# spawn - This is ugly, OS-specific code to spawn a separate process. It # also defines a function for getting the version of a path most # likely to work with cranky API functions. import os def hardpath(path): path = os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(path)) try: import win32api path = win32api.GetShortPathName( path ) except: pass return path if hasattr(os, 'spawnv'): # Windows-ish OS: we use spawnv(), and stick quotes around arguments # in case they contains spaces, since Windows will jam all the # arguments to spawn() or exec() together into one string. The # kill_zombies function is a noop. def spawn(bin, *args): nargs = [bin] for arg in args: nargs.append( '"'+arg+'"' ) os.spawnv( os.P_NOWAIT, bin, nargs ) def kill_zombies(): pass elif hasattr(os, 'fork'): # UNIX-ish operating system: we fork() and exec(), and we have to track # the pids of our children and call waitpid() on them to avoid leaving # zombies in the process table. kill_zombies() does the dirty work, and # should be called periodically. zombies = [] def spawn(bin, *args): pid = os.fork() if pid: zombies.append(pid) else: os.execv( bin, (bin, ) + args ) def kill_zombies(): for z in zombies[:]: stat = os.waitpid(z, os.WNOHANG) if stat[0]==z: zombies.remove(z) else: # If you get here, you may be able to write an alternative implementation # of these functions for your OS. def kill_zombies(): pass raise OSError, 'This OS does not support fork() or spawnv().'