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\subsection{ctypes reference\label{ctypes-reference}}
% functions
\subsubsection{ctypes functions}
Returns the address of the memory buffer as integer. \var{obj} must
be an instance of a ctypes type.
Returns the alignment requirements of a ctypes type.
\var{obj_or_type} must be a ctypes type or an instance.
This exception is raised when a foreign function call cannot convert
one of the passed arguments.
Returns a light-weight pointer to \var{obj}, which must be an instance
of a ctypes type. The returned object can only be used as a foreign
function call parameter. It behaves similar to \code{pointer(obj)},
but the construction is a lot faster.
\begin{funcdesc}{cast}{obj, type}
This function is similar to the cast operator in C. It returns a new
instance of \var{type} which points to the same memory block as
\code{obj}. \code{type} must be a pointer type, and \code{obj}
must be an object that can be interpreted as a pointer.
\begin{funcdesc}{CFUNCTYPE}{restype, *argtypes}
This is a factory function that returns a function prototype. The
function prototype describes a function that has a result type of
\code{restype}, and accepts arguments as specified by \code{argtypes}.
The function prototype can be used to construct several kinds of
functions, depending on how the prototype is called.
The prototypes returned by \code{CFUNCTYPE} or \code{PYFUNCTYPE}
create functions that use the standard C calling convention,
prototypes returned from \code{WINFUNCTYPE} (on Windows) use the
\code{__stdcall} calling convention.
Functions created by calling the \code{CFUNCTYPE} and
\code{WINFUNCTYPE} prototypes release the Python GIL
before entering the foreign function, and acquire it back after
leaving the function code.
\begin{funcdesc}{create_string_buffer}{init_or_size\optional{, size}}
This function creates a mutable character buffer. The returned object
is a ctypes array of \code{c_char}.
\var{init_or_size} must be an integer which specifies the size of the
array, or a string which will be used to initialize the array items.
If a string is specified as first argument, the buffer is made one
item larger than the length of the string so that the last element in
the array is a NUL termination character. An integer can be passed as
second argument which allows to specify the size of the array if the
length of the string should not be used.
If the first parameter is a unicode string, it is converted into an
8-bit string according to ctypes conversion rules.
\begin{funcdesc}{create_unicode_buffer}{init_or_size\optional{, size}}
This function creates a mutable unicode character buffer. The
returned object is a ctypes array of \code{c_wchar}.
\var{init_or_size} must be an integer which specifies the size of the
array, or a unicode string which will be used to initialize the array
If a unicode string is specified as first argument, the buffer is made
one item larger than the length of the string so that the last element
in the array is a NUL termination character. An integer can be passed
as second argument which allows to specify the size of the array if
the length of the string should not be used.
If the first parameter is a 8-bit string, it is converted into an
unicode string according to ctypes conversion rules.
Windows only: This function is a hook which allows to implement
inprocess COM servers with ctypes. It is called from the
\code{DllCanUnloadNow} function that the \code{_ctypes}
extension dll exports.
Windows only: This function is a hook which allows to implement
inprocess COM servers with ctypes. It is called from the
\code{DllGetClassObject} function that the \code{_ctypes}
extension dll exports.
Windows only: Returns a textual description of the error code. If no
error code is specified, the last error code is used by calling the
Windows api function \code{GetLastError}.
Windows only: Returns the last error code set by Windows in the
calling thread.
\begin{funcdesc}{memmove}{dst, src, count}
Same as the standard C \code{memmove} library function: copies
\var{count} bytes from \code{src} to \code{dst}. \code{dst} and
\code{src} must be integers or ctypes instances that can be converted to pointers.
\begin{funcdesc}{memset}{dst, c, count}
Same as the standard C \code{memset} library function: fills the
memory clock at address \code{dst} with \var{count} bytes of value
\var{c}. \var{dst} must be an integer specifying an address, or a ctypes instance.
This factory function creates and returns a new ctypes pointer type.
Pointer types are cached an reused internally, so calling this
function repeatedly is cheap. \var{type} must be a ctypes type.
This function creates a new pointer instance, pointing to \var{obj}.
The returned object is of the type \code{POINTER(type(obj))}.
Note: If you just want to pass a pointer to an object to a foreign
function call, you should use \code{byref(obj)} which is much faster.
\begin{funcdesc}{PYFUNCTYPE}{restype, *argtypes}
\begin{funcdesc}{resize}{obj, size}
This function resizes the internal memory buffer of \var{obj}, which
must be an instance of a ctypes type. It is not possible to make the
buffer smaller than the native size of the objects type, as given by
\code{sizeof(type(obj))}, but it is possible to enlarge the buffer.
\begin{funcdesc}{set_conversion_mode}{encoding, errors}
This function sets the rules that ctypes objects use when converting
between 8-bit strings and unicode strings. \var{encoding} must be a
string specifying an encoding, like 'utf-8' or 'mbcs', \var{errors}
must be a string specifying the error handling on encoding/decoding
errors. Examples of possible values are ``strict'', ``replace'', or
\code{set_conversion_mode} returns a 2-tuple containing the previous
conversion rules. On windows, the initial conversion rules are
\code{('mbcs', 'ignore')}, on other systems \code{('ascii', 'strict')}.
Returns the size in bytes of a ctypes type or instance memory buffer.
Does the same as the C sizeof() function.
This function returns the string starting at memory address
\var{address}. If \var{size} is specified, it is used as size,
otherwise the string is assumed to be zero-terminated.
\begin{funcdesc}{WinError}{code=None, descr=None}
Windows only: this function is probably the worst-named thing in
ctypes. It creates an instance of \code{WindowsError}. If \var{code}
is not specified, \code{GetLastError} is called to determine the error
code. If \var{descr} is not spcified, \var{FormatError} is called to
get a textual description of the error.
\begin{funcdesc}{WINFUNCTYPE}{restype, *argtypes}
This function returns the wide character string starting at memory
address \var{address} as unicode string. If \var{size} is specified,
it is used as size, otherwise the string is assumed to be
% data types
\subsubsection{data types}
ctypes defines a lot of C compatible datatypes, and also allows to
define your own types. Among other things, a ctypes type instance
holds a memory block that contains C compatible data.
This non-public class is the base class of all ctypes data types. It
is mentioned here because it contains the common methods of the ctypes
data types.
Common methods of ctypes data types, these are all class methods (to
be exact, they are methods of the metaclass):
This method returns a ctypes type instance using the memory specified
by \code{address}.
This method adapts \code{obj} to a ctypes type.
\begin{methoddesc}{in_dll}{name, library}
This method returns a ctypes type instance exported by a shared
library. \var{name} is the name of the symbol that exports the data,
\var{library} is the loaded shared library.
% simple data types
\subsubsection{simple data types}
This non-public class is the base class of all ctypes data types. It
is mentioned here because it contains the common attributes of the
ctypes data types.
This attribute contains the actual value of the instance. For integer
types, it is an integer.
Here are the simple ctypes data types:
Represents a C \code{signed char} datatype, and interprets the value
as small integer. The constructor accepts an optional integer
initializer; no overflow checking is done.
Represents a C \code{char} datatype, and interprets the value as a
single character. The constructor accepts an optional string
initializer, the length of the string must be exactly one character.
Represents a C \code{char *} datatype, which must be a pointer to a
zero-terminated string. The constructor accepts an integer address,
or a string.
% XXX Explain the difference to POINTER(c_char)
Represents a C \code{double} datatype. The constructor accepts an
optional float initializer.
Represents a C \code{double} datatype. The constructor accepts an
optional float initializer.
Represents a C \code{signed int} datatype. The constructor accepts an
optional integer initializer; no overflow checking is done. On
platforms where \code{sizeof(int) == sizeof(long)} \var{c_int} is an
alias to \var{c_long}.
Represents a C 16-bit \code{signed int} datatype. Usually an alias
for \var{c_short}.
Represents a C 32-bit \code{signed int} datatype. Usually an alias
for \code{c_int}.
Represents a C 64-bit \code{signed int} datatype. Usually an alias
for \code{c_longlong}.
Represents a C 8-bit \code{signed int} datatype. Usually an alias for \code{c_byte}.
Represents a C \code{signed long} datatype. The constructor accepts
an optional integer initializer; no overflow checking is done.
Represents a C \code{signed long long} datatype. The constructor
accepts an optional integer initializer; no overflow checking is done.
Represents a C \code{signed short} datatype. The constructor accepts
an optional integer initializer; no overflow checking is done.
Represents a C \code{size_t} datatype.
Represents a C \code{unsigned char} datatype, and interprets the value
as small integer. The constructor accepts an optional integer
initializer; no overflow checking is done.
Represents a C \code{unsigned int} datatype. The constructor accepts
an optional integer initializer; no overflow checking is done. On
platforms where \code{sizeof(int) == sizeof(long)} \var{c_int} is an
alias to \var{c_long}.
Represents a C 16-bit \code{unsigned int} datatype. Usually an alias
for \code{c_ushort}.
Represents a C 32-bit \code{unsigned int} datatype. Usually an alias
for \code{c_uint}.
Represents a C 64-bit \code{unsigned int} datatype. Usually an alias
for \code{c_ulonglong}.
Represents a C 8-bit \code{unsigned int} datatype. Usually an alias
for \code{c_ubyte}.
Represents a C \code{unsigned long} datatype. The constructor accepts
an optional integer initializer; no overflow checking is done.
Represents a C \code{unsigned long long} datatype. The constructor
accepts an optional integer initializer; no overflow checking is done.
Represents a C \code{unsigned short} datatype. The constructor accepts
an optional integer initializer; no overflow checking is done.
Represents a C \code{void *} type. The value is represented as
integer. The constructor accepts an optional integer initializer.
Represents a C \code{wchar_t} datatype, and interprets the value as a
single character unicode string. The constructor accepts an optional
string initializer, the length of the string must be exactly one
Represents a C \code{wchar_t *} datatype, which must be a pointer to a
zero-terminated wide character string. The constructor accepts an
integer address, or a string.
% XXX Explain the difference to POINTER(c_wchar)
Windows only: Represents a \code{HRESULT} value, which contains
success or error information for a function or method call.
% structured data types
\subsubsection{structured data types}
Base class for Structure data types.
% libraries
\begin{classdesc}{CDLL}{name, mode=RTLD_LOCAL, handle=None}
\begin{memberdesc}{LoadLibrary}{name, mode=RTLD_LOCAL, handle=None}
\begin{classdesc}{OleDLL}{name, mode=RTLD_LOCAL, handle=None}
\begin{classdesc}{PyDLL}{name, mode=RTLD_LOCAL, handle=None}
\begin{classdesc}{WinDLL}{name, mode=RTLD_LOCAL, handle=None}