:mod:`types` --- Names for built-in types ========================================= .. module:: types :synopsis: Names for built-in types. This module defines names for some object types that are used by the standard Python interpreter, but not for the types defined by various extension modules. Also, it does not include some of the types that arise during processing such as the ``listiterator`` type. New names exported by future versions of this module will all end in ``Type``. Typical use is for functions that do different things depending on their argument types, like the following:: from types import IntType def delete(mylist, item): if type(item) is IntType: del mylist[item] else: mylist.remove(item) Starting in Python 2.2, built-in factory functions such as :func:`int` and :func:`str` are also names for the corresponding types. This is now the preferred way to access the type instead of using the :mod:`types` module. Accordingly, the example above should be written as follows:: def delete(mylist, item): if isinstance(item, int): del mylist[item] else: mylist.remove(item) The module defines the following names: .. data:: NoneType The type of ``None``. .. data:: TypeType ClassType .. index:: builtin: type The type of type objects (such as returned by :func:`type`) and user-defined classes without metaclass; alias of the built-in :class:`type`. .. data:: ObjectType Alias of the built-in :func:`object`. .. data:: BooleanType The type of the :class:`bool` values ``True`` and ``False``; alias of the built-in :class:`bool`. .. data:: IntType LongType The type of integers (e.g. ``1``); alias of the built-in :class:`int`. .. data:: FloatType The type of floating point numbers (e.g. ``1.0``); alias of the built-in :class:`float`. .. data:: ComplexType The type of complex numbers (e.g. ``1.0j``); alias of the built-in :class:`complex`. This is not defined if Python was built without complex number support. .. data:: StringType The type of character strings (e.g. ``'Spam'``); alias of the built-in :class:`str`. .. data:: TupleType The type of tuples (e.g. ``(1, 2, 3, 'Spam')``); alias of the built-in :class:`tuple`. .. data:: ListType The type of lists (e.g. ``[0, 1, 2, 3]``); alias of the built-in :class:`list`. .. data:: DictType DictionaryType The type of dictionaries (e.g. ``{'Bacon': 1, 'Ham': 0}``); alias of the built-in :class:`dict`. .. data:: FunctionType LambdaType The type of user-defined functions and lambdas. .. data:: GeneratorType The type of :term:`generator`-iterator objects, produced by calling a generator function. .. data:: CodeType .. index:: builtin: compile The type for code objects such as returned by :func:`compile`. .. data:: MethodType UnboundMethdType The type of methods of user-defined class instances. .. data:: BuiltinFunctionType BuiltinMethodType The type of built-in functions like :func:`len` or :func:`sys.exit`. .. data:: ModuleType The type of modules. .. data:: SliceType .. index:: builtin: slice The type of objects returned by :func:`slice`; alias of the built-in :class:`slice`. .. data:: EllipsisType The type of ``Ellipsis``. .. data:: TracebackType The type of traceback objects such as found in ``sys.exc_info()[2]``. .. data:: FrameType The type of frame objects such as found in ``tb.tb_frame`` if ``tb`` is a traceback object. .. XXX! .. data:: BufferType .. index:: builtin: buffer The type of buffer objects created by the :func:`buffer` function. .. data:: DictProxyType The type of dict proxies, such as ``TypeType.__dict__``. .. data:: NotImplementedType The type of ``NotImplemented`` .. data:: GetSetDescriptorType The type of objects defined in extension modules with ``PyGetSetDef``, such as ``FrameType.f_locals`` or ``array.array.typecode``. This constant is not defined in implementations of Python that do not have such extension types, so for portable code use ``hasattr(types, 'GetSetDescriptorType')``. .. data:: MemberDescriptorType The type of objects defined in extension modules with ``PyMemberDef``, such as ``datetime.timedelta.days``. This constant is not defined in implementations of Python that do not have such extension types, so for portable code use ``hasattr(types, 'MemberDescriptorType')``.