# Copyright (C) 2001,2002 Python Software Foundation # Author: barry@zope.com (Barry Warsaw) """Class representing message/* MIME documents. """ import Message import MIMEBase class MIMEMessage(MIMEBase.MIMEBase): """Class representing message/* MIME documents.""" def __init__(self, _msg, _subtype='rfc822'): """Create a message/* type MIME document. _msg is a message object and must be an instance of Message, or a derived class of Message, otherwise a TypeError is raised. Optional _subtype defines the subtype of the contained message. The default is "rfc822" (this is defined by the MIME standard, even though the term "rfc822" is technically outdated by RFC 2822). """ MIMEBase.MIMEBase.__init__(self, 'message', _subtype) if not isinstance(_msg, Message.Message): raise TypeError, 'Argument is not an instance of Message' self.set_payload(_msg)