#! /usr/bin/env python """Generate ESIS events based on a LaTeX source document and configuration data. The conversion is not strong enough to work with arbitrary LaTeX documents; it has only been designed to work with the highly stylized markup used in the standard Python documentation. A lot of information about specific markup is encoded in the control table passed to the convert() function; changing this table can allow this tool to support additional LaTeX markups. The format of the table is largely undocumented; see the commented headers where the table is specified in main(). There is no provision to load an alternate table from an external file. """ import errno import getopt import os import re import string import sys import UserList import xml.sax import xml.sax.saxutils from types import ListType, StringType, TupleType from esistools import encode DEBUG = 0 class LaTeXFormatError(Exception): pass class LaTeXStackError(LaTeXFormatError): def __init__(self, found, stack): msg = "environment close for %s doesn't match;\n stack = %s" \ % (found, stack) self.found = found self.stack = stack[:] LaTeXFormatError.__init__(self, msg) _begin_env_rx = re.compile(r"[\\]begin{([^}]*)}") _end_env_rx = re.compile(r"[\\]end{([^}]*)}") _begin_macro_rx = re.compile(r"[\\]([a-zA-Z]+[*]?) ?({|\s*\n?)") _comment_rx = re.compile("%+ ?(.*)\n[ \t]*") _text_rx = re.compile(r"[^]~%\\{}]+") _optional_rx = re.compile(r"\s*[[]([^]]*)[]]", re.MULTILINE) # _parameter_rx is this complicated to allow {...} inside a parameter; # this is useful to match tabular layout specifications like {c|p{24pt}} _parameter_rx = re.compile("[ \n]*{(([^{}}]|{[^}]*})*)}") _token_rx = re.compile(r"[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9.-]*$") _start_group_rx = re.compile("[ \n]*{") _start_optional_rx = re.compile("[ \n]*[[]") ESCAPED_CHARS = "$%#^ {}&~" def dbgmsg(msg): if DEBUG: sys.stderr.write(msg + "\n") def pushing(name, point, depth): dbgmsg("pushing <%s> at %s" % (name, point)) def popping(name, point, depth): dbgmsg("popping at %s" % (name, point)) class _Stack(UserList.UserList): def append(self, entry): if type(entry) is not StringType: raise LaTeXFormatError("cannot push non-string on stack: " + `entry`) #dbgmsg("%s<%s>" % (" "*len(self.data), entry)) self.data.append(entry) def pop(self, index=-1): entry = self.data[index] del self.data[index] #dbgmsg("%s" % (" "*len(self.data), entry)) def __delitem__(self, index): entry = self.data[index] del self.data[index] #dbgmsg("%s" % (" "*len(self.data), entry)) def new_stack(): if DEBUG: return _Stack() return [] class Conversion: def __init__(self, ifp, ofp, table): self.write = ofp.write self.ofp = ofp self.table = table L = [s.rstrip() for s in ifp.readlines()] L.append("") self.line = string.join(L, "\n") self.preamble = 1 def convert(self): self.subconvert() def subconvert(self, endchar=None, depth=0): # # Parses content, including sub-structures, until the character # 'endchar' is found (with no open structures), or until the end # of the input data is endchar is None. # stack = new_stack() line = self.line while line: if line[0] == endchar and not stack: self.line = line return line m = _comment_rx.match(line) if m: text = m.group(1) if text: self.write("(COMMENT\n- %s \n)COMMENT\n-\\n\n" % encode(text)) line = line[m.end():] continue m = _begin_env_rx.match(line) if m: name = m.group(1) entry = self.get_env_entry(name) # re-write to use the macro handler line = r"\%s %s" % (name, line[m.end():]) continue m = _end_env_rx.match(line) if m: # end of environment envname = m.group(1) entry = self.get_entry(envname) while stack and envname != stack[-1] \ and stack[-1] in entry.endcloses: self.write(")%s\n" % stack.pop()) if stack and envname == stack[-1]: self.write(")%s\n" % entry.outputname) del stack[-1] else: raise LaTeXStackError(envname, stack) line = line[m.end():] continue m = _begin_macro_rx.match(line) if m: # start of macro macroname = m.group(1) if macroname == "c": # Ugh! This is a combining character... endpos = m.end() self.combining_char("c", line[endpos]) line = line[endpos + 1:] continue entry = self.get_entry(macroname) if entry.verbatim: # magic case! pos = line.find("\\end{%s}" % macroname) text = line[m.end(1):pos] stack.append(entry.name) self.write("(%s\n" % entry.outputname) self.write("-%s\n" % encode(text)) self.write(")%s\n" % entry.outputname) stack.pop() line = line[pos + len("\\end{%s}" % macroname):] continue while stack and stack[-1] in entry.closes: top = stack.pop() topentry = self.get_entry(top) if topentry.outputname: self.write(")%s\n-\\n\n" % topentry.outputname) # if entry.outputname and entry.empty: self.write("e\n") # params, optional, empty = self.start_macro(macroname) # rip off the macroname if params: line = line[m.end(1):] elif empty: line = line[m.end(1):] else: line = line[m.end():] opened = 0 implied_content = 0 # handle attribute mappings here: for pentry in params: if pentry.type == "attribute": if pentry.optional: m = _optional_rx.match(line) if m and entry.outputname: line = line[m.end():] self.dump_attr(pentry, m.group(1)) elif pentry.text and entry.outputname: # value supplied by conversion spec: self.dump_attr(pentry, pentry.text) else: m = _parameter_rx.match(line) if not m: raise LaTeXFormatError( "could not extract parameter %s for %s: %s" % (pentry.name, macroname, `line[:100]`)) if entry.outputname: self.dump_attr(pentry, m.group(1)) line = line[m.end():] elif pentry.type == "child": if pentry.optional: m = _optional_rx.match(line) if m: line = line[m.end():] if entry.outputname and not opened: opened = 1 self.write("(%s\n" % entry.outputname) stack.append(macroname) stack.append(pentry.name) self.write("(%s\n" % pentry.name) self.write("-%s\n" % encode(m.group(1))) self.write(")%s\n" % pentry.name) stack.pop() else: if entry.outputname and not opened: opened = 1 self.write("(%s\n" % entry.outputname) stack.append(entry.name) self.write("(%s\n" % pentry.name) stack.append(pentry.name) self.line = skip_white(line)[1:] line = self.subconvert( "}", len(stack) + depth + 1)[1:] self.write(")%s\n" % stack.pop()) elif pentry.type == "content": if pentry.implied: implied_content = 1 else: if entry.outputname and not opened: opened = 1 self.write("(%s\n" % entry.outputname) stack.append(entry.name) line = skip_white(line) if line[0] != "{": raise LaTeXFormatError( "missing content for " + macroname) self.line = line[1:] line = self.subconvert("}", len(stack) + depth + 1) if line and line[0] == "}": line = line[1:] elif pentry.type == "text" and pentry.text: if entry.outputname and not opened: opened = 1 stack.append(entry.name) self.write("(%s\n" % entry.outputname) #dbgmsg("--- text: %s" % `pentry.text`) self.write("-%s\n" % encode(pentry.text)) elif pentry.type == "entityref": self.write("&%s\n" % pentry.name) if entry.outputname: if not opened: self.write("(%s\n" % entry.outputname) stack.append(entry.name) if not implied_content: self.write(")%s\n" % entry.outputname) stack.pop() continue if line[0] == endchar and not stack: self.line = line[1:] return self.line if line[0] == "}": # end of macro or group macroname = stack[-1] if macroname: conversion = self.table[macroname] if conversion.outputname: # otherwise, it was just a bare group self.write(")%s\n" % conversion.outputname) del stack[-1] line = line[1:] continue if line[0] == "~": # don't worry about the "tie" aspect of this command line = line[1:] self.write("- \n") continue if line[0] == "{": stack.append("") line = line[1:] continue if line[0] == "\\" and line[1] in ESCAPED_CHARS: self.write("-%s\n" % encode(line[1])) line = line[2:] continue if line[:2] == r"\\": self.write("(BREAK\n)BREAK\n") line = line[2:] continue if line[:2] == r"\_": line = "_" + line[2:] continue if line[:2] in (r"\'", r'\"'): # combining characters... self.combining_char(line[1], line[2]) line = line[3:] continue m = _text_rx.match(line) if m: text = encode(m.group()) self.write("-%s\n" % text) line = line[m.end():] continue # special case because of \item[] # XXX can we axe this??? if line[0] == "]": self.write("-]\n") line = line[1:] continue # avoid infinite loops extra = "" if len(line) > 100: extra = "..." raise LaTeXFormatError("could not identify markup: %s%s" % (`line[:100]`, extra)) while stack: entry = self.get_entry(stack[-1]) if entry.closes: self.write(")%s\n-%s\n" % (entry.outputname, encode("\n"))) del stack[-1] else: break if stack: raise LaTeXFormatError("elements remain on stack: " + string.join(stack, ", ")) # otherwise we just ran out of input here... # This is a really limited table of combinations, but it will have # to do for now. _combinations = { ("c", "c"): 0x00E7, ("'", "e"): 0x00E9, ('"', "o"): 0x00F6, } def combining_char(self, prefix, char): ordinal = self._combinations[(prefix, char)] self.write("-\\%%%d;\n" % ordinal) def start_macro(self, name): conversion = self.get_entry(name) parameters = conversion.parameters optional = parameters and parameters[0].optional return parameters, optional, conversion.empty def get_entry(self, name): entry = self.table.get(name) if entry is None: dbgmsg("get_entry(%s) failing; building default entry!" % `name`) # not defined; build a default entry: entry = TableEntry(name) entry.has_content = 1 entry.parameters.append(Parameter("content")) self.table[name] = entry return entry def get_env_entry(self, name): entry = self.table.get(name) if entry is None: # not defined; build a default entry: entry = TableEntry(name, 1) entry.has_content = 1 entry.parameters.append(Parameter("content")) entry.parameters[-1].implied = 1 self.table[name] = entry elif not entry.environment: raise LaTeXFormatError( name + " is defined as a macro; expected environment") return entry def dump_attr(self, pentry, value): if not (pentry.name and value): return if _token_rx.match(value): dtype = "TOKEN" else: dtype = "CDATA" self.write("A%s %s %s\n" % (pentry.name, dtype, encode(value))) def convert(ifp, ofp, table): c = Conversion(ifp, ofp, table) try: c.convert() except IOError, (err, msg): if err != errno.EPIPE: raise def skip_white(line): while line and line[0] in " %\n\t\r": line = line[1:].lstrip() return line class TableEntry: def __init__(self, name, environment=0): self.name = name self.outputname = name self.environment = environment self.empty = not environment self.has_content = 0 self.verbatim = 0 self.auto_close = 0 self.parameters = [] self.closes = [] self.endcloses = [] class Parameter: def __init__(self, type, name=None, optional=0): self.type = type self.name = name self.optional = optional self.text = '' self.implied = 0 class TableHandler(xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler): def __init__(self): self.__table = {} self.__buffer = '' self.__methods = {} def get_table(self): for entry in self.__table.values(): if entry.environment and not entry.has_content: p = Parameter("content") p.implied = 1 entry.parameters.append(p) entry.has_content = 1 return self.__table def startElement(self, tag, attrs): try: start, end = self.__methods[tag] except KeyError: start = getattr(self, "start_" + tag, None) end = getattr(self, "end_" + tag, None) self.__methods[tag] = (start, end) if start: start(attrs) def endElement(self, tag): start, end = self.__methods[tag] if end: end() def endDocument(self): self.__methods.clear() def characters(self, data): self.__buffer += data def start_environment(self, attrs): name = attrs["name"] self.__current = TableEntry(name, environment=1) self.__current.verbatim = attrs.get("verbatim") == "yes" if attrs.has_key("outputname"): self.__current.outputname = attrs.get("outputname") self.__current.endcloses = attrs.get("endcloses", "").split() def end_environment(self): self.end_macro() def start_macro(self, attrs): name = attrs["name"] self.__current = TableEntry(name) self.__current.closes = attrs.get("closes", "").split() if attrs.has_key("outputname"): self.__current.outputname = attrs.get("outputname") def end_macro(self): name = self.__current.name if self.__table.has_key(name): raise ValueError("name %s already in use" % `name`) self.__table[name] = self.__current self.__current = None def start_attribute(self, attrs): name = attrs.get("name") optional = attrs.get("optional") == "yes" if name: p = Parameter("attribute", name, optional=optional) else: p = Parameter("attribute", optional=optional) self.__current.parameters.append(p) self.__buffer = '' def end_attribute(self): self.__current.parameters[-1].text = self.__buffer def start_entityref(self, attrs): name = attrs["name"] p = Parameter("entityref", name) self.__current.parameters.append(p) def start_child(self, attrs): name = attrs["name"] p = Parameter("child", name, attrs.get("optional") == "yes") self.__current.parameters.append(p) self.__current.empty = 0 def start_content(self, attrs): p = Parameter("content") p.implied = attrs.get("implied") == "yes" if self.__current.environment: p.implied = 1 self.__current.parameters.append(p) self.__current.has_content = 1 self.__current.empty = 0 def start_text(self, attrs): self.__current.empty = 0 self.__buffer = '' def end_text(self): p = Parameter("text") p.text = self.__buffer self.__current.parameters.append(p) def load_table(fp): ch = TableHandler() xml.sax.parse(fp, ch) return ch.get_table() def main(): global DEBUG # opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "D", ["debug"]) for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ("-D", "--debug"): DEBUG = DEBUG + 1 if len(args) == 0: ifp = sys.stdin ofp = sys.stdout elif len(args) == 1: ifp = open(args[0]) ofp = sys.stdout elif len(args) == 2: ifp = open(args[0]) ofp = open(args[1], "w") else: usage() sys.exit(2) table = load_table(open(os.path.join(sys.path[0], 'conversion.xml'))) convert(ifp, ofp, table) if __name__ == "__main__": main()