import asyncore import socket import threading import smtpd import smtplib import io import sys import time import select from unittest import TestCase from test import test_support # PORT is used to communicate the port number assigned to the server # to the test client HOST = "localhost" PORT = None def server(evt, buf): try: serv = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) serv.settimeout(3) serv.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) serv.bind(("", 0)) global PORT PORT = serv.getsockname()[1] serv.listen(5) conn, addr = serv.accept() except socket.timeout: pass else: n = 500 while buf and n > 0: r, w, e =[], [conn], []) if w: sent = conn.send(buf) buf = buf[sent:] n -= 1 time.sleep(0.01) conn.close() finally: serv.close() PORT = None evt.set() class GeneralTests(TestCase): def setUp(self): self.evt = threading.Event() servargs = (self.evt, "220 Hola mundo\n") threading.Thread(target=server, args=servargs).start() # wait until server thread has assigned a port number n = 500 while PORT is None and n > 0: time.sleep(0.01) n -= 1 # wait a little longer (sometimes connections are refused # on slow machines without this additional wait) time.sleep(0.5) def tearDown(self): self.evt.wait() def testBasic1(self): # connects smtp = smtplib.SMTP(HOST, PORT) smtp.sock.close() def testBasic2(self): # connects, include port in host name smtp = smtplib.SMTP("%s:%s" % (HOST, PORT)) smtp.sock.close() def testLocalHostName(self): # check that supplied local_hostname is used smtp = smtplib.SMTP(HOST, PORT, local_hostname="testhost") self.assertEqual(smtp.local_hostname, "testhost") smtp.sock.close() def testNonnumericPort(self): # check that non-numeric port raises ValueError self.assertRaises(socket.error, smtplib.SMTP, "localhost", "bogus") def testTimeoutDefault(self): # default smtp = smtplib.SMTP(HOST, PORT) self.assertTrue(smtp.sock.gettimeout() is None) smtp.sock.close() def testTimeoutValue(self): # a value smtp = smtplib.SMTP(HOST, PORT, timeout=30) self.assertEqual(smtp.sock.gettimeout(), 30) smtp.sock.close() def testTimeoutNone(self): # None, having other default previous = socket.getdefaulttimeout() socket.setdefaulttimeout(30) try: smtp = smtplib.SMTP(HOST, PORT, timeout=None) finally: socket.setdefaulttimeout(previous) self.assertEqual(smtp.sock.gettimeout(), 30) smtp.sock.close() # Test server using smtpd.DebuggingServer def debugging_server(serv_evt, client_evt): serv = smtpd.DebuggingServer(("", 0), ('nowhere', -1)) global PORT PORT = serv.getsockname()[1] try: if hasattr(select, 'poll'): poll_fun = asyncore.poll2 else: poll_fun = asyncore.poll n = 1000 while asyncore.socket_map and n > 0: poll_fun(0.01, asyncore.socket_map) # when the client conversation is finished, it will # set client_evt, and it's then ok to kill the server if client_evt.isSet(): serv.close() break n -= 1 except socket.timeout: pass finally: # allow some time for the client to read the result time.sleep(0.5) serv.close() asyncore.close_all() PORT = None time.sleep(0.5) serv_evt.set() MSG_BEGIN = '---------- MESSAGE FOLLOWS ----------\n' MSG_END = '------------ END MESSAGE ------------\n' # Test behavior of smtpd.DebuggingServer # NOTE: the SMTP objects are created with a non-default local_hostname # argument to the constructor, since (on some systems) the FQDN lookup # caused by the default local_hostname sometimes takes so long that the # test server times out, causing the test to fail. class DebuggingServerTests(TestCase): def setUp(self): # temporarily replace sys.stdout to capture DebuggingServer output self.old_stdout = sys.stdout self.output = io.StringIO() sys.stdout = self.output self.serv_evt = threading.Event() self.client_evt = threading.Event() serv_args = (self.serv_evt, self.client_evt) threading.Thread(target=debugging_server, args=serv_args).start() # wait until server thread has assigned a port number n = 500 while PORT is None and n > 0: time.sleep(0.01) n -= 1 # wait a little longer (sometimes connections are refused # on slow machines without this additional wait) time.sleep(0.5) def tearDown(self): # indicate that the client is finished self.client_evt.set() # wait for the server thread to terminate self.serv_evt.wait() # restore sys.stdout sys.stdout = self.old_stdout def testBasic(self): # connect smtp = smtplib.SMTP(HOST, PORT, local_hostname='localhost', timeout=3) smtp.quit() def testEHLO(self): smtp = smtplib.SMTP(HOST, PORT, local_hostname='localhost', timeout=3) expected = (502, b'Error: command "EHLO" not implemented') self.assertEqual(smtp.ehlo(), expected) smtp.quit() def testHELP(self): smtp = smtplib.SMTP(HOST, PORT, local_hostname='localhost', timeout=3) self.assertEqual(, b'Error: command "HELP" not implemented') smtp.quit() def testSend(self): # connect and send mail m = 'A test message' smtp = smtplib.SMTP(HOST, PORT, local_hostname='localhost', timeout=3) smtp.sendmail('John', 'Sally', m) smtp.quit() self.client_evt.set() self.serv_evt.wait() self.output.flush() mexpect = '%s%s\n%s' % (MSG_BEGIN, m, MSG_END) self.assertEqual(self.output.getvalue(), mexpect) class BadHELOServerTests(TestCase): def setUp(self): self.old_stdout = sys.stdout self.output = io.StringIO() sys.stdout = self.output self.evt = threading.Event() servargs = (self.evt, b"199 no hello for you!\n") threading.Thread(target=server, args=servargs).start() # wait until server thread has assigned a port number n = 500 while PORT is None and n > 0: time.sleep(0.01) n -= 1 # wait a little longer (sometimes connections are refused # on slow machines without this additional wait) time.sleep(0.5) def tearDown(self): self.evt.wait() sys.stdout = self.old_stdout def testFailingHELO(self): self.assertRaises(smtplib.SMTPConnectError, smtplib.SMTP, HOST, PORT, 'localhost', 3) def test_main(verbose=None): test_support.run_unittest(GeneralTests, DebuggingServerTests, BadHELOServerTests) if __name__ == '__main__': test_main()