""" Test cases adapted from the test_bsddb.py module in Python's regression test suite. """ import sys, os, string import bsddb import unittest import tempfile from test_all import verbose try: # For Python 2.3 from bsddb import db, hashopen, btopen, rnopen except ImportError: # For earlier Pythons w/distutils pybsddb from bsddb3 import db, hashopen, btopen, rnopen class CompatibilityTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.filename = tempfile.mktemp() def tearDown(self): try: os.remove(self.filename) except os.error: pass def test01_btopen(self): self.do_bthash_test(btopen, 'btopen') def test02_hashopen(self): self.do_bthash_test(hashopen, 'hashopen') def test03_rnopen(self): data = string.split("The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.") if verbose: print "\nTesting: rnopen" f = rnopen(self.filename, 'c') for x in range(len(data)): f[x+1] = data[x] getTest = (f[1], f[2], f[3]) if verbose: print '%s %s %s' % getTest assert getTest[1] == 'quick', 'data mismatch!' f[25] = 'twenty-five' f.close() del f f = rnopen(self.filename, 'w') f[20] = 'twenty' def noRec(f): rec = f[15] self.assertRaises(KeyError, noRec, f) def badKey(f): rec = f['a string'] self.assertRaises(TypeError, badKey, f) del f[3] rec = f.first() while rec: if verbose: print rec try: rec = f.next() except KeyError: break f.close() def test04_n_flag(self): f = hashopen(self.filename, 'n') f.close() def do_bthash_test(self, factory, what): if verbose: print '\nTesting: ', what f = factory(self.filename, 'c') if verbose: print 'creation...' # truth test if f: if verbose: print "truth test: true" else: if verbose: print "truth test: false" f['0'] = '' f['a'] = 'Guido' f['b'] = 'van' f['c'] = 'Rossum' f['d'] = 'invented' f['f'] = 'Python' if verbose: print '%s %s %s' % (f['a'], f['b'], f['c']) if verbose: print 'key ordering...' f.set_location(f.first()[0]) while 1: try: rec = f.next() except KeyError: assert rec == f.last(), 'Error, last <> last!' f.previous() break if verbose: print rec assert f.has_key('f'), 'Error, missing key!' f.sync() f.close() # truth test try: if f: if verbose: print "truth test: true" else: if verbose: print "truth test: false" except db.DBError: pass else: self.fail("Exception expected") del f if verbose: print 'modification...' f = factory(self.filename, 'w') f['d'] = 'discovered' if verbose: print 'access...' for key in f.keys(): word = f[key] if verbose: print word def noRec(f): rec = f['no such key'] self.assertRaises(KeyError, noRec, f) def badKey(f): rec = f[15] self.assertRaises(TypeError, badKey, f) f.close() #---------------------------------------------------------------------- def test_suite(): return unittest.makeSuite(CompatibilityTestCase) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main(defaultTest='test_suite')