert_NAME
_convert_DELETE_ATTR = _convert_NAME
_convert_LOAD_GLOBAL = _convert_NAME
_convert_STORE_GLOBAL = _convert_NAME
_convert_DELETE_GLOBAL = _convert_NAME
def _convert_DEREF(self, arg):
self._lookupName(arg, self.names)
self._lookupName(arg, self.varnames)
return self._lookupName(arg, self.closure)
_convert_LOAD_DEREF = _convert_DEREF
_convert_STORE_DEREF = _convert_DEREF
def _convert_LOAD_CLOSURE(self, arg):
self._lookupName(arg, self.varnames)
return self._lookupName(arg, self.closure)
_cmp = list(dis.cmp_op)
def _convert_COMPARE_OP(self, arg):
return self._cmp.index(arg)
# similarly for other opcodes...
for name, obj in locals().items():
if name[:9] == "_convert_":
opname = name[9:]
_converters[opname] = obj
del name, obj, opname
def makeByteCode(self):
assert self.stage == CONV
self.lnotab = lnotab = LineAddrTable()
for t in self.insts:
opname = t[0]
if len(t) == 1:
oparg = t[1]
if opname == "SET_LINENO":
hi, lo = twobyte(oparg)
lnotab.addCode(self.opnum[opname], lo, hi)
except ValueError:
print opname, oparg
print self.opnum[opname], lo, hi
self.stage = DONE
opnum = {}
for num in range(len(dis.opname)):
opnum[dis.opname[num]] = num
del num
def newCodeObject(self):
assert self.stage == DONE
if self.flags == 0:
nlocals = 0
nlocals = len(self.varnames)
argcount = self.argcount
if self.flags & CO_VARKEYWORDS:
argcount = argcount - 1
return new.code(argcount, nlocals, self.stacksize, self.flags,
self.lnotab.getCode(), self.getConsts(),
tuple(self.names), tuple(self.varnames),
self.filename, self.name, self.lnotab.firstline,
self.lnotab.getTable(), tuple(self.freevars),
def getConsts(self):
"""Return a tuple for the const slot of the code object
Must convert references to code (MAKE_FUNCTION) to code
objects recursively.
l = []
for elt in self.consts:
if isinstance(elt, PyFlowGraph):
elt = elt.getCode()
return tuple(l)
def isJump(opname):
if opname[:4] == 'JUMP':
return 1
class TupleArg:
"""Helper for marking func defs with nested tuples in arglist"""
def __init__(self, count, names):
self.count = count
self.names = names
def __repr__(self):
return "TupleArg(%s, %s)" % (self.count, self.names)
def getName(self):
return ".%d" % self.count
def getArgCount(args):
argcount = len(args)
if args:
for arg in args:
if isinstance(arg, TupleArg):
numNames = len(misc.flatten(arg.names))
argcount = argcount - numNames
return argcount
def twobyte(val):
"""Convert an int argument into high and low bytes"""
assert type(val) == types.IntType
return divmod(val, 256)
class LineAddrTable:
This class builds the lnotab, which is documented in compile.c.
Here's a brief recap:
For each SET_LINENO instruction after the first one, two bytes are
added to lnotab. (In some cases, multiple two-byte entries are
added.) The first byte is the distance in bytes between the
instruction for the last SET_LINENO and the current SET_LINENO.
The second byte is offset in line numbers. If either offset is
greater than 255, multiple two-byte entries are added -- see
compile.c for the delicate details.
def __init__(self):
self.code = []
self.codeOffset = 0
self.firstline = 0
self.lastline = 0
self.lastoff = 0
self.lnotab = []
def addCode(self, *args):
for arg in args:
self.codeOffset = self.codeOffset + len(args)
def nextLine(self, lineno):
if self.firstline == 0:
self.firstline = lineno
self.lastline = lineno
# compute deltas
addr = self.codeOffset - self.lastoff
line = lineno - self.lastline
# Python assumes that lineno always increases with
# increasing bytecode address (lnotab is unsigned char).
# Depending on when SET_LINENO instructions are emitted
# this is not always true. Consider the code:
# a = (1,
# b)
# In the bytecode stream, the assignment to "a" occurs
# after the loading of "b". This works with the C Python
# compiler because it only generates a SET_LINENO instruction
# for the assignment.
if line > 0:
push = self.lnotab.append
while addr > 255:
push(255); push(0)
addr -= 255
while line > 255:
push(addr); push(255)
line -= 255
addr = 0
if addr > 0 or line > 0:
push(addr); push(line)
self.lastline = lineno
self.lastoff = self.codeOffset
def getCode(self):
return string.join(self.code, '')
def getTable(self):
return string.join(map(chr, self.lnotab), '')
class StackDepthTracker:
# XXX 1. need to keep track of stack depth on jumps
# XXX 2. at least partly as a result, this code is broken
def findDepth(self, insts):
depth = 0
maxDepth = 0
for i in insts:
opname = i[0]
delta = self.effect.get(opname, 0)
if delta > 1:
depth = depth + delta
elif delta < 0:
if depth > maxDepth:
maxDepth = depth
depth = depth + delta
if depth > maxDepth:
maxDepth = depth
# now check patterns
for pat, pat_delta in self.patterns:
if opname[:len(pat)] == pat:
delta = pat_delta
depth = depth + delta
# if we still haven't found a match
if delta == 0:
meth = getattr(self, opname, None)
if meth is not None:
depth = depth + meth(i[1])
if depth < 0:
depth = 0
return maxDepth
effect = {
'POP_TOP': -1,
'DUP_TOP': 1,
'SLICE+1': -1,
'SLICE+2': -1,
'SLICE+3': -2,
'STORE_SLICE+0': -1,
'STORE_SLICE+1': -2,
'STORE_SLICE+2': -2,
'STORE_SLICE+3': -3,
'EXEC_STMT': -3,
# close enough...
'FOR_ITER': 1,
# use pattern match
patterns = [
('BINARY_', -1),
('LOAD_', 1),
# special cases:
def UNPACK_SEQUENCE(self, count):
return count-1
def BUILD_TUPLE(self, count):
return -count+1
def BUILD_LIST(self, count):
return -count+1
def CALL_FUNCTION(self, argc):
hi, lo = divmod(argc, 256)
return lo + hi * 2
def CALL_FUNCTION_VAR(self, argc):
return self.CALL_FUNCTION(argc)+1
def CALL_FUNCTION_KW(self, argc):
return self.CALL_FUNCTION(argc)+1
def CALL_FUNCTION_VAR_KW(self, argc):
return self.CALL_FUNCTION(argc)+2
def MAKE_FUNCTION(self, argc):
return -argc
def BUILD_SLICE(self, argc):
if argc == 2:
return -1
elif argc == 3:
return -2
findDepth = StackDepthTracker().findDepth