
363 lines
14 KiB

"""Utilities to find and read config files used by packaging."""
import os
import sys
import logging
from shlex import split
from configparser import RawConfigParser
from packaging import logger
from packaging.errors import PackagingOptionError
from packaging.compiler.extension import Extension
from packaging.util import check_environ, iglob, resolve_name, strtobool
from packaging.compiler import set_compiler
from packaging.command import set_command
from packaging.markers import interpret
def _pop_values(values_dct, key):
"""Remove values from the dictionary and convert them as a list"""
vals_str = values_dct.pop(key, '')
if not vals_str:
fields = []
# the line separator is \n for setup.cfg files
for field in vals_str.split('\n'):
tmp_vals = field.split('--')
if len(tmp_vals) == 2 and not interpret(tmp_vals[1]):
# Get bash options like `gcc -print-file-name=libgcc.a` XXX bash options?
vals = split(' '.join(fields))
if vals:
return vals
def _rel_path(base, path):
# normalizes and returns a lstripped-/-separated path
base = base.replace(os.path.sep, '/')
path = path.replace(os.path.sep, '/')
assert path.startswith(base)
return path[len(base):].lstrip('/')
def get_resources_dests(resources_root, rules):
"""Find destinations for resources files"""
destinations = {}
for base, suffix, dest in rules:
prefix = os.path.join(resources_root, base)
for abs_base in iglob(prefix):
abs_glob = os.path.join(abs_base, suffix)
for abs_path in iglob(abs_glob):
resource_file = _rel_path(resources_root, abs_path)
if dest is None: # remove the entry if it was here
destinations.pop(resource_file, None)
rel_path = _rel_path(abs_base, abs_path)
rel_dest = dest.replace(os.path.sep, '/').rstrip('/')
destinations[resource_file] = rel_dest + '/' + rel_path
return destinations
class Config:
"""Reads configuration files and work with the Distribution instance
def __init__(self, dist):
self.dist = dist
self.setup_hook = None
def run_hook(self, config):
if self.setup_hook is None:
# the hook gets only the config
def find_config_files(self):
"""Find as many configuration files as should be processed for this
platform, and return a list of filenames in the order in which they
should be parsed. The filenames returned are guaranteed to exist
(modulo nasty race conditions).
There are three possible config files: packaging.cfg in the
Packaging installation directory (ie. where the top-level
Packaging __inst__.py file lives), a file in the user's home
directory named .pydistutils.cfg on Unix and pydistutils.cfg
on Windows/Mac; and setup.cfg in the current directory.
The file in the user's home directory can be disabled with the
--no-user-cfg option.
files = []
# Where to look for the system-wide Packaging config file
sys_dir = os.path.dirname(sys.modules['packaging'].__file__)
# Look for the system config file
sys_file = os.path.join(sys_dir, "packaging.cfg")
if os.path.isfile(sys_file):
# What to call the per-user config file
if os.name == 'posix':
user_filename = ".pydistutils.cfg"
user_filename = "pydistutils.cfg"
# And look for the user config file
if self.dist.want_user_cfg:
user_file = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), user_filename)
if os.path.isfile(user_file):
# All platforms support local setup.cfg
local_file = "setup.cfg"
if os.path.isfile(local_file):
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.debug("using config files: %s", ', '.join(files))
return files
def _convert_metadata(self, name, value):
# converts a value found in setup.cfg into a valid metadata
return value
def _multiline(self, value):
value = [v for v in
[v.strip() for v in value.split('\n')]
if v != '']
return value
def _read_setup_cfg(self, parser, cfg_filename):
cfg_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(cfg_filename))
content = {}
for section in parser.sections():
content[section] = dict(parser.items(section))
# global:setup_hook is called *first*
if 'global' in content:
if 'setup_hook' in content['global']:
setup_hook = content['global']['setup_hook']
self.setup_hook = resolve_name(setup_hook)
except ImportError as e:
logger.warning('could not import setup_hook: %s',
metadata = self.dist.metadata
# setting the metadata values
if 'metadata' in content:
for key, value in content['metadata'].items():
key = key.replace('_', '-')
if metadata.is_multi_field(key):
value = self._multiline(value)
if key == 'project-url':
value = [(label.strip(), url.strip())
for label, url in
[v.split(',') for v in value]]
if key == 'description-file':
if 'description' in content['metadata']:
msg = ("description and description-file' are "
"mutually exclusive")
raise PackagingOptionError(msg)
if isinstance(value, list):
filenames = value
filenames = value.split()
# concatenate each files
value = ''
for filename in filenames:
# will raise if file not found
with open(filename) as description_file:
value += description_file.read().strip() + '\n'
# add filename as a required file
if filename not in metadata.requires_files:
value = value.strip()
key = 'description'
if metadata.is_metadata_field(key):
metadata[key] = self._convert_metadata(key, value)
if 'files' in content:
files = content['files']
self.dist.package_dir = files.pop('packages_root', None)
files = dict((key, self._multiline(value)) for key, value in
self.dist.packages = []
packages = files.get('packages', [])
if isinstance(packages, str):
packages = [packages]
for package in packages:
if ':' in package:
dir_, package = package.split(':')
self.dist.package_dir[package] = dir_
self.dist.py_modules = files.get('modules', [])
if isinstance(self.dist.py_modules, str):
self.dist.py_modules = [self.dist.py_modules]
self.dist.scripts = files.get('scripts', [])
if isinstance(self.dist.scripts, str):
self.dist.scripts = [self.dist.scripts]
self.dist.package_data = {}
for data in files.get('package_data', []):
data = data.split('=')
if len(data) != 2:
continue # XXX error should never pass silently
key, value = data
self.dist.package_data[key.strip()] = value.strip()
self.dist.data_files = []
for data in files.get('data_files', []):
data = data.split('=')
if len(data) != 2:
key, value = data
values = [v.strip() for v in value.split(',')]
self.dist.data_files.append((key, values))
# manifest template
self.dist.extra_files = files.get('extra_files', [])
resources = []
for rule in files.get('resources', []):
glob, destination = rule.split('=', 1)
rich_glob = glob.strip().split(' ', 1)
if len(rich_glob) == 2:
prefix, suffix = rich_glob
assert len(rich_glob) == 1
prefix = ''
suffix = glob
if destination == '<exclude>':
destination = None
(prefix.strip(), suffix.strip(), destination.strip()))
self.dist.data_files = get_resources_dests(
cfg_directory, resources)
ext_modules = self.dist.ext_modules
for section_key in content:
labels = section_key.split('=')
if len(labels) == 2 and labels[0] == 'extension':
# labels[1] not used from now but should be implemented
# for extension build dependency
values_dct = content[section_key]
_pop_values(values_dct, 'sources'),
_pop_values(values_dct, 'include_dirs'),
_pop_values(values_dct, 'define_macros'),
_pop_values(values_dct, 'undef_macros'),
_pop_values(values_dct, 'library_dirs'),
_pop_values(values_dct, 'libraries'),
_pop_values(values_dct, 'runtime_library_dirs'),
_pop_values(values_dct, 'extra_objects'),
_pop_values(values_dct, 'extra_compile_args'),
_pop_values(values_dct, 'extra_link_args'),
_pop_values(values_dct, 'export_symbols'),
_pop_values(values_dct, 'swig_opts'),
_pop_values(values_dct, 'depends'),
values_dct.pop('language', None),
values_dct.pop('optional', None),
def parse_config_files(self, filenames=None):
if filenames is None:
filenames = self.find_config_files()
parser = RawConfigParser()
for filename in filenames:
logger.debug(" reading %s", filename)
parser.read(filename, encoding='utf-8')
if os.path.split(filename)[-1] == 'setup.cfg':
self._read_setup_cfg(parser, filename)
for section in parser.sections():
if section == 'global':
if parser.has_option('global', 'compilers'):
self._load_compilers(parser.get('global', 'compilers'))
if parser.has_option('global', 'commands'):
self._load_commands(parser.get('global', 'commands'))
options = parser.options(section)
opt_dict = self.dist.get_option_dict(section)
for opt in options:
if opt == '__name__':
val = parser.get(section, opt)
opt = opt.replace('-', '_')
if opt == 'sub_commands':
val = self._multiline(val)
if isinstance(val, str):
val = [val]
# Hooks use a suffix system to prevent being overriden
# by a config file processed later (i.e. a hook set in
# the user config file cannot be replaced by a hook
# set in a project config file, unless they have the
# same suffix).
if (opt.startswith("pre_hook.") or
hook_type, alias = opt.split(".")
hook_dict = opt_dict.setdefault(
hook_type, (filename, {}))[1]
hook_dict[alias] = val
opt_dict[opt] = filename, val
# Make the RawConfigParser forget everything (so we retain
# the original filenames that options come from)
# If there was a "global" section in the config file, use it
# to set Distribution options.
if 'global' in self.dist.command_options:
for opt, (src, val) in self.dist.command_options['global'].items():
alias = self.dist.negative_opt.get(opt)
if alias:
setattr(self.dist, alias, not strtobool(val))
elif opt == 'dry_run': # FIXME ugh!
setattr(self.dist, opt, strtobool(val))
setattr(self.dist, opt, val)
except ValueError as msg:
raise PackagingOptionError(msg)
def _load_compilers(self, compilers):
compilers = self._multiline(compilers)
if isinstance(compilers, str):
compilers = [compilers]
for compiler in compilers:
def _load_commands(self, commands):
commands = self._multiline(commands)
if isinstance(commands, str):
commands = [commands]
for command in commands: