test_doctest Running doctest.__doc__ Trying: [1, 2, 3].remove(42) Expecting: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ? ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list ok Trying: x = 12 Expecting: nothing ok Trying: x Expecting: 12 ok Trying: if x == 13: print "yes" else: print "no" print "NO" print "NO!!!" Expecting: no NO NO!!! ok Trying: if "yes" == \ "y" + \ "es": # in the source code you'll see the doubled backslashes print 'yes' Expecting: yes ok Trying: assert "Easy!" Expecting: nothing ok Trying: import math Expecting: nothing ok Trying: math.floor(1.9) Expecting: 1.0 ok 0 of 8 examples failed in doctest.__doc__ Running doctest.Tester.__doc__ Trying: from doctest import Tester Expecting: nothing ok Trying: t = Tester(globs={'x': 42}, verbose=0) Expecting: nothing ok Trying: t.runstring(r''' >>> x = x * 2 >>> print x 42 ''', 'XYZ') Expecting: ***************************************************************** Failure in example: print x from line #2 of XYZ Expected: 42 Got: 84 (1, 2) ok Trying: t.runstring(">>> x = x * 2\n>>> print x\n84\n", 'example2') Expecting: (0, 2) ok Trying: t.summarize() Expecting: 1 items had failures: 1 of 2 in XYZ ***Test Failed*** 1 failures. (1, 4) ok Trying: t.summarize(verbose=1) Expecting: 1 items passed all tests: 2 tests in example2 1 items had failures: 1 of 2 in XYZ 4 tests in 2 items. 3 passed and 1 failed. ***Test Failed*** 1 failures. (1, 4) ok 0 of 6 examples failed in doctest.Tester.__doc__ Running doctest.Tester.__init__.__doc__ 0 of 0 examples failed in doctest.Tester.__init__.__doc__ Running doctest.Tester.run__test__.__doc__ 0 of 0 examples failed in doctest.Tester.run__test__.__doc__ Running doctest.Tester.runstring.__doc__ Trying: t = Tester(globs={}, verbose=1) Expecting: nothing ok Trying: test = r''' # just an example >>> x = 1 + 2 >>> x 3 ''' Expecting: nothing ok Trying: t.runstring(test, "Example") Expecting: Running string Example Trying: x = 1 + 2 Expecting: nothing ok Trying: x Expecting: 3 ok 0 of 2 examples failed in string Example (0, 2) ok 0 of 3 examples failed in doctest.Tester.runstring.__doc__ Running doctest.Tester.summarize.__doc__ 0 of 0 examples failed in doctest.Tester.summarize.__doc__ Running doctest.Tester.rundict.__doc__ Trying: def _f(): '''>>> assert 1 == 1 ''' Expecting: nothing ok Trying: def g(): '''>>> assert 2 != 1 ''' Expecting: nothing ok Trying: d = {"_f": _f, "g": g} Expecting: nothing ok Trying: t = Tester(globs={}, verbose=0) Expecting: nothing ok Trying: t.rundict(d, "rundict_test") # _f is skipped Expecting: (0, 1) ok Trying: t = Tester(globs={}, verbose=0, isprivate=lambda x,y: 0) Expecting: nothing ok Trying: t.rundict(d, "rundict_test_pvt") # both are searched Expecting: (0, 2) ok 0 of 7 examples failed in doctest.Tester.rundict.__doc__ Running doctest.Tester.merge.__doc__ Trying: from doctest import Tester Expecting: nothing ok Trying: t1 = Tester(globs={}, verbose=0) Expecting: nothing ok Trying: t1.runstring(''' >>> x = 12 >>> print x 12 ''', "t1example") Expecting: (0, 2) ok Trying: t2 = Tester(globs={}, verbose=0) Expecting: nothing ok Trying: t2.runstring(''' >>> x = 13 >>> print x 13 ''', "t2example") Expecting: (0, 2) ok Trying: common = ">>> assert 1 + 2 == 3\n" Expecting: nothing ok Trying: t1.runstring(common, "common") Expecting: (0, 1) ok Trying: t2.runstring(common, "common") Expecting: (0, 1) ok Trying: t1.merge(t2) Expecting: *** Tester.merge: 'common' in both testers; summing outcomes. ok Trying: t1.summarize(1) Expecting: 3 items passed all tests: 2 tests in common 2 tests in t1example 2 tests in t2example 6 tests in 3 items. 6 passed and 0 failed. Test passed. (0, 6) ok 0 of 10 examples failed in doctest.Tester.merge.__doc__ Running doctest.Tester.rundoc.__doc__ Trying: t = Tester(globs={}, verbose=0) Expecting: nothing ok Trying: def _f(): '''Trivial docstring example. >>> assert 2 == 2 ''' return 32 Expecting: nothing ok Trying: t.rundoc(_f) # expect 0 failures in 1 example Expecting: (0, 1) ok 0 of 3 examples failed in doctest.Tester.rundoc.__doc__ Running doctest.is_private.__doc__ Trying: is_private("a.b", "my_func") Expecting: 0 ok Trying: is_private("____", "_my_func") Expecting: 1 ok Trying: is_private("someclass", "__init__") Expecting: 0 ok Trying: is_private("sometypo", "__init_") Expecting: 1 ok Trying: is_private("x.y.z", "_") Expecting: 1 ok Trying: is_private("_x.y.z", "__") Expecting: 0 ok Trying: is_private("", "") # senseless but consistent Expecting: 0 ok 0 of 7 examples failed in doctest.is_private.__doc__ Running doctest.run_docstring_examples.__doc__ 0 of 0 examples failed in doctest.run_docstring_examples.__doc__ Running doctest.testmod.__doc__ 0 of 0 examples failed in doctest.testmod.__doc__ Running doctest.__test__._TestClass.__doc__ Trying: _TestClass(13).get() + _TestClass(-12).get() Expecting: 1 ok Trying: hex(_TestClass(13).square().get()) Expecting: '0xa9' ok 0 of 2 examples failed in doctest.__test__._TestClass.__doc__ Running doctest.__test__._TestClass.get.__doc__ Trying: x = _TestClass(-42) Expecting: nothing ok Trying: print x.get() Expecting: -42 ok 0 of 2 examples failed in doctest.__test__._TestClass.get.__doc__ Running doctest.__test__._TestClass.__init__.__doc__ Trying: t = _TestClass(123) Expecting: nothing ok Trying: print t.get() Expecting: 123 ok 0 of 2 examples failed in doctest.__test__._TestClass.__init__.__doc__ Running doctest.__test__._TestClass.square.__doc__ Trying: _TestClass(13).square().get() Expecting: 169 ok 0 of 1 examples failed in doctest.__test__._TestClass.square.__doc__ Running string doctest.__test__.string Trying: x = 1; y = 2 Expecting: nothing ok Trying: x + y, x * y Expecting: (3, 2) ok 0 of 2 examples failed in string doctest.__test__.string 5 items had no tests: doctest.Tester.__init__ doctest.Tester.run__test__ doctest.Tester.summarize doctest.run_docstring_examples doctest.testmod 12 items passed all tests: 8 tests in doctest 6 tests in doctest.Tester 10 tests in doctest.Tester.merge 7 tests in doctest.Tester.rundict 3 tests in doctest.Tester.rundoc 3 tests in doctest.Tester.runstring 2 tests in doctest.__test__._TestClass 2 tests in doctest.__test__._TestClass.__init__ 2 tests in doctest.__test__._TestClass.get 1 tests in doctest.__test__._TestClass.square 2 tests in doctest.__test__.string 7 tests in doctest.is_private 53 tests in 17 items. 53 passed and 0 failed. Test passed.