"""distutils.command.build_ext Implements the Distutils 'build_ext' command, for building extension modules (currently limited to C extensions, should accomodate C++ extensions ASAP).""" # created 1999/08/09, Greg Ward __rcsid__ = "$Id$" import sys, os, string, re from types import * from distutils.core import Command from distutils.errors import * # An extension name is just a dot-separated list of Python NAMEs (ie. # the same as a fully-qualified module name). extension_name_re = re.compile \ (r'^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*(\.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)*$') class build_ext (Command): description = "build C/C++ extensions (compile/link to build directory)" # XXX thoughts on how to deal with complex command-line options like # these, i.e. how to make it so fancy_getopt can suck them off the # command line and make it look like setup.py defined the appropriate # lists of tuples of what-have-you. # - each command needs a callback to process its command-line options # - Command.__init__() needs access to its share of the whole # command line (must ultimately come from # Distribution.parse_command_line()) # - it then calls the current command class' option-parsing # callback to deal with weird options like -D, which have to # parse the option text and churn out some custom data # structure # - that data structure (in this case, a list of 2-tuples) # will then be present in the command object by the time # we get to finalize_options() (i.e. the constructor # takes care of both command-line and client options # in between initialize_options() and finalize_options()) user_options = [ ('build-dir=', 'd', "directory for compiled extension modules"), ('include-dirs=', 'I', "list of directories to search for header files"), ('define=', 'D', "C preprocessor macros to define"), ('undef=', 'U', "C preprocessor macros to undefine"), ('libs=', 'l', "external C libraries to link with"), ('library-dirs=', 'L', "directories to search for external C libraries"), ('rpath=', 'R', "directories to search for shared C libraries at runtime"), ('link-objects=', 'O', "extra explicit link objects to include in the link"), ('debug', 'g', "compile/link with debugging information"), ] def initialize_options (self): self.extensions = None self.build_dir = None self.package = None self.include_dirs = None self.define = None self.undef = None self.libs = None self.library_dirs = None self.rpath = None self.link_objects = None self.debug = None def finalize_options (self): from distutils import sysconfig self.set_undefined_options ('build', ('build_platlib', 'build_dir'), ('debug', 'debug')) if self.package is None: self.package = self.distribution.ext_package self.extensions = self.distribution.ext_modules # Make sure Python's include directories (for Python.h, config.h, # etc.) are in the include search path. We have to roll our own # "exec include dir", because the Makefile parsed by sysconfig # doesn't have it (sigh). py_include = sysconfig.INCLUDEPY # prefix + "include" + "python" + ver exec_py_include = os.path.join (sysconfig.exec_prefix, 'include', 'python' + sys.version[0:3]) if self.include_dirs is None: self.include_dirs = self.distribution.include_dirs or [] if type (self.include_dirs) is StringType: self.include_dirs = string.split (self.include_dirs, os.pathsep) self.include_dirs.insert (0, py_include) if exec_py_include != py_include: self.include_dirs.insert (0, exec_py_include) # XXX how the heck are 'self.define' and 'self.undef' supposed to # be set? # finalize_options () def run (self): from distutils.ccompiler import new_compiler # 'self.extensions', as supplied by setup.py, is a list of 2-tuples. # Each tuple is simple: # (ext_name, build_info) # build_info is a dictionary containing everything specific to # building this extension. (Info pertaining to all extensions # should be handled by general distutils options passed from # setup.py down to right here, but that's not taken care of yet.) if not self.extensions: return # First, sanity-check the 'self.extensions' list self.check_extensions_list (self.extensions) # Setup the CCompiler object that we'll use to do all the # compiling and linking self.compiler = new_compiler (plat=os.environ.get ('PLAT'), verbose=self.verbose, dry_run=self.dry_run, force=self.force) if self.include_dirs is not None: self.compiler.set_include_dirs (self.include_dirs) if self.define is not None: # 'define' option is a list of (name,value) tuples for (name,value) in self.define: self.compiler.define_macro (name, value) if self.undef is not None: for macro in self.undef: self.compiler.undefine_macro (macro) if self.libs is not None: self.compiler.set_libraries (self.libs) if self.library_dirs is not None: self.compiler.set_library_dirs (self.library_dirs) if self.rpath is not None: self.compiler.set_runtime_library_dirs (self.rpath) if self.link_objects is not None: self.compiler.set_link_objects (self.link_objects) # Now the real loop over extensions self.build_extensions (self.extensions) def check_extensions_list (self, extensions): """Ensure that the list of extensions (presumably provided as a command option 'extensions') is valid, i.e. it is a list of 2-tuples, where the tuples are (extension_name, build_info_dict). Raise DistutilsValueError if the structure is invalid anywhere; just returns otherwise.""" if type (extensions) is not ListType: raise DistutilsValueError, \ "'ext_modules' option must be a list of tuples" for ext in extensions: if type (ext) is not TupleType and len (ext) != 2: raise DistutilsValueError, \ "each element of 'ext_modules' option must be a 2-tuple" if not (type (ext[0]) is StringType and extension_name_re.match (ext[0])): raise DistutilsValueError, \ "first element of each tuple in 'ext_modules' " + \ "must be the extension name (a string)" if type (ext[1]) is not DictionaryType: raise DistutilsValueError, \ "second element of each tuple in 'ext_modules' " + \ "must be a dictionary (build info)" # end sanity-check for # check_extensions_list () def get_source_files (self): filenames = [] # Wouldn't it be neat if we knew the names of header files too... for (extension_name, build_info) in self.extensions: sources = build_info.get ('sources') if type (sources) in (ListType, TupleType): filenames.extend (sources) return filenames def build_extensions (self, extensions): for (extension_name, build_info) in extensions: sources = build_info.get ('sources') if sources is None or type (sources) not in (ListType, TupleType): raise DistutilsValueError, \ ("in 'ext_modules' option (extension '%s'), " + "'sources' must be present and must be " + "a list of source filenames") % extension_name sources = list (sources) self.announce ("building '%s' extension" % extension_name) # First step: compile the source code to object files. This # drops the object files in the current directory, regardless # of where the source is (may be a bad thing, but that's how a # Makefile.pre.in-based system does it, so at least there's a # precedent!) macros = build_info.get ('macros') include_dirs = build_info.get ('include_dirs') self.compiler.compile (sources, macros=macros, include_dirs=include_dirs, debug=self.debug) # Now link the object files together into a "shared object" -- # of course, first we have to figure out all the other things # that go into the mix. objects = self.compiler.object_filenames (sources) extra_objects = build_info.get ('extra_objects') if extra_objects: objects.extend (extra_objects) libraries = build_info.get ('libraries') library_dirs = build_info.get ('library_dirs') extra_args = build_info.get ('extra_link_args') or [] if self.compiler.compiler_type == 'msvc': def_file = build_info.get ('def_file') if def_file is None: source_dir = os.path.dirname (sources[0]) ext_base = (string.split (extension_name, '.'))[-1] def_file = os.path.join (source_dir, "%s.def" % ext_base) if not os.path.exists (def_file): def_file = None if def_file is not None: extra_args.append ('/DEF:' + def_file) else: modname = string.split (extension_name, '.')[-1] extra_args.append('/export:init%s'%modname) ext_filename = self.extension_filename \ (extension_name, self.package) ext_filename = os.path.join (self.build_dir, ext_filename) dest_dir = os.path.dirname (ext_filename) self.mkpath (dest_dir) self.compiler.link_shared_object (objects, ext_filename, libraries=libraries, library_dirs=library_dirs, extra_postargs=extra_args, debug=self.debug) # build_extensions () def extension_filename (self, ext_name, package=None): from distutils import sysconfig if package: ext_name = package + '.' + ext_name ext_path = string.split (ext_name, '.') return apply (os.path.join, ext_path) + sysconfig.SO # class BuildExt