# Python test set -- part 5, built-in exceptions import os import sys import unittest import pickle, cPickle from test.test_support import (TESTFN, unlink, run_unittest, captured_output, check_warnings, cpython_only) from test.test_pep352 import ignore_deprecation_warnings # XXX This is not really enough, each *operation* should be tested! class ExceptionTests(unittest.TestCase): def testReload(self): # Reloading the built-in exceptions module failed prior to Py2.2, while it # should act the same as reloading built-in sys. try: from imp import reload import exceptions reload(exceptions) except ImportError, e: self.fail("reloading exceptions: %s" % e) def raise_catch(self, exc, excname): try: raise exc, "spam" except exc, err: buf1 = str(err) try: raise exc("spam") except exc, err: buf2 = str(err) self.assertEqual(buf1, buf2) self.assertEqual(exc.__name__, excname) def testRaising(self): self.raise_catch(AttributeError, "AttributeError") self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getattr, sys, "undefined_attribute") self.raise_catch(EOFError, "EOFError") fp = open(TESTFN, 'w') fp.close() fp = open(TESTFN, 'r') savestdin = sys.stdin try: try: sys.stdin = fp x = raw_input() except EOFError: pass finally: sys.stdin = savestdin fp.close() unlink(TESTFN) self.raise_catch(IOError, "IOError") self.assertRaises(IOError, open, 'this file does not exist', 'r') self.raise_catch(ImportError, "ImportError") self.assertRaises(ImportError, __import__, "undefined_module") self.raise_catch(IndexError, "IndexError") x = [] self.assertRaises(IndexError, x.__getitem__, 10) self.raise_catch(KeyError, "KeyError") x = {} self.assertRaises(KeyError, x.__getitem__, 'key') self.raise_catch(KeyboardInterrupt, "KeyboardInterrupt") self.raise_catch(MemoryError, "MemoryError") self.raise_catch(NameError, "NameError") try: x = undefined_variable except NameError: pass self.raise_catch(OverflowError, "OverflowError") x = 1 for dummy in range(128): x += x # this simply shouldn't blow up self.raise_catch(RuntimeError, "RuntimeError") self.raise_catch(SyntaxError, "SyntaxError") try: exec '/\n' except SyntaxError: pass self.raise_catch(IndentationError, "IndentationError") self.raise_catch(TabError, "TabError") # can only be tested under -tt, and is the only test for -tt #try: compile("try:\n\t1/0\n \t1/0\nfinally:\n pass\n", '', 'exec') #except TabError: pass #else: self.fail("TabError not raised") self.raise_catch(SystemError, "SystemError") self.raise_catch(SystemExit, "SystemExit") self.assertRaises(SystemExit, sys.exit, 0) self.raise_catch(TypeError, "TypeError") try: [] + () except TypeError: pass self.raise_catch(ValueError, "ValueError") self.assertRaises(ValueError, chr, 10000) self.raise_catch(ZeroDivisionError, "ZeroDivisionError") try: x = 1 // 0 except ZeroDivisionError: pass self.raise_catch(Exception, "Exception") try: x = 1 // 0 except Exception, e: pass def testSyntaxErrorMessage(self): # make sure the right exception message is raised for each of # these code fragments def ckmsg(src, msg): try: compile(src, '', 'exec') except SyntaxError, e: if e.msg != msg: self.fail("expected %s, got %s" % (msg, e.msg)) else: self.fail("failed to get expected SyntaxError") s = '''while 1: try: pass finally: continue''' if not sys.platform.startswith('java'): ckmsg(s, "'continue' not supported inside 'finally' clause") s = '''if 1: try: continue except: pass''' ckmsg(s, "'continue' not properly in loop") ckmsg("continue\n", "'continue' not properly in loop") @cpython_only def testSettingException(self): # test that setting an exception at the C level works even if the # exception object can't be constructed. class BadException: def __init__(self_): raise RuntimeError, "can't instantiate BadException" def test_capi1(): import _testcapi try: _testcapi.raise_exception(BadException, 1) except TypeError, err: exc, err, tb = sys.exc_info() co = tb.tb_frame.f_code self.assertEqual(co.co_name, "test_capi1") self.assertTrue(co.co_filename.endswith('test_exceptions'+os.extsep+'py')) else: self.fail("Expected exception") def test_capi2(): import _testcapi try: _testcapi.raise_exception(BadException, 0) except RuntimeError, err: exc, err, tb = sys.exc_info() co = tb.tb_frame.f_code self.assertEqual(co.co_name, "__init__") self.assertTrue(co.co_filename.endswith('test_exceptions'+os.extsep+'py')) co2 = tb.tb_frame.f_back.f_code self.assertEqual(co2.co_name, "test_capi2") else: self.fail("Expected exception") if not sys.platform.startswith('java'): test_capi1() test_capi2() def test_WindowsError(self): try: WindowsError except NameError: pass else: self.assertEqual(str(WindowsError(1001)), "1001") self.assertEqual(str(WindowsError(1001, "message")), "[Error 1001] message") self.assertEqual(WindowsError(1001, "message").errno, 22) self.assertEqual(WindowsError(1001, "message").winerror, 1001) @ignore_deprecation_warnings def testAttributes(self): # test that exception attributes are happy exceptionList = [ (BaseException, (), {'message' : '', 'args' : ()}), (BaseException, (1, ), {'message' : 1, 'args' : (1,)}), (BaseException, ('foo',), {'message' : 'foo', 'args' : ('foo',)}), (BaseException, ('foo', 1), {'message' : '', 'args' : ('foo', 1)}), (SystemExit, ('foo',), {'message' : 'foo', 'args' : ('foo',), 'code' : 'foo'}), (IOError, ('foo',), {'message' : 'foo', 'args' : ('foo',), 'filename' : None, 'errno' : None, 'strerror' : None}), (IOError, ('foo', 'bar'), {'message' : '', 'args' : ('foo', 'bar'), 'filename' : None, 'errno' : 'foo', 'strerror' : 'bar'}), (IOError, ('foo', 'bar', 'baz'), {'message' : '', 'args' : ('foo', 'bar'), 'filename' : 'baz', 'errno' : 'foo', 'strerror' : 'bar'}), (IOError, ('foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'quux'), {'message' : '', 'args' : ('foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'quux')}), (EnvironmentError, ('errnoStr', 'strErrorStr', 'filenameStr'), {'message' : '', 'args' : ('errnoStr', 'strErrorStr'), 'strerror' : 'strErrorStr', 'errno' : 'errnoStr', 'filename' : 'filenameStr'}), (EnvironmentError, (1, 'strErrorStr', 'filenameStr'), {'message' : '', 'args' : (1, 'strErrorStr'), 'errno' : 1, 'strerror' : 'strErrorStr', 'filename' : 'filenameStr'}), (SyntaxError, (), {'message' : '', 'msg' : None, 'text' : None, 'filename' : None, 'lineno' : None, 'offset' : None, 'print_file_and_line' : None}), (SyntaxError, ('msgStr',), {'message' : 'msgStr', 'args' : ('msgStr',), 'text' : None, 'print_file_and_line' : None, 'msg' : 'msgStr', 'filename' : None, 'lineno' : None, 'offset' : None}), (SyntaxError, ('msgStr', ('filenameStr', 'linenoStr', 'offsetStr', 'textStr')), {'message' : '', 'offset' : 'offsetStr', 'text' : 'textStr', 'args' : ('msgStr', ('filenameStr', 'linenoStr', 'offsetStr', 'textStr')), 'print_file_and_line' : None, 'msg' : 'msgStr', 'filename' : 'filenameStr', 'lineno' : 'linenoStr'}), (SyntaxError, ('msgStr', 'filenameStr', 'linenoStr', 'offsetStr', 'textStr', 'print_file_and_lineStr'), {'message' : '', 'text' : None, 'args' : ('msgStr', 'filenameStr', 'linenoStr', 'offsetStr', 'textStr', 'print_file_and_lineStr'), 'print_file_and_line' : None, 'msg' : 'msgStr', 'filename' : None, 'lineno' : None, 'offset' : None}), (UnicodeError, (), {'message' : '', 'args' : (),}), (UnicodeEncodeError, ('ascii', u'a', 0, 1, 'ordinal not in range'), {'message' : '', 'args' : ('ascii', u'a', 0, 1, 'ordinal not in range'), 'encoding' : 'ascii', 'object' : u'a', 'start' : 0, 'reason' : 'ordinal not in range'}), (UnicodeDecodeError, ('ascii', '\xff', 0, 1, 'ordinal not in range'), {'message' : '', 'args' : ('ascii', '\xff', 0, 1, 'ordinal not in range'), 'encoding' : 'ascii', 'object' : '\xff', 'start' : 0, 'reason' : 'ordinal not in range'}), (UnicodeTranslateError, (u"\u3042", 0, 1, "ouch"), {'message' : '', 'args' : (u'\u3042', 0, 1, 'ouch'), 'object' : u'\u3042', 'reason' : 'ouch', 'start' : 0, 'end' : 1}), ] try: exceptionList.append( (WindowsError, (1, 'strErrorStr', 'filenameStr'), {'message' : '', 'args' : (1, 'strErrorStr'), 'strerror' : 'strErrorStr', 'winerror' : 1, 'errno' : 22, 'filename' : 'filenameStr'}) ) except NameError: pass for exc, args, expected in exceptionList: try: raise exc(*args) except BaseException, e: if type(e) is not exc: raise # Verify module name self.assertEqual(type(e).__module__, 'exceptions') # Verify no ref leaks in Exc_str() s = str(e) for checkArgName in expected: self.assertEqual(repr(getattr(e, checkArgName)), repr(expected[checkArgName]), 'exception "%s", attribute "%s"' % (repr(e), checkArgName)) # test for pickling support for p in pickle, cPickle: for protocol in range(p.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL + 1): new = p.loads(p.dumps(e, protocol)) for checkArgName in expected: got = repr(getattr(new, checkArgName)) want = repr(expected[checkArgName]) self.assertEqual(got, want, 'pickled "%r", attribute "%s"' % (e, checkArgName)) def testDeprecatedMessageAttribute(self): # Accessing BaseException.message and relying on its value set by # BaseException.__init__ triggers a deprecation warning. exc = BaseException("foo") with check_warnings(("BaseException.message has been deprecated " "as of Python 2.6", DeprecationWarning)) as w: self.assertEqual(exc.message, "foo") self.assertEqual(len(w.warnings), 1) def testRegularMessageAttribute(self): # Accessing BaseException.message after explicitly setting a value # for it does not trigger a deprecation warning. exc = BaseException("foo") exc.message = "bar" with check_warnings(quiet=True) as w: self.assertEqual(exc.message, "bar") self.assertEqual(len(w.warnings), 0) # Deleting the message is supported, too. del exc.message with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): exc.message @ignore_deprecation_warnings def testPickleMessageAttribute(self): # Pickling with message attribute must work, as well. e = Exception("foo") f = Exception("foo") f.message = "bar" for p in pickle, cPickle: ep = p.loads(p.dumps(e)) self.assertEqual(ep.message, "foo") fp = p.loads(p.dumps(f)) self.assertEqual(fp.message, "bar") @ignore_deprecation_warnings def testSlicing(self): # Test that you can slice an exception directly instead of requiring # going through the 'args' attribute. args = (1, 2, 3) exc = BaseException(*args) self.assertEqual(exc[:], args) self.assertEqual(exc.args[:], args) def testKeywordArgs(self): # test that builtin exception don't take keyword args, # but user-defined subclasses can if they want self.assertRaises(TypeError, BaseException, a=1) class DerivedException(BaseException): def __init__(self, fancy_arg): BaseException.__init__(self) self.fancy_arg = fancy_arg x = DerivedException(fancy_arg=42) self.assertEqual(x.fancy_arg, 42) def testInfiniteRecursion(self): def f(): return f() self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, f) def g(): try: return g() except ValueError: return -1 # The test prints an unraisable recursion error when # doing "except ValueError", this is because subclass # checking has recursion checking too. with captured_output("stderr"): try: g() except RuntimeError: pass except: self.fail("Should have raised KeyError") else: self.fail("Should have raised KeyError") def testUnicodeStrUsage(self): # Make sure both instances and classes have a str and unicode # representation. self.assertTrue(str(Exception)) self.assertTrue(unicode(Exception)) self.assertTrue(str(Exception('a'))) self.assertTrue(unicode(Exception(u'a'))) self.assertTrue(unicode(Exception(u'\xe1'))) def testUnicodeChangeAttributes(self): # See issue 7309. This was a crasher. u = UnicodeEncodeError('baz', u'xxxxx', 1, 5, 'foo') self.assertEqual(str(u), "'baz' codec can't encode characters in position 1-4: foo") u.end = 2 self.assertEqual(str(u), "'baz' codec can't encode character u'\\x78' in position 1: foo") u.end = 5 u.reason = 0x345345345345345345 self.assertEqual(str(u), "'baz' codec can't encode characters in position 1-4: 965230951443685724997") u.encoding = 4000 self.assertEqual(str(u), "'4000' codec can't encode characters in position 1-4: 965230951443685724997") u.start = 1000 self.assertEqual(str(u), "'4000' codec can't encode characters in position 1000-4: 965230951443685724997") u = UnicodeDecodeError('baz', 'xxxxx', 1, 5, 'foo') self.assertEqual(str(u), "'baz' codec can't decode bytes in position 1-4: foo") u.end = 2 self.assertEqual(str(u), "'baz' codec can't decode byte 0x78 in position 1: foo") u.end = 5 u.reason = 0x345345345345345345 self.assertEqual(str(u), "'baz' codec can't decode bytes in position 1-4: 965230951443685724997") u.encoding = 4000 self.assertEqual(str(u), "'4000' codec can't decode bytes in position 1-4: 965230951443685724997") u.start = 1000 self.assertEqual(str(u), "'4000' codec can't decode bytes in position 1000-4: 965230951443685724997") u = UnicodeTranslateError(u'xxxx', 1, 5, 'foo') self.assertEqual(str(u), "can't translate characters in position 1-4: foo") u.end = 2 self.assertEqual(str(u), "can't translate character u'\\x78' in position 1: foo") u.end = 5 u.reason = 0x345345345345345345 self.assertEqual(str(u), "can't translate characters in position 1-4: 965230951443685724997") u.start = 1000 self.assertEqual(str(u), "can't translate characters in position 1000-4: 965230951443685724997") def test_badisinstance(self): # Bug #2542: if issubclass(e, MyException) raises an exception, # it should be ignored class Meta(type): def __subclasscheck__(cls, subclass): raise ValueError() class MyException(Exception): __metaclass__ = Meta pass with captured_output("stderr") as stderr: try: raise KeyError() except MyException, e: self.fail("exception should not be a MyException") except KeyError: pass except: self.fail("Should have raised KeyError") else: self.fail("Should have raised KeyError") with captured_output("stderr") as stderr: def g(): try: return g() except RuntimeError: return sys.exc_info() e, v, tb = g() self.assertTrue(e is RuntimeError, e) self.assertIn("maximum recursion depth exceeded", str(v)) def test_new_returns_invalid_instance(self): # See issue #11627. class MyException(Exception): def __new__(cls, *args): return object() with self.assertRaises(TypeError): raise MyException # Helper class used by TestSameStrAndUnicodeMsg class ExcWithOverriddenStr(Exception): """Subclass of Exception that accepts a keyword 'msg' arg that is returned by __str__. 'msg' won't be included in self.args""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.msg = kwargs.pop('msg') # msg should always be present super(ExcWithOverriddenStr, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def __str__(self): return self.msg class TestSameStrAndUnicodeMsg(unittest.TestCase): """unicode(err) should return the same message of str(err). See #6108""" def check_same_msg(self, exc, msg): """Helper function that checks if str(exc) == unicode(exc) == msg""" self.assertEqual(str(exc), msg) self.assertEqual(str(exc), unicode(exc)) def test_builtin_exceptions(self): """Check same msg for built-in exceptions""" # These exceptions implement a __str__ method that uses the args # to create a better error message. unicode(e) should return the same # message. exceptions = [ SyntaxError('invalid syntax', ('', 1, 3, '2+*3')), IOError(2, 'No such file or directory'), KeyError('both should have the same quotes'), UnicodeDecodeError('ascii', '\xc3\xa0', 0, 1, 'ordinal not in range(128)'), UnicodeEncodeError('ascii', u'\u1234', 0, 1, 'ordinal not in range(128)') ] for exception in exceptions: self.assertEqual(str(exception), unicode(exception)) def test_0_args(self): """Check same msg for Exception with 0 args""" # str() and unicode() on an Exception with no args should return an # empty string self.check_same_msg(Exception(), '') def test_0_args_with_overridden___str__(self): """Check same msg for exceptions with 0 args and overridden __str__""" # str() and unicode() on an exception with overridden __str__ that # returns an ascii-only string should return the same string for msg in ('foo', u'foo'): self.check_same_msg(ExcWithOverriddenStr(msg=msg), msg) # if __str__ returns a non-ascii unicode string str() should fail # but unicode() should return the unicode string e = ExcWithOverriddenStr(msg=u'f\xf6\xf6') # no args self.assertRaises(UnicodeEncodeError, str, e) self.assertEqual(unicode(e), u'f\xf6\xf6') def test_1_arg(self): """Check same msg for Exceptions with 1 arg""" for arg in ('foo', u'foo'): self.check_same_msg(Exception(arg), arg) # if __str__ is not overridden and self.args[0] is a non-ascii unicode # string, str() should try to return str(self.args[0]) and fail. # unicode() should return unicode(self.args[0]) and succeed. e = Exception(u'f\xf6\xf6') self.assertRaises(UnicodeEncodeError, str, e) self.assertEqual(unicode(e), u'f\xf6\xf6') def test_1_arg_with_overridden___str__(self): """Check same msg for exceptions with overridden __str__ and 1 arg""" # when __str__ is overridden and __unicode__ is not implemented # unicode(e) returns the same as unicode(e.__str__()). for msg in ('foo', u'foo'): self.check_same_msg(ExcWithOverriddenStr('arg', msg=msg), msg) # if __str__ returns a non-ascii unicode string, str() should fail # but unicode() should succeed. e = ExcWithOverriddenStr('arg', msg=u'f\xf6\xf6') # 1 arg self.assertRaises(UnicodeEncodeError, str, e) self.assertEqual(unicode(e), u'f\xf6\xf6') def test_many_args(self): """Check same msg for Exceptions with many args""" argslist = [ (3, 'foo'), (1, u'foo', 'bar'), (4, u'f\xf6\xf6', u'bar', 'baz') ] # both str() and unicode() should return a repr() of the args for args in argslist: self.check_same_msg(Exception(*args), repr(args)) def test_many_args_with_overridden___str__(self): """Check same msg for exceptions with overridden __str__ and many args""" # if __str__ returns an ascii string / ascii unicode string # both str() and unicode() should succeed for msg in ('foo', u'foo'): e = ExcWithOverriddenStr('arg1', u'arg2', u'f\xf6\xf6', msg=msg) self.check_same_msg(e, msg) # if __str__ returns a non-ascii unicode string, str() should fail # but unicode() should succeed e = ExcWithOverriddenStr('arg1', u'f\xf6\xf6', u'arg3', # 3 args msg=u'f\xf6\xf6') self.assertRaises(UnicodeEncodeError, str, e) self.assertEqual(unicode(e), u'f\xf6\xf6') @cpython_only def test_exception_with_doc(self): import _testcapi doc2 = "This is a test docstring." doc4 = "This is another test docstring." self.assertRaises(SystemError, _testcapi.make_exception_with_doc, "error1") # test basic usage of PyErr_NewException error1 = _testcapi.make_exception_with_doc("_testcapi.error1") self.assertIs(type(error1), type) self.assertTrue(issubclass(error1, Exception)) self.assertIsNone(error1.__doc__) # test with given docstring error2 = _testcapi.make_exception_with_doc("_testcapi.error2", doc2) self.assertEqual(error2.__doc__, doc2) # test with explicit base (without docstring) error3 = _testcapi.make_exception_with_doc("_testcapi.error3", base=error2) self.assertTrue(issubclass(error3, error2)) # test with explicit base tuple class C(object): pass error4 = _testcapi.make_exception_with_doc("_testcapi.error4", doc4, (error3, C)) self.assertTrue(issubclass(error4, error3)) self.assertTrue(issubclass(error4, C)) self.assertEqual(error4.__doc__, doc4) # test with explicit dictionary error5 = _testcapi.make_exception_with_doc("_testcapi.error5", "", error4, {'a': 1}) self.assertTrue(issubclass(error5, error4)) self.assertEqual(error5.a, 1) self.assertEqual(error5.__doc__, "") def test_main(): run_unittest(ExceptionTests, TestSameStrAndUnicodeMsg) if __name__ == '__main__': test_main()