# # hexbintree - Recursively descend a directory and # pack all resource files. # # Jack Jansen, CWI, August 1995. # # To do: # - Also do project files (.µ and .¹), after using AppleEvents to the # various builders to clean the projects # - Don't hexbin (and clean) if there exists a .hqx file that is newer. # import os import binhex import sys extensions = ['.rsrc'] def walker(arg, top, names): for n in names: for ext in extensions: if n[-len(ext):] == ext: name = os.path.join(top, n) print 'Binhexing', name binhex.binhex(name, name + '.hqx') def dodir(name): os.path.walk(name, walker, None) def main(): if len(sys.argv) > 1: for dir in sys.argv[1:]: dodir(dir) elif os.name == 'mac': import macfs dir, ok = macfs.GetDirectory('Folder to search:') if not ok: sys.exit(0) dodir(dir.as_pathname()) else: print 'Usage: hexbintree dir ...' sys.exit(1) if os.name == 'mac': sys.exit(1) # Keep window else: sys.exit(0) if __name__ == '__main__': main()