import re import os # The regular expression for freeze directives. These are comments with the # word macfreeze immedeately followed by a colon, followed by a directive, # followed by argument(s) # # The directives supported are # include - Include a module or file # exclude - Exclude a module # path - Add sys.path entries. Relative paths are relative to the source file. # # See the main program for a real live example. # DIRECTIVE_RE=r'^\s*#\s*macfreeze:\s*(\S*)\s*(.*)\s*$' REPROG=re.compile(DIRECTIVE_RE) def findfreezedirectives(program): extra_modules = [] exclude_modules = [] optional_modules = [] extra_path = [] progdir, filename = os.path.split(program) fp = open(program) for line in fp.readlines(): match = REPROG.match(line) if match: directive = argument = if directive == 'include': extra_modules.append(argument) elif directive == 'exclude': exclude_modules.append(argument) elif directive == 'optional': optional_modules.append(argument) elif directive == 'path': argument = os.path.join(progdir, argument) extra_path.append(argument) else: print '** Unknown directive', line return extra_modules, exclude_modules, optional_modules, extra_path