#! /usr/bin/env python # Mirror a remote ftp subtree into a local directory tree. # Basic usage: ftpmirror [options] host remotedir localdir # # XXX To do: # - handle symbolic links # - back up .mirrorinfo before overwriting # - use pickles for .mirrorinfo? import os import sys import time import getopt import string import ftplib from fnmatch import fnmatch usage_msg = """ usage: ftpmirror [-v] [-q] [-i] [-m] [-n] [-r] [-s pat] [-l username [-p passwd [-a account]]] hostname [remotedir [localdir]] -v: verbose -q: quiet -i: interactive mode -m: macintosh server (NCSA telnet 2.4) (implies -n -s '*.o') -n: don't log in -r: remove files no longer pertinent -l username [-p passwd [-a account]]: login info (default anonymous ftp) -s pat: skip files matching pattern hostname: remote host remotedir: remote directory (default initial) localdir: local directory (default current) """ def usage(*args): sys.stdout = sys.stderr for msg in args: print msg print usage_msg sys.exit(2) verbose = 1 # 0 for -q, 2 for -v interactive = 0 mac = 0 rmok = 0 nologin = 0 skippats = ['.', '..', '.mirrorinfo'] def main(): global verbose, interactive, mac, rmok, nologin try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'a:bil:mnp:qrs:v') except getopt.error, msg: usage(msg) login = '' passwd = '' account = '' for o, a in opts: if o == '-l': login = a if o == '-p': passwd = a if o == '-a': account = a if o == '-v': verbose = verbose + 1 if o == '-q': verbose = 0 if o == '-i': interactive = 1 if o == '-m': mac = 1; nologin = 1; skippats.append('*.o') if o == '-n': nologin = 1 if o == '-r': rmok = 1 if o == '-s': skippats.append(a) if not args: usage('hostname missing') host = args[0] remotedir = '' localdir = '' if args[1:]: remotedir = args[1] if args[2:]: localdir = args[2] if args[3:]: usage('too many arguments') # f = ftplib.FTP() if verbose: print 'Connecting to %s...' % host f.connect(host) if not nologin: if verbose: print 'Logging in as %s...' % (login or 'anonymous') f.login(login, passwd, account) if verbose: print 'OK.' pwd = f.pwd() if verbose > 1: print 'PWD =', `pwd` if remotedir: if verbose > 1: print 'cwd(%s)' % `remotedir` f.cwd(remotedir) if verbose > 1: print 'OK.' pwd = f.pwd() if verbose > 1: print 'PWD =', `pwd` # mirrorsubdir(f, localdir) def mirrorsubdir(f, localdir): pwd = f.pwd() if localdir and not os.path.isdir(localdir): if verbose: print 'Creating local directory', localdir try: makedir(localdir) except os.error, msg: print "Failed to establish local directory", localdir return infofilename = os.path.join(localdir, '.mirrorinfo') try: text = open(infofilename, 'r').read() except IOError, msg: text = '{}' try: info = eval(text) except (SyntaxError, NameError): print 'Bad mirror info in %s' % infofilename info = {} subdirs = [] listing = [] if verbose: print 'Listing remote directory %s...' % pwd f.retrlines('LIST', listing.append) filesfound = [] for line in listing: if verbose > 1: print '-->', `line` if mac: # Mac listing has just filenames; # trailing / means subdirectory filename = string.strip(line) mode = '-' if filename[-1:] == '/': filename = filename[:-1] mode = 'd' infostuff = '' else: # Parse, assuming a UNIX listing words = string.split(line) if len(words) < 6: if verbose > 1: print 'Skipping short line' continue if words[-2] == '->': if verbose > 1: print 'Skipping symbolic link %s -> %s' % \ (words[-3], words[-1]) continue filename = words[-1] infostuff = words[-5:-1] mode = words[0] skip = 0 for pat in skippats: if fnmatch(filename, pat): if verbose > 1: print 'Skip pattern', pat, print 'matches', filename skip = 1 break if skip: continue if mode[0] == 'd': if verbose > 1: print 'Remembering subdirectory', filename subdirs.append(filename) continue filesfound.append(filename) if info.has_key(filename) and info[filename] == infostuff: if verbose > 1: print 'Already have this version of', filename continue fullname = os.path.join(localdir, filename) tempname = os.path.join(localdir, '@'+filename) if interactive: doit = askabout('file', filename, pwd) if not doit: if not info.has_key(filename): info[filename] = 'Not retrieved' continue try: os.unlink(tempname) except os.error: pass try: fp = open(tempname, 'wb') except IOError, msg: print "Can't create %s: %s" % (tempname, str(msg)) continue if verbose: print 'Retrieving %s from %s as %s...' % \ (filename, pwd, fullname) if verbose: fp1 = LoggingFile(fp, 1024, sys.stdout) else: fp1 = fp t0 = time.time() try: f.retrbinary('RETR ' + filename, fp1.write, 8*1024) except ftplib.error_perm, msg: print msg t1 = time.time() bytes = fp.tell() fp.close() if fp1 != fp: fp1.close() try: os.unlink(fullname) except os.error: pass # Ignore the error try: os.rename(tempname, fullname) except os.error, msg: print "Can't rename %s to %s: %s" % (tempname, fullname, str(msg)) continue info[filename] = infostuff writedict(info, infofilename) if verbose: dt = t1 - t0 kbytes = bytes / 1024.0 print int(round(kbytes)), print 'Kbytes in', print int(round(dt)), print 'seconds', if t1 > t0: print '(~%d Kbytes/sec)' % \ int(round(kbytes/dt),) print # # Remove files from info that are no longer remote deletions = 0 for filename in info.keys(): if filename not in filesfound: if verbose: print "Removing obsolete info entry for", print filename, "in", localdir or "." del info[filename] deletions = deletions + 1 if deletions: writedict(info, infofilename) # # Remove local files that are no longer in the remote directory try: if not localdir: names = os.listdir(os.curdir) else: names = os.listdir(localdir) except os.error: names = [] for name in names: if name[0] == '.' or info.has_key(name) or name in subdirs: continue skip = 0 for pat in skippats: if fnmatch(name, pat): if verbose > 1: print 'Skip pattern', pat, print 'matches', name skip = 1 break if skip: continue fullname = os.path.join(localdir, name) if not rmok: if verbose: print 'Local file', fullname, print 'is no longer pertinent' continue if verbose: print 'Removing local file', fullname try: os.unlink(fullname) except os.error, msg: print "Can't remove local file %s: %s" % \ (fullname, str(msg)) # # Recursively mirror subdirectories for subdir in subdirs: if interactive: doit = askabout('subdirectory', subdir, pwd) if not doit: continue if verbose: print 'Processing subdirectory', subdir localsubdir = os.path.join(localdir, subdir) pwd = f.pwd() if verbose > 1: print 'Remote directory now:', pwd print 'Remote cwd', subdir try: f.cwd(subdir) except ftplib.error_perm, msg: print "Can't chdir to", subdir, ":", msg else: if verbose: print 'Mirroring as', localsubdir mirrorsubdir(f, localsubdir) if verbose > 1: print 'Remote cwd ..' f.cwd('..') newpwd = f.pwd() if newpwd != pwd: print 'Ended up in wrong directory after cd + cd ..' print 'Giving up now.' break else: if verbose > 1: print 'OK.' # Wrapper around a file for writing to write a hash sign every block. class LoggingFile: def __init__(self, fp, blocksize, outfp): self.fp = fp self.bytes = 0 self.hashes = 0 self.blocksize = blocksize self.outfp = outfp def write(self, data): self.bytes = self.bytes + len(data) hashes = int(self.bytes) / self.blocksize while hashes > self.hashes: self.outfp.write('#') self.outfp.flush() self.hashes = self.hashes + 1 self.fp.write(data) def close(self): self.outfp.write('\n') # Ask permission to download a file. def askabout(filetype, filename, pwd): prompt = 'Retrieve %s %s from %s ? [ny] ' % (filetype, filename, pwd) while 1: reply = string.lower(string.strip(raw_input(prompt))) if reply in ['y', 'ye', 'yes']: return 1 if reply in ['', 'n', 'no', 'nop', 'nope']: return 0 print 'Please answer yes or no.' # Create a directory if it doesn't exist. Recursively create the # parent directory as well if needed. def makedir(pathname): if os.path.isdir(pathname): return dirname = os.path.dirname(pathname) if dirname: makedir(dirname) os.mkdir(pathname, 0777) # Write a dictionary to a file in a way that can be read back using # rval() but is still somewhat readable (i.e. not a single long line). def writedict(dict, filename): fp = open(filename, 'w') fp.write('{\n') for key, value in dict.items(): fp.write('%s: %s,\n' % (`key`, `value`)) fp.write('}\n') fp.close() main()