import asyncore import unittest import select import os import socket import threading import sys import time import errno from test import test_support from test.test_support import TESTFN, run_unittest, unlink from StringIO import StringIO HOST = test_support.HOST class dummysocket: def __init__(self): self.closed = False def close(self): self.closed = True def fileno(self): return 42 class dummychannel: def __init__(self): self.socket = dummysocket() def close(self): self.socket.close() class exitingdummy: def __init__(self): pass def handle_read_event(self): raise asyncore.ExitNow() handle_write_event = handle_read_event handle_close = handle_read_event handle_expt_event = handle_read_event class crashingdummy: def __init__(self): self.error_handled = False def handle_read_event(self): raise Exception() handle_write_event = handle_read_event handle_close = handle_read_event handle_expt_event = handle_read_event def handle_error(self): self.error_handled = True # used when testing senders; just collects what it gets until newline is sent def capture_server(evt, buf, serv): try: serv.listen(5) conn, addr = serv.accept() except socket.timeout: pass else: n = 200 while n > 0: r, w, e =[conn], [], []) if r: data = conn.recv(10) # keep everything except for the newline terminator buf.write(data.replace('\n', '')) if '\n' in data: break n -= 1 time.sleep(0.01) conn.close() finally: serv.close() evt.set() class HelperFunctionTests(unittest.TestCase): def test_readwriteexc(self): # Check exception handling behavior of read, write and _exception # check that ExitNow exceptions in the object handler method # bubbles all the way up through asyncore read/write/_exception calls tr1 = exitingdummy() self.assertRaises(asyncore.ExitNow,, tr1) self.assertRaises(asyncore.ExitNow, asyncore.write, tr1) self.assertRaises(asyncore.ExitNow, asyncore._exception, tr1) # check that an exception other than ExitNow in the object handler # method causes the handle_error method to get called tr2 = crashingdummy() self.assertEqual(tr2.error_handled, True) tr2 = crashingdummy() asyncore.write(tr2) self.assertEqual(tr2.error_handled, True) tr2 = crashingdummy() asyncore._exception(tr2) self.assertEqual(tr2.error_handled, True) # asyncore.readwrite uses constants in the select module that # are not present in Windows systems (see this thread: # # These constants should be present as long as poll is available if hasattr(select, 'poll'): def test_readwrite(self): # Check that correct methods are called by readwrite() attributes = ('read', 'expt', 'write', 'closed', 'error_handled') expected = ( (select.POLLIN, 'read'), (select.POLLPRI, 'expt'), (select.POLLOUT, 'write'), (select.POLLERR, 'closed'), (select.POLLHUP, 'closed'), (select.POLLNVAL, 'closed'), ) class testobj: def __init__(self): = False self.write = False self.closed = False self.expt = False self.error_handled = False def handle_read_event(self): = True def handle_write_event(self): self.write = True def handle_close(self): self.closed = True def handle_expt_event(self): self.expt = True def handle_error(self): self.error_handled = True for flag, expectedattr in expected: tobj = testobj() self.assertEqual(getattr(tobj, expectedattr), False) asyncore.readwrite(tobj, flag) # Only the attribute modified by the routine we expect to be # called should be True. for attr in attributes: self.assertEqual(getattr(tobj, attr), attr==expectedattr) # check that ExitNow exceptions in the object handler method # bubbles all the way up through asyncore readwrite call tr1 = exitingdummy() self.assertRaises(asyncore.ExitNow, asyncore.readwrite, tr1, flag) # check that an exception other than ExitNow in the object handler # method causes the handle_error method to get called tr2 = crashingdummy() self.assertEqual(tr2.error_handled, False) asyncore.readwrite(tr2, flag) self.assertEqual(tr2.error_handled, True) def test_closeall(self): self.closeall_check(False) def test_closeall_default(self): self.closeall_check(True) def closeall_check(self, usedefault): # Check that close_all() closes everything in a given map l = [] testmap = {} for i in range(10): c = dummychannel() l.append(c) self.assertEqual(c.socket.closed, False) testmap[i] = c if usedefault: socketmap = asyncore.socket_map try: asyncore.socket_map = testmap asyncore.close_all() finally: testmap, asyncore.socket_map = asyncore.socket_map, socketmap else: asyncore.close_all(testmap) self.assertEqual(len(testmap), 0) for c in l: self.assertEqual(c.socket.closed, True) def test_compact_traceback(self): try: raise Exception("I don't like spam!") except: real_t, real_v, real_tb = sys.exc_info() r = asyncore.compact_traceback() else:"Expected exception") (f, function, line), t, v, info = r self.assertEqual(os.path.split(f)[-1], '') self.assertEqual(function, 'test_compact_traceback') self.assertEqual(t, real_t) self.assertEqual(v, real_v) self.assertEqual(info, '[%s|%s|%s]' % (f, function, line)) class DispatcherTests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): pass def tearDown(self): asyncore.close_all() def test_basic(self): d = asyncore.dispatcher() self.assertEqual(d.readable(), True) self.assertEqual(d.writable(), True) def test_repr(self): d = asyncore.dispatcher() self.assertEqual(repr(d), '' % id(d)) def test_log(self): d = asyncore.dispatcher() # capture output of dispatcher.log() (to stderr) fp = StringIO() stderr = sys.stderr l1 = "Lovely spam! Wonderful spam!" l2 = "I don't like spam!" try: sys.stderr = fp d.log(l1) d.log(l2) finally: sys.stderr = stderr lines = fp.getvalue().splitlines() self.assertEquals(lines, ['log: %s' % l1, 'log: %s' % l2]) def test_log_info(self): d = asyncore.dispatcher() # capture output of dispatcher.log_info() (to stdout via print) fp = StringIO() stdout = sys.stdout l1 = "Have you got anything without spam?" l2 = "Why can't she have egg bacon spam and sausage?" l3 = "THAT'S got spam in it!" try: sys.stdout = fp d.log_info(l1, 'EGGS') d.log_info(l2) d.log_info(l3, 'SPAM') finally: sys.stdout = stdout lines = fp.getvalue().splitlines() expected = ['EGGS: %s' % l1, 'info: %s' % l2, 'SPAM: %s' % l3] self.assertEquals(lines, expected) def test_unhandled(self): d = asyncore.dispatcher() d.ignore_log_types = () # capture output of dispatcher.log_info() (to stdout via print) fp = StringIO() stdout = sys.stdout try: sys.stdout = fp d.handle_expt() d.handle_read() d.handle_write() d.handle_connect() d.handle_accept() finally: sys.stdout = stdout lines = fp.getvalue().splitlines() expected = ['warning: unhandled incoming priority event', 'warning: unhandled read event', 'warning: unhandled write event', 'warning: unhandled connect event', 'warning: unhandled accept event'] self.assertEquals(lines, expected) def test_issue_8594(self): d = asyncore.dispatcher(socket.socket()) # make sure the error message no longer refers to the socket # object but the dispatcher instance instead try: except AttributeError, err: self.assertTrue('dispatcher instance' in str(err)) else:"exception not raised") # test cheap inheritance with the underlying socket self.assertEqual(, socket.AF_INET) def test_strerror(self): # refers to bug #8573 err = asyncore._strerror(errno.EPERM) if hasattr(os, 'strerror'): self.assertEqual(err, os.strerror(errno.EPERM)) err = asyncore._strerror(-1) self.assertTrue("unknown error" in err.lower()) class dispatcherwithsend_noread(asyncore.dispatcher_with_send): def readable(self): return False def handle_connect(self): pass class DispatcherWithSendTests(unittest.TestCase): usepoll = False def setUp(self): pass def tearDown(self): asyncore.close_all() def test_send(self): self.evt = threading.Event() self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.sock.settimeout(3) self.port = test_support.bind_port(self.sock) cap = StringIO() args = (self.evt, cap, self.sock) threading.Thread(target=capture_server, args=args).start() # wait a little longer for the server to initialize (it sometimes # refuses connections on slow machines without this wait) time.sleep(0.2) data = "Suppose there isn't a 16-ton weight?" d = dispatcherwithsend_noread() d.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) d.connect((HOST, self.port)) # give time for socket to connect time.sleep(0.1) d.send(data) d.send(data) d.send('\n') n = 1000 while d.out_buffer and n > 0: asyncore.poll() n -= 1 self.evt.wait() self.assertEqual(cap.getvalue(), data*2) class DispatcherWithSendTests_UsePoll(DispatcherWithSendTests): usepoll = True if hasattr(asyncore, 'file_wrapper'): class FileWrapperTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.d = "It's not dead, it's sleeping!" file(TESTFN, 'w').write(self.d) def tearDown(self): unlink(TESTFN) def test_recv(self): fd =, os.O_RDONLY) w = asyncore.file_wrapper(fd) os.close(fd) self.assertNotEqual(w.fd, fd) self.assertNotEqual(w.fileno(), fd) self.assertEqual(w.recv(13), "It's not dead") self.assertEqual(, ", it's") w.close() self.assertRaises(OSError,, 1) def test_send(self): d1 = "Come again?" d2 = "I want to buy some cheese." fd =, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_APPEND) w = asyncore.file_wrapper(fd) os.close(fd) w.write(d1) w.send(d2) w.close() self.assertEqual(file(TESTFN).read(), self.d + d1 + d2) def test_dispatcher(self): fd =, os.O_RDONLY) data = [] class FileDispatcher(asyncore.file_dispatcher): def handle_read(self): data.append(self.recv(29)) s = FileDispatcher(fd) os.close(fd) asyncore.loop(timeout=0.01, use_poll=True, count=2) self.assertEqual("".join(data), self.d) def test_main(): tests = [HelperFunctionTests, DispatcherTests, DispatcherWithSendTests, DispatcherWithSendTests_UsePoll] if hasattr(asyncore, 'file_wrapper'): tests.append(FileWrapperTest) run_unittest(*tests) if __name__ == "__main__": test_main()