
28 lines
847 B

This directory contains the source to the Python documentation.
Unfortunately it's not not very readable, complete or up-to-date yet --
in other words, I'm still working on it!
There are four documents and a macro file:
macros.ms macros .so'ed by the documents
tut.ms informal tutorial
mod.ms description of standard modules
ref.ms Python language reference manual (embryonic)
paper.ms conference paper about Python (embryonic)
XXX There should also be a man page (extracted from sec. 2 of the tutorial)
To typeset one of the documents on the default Postscript printer, chdir
to this directory (otherwise the macros aren't found!) and issue the
pstroff -ms file.ms
When typesetting all documents, issue a separate command for each.
You can also use the Makefile, at your own risk.
--Guido (last modified 7 Oct 90)