"""distutils.command.bdist_pkgtool Author: Mark W. Alexander Implements the Distutils 'bdist_pkgtool' command (create Solaris pkgtool distributions).""" import os, string, sys, pwd, grp import glob from types import * from distutils.core import Command, DEBUG from distutils.util import get_platform from distutils.file_util import write_file from distutils.errors import * from distutils.command import bdist_packager from distutils import sysconfig import compileall from commands import getoutput __revision__ = "$Id: bdist_pkgtool.py,v 0.3 mwa " # default request script - Is also wrapped around user's request script # unless --no-autorelocate is requested. Finds the python site-packages # directory and prompts for verification DEFAULT_REQUEST="""#!/bin/sh ###################################################################### # Distutils internal package relocation support # ###################################################################### PRODUCT="__DISTUTILS_NAME__" trap `exit 3` 15 /usr/bin/which python 2>&1 >/dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "The python interpretor needs to be on your path!" echo echo "If you have more than one, make sure the first one is where" echo "you want this module installed:" exit 1 fi PY_DIR=`python -c "import sys;print '%s/lib/python%s' % (sys.exec_prefix,sys.version[0:3])" 2>/dev/null` PY_PKG_DIR=`python -c "import sys;print '%s/lib/python%s/site-packages' % (sys.exec_prefix,sys.version[0:3])" 2>/dev/null` echo "" if [ -z "${PY_DIR}" ]; then echo "I can't seem to find the python distribution." echo "I'm assuming the default path for site-packages" else BASEDIR="${PY_PKG_DIR}" cat <&1 >/dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "The python interpretor needs to be on your path!" echo echo "If you have more than one, make sure the first one is where" echo "you want this module removed from" exit 1 fi /usr/bin/test -d ${BASEDIR}/__DISTUTILS_NAME__ if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then find ${BASEDIR}/__DISTUTILS_NAME__ -name "*.pyc" -exec rm {} \; find ${BASEDIR}/__DISTUTILS_NAME__ -name "*.pyo" -exec rm {} \; fi """ # default postremove removes the module directory _IF_ no files are # there (Turns out this isn't needed if the preremove does it's job # Left for posterity DEFAULT_POSTREMOVE="""#!/bin/sh /usr/bin/test -d ${BASEDIR}/__DISTUTILS_NAME__ if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then if [ `find ${BASEDIR}/__DISTUTILS_NAME__ ! -type d | wc -l` -eq 0 ]; then rm -rf ${BASEDIR}/__DISTUTILS_NAME__ fi fi """ class bdist_pkgtool (bdist_packager.bdist_packager): description = "create an pkgtool (Solaris) package" user_options = bdist_packager.bdist_packager.user_options + [ ('revision=', None, "package revision number (PSTAMP)"), ('pkg-abrev=', None, "Abbreviation (9 characters or less) of the package name"), ('compver=', None, "file containing compatible versions of this package (man compver)"), ('depend=', None, "file containing dependencies for this package (man depend)"), #('category=', None, #"Software category"), ('request=', None, "request script (Bourne shell code)"), ] def initialize_options (self): # XXX Check for pkgtools on path... bdist_packager.bdist_packager.initialize_options(self) self.compver = None self.depend = None self.vendor = None self.classes = None self.request = None self.pkg_abrev = None self.revision = None # I'm not sure I should need to do this, but the setup.cfg # settings weren't showing up.... options = self.distribution.get_option_dict('bdist_packager') for key in options.keys(): setattr(self,key,options[key][1]) # initialize_options() def finalize_options (self): global DEFAULT_REQUEST, DEFAULT_POSTINSTALL global DEFAULT_PREREMOVE, DEFAULT_POSTREMOVE if self.pkg_dir is None: dist_dir = self.get_finalized_command('bdist').dist_dir self.pkg_dir = os.path.join(dist_dir, "pkgtool") self.ensure_string('classes', None) self.ensure_string('revision', "1") self.ensure_script('request') self.ensure_script('preinstall') self.ensure_script('postinstall') self.ensure_script('preremove') self.ensure_script('postremove') self.ensure_string('vendor', None) if self.__dict__.has_key('author'): if self.__dict__.has_key('author_email'): self.ensure_string('vendor', "%s <%s>" % (self.author, self.author_email)) else: self.ensure_string('vendor', "%s" % (self.author)) self.ensure_string('category', "System,application") self.ensure_script('compver') self.ensure_script('depend') bdist_packager.bdist_packager.finalize_options(self) if self.pkg_abrev is None: self.pkg_abrev=self.name if len(self.pkg_abrev)>9: raise DistutilsOptionError, \ "pkg-abrev (%s) must be less than 9 characters" % self.pkg_abrev # Update default scripts with our metadata name DEFAULT_REQUEST = string.replace(DEFAULT_REQUEST, "__DISTUTILS_NAME__", self.root_package) DEFAULT_POSTINSTALL = string.replace(DEFAULT_POSTINSTALL, "__DISTUTILS_NAME__", self.root_package) DEFAULT_PREREMOVE = string.replace(DEFAULT_PREREMOVE, "__DISTUTILS_NAME__", self.root_package) DEFAULT_POSTREMOVE = string.replace(DEFAULT_POSTREMOVE, "__DISTUTILS_NAME__", self.root_package) # finalize_options() def make_package(self,root=None): # make directories self.mkpath(self.pkg_dir) if root: pkg_dir = self.pkg_dir+"/"+root self.mkpath(pkg_dir) else: pkg_dir = self.pkg_dir install = self.reinitialize_command('install', reinit_subcommands=1) # build package self.announce('Building package') self.run_command('build') self.announce('Creating pkginfo file') path = os.path.join(pkg_dir, "pkginfo") self.execute(write_file, (path, self._make_info_file()), "writing '%s'" % path) # request script handling if self.request==None: self.request = self._make_request_script() if self.request!="": path = os.path.join(pkg_dir, "request") self.execute(write_file, (path, self.request), "writing '%s'" % path) # Create installation scripts, since compver & depend are # user created files, they work just fine as scripts self.write_script(os.path.join(pkg_dir, "postinstall"), 'postinstall',DEFAULT_POSTINSTALL) self.write_script(os.path.join(pkg_dir, "preinstall"), 'preinstall',None) self.write_script(os.path.join(pkg_dir, "preremove"), 'preremove',DEFAULT_PREREMOVE) self.write_script(os.path.join(pkg_dir, "postremove"), 'postremove',None) self.write_script(os.path.join(pkg_dir, "compver"), 'compver',None) self.write_script(os.path.join(pkg_dir, "depend"), 'depend',None) self.announce('Creating prototype file') path = os.path.join(pkg_dir, "prototype") self.execute(write_file, (path, self._make_prototype()), "writing '%s'" % path) if self.control_only: # stop if requested return self.announce('Creating package') pkg_cmd = ['pkgmk', '-o', '-f'] pkg_cmd.append(path) pkg_cmd.append('-b') pkg_cmd.append(os.environ['PWD']) self.spawn(pkg_cmd) pkg_cmd = ['pkgtrans', '-s', '/var/spool/pkg'] path = os.path.join(os.environ['PWD'],pkg_dir, self.get_binary_name() + ".pkg") self.announce('Transferring package to ' + pkg_dir) pkg_cmd.append(path) pkg_cmd.append(self.pkg_abrev) self.spawn(pkg_cmd) os.system("rm -rf /var/spool/pkg/%s" % self.pkg_abrev) def run (self): if self.subpackages: self.subpackages=string.split(self.subpackages,",") for pkg in self.subpackages: self.make_package(subpackage) else: self.make_package() # run() def _make_prototype(self): proto_file = ["i pkginfo"] if self.request: proto_file.extend(['i request']) if self.postinstall: proto_file.extend(['i postinstall']) if self.postremove: proto_file.extend(['i postremove']) if self.preinstall: proto_file.extend(['i preinstall']) if self.preremove: proto_file.extend(['i preremove']) if self.compver: proto_file.extend(['i compver']) if self.requires: proto_file.extend(['i depend']) proto_file.extend(['!default 644 root bin']) build = self.get_finalized_command('build') try: self.distribution.packages[0] file_list=string.split( getoutput("pkgproto %s/%s=%s" % (build.build_lib, self.distribution.packages[0], self.distribution.packages[0])),"\012") except: file_list=string.split( getoutput("pkgproto %s=" % (build.build_lib)),"\012") ownership="%s %s" % (pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0], grp.getgrgid(os.getgid())[0]) for i in range(len(file_list)): file_list[i] = string.replace(file_list[i],ownership,"root bin") proto_file.extend(file_list) return proto_file def _make_request_script(self): global DEFAULT_REQUEST # A little different from other scripts, if we are to automatically # relocate to the target site-packages, we have to wrap any provided # script with the autorelocation script. If no script is provided, # The request script will simply be the autorelocate script if self.no_autorelocate==0: request=string.split(DEFAULT_REQUEST,"\012") else: self.announce('Creating relocation request script') if self.request: users_request=self.get_script('request') if users_request!=None and users_request!=[]: if self.no_autorelocate==0 and users_request[0][0:2]=="#!": users_request.remove(users_request[0]) for i in users_request: request.append(i) if self.no_autorelocate==0: request.append("#############################################") request.append("# finalize relocation support #") request.append("#############################################") request.append('echo "BASEDIR=\\"${BASEDIR}\\"" >>$1') return request def _make_info_file(self): """Generate the text of a pkgtool info file and return it as a list of strings (one per line). """ # definitions and headers # PKG must be alphanumeric, < 9 characters info_file = [ 'PKG="%s"' % self.pkg_abrev, 'NAME="%s"' % self.name, 'VERSION="%s"' % self.version, 'PSTAMP="%s"' % self.revision, ] info_file.extend(['VENDOR="%s (%s)"' % (self.distribution.maintainer, \ self.distribution.license) ]) info_file.extend(['EMAIL="%s"' % self.distribution.maintainer_email ]) p = self.distribution.get_platforms() if p is None or p==['UNKNOWN']: archs=getoutput('uname -p') else: archs=string.join(self.distribution.get_platforms(),',') #else: #print "Assuming a sparc architecure" #archs='sparc' info_file.extend(['ARCH="%s"' % archs ]) if self.distribution.get_url(): info_file.extend(['HOTLINE="%s"' % self.distribution.get_url() ]) if self.classes: info_file.extend(['CLASSES="%s"' % self.classes ]) if self.category: info_file.extend(['CATEGORY="%s"' % self.category ]) site=None for i in sys.path: if i[-13:]=="site-packages": site=i break if site: info_file.extend(['BASEDIR="%s"' % site ]) return info_file # _make_info_file () def _format_changelog(self, changelog): """Format the changelog correctly and convert it to a list of strings """ if not changelog: return changelog new_changelog = [] for line in string.split(string.strip(changelog), '\n'): line = string.strip(line) if line[0] == '*': new_changelog.extend(['', line]) elif line[0] == '-': new_changelog.append(line) else: new_changelog.append(' ' + line) # strip trailing newline inserted by first changelog entry if not new_changelog[0]: del new_changelog[0] return new_changelog # _format_changelog() # class bdist_rpm