
544 lines
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# Run the tests in Programs/_testembed.c (tests for the CPython embedding APIs)
from test import support
import unittest
from collections import namedtuple
import json
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
MS_WINDOWS = (os.name == 'nt')
class EmbeddingTestsMixin:
def setUp(self):
here = os.path.abspath(__file__)
basepath = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(here)))
exename = "_testembed"
ext = ("_d" if "_d" in sys.executable else "") + ".exe"
exename += ext
exepath = os.path.dirname(sys.executable)
exepath = os.path.join(basepath, "Programs")
self.test_exe = exe = os.path.join(exepath, exename)
if not os.path.exists(exe):
self.skipTest("%r doesn't exist" % exe)
# This is needed otherwise we get a fatal error:
# "Py_Initialize: Unable to get the locale encoding
# LookupError: no codec search functions registered: can't find encoding"
self.oldcwd = os.getcwd()
def tearDown(self):
def run_embedded_interpreter(self, *args, env=None):
"""Runs a test in the embedded interpreter"""
cmd = [self.test_exe]
if env is not None and MS_WINDOWS:
# Windows requires at least the SYSTEMROOT environment variable to
# start Python.
env = env.copy()
env['SYSTEMROOT'] = os.environ['SYSTEMROOT']
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd,
(out, err) = p.communicate()
if p.returncode != 0 and support.verbose:
print(f"--- {cmd} failed ---")
self.assertEqual(p.returncode, 0,
"bad returncode %d, stderr is %r" %
(p.returncode, err))
return out, err
def run_repeated_init_and_subinterpreters(self):
out, err = self.run_embedded_interpreter("repeated_init_and_subinterpreters")
self.assertEqual(err, "")
# The output from _testembed looks like this:
# --- Pass 0 ---
# interp 0 <0x1cf9330>, thread state <0x1cf9700>: id(modules) = 139650431942728
# interp 1 <0x1d4f690>, thread state <0x1d35350>: id(modules) = 139650431165784
# interp 2 <0x1d5a690>, thread state <0x1d99ed0>: id(modules) = 139650413140368
# interp 3 <0x1d4f690>, thread state <0x1dc3340>: id(modules) = 139650412862200
# interp 0 <0x1cf9330>, thread state <0x1cf9700>: id(modules) = 139650431942728
# --- Pass 1 ---
# ...
interp_pat = (r"^interp (\d+) <(0x[\dA-F]+)>, "
r"thread state <(0x[\dA-F]+)>: "
r"id\(modules\) = ([\d]+)$")
Interp = namedtuple("Interp", "id interp tstate modules")
numloops = 0
current_run = []
for line in out.splitlines():
if line == "--- Pass {} ---".format(numloops):
self.assertEqual(len(current_run), 0)
if support.verbose > 1:
numloops += 1
self.assertLess(len(current_run), 5)
match = re.match(interp_pat, line)
if match is None:
self.assertRegex(line, interp_pat)
# Parse the line from the loop. The first line is the main
# interpreter and the 3 afterward are subinterpreters.
interp = Interp(*match.groups())
if support.verbose > 1:
# The last line in the loop should be the same as the first.
if len(current_run) == 5:
main = current_run[0]
self.assertEqual(interp, main)
yield current_run
current_run = []
class EmbeddingTests(EmbeddingTestsMixin, unittest.TestCase):
def test_subinterps_main(self):
for run in self.run_repeated_init_and_subinterpreters():
main = run[0]
self.assertEqual(main.id, '0')
def test_subinterps_different_ids(self):
for run in self.run_repeated_init_and_subinterpreters():
main, *subs, _ = run
mainid = int(main.id)
for i, sub in enumerate(subs):
self.assertEqual(sub.id, str(mainid + i + 1))
def test_subinterps_distinct_state(self):
for run in self.run_repeated_init_and_subinterpreters():
main, *subs, _ = run
if '0x0' in main:
# XXX Fix on Windows (and other platforms): something
# is going on with the pointers in Programs/_testembed.c.
# interp.interp is 0x0 and interp.modules is the same
# between interpreters.
raise unittest.SkipTest('platform prints pointers as 0x0')
for sub in subs:
# A new subinterpreter may have the same
# PyInterpreterState pointer as a previous one if
# the earlier one has already been destroyed. So
# we compare with the main interpreter. The same
# applies to tstate.
self.assertNotEqual(sub.interp, main.interp)
self.assertNotEqual(sub.tstate, main.tstate)
self.assertNotEqual(sub.modules, main.modules)
def test_forced_io_encoding(self):
# Checks forced configuration of embedded interpreter IO streams
env = dict(os.environ, PYTHONIOENCODING="utf-8:surrogateescape")
out, err = self.run_embedded_interpreter("forced_io_encoding", env=env)
if support.verbose > 1:
expected_stream_encoding = "utf-8"
expected_errors = "surrogateescape"
expected_output = '\n'.join([
"--- Use defaults ---",
"Expected encoding: default",
"Expected errors: default",
"stdin: {in_encoding}:{errors}",
"stdout: {out_encoding}:{errors}",
"stderr: {out_encoding}:backslashreplace",
"--- Set errors only ---",
"Expected encoding: default",
"Expected errors: ignore",
"stdin: {in_encoding}:ignore",
"stdout: {out_encoding}:ignore",
"stderr: {out_encoding}:backslashreplace",
"--- Set encoding only ---",
"Expected encoding: latin-1",
"Expected errors: default",
"stdin: latin-1:{errors}",
"stdout: latin-1:{errors}",
"stderr: latin-1:backslashreplace",
"--- Set encoding and errors ---",
"Expected encoding: latin-1",
"Expected errors: replace",
"stdin: latin-1:replace",
"stdout: latin-1:replace",
"stderr: latin-1:backslashreplace"])
expected_output = expected_output.format(
# This is useful if we ever trip over odd platform behaviour
self.maxDiff = None
self.assertEqual(out.strip(), expected_output)
def test_pre_initialization_api(self):
Checks some key parts of the C-API that need to work before the runtine
is initialized (via Py_Initialize()).
env = dict(os.environ, PYTHONPATH=os.pathsep.join(sys.path))
out, err = self.run_embedded_interpreter("pre_initialization_api", env=env)
expected_path = self.test_exe
expected_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "spam")
expected_output = f"sys.executable: {expected_path}\n"
self.assertIn(expected_output, out)
self.assertEqual(err, '')
def test_pre_initialization_sys_options(self):
Checks that sys.warnoptions and sys._xoptions can be set before the
runtime is initialized (otherwise they won't be effective).
env = dict(os.environ, PYTHONPATH=os.pathsep.join(sys.path))
out, err = self.run_embedded_interpreter(
"pre_initialization_sys_options", env=env)
expected_output = (
"sys.warnoptions: ['once', 'module', 'default']\n"
"sys._xoptions: {'not_an_option': '1', 'also_not_an_option': '2'}\n"
"warnings.filters[:3]: ['default', 'module', 'once']\n"
self.assertIn(expected_output, out)
self.assertEqual(err, '')
def test_bpo20891(self):
bpo-20891: Calling PyGILState_Ensure in a non-Python thread before
calling PyEval_InitThreads() must not crash. PyGILState_Ensure() must
call PyEval_InitThreads() for us in this case.
out, err = self.run_embedded_interpreter("bpo20891")
self.assertEqual(out, '')
self.assertEqual(err, '')
def test_initialize_twice(self):
bpo-33932: Calling Py_Initialize() twice should do nothing (and not
out, err = self.run_embedded_interpreter("initialize_twice")
self.assertEqual(out, '')
self.assertEqual(err, '')
def test_initialize_pymain(self):
bpo-34008: Calling Py_Main() after Py_Initialize() must not fail.
out, err = self.run_embedded_interpreter("initialize_pymain")
self.assertEqual(out.rstrip(), "Py_Main() after Py_Initialize: sys.argv=['-c', 'arg2']")
self.assertEqual(err, '')
class InitConfigTests(EmbeddingTestsMixin, unittest.TestCase):
maxDiff = 4096
UTF8_MODE_ERRORS = ('surrogatepass' if MS_WINDOWS else 'surrogateescape')
# core config
# FIXME: untested core configuration variables
'install_signal_handlers': 1,
'ignore_environment': 0,
'use_hash_seed': 0,
'hash_seed': 0,
'allocator': None,
'dev_mode': 0,
'faulthandler': 0,
'tracemalloc': 0,
'import_time': 0,
'show_ref_count': 0,
'show_alloc_count': 0,
'dump_refs': 0,
'malloc_stats': 0,
'utf8_mode': 0,
'coerce_c_locale': 0,
'coerce_c_locale_warn': 0,
'program_name': './_testembed',
'argv': [],
'program': None,
'xoptions': [],
'warnoptions': [],
'module_search_path_env': None,
'home': None,
'prefix': sys.prefix,
'base_prefix': sys.base_prefix,
'exec_prefix': sys.exec_prefix,
'base_exec_prefix': sys.base_exec_prefix,
'_disable_importlib': 0,
# main config
# Copy core config to main config for expected values
# xoptions is created from core_config in check_main_config().
# 'module_search_paths' is copied to 'module_search_path'.
# global config
# Py_HasFileSystemDefaultEncoding value depends on the LC_CTYPE locale
# and the platform. It is complex to test it, and it's value doesn't
# really matter.
'Py_BytesWarningFlag': 0,
'Py_DebugFlag': 0,
'Py_DontWriteBytecodeFlag': 0,
# None means that the value is get by get_filesystem_encoding()
'Py_FileSystemDefaultEncodeErrors': None,
'Py_FileSystemDefaultEncoding': None,
'Py_FrozenFlag': 0,
'Py_HashRandomizationFlag': 1,
'Py_InspectFlag': 0,
'Py_InteractiveFlag': 0,
'Py_IsolatedFlag': 0,
'Py_NoSiteFlag': 0,
'Py_NoUserSiteDirectory': 0,
'Py_OptimizeFlag': 0,
'Py_QuietFlag': 0,
'Py_UnbufferedStdioFlag': 0,
'Py_VerboseFlag': 0,
'Py_LegacyWindowsFSEncodingFlag': 0,
'Py_LegacyWindowsStdioFlag': 0,
# Copy core config to global config for expected values
# True means that the core config value is inverted (0 => 1 and 1 => 0)
('Py_IgnoreEnvironmentFlag', 'ignore_environment'),
('Py_UTF8Mode', 'utf8_mode'),
def get_filesystem_encoding(self, isolated, env):
code = ('import codecs, locale, sys; '
'print(sys.getfilesystemencoding(), '
args = (sys.executable, '-c', code)
env = dict(env)
if not isolated:
env['PYTHONUTF8'] = '0'
proc = subprocess.run(args, text=True, env=env,
if proc.returncode:
raise Exception(f"failed to get the locale encoding: "
f"stdout={proc.stdout!r} stderr={proc.stderr!r}")
out = proc.stdout.rstrip()
return out.split()
def main_xoptions(self, xoptions_list):
xoptions = {}
for opt in xoptions_list:
if '=' in opt:
key, value = opt.split('=', 1)
xoptions[key] = value
xoptions[opt] = True
return xoptions
def check_main_config(self, config):
core_config = config['core_config']
main_config = config['main_config']
# main config
expected_main = {}
for key in self.COPY_MAIN_CONFIG:
expected_main[key] = core_config[key]
expected_main['module_search_path'] = core_config['module_search_paths']
expected_main['xoptions'] = self.main_xoptions(core_config['xoptions'])
self.assertEqual(main_config, expected_main)
def check_core_config(self, config, expected):
expected = dict(self.DEFAULT_CORE_CONFIG, **expected)
core_config = dict(config['core_config'])
for key in self.UNTESTED_CORE_CONFIG:
core_config.pop(key, None)
self.assertEqual(core_config, expected)
def check_global_config(self, config, expected, env):
expected = dict(self.DEFAULT_GLOBAL_CONFIG, **expected)
if expected['Py_FileSystemDefaultEncoding'] is None or expected['Py_FileSystemDefaultEncodeErrors'] is None:
res = self.get_filesystem_encoding(expected['Py_IsolatedFlag'], env)
if expected['Py_FileSystemDefaultEncoding'] is None:
expected['Py_FileSystemDefaultEncoding'] = res[0]
if expected['Py_FileSystemDefaultEncodeErrors'] is None:
expected['Py_FileSystemDefaultEncodeErrors'] = res[1]
core_config = config['core_config']
for item in self.COPY_GLOBAL_CONFIG:
if len(item) == 3:
global_key, core_key, opposite = item
expected[global_key] = 0 if core_config[core_key] else 1
global_key, core_key = item
expected[global_key] = core_config[core_key]
global_config = dict(config['global_config'])
del global_config[key]
self.assertEqual(global_config, expected)
def check_config(self, testname, expected_core, expected_global):
env = dict(os.environ)
# Remove PYTHON* environment variables to get deterministic environment
for key in list(env):
if key.startswith('PYTHON'):
del env[key]
# Disable C locale coercion and UTF-8 mode to not depend
# on the current locale
env['PYTHONUTF8'] = '0'
out, err = self.run_embedded_interpreter(testname, env=env)
# Ignore err
config = json.loads(out)
self.check_core_config(config, expected_core)
self.check_global_config(config, expected_global, env)
def test_init_default_config(self):
self.check_config("init_default_config", {}, {})
def test_init_global_config(self):
core_config = {
'program_name': './globalvar',
'utf8_mode': 1,
global_config = {
'Py_BytesWarningFlag': 1,
'Py_DontWriteBytecodeFlag': 1,
'Py_FileSystemDefaultEncodeErrors': self.UTF8_MODE_ERRORS,
'Py_FileSystemDefaultEncoding': 'utf-8',
'Py_InspectFlag': 1,
'Py_InteractiveFlag': 1,
'Py_NoSiteFlag': 1,
'Py_NoUserSiteDirectory': 1,
'Py_OptimizeFlag': 2,
'Py_QuietFlag': 1,
'Py_VerboseFlag': 1,
'Py_FrozenFlag': 1,
'Py_UnbufferedStdioFlag': 1,
self.check_config("init_global_config", core_config, global_config)
def test_init_from_config(self):
core_config = {
'install_signal_handlers': 0,
'use_hash_seed': 1,
'hash_seed': 123,
'allocator': 'malloc_debug',
'tracemalloc': 2,
'import_time': 1,
'show_ref_count': 1,
'show_alloc_count': 1,
'malloc_stats': 1,
'utf8_mode': 1,
'program_name': './conf_program_name',
'argv': ['-c', 'pass'],
'program': 'conf_program',
'xoptions': ['core_xoption1=3', 'core_xoption2=', 'core_xoption3'],
'warnoptions': ['default', 'error::ResourceWarning'],
'faulthandler': 1,
global_config = {
'Py_NoUserSiteDirectory': 0,
self.check_config("init_from_config", core_config, global_config)
def test_init_env(self):
core_config = {
'use_hash_seed': 1,
'hash_seed': 42,
'allocator': 'malloc_debug',
'tracemalloc': 2,
'import_time': 1,
'malloc_stats': 1,
'utf8_mode': 1,
'faulthandler': 1,
'dev_mode': 1,
global_config = {
'Py_DontWriteBytecodeFlag': 1,
'Py_InspectFlag': 1,
'Py_NoUserSiteDirectory': 1,
'Py_OptimizeFlag': 2,
'Py_UnbufferedStdioFlag': 1,
'Py_VerboseFlag': 1,
'Py_FileSystemDefaultEncoding': 'utf-8',
'Py_FileSystemDefaultEncodeErrors': self.UTF8_MODE_ERRORS,
self.check_config("init_env", core_config, global_config)
def test_init_dev_mode(self):
core_config = {
'dev_mode': 1,
'faulthandler': 1,
'allocator': 'debug',
self.check_config("init_dev_mode", core_config, {})
def test_init_isolated(self):
core_config = {
'ignore_environment': 1,
global_config = {
'Py_IsolatedFlag': 1,
'Py_NoUserSiteDirectory': 1,
self.check_config("init_isolated", core_config, global_config)
if __name__ == "__main__":