'''Tests for WindowsConsoleIO ''' import io import unittest import sys if sys.platform != 'win32': raise unittest.SkipTest("test only relevant on win32") from _testconsole import write_input ConIO = io._WindowsConsoleIO class WindowsConsoleIOTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_abc(self): self.assertTrue(issubclass(ConIO, io.RawIOBase)) self.assertFalse(issubclass(ConIO, io.BufferedIOBase)) self.assertFalse(issubclass(ConIO, io.TextIOBase)) def test_open_fd(self): try: f = ConIO(0) except ValueError: # cannot open console because it's not a real console pass else: self.assertTrue(f.readable()) self.assertFalse(f.writable()) self.assertEqual(0, f.fileno()) f.close() # multiple close should not crash f.close() try: f = ConIO(1, 'w') except ValueError: # cannot open console because it's not a real console pass else: self.assertFalse(f.readable()) self.assertTrue(f.writable()) self.assertEqual(1, f.fileno()) f.close() f.close() try: f = ConIO(2, 'w') except ValueError: # cannot open console because it's not a real console pass else: self.assertFalse(f.readable()) self.assertTrue(f.writable()) self.assertEqual(2, f.fileno()) f.close() f.close() def test_open_name(self): f = ConIO("CON") self.assertTrue(f.readable()) self.assertFalse(f.writable()) self.assertIsNotNone(f.fileno()) f.close() # multiple close should not crash f.close() f = ConIO('CONIN$') self.assertTrue(f.readable()) self.assertFalse(f.writable()) self.assertIsNotNone(f.fileno()) f.close() f.close() f = ConIO('CONOUT$', 'w') self.assertFalse(f.readable()) self.assertTrue(f.writable()) self.assertIsNotNone(f.fileno()) f.close() f.close() def assertStdinRoundTrip(self, text): stdin = open('CONIN$', 'r') old_stdin = sys.stdin try: sys.stdin = stdin write_input( stdin.buffer.raw, (text + '\r\n').encode('utf-16-le', 'surrogatepass') ) actual = input() finally: sys.stdin = old_stdin self.assertEqual(actual, text) def test_input(self): # ASCII self.assertStdinRoundTrip('abc123') # Non-ASCII self.assertStdinRoundTrip('ϼўТλФЙ') # Combining characters self.assertStdinRoundTrip('A͏B ﬖ̳AA̝') # Non-BMP self.assertStdinRoundTrip('\U00100000\U0010ffff\U0010fffd') def test_partial_reads(self): # Test that reading less than 1 full character works when stdin # contains multibyte UTF-8 sequences source = 'ϼўТλФЙ\r\n'.encode('utf-16-le') expected = 'ϼўТλФЙ\r\n'.encode('utf-8') for read_count in range(1, 16): stdin = open('CONIN$', 'rb', buffering=0) write_input(stdin, source) actual = b'' while not actual.endswith(b'\n'): b = stdin.read(read_count) actual += b self.assertEqual(actual, expected, 'stdin.read({})'.format(read_count)) stdin.close() def test_partial_surrogate_reads(self): # Test that reading less than 1 full character works when stdin # contains surrogate pairs that cannot be decoded to UTF-8 without # reading an extra character. source = '\U00101FFF\U00101001\r\n'.encode('utf-16-le') expected = '\U00101FFF\U00101001\r\n'.encode('utf-8') for read_count in range(1, 16): stdin = open('CONIN$', 'rb', buffering=0) write_input(stdin, source) actual = b'' while not actual.endswith(b'\n'): b = stdin.read(read_count) actual += b self.assertEqual(actual, expected, 'stdin.read({})'.format(read_count)) stdin.close() if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()