.. _xml: XML Processing Modules ====================== Python's interfaces for processing XML are grouped in the ``xml`` package. It is important to note that modules in the :mod:`xml` package require that there be at least one SAX-compliant XML parser available. The Expat parser is included with Python, so the :mod:`xml.parsers.expat` module will always be available. The documentation for the :mod:`xml.dom` and :mod:`xml.sax` packages are the definition of the Python bindings for the DOM and SAX interfaces. The XML handling submodules are: * :mod:`xml.etree.ElementTree`: the ElementTree API, a simple and lightweight .. * :mod:`xml.dom`: the DOM API definition * :mod:`xml.dom.minidom`: a lightweight DOM implementation * :mod:`xml.dom.pulldom`: support for building partial DOM trees .. * :mod:`xml.sax`: SAX2 base classes and convenience functions * :mod:`xml.parsers.expat`: the Expat parser binding