"""Make the custom certificate and private key files used by test_ssl and friends.""" import os import pprint import shutil import tempfile from subprocess import * req_template = """ [ default ] base_url = http://testca.pythontest.net/testca [req] distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name prompt = no [req_distinguished_name] C = XY L = Castle Anthrax O = Python Software Foundation CN = {hostname} [req_x509_extensions_simple] subjectAltName = @san [req_x509_extensions_full] subjectAltName = @san keyUsage = critical,keyEncipherment,digitalSignature extendedKeyUsage = serverAuth,clientAuth basicConstraints = critical,CA:false subjectKeyIdentifier = hash authorityKeyIdentifier = keyid:always,issuer:always authorityInfoAccess = @issuer_ocsp_info crlDistributionPoints = @crl_info [ issuer_ocsp_info ] caIssuers;URI.0 = $base_url/pycacert.cer OCSP;URI.0 = $base_url/ocsp/ [ crl_info ] URI.0 = $base_url/revocation.crl [san] DNS.1 = {hostname} {extra_san} [dir_sect] C = XY L = Castle Anthrax O = Python Software Foundation CN = dirname example [princ_name] realm = EXP:0, GeneralString:KERBEROS.REALM principal_name = EXP:1, SEQUENCE:principal_seq [principal_seq] name_type = EXP:0, INTEGER:1 name_string = EXP:1, SEQUENCE:principals [principals] princ1 = GeneralString:username [ ca ] default_ca = CA_default [ CA_default ] dir = cadir database = $dir/index.txt crlnumber = $dir/crl.txt default_md = sha1 default_days = 3600 default_crl_days = 3600 certificate = pycacert.pem private_key = pycakey.pem serial = $dir/serial RANDFILE = $dir/.rand policy = policy_match [ policy_match ] countryName = match stateOrProvinceName = optional organizationName = match organizationalUnitName = optional commonName = supplied emailAddress = optional [ policy_anything ] countryName = optional stateOrProvinceName = optional localityName = optional organizationName = optional organizationalUnitName = optional commonName = supplied emailAddress = optional [ v3_ca ] subjectKeyIdentifier=hash authorityKeyIdentifier=keyid:always,issuer basicConstraints = CA:true """ here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) def make_cert_key(hostname, sign=False, extra_san='', ext='req_x509_extensions_full', key='rsa:2048'): print("creating cert for " + hostname) tempnames = [] for i in range(3): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as f: tempnames.append(f.name) req_file, cert_file, key_file = tempnames try: req = req_template.format(hostname=hostname, extra_san=extra_san) with open(req_file, 'w') as f: f.write(req) args = ['req', '-new', '-days', '3650', '-nodes', '-newkey', key, '-keyout', key_file, '-extensions', ext, '-config', req_file] if sign: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as f: tempnames.append(f.name) reqfile = f.name args += ['-out', reqfile ] else: args += ['-x509', '-out', cert_file ] check_call(['openssl'] + args) if sign: args = [ 'ca', '-config', req_file, '-extensions', ext, '-out', cert_file, '-outdir', 'cadir', '-policy', 'policy_anything', '-batch', '-infiles', reqfile ] check_call(['openssl'] + args) with open(cert_file, 'r') as f: cert = f.read() with open(key_file, 'r') as f: key = f.read() return cert, key finally: for name in tempnames: os.remove(name) TMP_CADIR = 'cadir' def unmake_ca(): shutil.rmtree(TMP_CADIR) def make_ca(): os.mkdir(TMP_CADIR) with open(os.path.join('cadir','index.txt'),'a+') as f: pass # empty file with open(os.path.join('cadir','crl.txt'),'a+') as f: f.write("00") with open(os.path.join('cadir','index.txt.attr'),'w+') as f: f.write('unique_subject = no') with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("w") as t: t.write(req_template.format(hostname='our-ca-server', extra_san='')) t.flush() with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f: args = ['req', '-new', '-days', '3650', '-extensions', 'v3_ca', '-nodes', '-newkey', 'rsa:2048', '-keyout', 'pycakey.pem', '-out', f.name, '-subj', '/C=XY/L=Castle Anthrax/O=Python Software Foundation CA/CN=our-ca-server'] check_call(['openssl'] + args) args = ['ca', '-config', t.name, '-create_serial', '-out', 'pycacert.pem', '-batch', '-outdir', TMP_CADIR, '-keyfile', 'pycakey.pem', '-days', '3650', '-selfsign', '-extensions', 'v3_ca', '-infiles', f.name ] check_call(['openssl'] + args) args = ['ca', '-config', t.name, '-gencrl', '-out', 'revocation.crl'] check_call(['openssl'] + args) # capath hashes depend on subject! check_call([ 'openssl', 'x509', '-in', 'pycacert.pem', '-out', 'capath/ceff1710.0' ]) shutil.copy('capath/ceff1710.0', 'capath/b1930218.0') def print_cert(path): import _ssl pprint.pprint(_ssl._test_decode_cert(path)) if __name__ == '__main__': os.chdir(here) cert, key = make_cert_key('localhost', ext='req_x509_extensions_simple') with open('ssl_cert.pem', 'w') as f: f.write(cert) with open('ssl_key.pem', 'w') as f: f.write(key) print("password protecting ssl_key.pem in ssl_key.passwd.pem") check_call(['openssl','rsa','-in','ssl_key.pem','-out','ssl_key.passwd.pem','-des3','-passout','pass:somepass']) check_call(['openssl','rsa','-in','ssl_key.pem','-out','keycert.passwd.pem','-des3','-passout','pass:somepass']) with open('keycert.pem', 'w') as f: f.write(key) f.write(cert) with open('keycert.passwd.pem', 'a+') as f: f.write(cert) # For certificate matching tests make_ca() cert, key = make_cert_key('fakehostname', ext='req_x509_extensions_simple') with open('keycert2.pem', 'w') as f: f.write(key) f.write(cert) cert, key = make_cert_key('localhost', True) with open('keycert3.pem', 'w') as f: f.write(key) f.write(cert) cert, key = make_cert_key('fakehostname', True) with open('keycert4.pem', 'w') as f: f.write(key) f.write(cert) cert, key = make_cert_key( 'localhost-ecc', True, key='param:secp384r1.pem' ) with open('keycertecc.pem', 'w') as f: f.write(key) f.write(cert) extra_san = [ 'otherName.1 =;UTF8:some other identifier', 'otherName.2 =;SEQUENCE:princ_name', 'email.1 = user@example.org', 'DNS.2 = www.example.org', # GEN_X400 'dirName.1 = dir_sect', # GEN_EDIPARTY 'URI.1 = https://www.python.org/', 'IP.1 =', 'IP.2 = ::1', 'RID.1 =', ] cert, key = make_cert_key('allsans', extra_san='\n'.join(extra_san)) with open('allsans.pem', 'w') as f: f.write(key) f.write(cert) extra_san = [ # könig (king) 'DNS.2 = xn--knig-5qa.idn.pythontest.net', # königsgäßchen (king's alleyway) 'DNS.3 = xn--knigsgsschen-lcb0w.idna2003.pythontest.net', 'DNS.4 = xn--knigsgchen-b4a3dun.idna2008.pythontest.net', # βόλοσ (marble) 'DNS.5 = xn--nxasmq6b.idna2003.pythontest.net', 'DNS.6 = xn--nxasmm1c.idna2008.pythontest.net', ] # IDN SANS, signed cert, key = make_cert_key('idnsans', True, extra_san='\n'.join(extra_san)) with open('idnsans.pem', 'w') as f: f.write(key) f.write(cert) unmake_ca() print("update Lib/test/test_ssl.py and Lib/test/test_asyncio/util.py") print_cert('keycert.pem') print_cert('keycert3.pem')