These demos run only on SGI machines and require the 'gl' built-in module. The demonstrate the abilities of SGI's GL library as well as the ease of GL programming in Python. Most demos require the Z-buffer (aka 24-bitplane) option. Press ESC to get out of any of them. Demonstrates the 'backface' GL function. Show 3 flying kites. Demonstrates the rendering speed obtainable by Python programs. A colorful clock with more options than you can remember. Works on 8-bit machines, but allows more colors on 24-bit machines. See mclock.doc for more info. Demonstrates the effect of color mixing: through frequent color switching it gives the effect of white light. A simple demonstration of the 'nurbs' GL functions. Press left mouse button to toggle surface trimming. Displays a 3-D Gouraud-shaded figure which can be moved around with the mouse. glstdwin/ This is quite different: a partial STDWIN emulation using GL! Requires only small changes to Python programs that use STDWIN. Some features not yet implemented, e.g., scroll bars.