#! /usr/bin/env python """Convert ESIS events to SGML or XML markup. This is limited, but seems sufficient for the ESIS generated by the latex2esis.py script when run over the Python documentation. """ __version__ = '$Revision$' import errno import esistools import os import re import string from xml.utils import escape EMPTIES_FILENAME = "../sgml/empties.dat" LIST_EMPTIES = 0 def format_attrs(attrs, xml=0): attrs = attrs.items() attrs.sort() s = '' for name, value in attrs: if xml: s = '%s %s="%s"' % (s, name, escape(value)) else: # this is a little bogus, but should do for now if name == value and isnmtoken(value): s = "%s %s" % (s, value) elif istoken(value): s = "%s %s=%s" % (s, name, value) else: s = '%s %s="%s"' % (s, name, escape(value)) return s _nmtoken_rx = re.compile("[a-z][-._a-z0-9]*$", re.IGNORECASE) def isnmtoken(s): return _nmtoken_rx.match(s) is not None _token_rx = re.compile("[a-z0-9][-._a-z0-9]*$", re.IGNORECASE) def istoken(s): return _token_rx.match(s) is not None def do_convert(ifp, ofp, xml=0, autoclose=()): if xml: autoclose = () attrs = {} lastopened = None knownempties = [] knownempty = 0 lastempty = 0 while 1: line = ifp.readline() if not line: break type = line[0] data = line[1:] if data and data[-1] == "\n": data = data[:-1] if type == "-": data = esistools.decode(data) ofp.write(escape(data)) if "\n" in data: lastopened = None knownempty = 0 lastempty = 0 elif type == "(": if data == "COMMENT": ofp.write("") continue if xml: if not lastempty: ofp.write("" % data) elif data not in knownempties: if data in autoclose: pass elif lastopened == data: ofp.write("") else: ofp.write("" % data) lastopened = None lastempty = 0 elif type == "A": name, type, value = string.split(data, " ", 2) attrs[name] = esistools.decode(value) elif type == "e": knownempty = 1 if LIST_EMPTIES: knownempties.append("") if os.path.isfile(EMPTIES_FILENAME): mode = "a" else: mode = "w" fp = open(EMPTIES_FILENAME, mode) fp.write(string.join(knownempties, "\n")) fp.close() def sgml_convert(ifp, ofp, autoclose): return do_convert(ifp, ofp, xml=0, autoclose=autoclose) def xml_convert(ifp, ofp, autoclose): return do_convert(ifp, ofp, xml=1, autoclose=autoclose) AUTOCLOSE = ("para", "term",) def main(): import getopt import sys # autoclose = AUTOCLOSE convert = sgml_convert xml = 0 xmldecl = 0 opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "adx", ["autoclose", "declare", "xml"]) for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ("-d", "--declare"): xmldecl = 1 elif opt in ("-x", "--xml"): xml = 1 convert = xml_convert elif opt in ("-a", "--autoclose"): autoclose = string.split(arg, ",") if len(args) == 0: ifp = sys.stdin ofp = sys.stdout elif len(args) == 1: ifp = open(args[0]) ofp = sys.stdout elif len(args) == 2: ifp = open(args[0]) ofp = open(args[1], "w") else: usage() sys.exit(2) # knownempties is ignored in the XML version try: if xml and xmldecl: opf.write('\n') convert(ifp, ofp, autoclose) except IOError, (err, msg): if err != errno.EPIPE: raise if __name__ == "__main__": main()