# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- import sys import unittest import ttk class MockTclObj(object): typename = 'test' def __init__(self, val): self.val = val def __str__(self): return unicode(self.val) class MockStateSpec(object): typename = 'StateSpec' def __init__(self, *args): self.val = args def __str__(self): return ' '.join(self.val) class InternalFunctionsTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_format_optdict(self): def check_against(fmt_opts, result): for i in range(0, len(fmt_opts), 2): self.failUnlessEqual(result.pop(fmt_opts[i]), fmt_opts[i + 1]) if result: self.fail("result still got elements: %s" % result) # passing an empty dict should return an empty object (tuple here) self.failIf(ttk._format_optdict({})) # check list formatting check_against( ttk._format_optdict({'fg': 'blue', 'padding': [1, 2, 3, 4]}), {'-fg': 'blue', '-padding': '1 2 3 4'}) # check tuple formatting (same as list) check_against( ttk._format_optdict({'test': (1, 2, '', 0)}), {'-test': '1 2 {} 0'}) # check untouched values check_against( ttk._format_optdict({'test': {'left': 'as is'}}), {'-test': {'left': 'as is'}}) # check script formatting and untouched value(s) check_against( ttk._format_optdict( {'test': [1, -1, '', '2m', 0], 'nochange1': 3, 'nochange2': 'abc def'}, script=True), {'-test': '{1 -1 {} 2m 0}', '-nochange1': 3, '-nochange2': 'abc def' }) opts = {u'αβγ': True, u'á': False} orig_opts = opts.copy() # check if giving unicode keys is fine check_against(ttk._format_optdict(opts), {u'-αβγ': True, u'-á': False}) # opts should remain unchanged self.failUnlessEqual(opts, orig_opts) # passing values with spaces inside a tuple/list check_against( ttk._format_optdict( {'option': ('one two', 'three')}), {'-option': '{one two} three'}) # ignore an option amount_opts = len(ttk._format_optdict(opts, ignore=(u'á'))) / 2 self.failUnlessEqual(amount_opts, len(opts) - 1) # ignore non-existing options amount_opts = len(ttk._format_optdict(opts, ignore=(u'á', 'b'))) / 2 self.failUnlessEqual(amount_opts, len(opts) - 1) # ignore every option self.failIf(ttk._format_optdict(opts, ignore=opts.keys())) def test_format_mapdict(self): opts = {'a': [('b', 'c', 'val'), ('d', 'otherval'), ('', 'single')]} result = ttk._format_mapdict(opts) self.failUnlessEqual(len(result), len(opts.keys()) * 2) self.failUnlessEqual(result, ('-a', '{b c} val d otherval {} single')) self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._format_mapdict(opts, script=True), ('-a', '{{b c} val d otherval {} single}')) self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._format_mapdict({2: []}), ('-2', '')) opts = {u'üñíćódè': [(u'á', u'vãl')]} result = ttk._format_mapdict(opts) self.failUnlessEqual(result, (u'-üñíćódè', u'á vãl')) # empty states valid = {'opt': [('', u'', 'hi')]} self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._format_mapdict(valid), ('-opt', '{ } hi')) # when passing multiple states, they all must be strings invalid = {'opt': [(1, 2, 'valid val')]} self.failUnlessRaises(TypeError, ttk._format_mapdict, invalid) invalid = {'opt': [([1], '2', 'valid val')]} self.failUnlessRaises(TypeError, ttk._format_mapdict, invalid) # but when passing a single state, it can be anything valid = {'opt': [[1, 'value']]} self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._format_mapdict(valid), ('-opt', '1 value')) # special attention to single states which evalute to False for stateval in (None, 0, False, '', set()): # just some samples valid = {'opt': [(stateval, 'value')]} self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._format_mapdict(valid), ('-opt', '{} value')) # values must be iterable opts = {'a': None} self.failUnlessRaises(TypeError, ttk._format_mapdict, opts) # items in the value must have size >= 2 self.failUnlessRaises(IndexError, ttk._format_mapdict, {'a': [('invalid', )]}) def test_format_elemcreate(self): self.failUnless(ttk._format_elemcreate(None), (None, ())) ## Testing type = image # image type expects at least an image name, so this should raise # IndexError since it tries to access the index 0 of an empty tuple self.failUnlessRaises(IndexError, ttk._format_elemcreate, 'image') # don't format returned values as a tcl script # minimum acceptable for image type self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._format_elemcreate('image', False, 'test'), ("test ", ())) # specifiyng a state spec self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._format_elemcreate('image', False, 'test', ('', 'a')), ("test {} a", ())) # state spec with multiple states self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._format_elemcreate('image', False, 'test', ('a', 'b', 'c')), ("test {a b} c", ())) # state spec and options self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._format_elemcreate('image', False, 'test', ('a', 'b'), a='x', b='y'), ("test a b", ("-a", "x", "-b", "y"))) # format returned values as a tcl script # state spec with multiple states and an option with a multivalue self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._format_elemcreate('image', True, 'test', ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd'), x=[2, 3]), ("{test {a b c} d}", "-x {2 3}")) ## Testing type = vsapi # vsapi type expects at least a class name and a part_id, so this # should raise an ValueError since it tries to get two elements from # an empty tuple self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, ttk._format_elemcreate, 'vsapi') # don't format returned values as a tcl script # minimum acceptable for vsapi self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._format_elemcreate('vsapi', False, 'a', 'b'), ("a b ", ())) # now with a state spec with multiple states self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._format_elemcreate('vsapi', False, 'a', 'b', ('a', 'b', 'c')), ("a b {a b} c", ())) # state spec and option self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._format_elemcreate('vsapi', False, 'a', 'b', ('a', 'b'), opt='x'), ("a b a b", ("-opt", "x"))) # format returned values as a tcl script # state spec with a multivalue and an option self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._format_elemcreate('vsapi', True, 'a', 'b', ('a', 'b', [1, 2]), opt='x'), ("{a b {a b} {1 2}}", "-opt x")) # Testing type = from # from type expects at least a type name self.failUnlessRaises(IndexError, ttk._format_elemcreate, 'from') self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._format_elemcreate('from', False, 'a'), ('a', ())) self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._format_elemcreate('from', False, 'a', 'b'), ('a', ('b', ))) self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._format_elemcreate('from', True, 'a', 'b'), ('{a}', 'b')) def test_format_layoutlist(self): def sample(indent=0, indent_size=2): return ttk._format_layoutlist( [('a', {'other': [1, 2, 3], 'children': [('b', {'children': [('c', {'children': [('d', {'nice': 'opt'})], 'something': (1, 2) })] })] })], indent=indent, indent_size=indent_size)[0] def sample_expected(indent=0, indent_size=2): spaces = lambda amount=0: ' ' * (amount + indent) return ( "%sa -other {1 2 3} -children {\n" "%sb -children {\n" "%sc -something {1 2} -children {\n" "%sd -nice opt\n" "%s}\n" "%s}\n" "%s}" % (spaces(), spaces(indent_size), spaces(2 * indent_size), spaces(3 * indent_size), spaces(2 * indent_size), spaces(indent_size), spaces())) # empty layout self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._format_layoutlist([])[0], '') # smallest (after an empty one) acceptable layout smallest = ttk._format_layoutlist([('a', None)], indent=0) self.failUnlessEqual(smallest, ttk._format_layoutlist([('a', '')], indent=0)) self.failUnlessEqual(smallest[0], 'a') # testing indentation levels self.failUnlessEqual(sample(), sample_expected()) for i in range(4): self.failUnlessEqual(sample(i), sample_expected(i)) self.failUnlessEqual(sample(i, i), sample_expected(i, i)) # invalid layout format, different kind of exceptions will be # raised # plain wrong format self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, ttk._format_layoutlist, ['bad', 'format']) self.failUnlessRaises(TypeError, ttk._format_layoutlist, None) # _format_layoutlist always expects the second item (in every item) # to act like a dict (except when the value evalutes to False). self.failUnlessRaises(AttributeError, ttk._format_layoutlist, [('a', 'b')]) # bad children formatting self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, ttk._format_layoutlist, [('name', {'children': {'a': None}})]) def test_script_from_settings(self): # empty options self.failIf(ttk._script_from_settings({'name': {'configure': None, 'map': None, 'element create': None}})) # empty layout self.failUnlessEqual( ttk._script_from_settings({'name': {'layout': None}}), "ttk::style layout name {\nnull\n}") configdict = {u'αβγ': True, u'á': False} self.failUnless( ttk._script_from_settings({'name': {'configure': configdict}})) mapdict = {u'üñíćódè': [(u'á', u'vãl')]} self.failUnless( ttk._script_from_settings({'name': {'map': mapdict}})) # invalid image element self.failUnlessRaises(IndexError, ttk._script_from_settings, {'name': {'element create': ['image']}}) # minimal valid image self.failUnless(ttk._script_from_settings({'name': {'element create': ['image', 'name']}})) image = {'thing': {'element create': ['image', 'name', ('state1', 'state2', 'val')]}} self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._script_from_settings(image), "ttk::style element create thing image {name {state1 state2} val} ") image['thing']['element create'].append({'opt': 30}) self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._script_from_settings(image), "ttk::style element create thing image {name {state1 state2} val} " "-opt 30") image['thing']['element create'][-1]['opt'] = [MockTclObj(3), MockTclObj('2m')] self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._script_from_settings(image), "ttk::style element create thing image {name {state1 state2} val} " "-opt {3 2m}") def test_dict_from_tcltuple(self): fakettuple = ('-a', '{1 2 3}', '-something', 'foo') self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._dict_from_tcltuple(fakettuple, False), {'-a': '{1 2 3}', '-something': 'foo'}) self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._dict_from_tcltuple(fakettuple), {'a': '{1 2 3}', 'something': 'foo'}) # passing a tuple with a single item should return an empty dict, # since it tries to break the tuple by pairs. self.failIf(ttk._dict_from_tcltuple(('single', ))) sspec = MockStateSpec('a', 'b') self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._dict_from_tcltuple(('-a', (sspec, 'val'))), {'a': [('a', 'b', 'val')]}) self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._dict_from_tcltuple((MockTclObj('-padding'), [MockTclObj('1'), 2, MockTclObj('3m')])), {'padding': [1, 2, '3m']}) def test_list_from_statespec(self): def test_it(sspec, value, res_value, states): self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._list_from_statespec( (sspec, value)), [states + (res_value, )]) states_even = tuple('state%d' % i for i in range(6)) statespec = MockStateSpec(*states_even) test_it(statespec, 'val', 'val', states_even) test_it(statespec, MockTclObj('val'), 'val', states_even) states_odd = tuple('state%d' % i for i in range(5)) statespec = MockStateSpec(*states_odd) test_it(statespec, 'val', 'val', states_odd) test_it(('a', 'b', 'c'), MockTclObj('val'), 'val', ('a', 'b', 'c')) def test_list_from_layouttuple(self): # empty layout tuple self.failIf(ttk._list_from_layouttuple(())) # shortest layout tuple self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._list_from_layouttuple(('name', )), [('name', {})]) # not so interesting ltuple sample_ltuple = ('name', '-option', 'value') self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._list_from_layouttuple(sample_ltuple), [('name', {'option': 'value'})]) # empty children self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._list_from_layouttuple( ('something', '-children', ())), [('something', {'children': []})] ) # more interesting ltuple ltuple = ( 'name', '-option', 'niceone', '-children', ( ('otherone', '-children', ( ('child', )), '-otheropt', 'othervalue' ) ) ) self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._list_from_layouttuple(ltuple), [('name', {'option': 'niceone', 'children': [('otherone', {'otheropt': 'othervalue', 'children': [('child', {})] })] })] ) # bad tuples self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, ttk._list_from_layouttuple, ('name', 'no_minus')) self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, ttk._list_from_layouttuple, ('name', 'no_minus', 'value')) self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, ttk._list_from_layouttuple, ('something', '-children')) # no children self.failUnlessRaises(ValueError, ttk._list_from_layouttuple, ('something', '-children', 'value')) # invalid children def test_val_or_dict(self): def func(opt, val=None): if val is None: return "test val" return (opt, val) options = {'test': None} self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._val_or_dict(options, func), "test val") options = {'test': 3} self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._val_or_dict(options, func), options) def test_convert_stringval(self): tests = ( (0, 0), ('09', 9), ('a', 'a'), (u'áÚ', u'áÚ'), ([], '[]'), (None, 'None') ) for orig, expected in tests: self.failUnlessEqual(ttk._convert_stringval(orig), expected) if sys.getdefaultencoding() == 'ascii': self.failUnlessRaises(UnicodeDecodeError, ttk._convert_stringval, 'á') class TclObjsToPyTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_unicode(self): adict = {'opt': u'välúè'} self.failUnlessEqual(ttk.tclobjs_to_py(adict), {'opt': u'välúè'}) adict['opt'] = MockTclObj(adict['opt']) self.failUnlessEqual(ttk.tclobjs_to_py(adict), {'opt': u'välúè'}) def test_multivalues(self): adict = {'opt': [1, 2, 3, 4]} self.failUnlessEqual(ttk.tclobjs_to_py(adict), {'opt': [1, 2, 3, 4]}) adict['opt'] = [1, 'xm', 3] self.failUnlessEqual(ttk.tclobjs_to_py(adict), {'opt': [1, 'xm', 3]}) adict['opt'] = (MockStateSpec('a', 'b'), u'válũè') self.failUnlessEqual(ttk.tclobjs_to_py(adict), {'opt': [('a', 'b', u'válũè')]}) self.failUnlessEqual(ttk.tclobjs_to_py({'x': ['y z']}), {'x': ['y z']}) def test_nosplit(self): self.failUnlessEqual(ttk.tclobjs_to_py({'text': 'some text'}), {'text': 'some text'}) tests_nogui = (InternalFunctionsTest, TclObjsToPyTest) if __name__ == "__main__": from test.test_support import run_unittest run_unittest(*tests_nogui)