#!/usr/bin/env python3.8 import argparse import ast import os import sys import time import traceback from glob import glob from pathlib import PurePath from typing import List, Optional, Any sys.path.insert(0, os.getcwd()) from pegen.build import build_c_parser_and_generator from pegen.ast_dump import ast_dump from pegen.testutil import print_memstats from scripts import show_parse SUCCESS = "\033[92m" FAIL = "\033[91m" ENDC = "\033[0m" argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="test_parse_directory", description="Helper program to test directories or files for pegen", ) argparser.add_argument("-d", "--directory", help="Directory path containing files to test") argparser.add_argument("--grammar-file", help="Grammar file path") argparser.add_argument("--tokens-file", help="Tokens file path") argparser.add_argument( "-e", "--exclude", action="append", default=[], help="Glob(s) for matching files to exclude" ) argparser.add_argument( "-s", "--short", action="store_true", help="Only show errors, in a more Emacs-friendly format" ) argparser.add_argument( "-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", help="Display detailed errors for failures" ) argparser.add_argument( "--skip-actions", action="store_true", help="Suppress code emission for rule actions", ) argparser.add_argument( "-t", "--tree", action="count", help="Compare parse tree to official AST", default=0 ) def report_status( succeeded: bool, file: str, verbose: bool, error: Optional[Exception] = None, short: bool = False, ) -> None: if short and succeeded: return if succeeded is True: status = "OK" COLOR = SUCCESS else: status = "Fail" COLOR = FAIL if short: lineno = 0 offset = 0 if isinstance(error, SyntaxError): lineno = error.lineno or 1 offset = error.offset or 1 message = error.args[0] else: message = f"{error.__class__.__name__}: {error}" print(f"{file}:{lineno}:{offset}: {message}") else: print(f"{COLOR}{file:60} {status}{ENDC}") if error and verbose: print(f" {str(error.__class__.__name__)}: {error}") def compare_trees( actual_tree: ast.AST, file: str, verbose: bool, include_attributes: bool = False, ) -> int: with open(file) as f: expected_tree = ast.parse(f.read()) expected_text = ast_dump(expected_tree, include_attributes=include_attributes) actual_text = ast_dump(actual_tree, include_attributes=include_attributes) if actual_text == expected_text: if verbose: print("Tree for {file}:") print(show_parse.format_tree(actual_tree, include_attributes)) return 0 print(f"Diffing ASTs for {file} ...") expected = show_parse.format_tree(expected_tree, include_attributes) actual = show_parse.format_tree(actual_tree, include_attributes) if verbose: print("Expected for {file}:") print(expected) print("Actual for {file}:") print(actual) print(f"Diff for {file}:") diff = show_parse.diff_trees(expected_tree, actual_tree, include_attributes) for line in diff: print(line) return 1 def parse_directory( directory: str, grammar_file: str, tokens_file: str, verbose: bool, excluded_files: List[str], skip_actions: bool, tree_arg: int, short: bool, extension: Any, mode: int, parser: str, ) -> int: if parser == "cpython" and (tree_arg or mode == 0): print("Cannot specify tree argument or mode=0 with the cpython parser.", file=sys.stderr) return 1 if not directory: print("You must specify a directory of files to test.", file=sys.stderr) return 1 if grammar_file and tokens_file: if not os.path.exists(grammar_file): print(f"The specified grammar file, {grammar_file}, does not exist.", file=sys.stderr) return 1 try: if not extension and parser == "pegen": build_c_parser_and_generator( grammar_file, tokens_file, "peg_extension/parse.c", compile_extension=True, skip_actions=skip_actions, ) except Exception as err: print( f"{FAIL}The following error occurred when generating the parser. Please check your grammar file.\n{ENDC}", file=sys.stderr, ) traceback.print_exception(err.__class__, err, None) return 1 else: print( "A grammar file or a tokens file was not provided - attempting to use existing parser from stdlib...\n" ) if parser == "pegen": try: from peg_extension import parse # type: ignore except Exception as e: print( "An existing parser was not found. Please run `make` or specify a grammar file with the `-g` flag.", file=sys.stderr, ) return 1 # For a given directory, traverse files and attempt to parse each one # - Output success/failure for each file errors = 0 files = [] trees = {} # Trees to compare (after everything else is done) t0 = time.time() for file in sorted(glob(f"{directory}/**/*.py", recursive=True)): # Only attempt to parse Python files and files that are not excluded should_exclude_file = False for pattern in excluded_files: if PurePath(file).match(pattern): should_exclude_file = True break if not should_exclude_file: try: if tree_arg: mode = 1 if parser == "cpython": with open(file, "r") as f: source = f.read() if mode == 2: compile(source, file, "exec") elif mode == 1: ast.parse(source, file, "exec") else: tree = parse.parse_file(file, mode=mode) if tree_arg: trees[file] = tree if not short: report_status(succeeded=True, file=file, verbose=verbose) except Exception as error: try: ast.parse(file) except Exception: if not short: print(f"File {file} cannot be parsed by either pegen or the ast module.") else: report_status( succeeded=False, file=file, verbose=verbose, error=error, short=short ) errors += 1 files.append(file) t1 = time.time() total_seconds = t1 - t0 total_files = len(files) total_bytes = 0 total_lines = 0 for file in files: # Count lines and bytes separately with open(file, "rb") as f: total_lines += sum(1 for _ in f) total_bytes += f.tell() print( f"Checked {total_files:,} files, {total_lines:,} lines,", f"{total_bytes:,} bytes in {total_seconds:,.3f} seconds.", ) if total_seconds > 0: print( f"That's {total_lines / total_seconds :,.0f} lines/sec,", f"or {total_bytes / total_seconds :,.0f} bytes/sec.", ) if parser == "pegen": # Dump memo stats to @data. with open("@data", "w") as datafile: for i, count in enumerate(parse.get_memo_stats()): if count: datafile.write(f"{i:4d} {count:9d}\n") if short: print_memstats() if errors: print(f"Encountered {errors} failures.", file=sys.stderr) # Compare trees (the dict is empty unless -t is given) compare_trees_errors = 0 for file, tree in trees.items(): if not short: print("Comparing ASTs for", file) if compare_trees(tree, file, verbose, tree_arg >= 2) == 1: compare_trees_errors += 1 if errors or compare_trees_errors: return 1 return 0 def main() -> None: args = argparser.parse_args() directory = args.directory grammar_file = args.grammar_file tokens_file = args.tokens_file verbose = args.verbose excluded_files = args.exclude skip_actions = args.skip_actions tree = args.tree short = args.short sys.exit( parse_directory( directory, grammar_file, tokens_file, verbose, excluded_files, skip_actions, tree, short, None, 0, "pegen", ) ) if __name__ == "__main__": main()