/*********************************************************** Copyright 1991-1997 by Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. All Rights Reserved Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of Stichting Mathematisch Centrum or CWI not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. STICHTING MATHEMATISCH CENTRUM DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL STICHTING MATHEMATISCH CENTRUM BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ******************************************************************/ /* ** Resource-IDs in use by Python. ** ** All resources used by the python interpreter itself fall ** in the range 228-256. The range 128-228 is not used, because ** there is too much chance of conflicts with other packages. ** ** Standard python modules use resources in the range ** 256-512. ** ** Python programs that use their own resources are advised to ** choose resource numbers higher than 512. */ /* ** Resources that reside in the python executable (or, for ** shared ppc python, in the core dynamic library) */ #define BASE_ID 228 /* The alert for "No Python directory, where is it?" (OBSOLETE) */ #define NOPYTHON_ALERT BASE_ID+0 #define YES_ITEM 1 #define NO_ITEM 2 #define CURWD_ITEM 3 /* The alert for "this is an applet template" */ #define NOPYC_ALERT BASE_ID+1 /* The dialog for our GetDirectory and PromptGetFile call */ #define GETDIR_ID BASE_ID+2 /* Resource ID for our "get directory" */ #define GETFILEPROMPT_ID BASE_ID+4 /* Resource id for prompted get file */ #define PROMPT_ITEM 10 /* The prompt, at the top */ #define SELECTCUR_ITEM 11 /* "Select current directory" button */ /* The dialog for interactive options */ #define OPT_DIALOG BASE_ID+3 /* Resource ID for dialog */ #define OPT_OK 1 #define OPT_CANCEL 2 #define OPT_INSPECT 3 #define OPT_VERBOSE 4 #define OPT_OPTIMIZE 5 #define OPT_UNBUFFERED 6 #define OPT_DEBUGGING 7 #define OPT_KEEPNORMAL 8 #define OPT_KEEPERROR 9 #define OPT_CMDLINE 10 #define OPT_TABWARN 13 #define OPT_NOSITE 14 #define OPT_HELP 15 #define OPT_NONAVSERV 16 /* Dialog for 'No preferences directory' */ #define NOPREFDIR_ID BASE_ID+5 /* Dialog for 'Bad or outdated preferences' */ #define BADPREFERENCES_ID BASE_ID+6 #define BADPREF_DELETE 1 #define BADPREF_CONTINUE 2 #define BADPREF_QUIT 3 /* Dialog for 'Bad preference file' */ #define BADPREFFILE_ID BASE_ID+7 /* About box */ #define ABOUT_ID BASE_ID+8 /* No preferences file name resource */ #define NOPREFNAME_ID BASE_ID+9 /* EditPythonPrefs range. Needed here to forestall conflicts with applets */ #define EDITPYTHONPREFS_MIN 508 #define EDITPYTHONPREFS_MAX 511 /* twit range. Again needed to forestall conflicts with scripts using their own resources */ #define TWIT_MIN 500 #define TWIT_MAX 507 /* Bruce range. The same */ #define BRUCE_MIN 468 #define BRUCE_MAX 499 /* ** The following are valid both in the binary (or shared library) ** and in the Preferences file. ** For all these the override is tried first, in the application resource fork ** only, this allows an applet to override standard settings. ** If there is no override resource the preferences file is added to the head ** of the resource file chain and the non-override version of the resource is ** searched in any resource file. ** ** The effect of this is that, for example, a 'Popt' of 228 in the application or ** shared library provides default options for use when no preferences are set, ** while a 'Popt' of 229 (in the application *only*) overrides any options in the ** preferences file. */ /* The STR resource that holds the preference file name */ #define PREFFILENAME_ID 228 /* For Rez only */ #define PREFFILENAME_PASCAL_NAME "PythonPreferenceFileName" #define PREFFILENAME_NAME "\pPythonPreferenceFileName" /* The STR# resource for sys.path initialization */ #define PYTHONPATH_ID 228 #define PYTHONPATHOVERRIDE_ID 229 /* The alis resource for locating the python home directory */ #define PYTHONHOME_ID 228 #define PYTHONHOMEOVERRIDE_ID 229 /* The Python options resource and offset of its members */ #define PYTHONOPTIONS_ID 228 #define PYTHONOPTIONSOVERRIDE_ID 229 #if 0 #define POPT_INSPECT 0 #define POPT_VERBOSE 1 #define POPT_OPTIMIZE 2 #define POPT_UNBUFFERED 3 #define POPT_DEBUGGING 4 #define POPT_KEEPNORM 5 #define POPT_KEEPERR 6 #endif #define POPT_VERSION_CURRENT 5 /* Current version number */ #ifndef rez typedef struct PyMac_PrefRecord { unsigned char version; unsigned char inspect; unsigned char verbose; unsigned char optimize; unsigned char unbuffered; unsigned char debugging; unsigned char keep_normal; unsigned char keep_error; unsigned char nointopt; unsigned char noargs; unsigned char tabwarn; unsigned char nosite; unsigned char nonavservice; } PyMac_PrefRecord; #endif /* The GUSI options resources */ #define GUSIOPTIONS_ID 10240 #define GUSIOPTIONSOVERRIDE_ID 10241 #ifndef rez /* From macgetpath.c: */ void PyMac_PreferenceOptions(PyMac_PrefRecord *); char * PyMac_GetPythonDir(void); #endif