# test for xml.dom.minidom from xml.dom.minidom import parse, Node, Document, parseString import xml.parsers.expat import os.path import sys import traceback from test_support import verbose if __name__ == "__main__": base = sys.argv[0] else: base = __file__ tstfile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(base), "test.xml") del base def confirm( test, testname="Test" ): if test: print "Passed " + testname else: print "Failed " + testname raise Exception Node._debug=1 def testParseFromFile(): from StringIO import StringIO dom=parse( StringIO( open( tstfile ).read() ) ) dom.unlink() confirm(isinstance(dom,Document)) def testGetElementsByTagName( ): dom=parse( tstfile ) confirm( dom.getElementsByTagName( "LI" )==\ dom.documentElement.getElementsByTagName( "LI" ) ) dom.unlink() def testInsertBefore( ): dom=parse( tstfile ) docel=dom.documentElement #docel.insertBefore( dom.createProcessingInstruction("a", "b"), # docel.childNodes[1]) #docel.insertBefore( dom.createProcessingInstruction("a", "b"), # docel.childNodes[0]) #confirm( docel.childNodes[0].tet=="a" ) #confirm( docel.childNodes[2].tet=="a" ) dom.unlink() def testAppendChild(): dom=parse( tstfile ) dom.documentElement.appendChild( dom.createComment( u"Hello" )) confirm( dom.documentElement.childNodes[-1].nodeName=="#comment" ) confirm( dom.documentElement.childNodes[-1].data=="Hello" ) dom.unlink() def testNonZero(): dom=parse( tstfile ) confirm( dom )# should not be zero dom.appendChild( dom.createComment( "foo" ) ) confirm( not dom.childNodes[-1].childNodes ) dom.unlink() def testUnlink(): dom=parse( tstfile ) dom.unlink() def testElement(): dom=Document() dom.appendChild( dom.createElement( "abc" ) ) confirm( dom.documentElement ) dom.unlink() def testAAA(): dom=parseString( "" ) el=dom.documentElement el.setAttribute( "spam", "jam2" ) dom.unlink() def testAAB(): dom=parseString( "" ) el=dom.documentElement el.setAttribute( "spam", "jam" ) el.setAttribute( "spam", "jam2" ) dom.unlink() def testAddAttr(): dom=Document() child=dom.appendChild( dom.createElement( "abc" ) ) child.setAttribute( "def", "ghi" ) confirm( child.getAttribute( "def" )=="ghi" ) confirm( child.attributes["def"].value=="ghi" ) child.setAttribute( "jkl", "mno" ) confirm( child.getAttribute( "jkl" )=="mno" ) confirm( child.attributes["jkl"].value=="mno" ) confirm( len( child.attributes )==2 ) child.setAttribute( "def", "newval" ) confirm( child.getAttribute( "def" )=="newval" ) confirm( child.attributes["def"].value=="newval" ) confirm( len( child.attributes )==2 ) dom.unlink() def testDeleteAttr(): dom=Document() child=dom.appendChild( dom.createElement( "abc" ) ) confirm( len( child.attributes)==0 ) child.setAttribute( "def", "ghi" ) confirm( len( child.attributes)==1 ) del child.attributes["def"] confirm( len( child.attributes)==0 ) dom.unlink() def testRemoveAttr(): dom=Document() child=dom.appendChild( dom.createElement( "abc" ) ) child.setAttribute( "def", "ghi" ) confirm( len( child.attributes)==1 ) child.removeAttribute("def" ) confirm( len( child.attributes)==0 ) dom.unlink() def testRemoveAttrNS(): dom=Document() child=dom.appendChild( dom.createElementNS( "http://www.python.org", "python:abc" ) ) child.setAttributeNS( "http://www.w3.org", "xmlns:python", "http://www.python.org" ) child.setAttributeNS( "http://www.python.org", "python:abcattr", "foo" ) confirm( len( child.attributes )==2 ) child.removeAttributeNS( "http://www.python.org", "abcattr" ) confirm( len( child.attributes )==1 ) dom.unlink() def testRemoveAttributeNode(): dom=Document() child=dom.appendChild( dom.createElement( "foo" ) ) child.setAttribute( "spam", "jam" ) confirm( len( child.attributes )==1 ) node=child.getAttributeNode( "spam" ) child.removeAttributeNode( node ) confirm( len( child.attributes )==0 ) dom.unlink() def testChangeAttr(): dom=parseString( "" ) el=dom.documentElement el.setAttribute( "spam", "jam" ) confirm( len( el.attributes )==1 ) el.setAttribute( "spam", "bam" ) confirm( len( el.attributes )==1 ) el.attributes["spam"]="ham" confirm( len( el.attributes )==1 ) el.setAttribute( "spam2", "bam" ) confirm( len( el.attributes )==2 ) el.attributes[ "spam2"]= "bam2" confirm( len( el.attributes )==2 ) dom.unlink() def testGetAttrList(): pass def testGetAttrValues(): pass def testGetAttrLength(): pass def testGetAttribute(): pass def testGetAttributeNS(): pass def testGetAttributeNode(): pass def testGetElementsByTagNameNS(): pass def testGetEmptyNodeListFromElementsByTagNameNS(): pass def testElementReprAndStr(): dom=Document() el=dom.appendChild( dom.createElement( "abc" ) ) string1=repr( el ) string2=str( el ) confirm( string1==string2 ) dom.unlink() # commented out until Fredrick's fix is checked in def _testElementReprAndStrUnicode(): dom=Document() el=dom.appendChild( dom.createElement( u"abc" ) ) string1=repr( el ) string2=str( el ) confirm( string1==string2 ) dom.unlink() # commented out until Fredrick's fix is checked in def _testElementReprAndStrUnicodeNS(): dom=Document() el=dom.appendChild( dom.createElementNS( u"http://www.slashdot.org", u"slash:abc" )) string1=repr( el ) string2=str( el ) confirm( string1==string2 ) confirm( string1.find("slash:abc" )!=-1 ) dom.unlink() confirm( len( Node.allnodes )==0 ) def testAttributeRepr(): dom=Document() el=dom.appendChild( dom.createElement( u"abc" ) ) node=el.setAttribute( "abc", "def" ) confirm( str( node ) == repr( node ) ) dom.unlink() confirm( len( Node.allnodes )==0 ) def testTextNodeRepr(): pass def testWriteXML(): str = '' dom = parseString(str) domstr = dom.toxml() dom.unlink() confirm(str == domstr) confirm( len( Node.allnodes )==0 ) def testProcessingInstruction(): pass def testProcessingInstructionRepr(): pass def testTextRepr(): pass def testWriteText(): pass def testDocumentElement(): pass def testTooManyDocumentElements(): pass def testCreateElementNS(): pass def testCreatAttributeNS(): pass def testParse(): pass def testParseString(): pass def testComment(): pass def testAttrListItem(): pass def testAttrListItems(): pass def testAttrListItemNS(): pass def testAttrListKeys(): pass def testAttrListKeysNS(): pass def testAttrListValues(): pass def testAttrListLength(): pass def testAttrList__getitem__(): pass def testAttrList__setitem__(): pass def testSetAttrValueandNodeValue(): pass def testParseElement(): pass def testParseAttributes(): pass def testParseElementNamespaces(): pass def testParseAttributeNamespaces(): pass def testParseProcessingInstructions(): pass def testChildNodes(): pass def testFirstChild(): pass def testHasChildNodes(): pass def testCloneElementShallow(): pass def testCloneElementShallowCopiesAttributes(): pass def testCloneElementDeep(): pass def testCloneDocumentShallow(): pass def testCloneDocumentDeep(): pass def testCloneAttributeShallow(): pass def testCloneAttributeDeep(): pass def testClonePIShallow(): pass def testClonePIDeep(): pass def testSiblings(): doc = parseString("text?") root = doc.documentElement (pi, text, elm) = root.childNodes confirm(pi.nextSibling is text and pi.previousSibling is None and text.nextSibling is elm and text.previousSibling is pi and elm.nextSibling is None and elm.previousSibling is text, "testSiblings") doc.unlink() def testParents(): doc = parseString("") root = doc.documentElement elm1 = root.childNodes[0] (elm2a, elm2b) = elm1.childNodes elm3 = elm2b.childNodes[0] confirm(root.parentNode is doc and elm1.parentNode is root and elm2a.parentNode is elm1 and elm2b.parentNode is elm1 and elm3.parentNode is elm2b, "testParents") doc.unlink() def testNonNSElements(): from xml.dom import pulldom pulldom = pulldom.PullDOM() pulldom.startDocument() pulldom.startElement("doc", {}) pulldom.characters("text") pulldom.startElement("subelm", {}) pulldom.characters("text") pulldom.endElement("subelm") pulldom.characters("text") pulldom.endElement("doc") pulldom.endDocument() doc = pulldom.document root = doc.documentElement (text1, elm1, text2) = root.childNodes text3 = elm1.childNodes[0] confirm(text1.previousSibling is None and text1.nextSibling is elm1 and elm1.previousSibling is text1 and elm1.nextSibling is text2 and text2.previousSibling is elm1 and text2.nextSibling is None and text3.previousSibling is None and text3.nextSibling is None, "testNonNSElements - siblings") confirm(root.parentNode is doc and text1.parentNode is root and elm1.parentNode is root and text2.parentNode is root and text3.parentNode is elm1, "testNonNSElements - parents") doc.unlink() # --- MAIN PROGRAM names=globals().keys() names.sort() works=1 for name in names: if name.startswith( "test" ): func=globals()[name] try: func() print "Test Succeeded", name confirm(len(Node.allnodes) == 0, "assertion: len(Node.allnodes) == 0") if len( Node.allnodes ): print "Garbage left over:" if verbose: print Node.allnodes.items()[0:10] else: # Don't print specific nodes if repeatable results # are needed print len(Node.allnodes) Node.allnodes={} except Exception, e : works=0 print "Test Failed: ", name apply( traceback.print_exception, sys.exc_info() ) print `e` Node.allnodes={} if works: print "All tests succeeded" else: print "\n\n\n\n************ Check for failures!" Node.debug = None # Delete debug output collected in a StringIO object Node._debug = 0 # And reset debug mode