from Tkinter import * # The way to think about this is that each radio button menu # controls a different variable -- clicking on one of the # mutually exclusive choices in a radiobutton assigns some value # to an application variable you provide. When you define a # radiobutton menu choice, you have the option of specifying the # name of a varaible and value to assign to that variable when # that choice is selected. This clever mechanism relieves you, # the programmer, from having to write a dumb callback that # probably wouldn't have done anything more than an assignment # anyway. The Tkinter options for this follow their Tk # counterparts: # {"variable" : my_flavor_variable, "value" : "strawberry"} # where my_flavor_variable is an instance of one of the # subclasses of Variable, provided in (there is # StringVar(), IntVar(), DoubleVar() and BooleanVar() to choose # from) def makePoliticalParties(): # make menu button Radiobutton_button = Menubutton(mBar, {'text': 'Political Party', 'underline': 0, Pack: {'side': 'left', 'padx': '2m'}}) # the primary pulldown = Menu(Radiobutton_button)'radiobutton', {'label': 'Republican', 'variable' : party, 'value' : 1})'radiobutton', {'label': 'Democrat', 'variable' : party, 'value' : 2})'radiobutton', {'label': 'Libertarian', 'variable' : party, 'value' : 3}) party.set(2) # set up a pointer from the file menubutton back to the file menu Radiobutton_button['menu'] = return Radiobutton_button def makeFlavors(): # make menu button Radiobutton_button = Menubutton(mBar, {'text': 'Flavors', 'underline': 0, Pack: {'side': 'left', 'padx': '2m'}}) # the primary pulldown = Menu(Radiobutton_button)'radiobutton', {'label': 'Strawberry', 'variable' : flavor, 'value' : 'Strawberry'})'radiobutton', {'label': 'Chocolate', 'variable' : flavor, 'value' : 'Chocolate'})'radiobutton', {'label': 'Rocky Road', 'variable' : flavor, 'value' : 'Rocky Road'}) # choose a default flavor.set("Chocolate") # set up a pointer from the file menubutton back to the file menu Radiobutton_button['menu'] = return Radiobutton_button def printStuff(): print "party is", party.get() print "flavor is", flavor.get() print "" ################################################# #### Main starts here ... root = Tk() # make a menu bar mBar = Frame(root, {'relief': 'raised', 'bd': 2, Pack: {'side': 'top', 'fill': 'x'}}) # make two application variables, # one to control each radio button set party = IntVar() flavor = StringVar() Radiobutton_button = makePoliticalParties() Radiobutton_button2 = makeFlavors() # finally, install the buttons in the menu bar. # This allows for scanning from one menubutton to the next. mBar.tk_menuBar(Radiobutton_button, Radiobutton_button2) b = Button(root, {"text": "print party and flavor", "command" : printStuff, "fg": "red"}) b.pack({"side" : "top"}) root.title('menu demo') root.iconname('menu demo') root.mainloop()