"""Test program for MimeWriter module. The test program was too big to comfortably fit in the MimeWriter class, so it's here in its own file. This should generate Barry's example, modulo some quotes and newlines. """ import unittest, sys, StringIO from test.test_support import run_unittest from MimeWriter import MimeWriter SELLER = '''\ INTERFACE Seller-1; TYPE Seller = OBJECT DOCUMENTATION "A simple Seller interface to test ILU" METHODS price():INTEGER, END; ''' BUYER = '''\ class Buyer: def __setup__(self, maxprice): self._maxprice = maxprice def __main__(self, kos): """Entry point upon arrival at a new KOS.""" broker = kos.broker() # B4 == Barry's Big Bass Business :-) seller = broker.lookup('Seller_1.Seller', 'B4') if seller: price = seller.price() print 'Seller wants $', price, '... ' if price > self._maxprice: print 'too much!' else: print "I'll take it!" else: print 'no seller found here' ''' # Don't ask why this comment is here STATE = '''\ # instantiate a buyer instance and put it in a magic place for the KOS # to find. __kp__ = Buyer() __kp__.__setup__(500) ''' SIMPLE_METADATA = [ ("Interpreter", "python"), ("Interpreter-Version", "1.3"), ("Owner-Name", "Barry Warsaw"), ("Owner-Rendezvous", "bwarsaw@cnri.reston.va.us"), ("Home-KSS", "kss.cnri.reston.va.us"), ("Identifier", "hdl://cnri.kss/my_first_knowbot"), ("Launch-Date", "Mon Feb 12 16:39:03 EST 1996"), ] COMPLEX_METADATA = [ ("Metadata-Type", "complex"), ("Metadata-Key", "connection"), ("Access", "read-only"), ("Connection-Description", "Barry's Big Bass Business"), ("Connection-Id", "B4"), ("Connection-Direction", "client"), ] EXTERNAL_METADATA = [ ("Metadata-Type", "complex"), ("Metadata-Key", "generic-interface"), ("Access", "read-only"), ("Connection-Description", "Generic Interface for All Knowbots"), ("Connection-Id", "generic-kp"), ("Connection-Direction", "client"), ] OUTPUT = '''\ From: bwarsaw@cnri.reston.va.us Date: Mon Feb 12 17:21:48 EST 1996 To: kss-submit@cnri.reston.va.us MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/knowbot; boundary="801spam999"; version="0.1" This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --801spam999 Content-Type: multipart/knowbot-metadata; boundary="802spam999" --802spam999 Content-Type: message/rfc822 KP-Metadata-Type: simple KP-Access: read-only KPMD-Interpreter: python KPMD-Interpreter-Version: 1.3 KPMD-Owner-Name: Barry Warsaw KPMD-Owner-Rendezvous: bwarsaw@cnri.reston.va.us KPMD-Home-KSS: kss.cnri.reston.va.us KPMD-Identifier: hdl://cnri.kss/my_first_knowbot KPMD-Launch-Date: Mon Feb 12 16:39:03 EST 1996 --802spam999 Content-Type: text/isl KP-Metadata-Type: complex KP-Metadata-Key: connection KP-Access: read-only KP-Connection-Description: Barry's Big Bass Business KP-Connection-Id: B4 KP-Connection-Direction: client INTERFACE Seller-1; TYPE Seller = OBJECT DOCUMENTATION "A simple Seller interface to test ILU" METHODS price():INTEGER, END; --802spam999 Content-Type: message/external-body; access-type="URL"; URL="hdl://cnri.kss/generic-knowbot" Content-Type: text/isl KP-Metadata-Type: complex KP-Metadata-Key: generic-interface KP-Access: read-only KP-Connection-Description: Generic Interface for All Knowbots KP-Connection-Id: generic-kp KP-Connection-Direction: client --802spam999-- --801spam999 Content-Type: multipart/knowbot-code; boundary="803spam999" --803spam999 Content-Type: text/plain KP-Module-Name: BuyerKP class Buyer: def __setup__(self, maxprice): self._maxprice = maxprice def __main__(self, kos): """Entry point upon arrival at a new KOS.""" broker = kos.broker() # B4 == Barry's Big Bass Business :-) seller = broker.lookup('Seller_1.Seller', 'B4') if seller: price = seller.price() print 'Seller wants $', price, '... ' if price > self._maxprice: print 'too much!' else: print "I'll take it!" else: print 'no seller found here' --803spam999-- --801spam999 Content-Type: multipart/knowbot-state; boundary="804spam999" KP-Main-Module: main --804spam999 Content-Type: text/plain KP-Module-Name: main # instantiate a buyer instance and put it in a magic place for the KOS # to find. __kp__ = Buyer() __kp__.__setup__(500) --804spam999-- --801spam999-- ''' class MimewriterTest(unittest.TestCase): def test(self): buf = StringIO.StringIO() # Toplevel headers toplevel = MimeWriter(buf) toplevel.addheader("From", "bwarsaw@cnri.reston.va.us") toplevel.addheader("Date", "Mon Feb 12 17:21:48 EST 1996") toplevel.addheader("To", "kss-submit@cnri.reston.va.us") toplevel.addheader("MIME-Version", "1.0") # Toplevel body parts f = toplevel.startmultipartbody("knowbot", "801spam999", [("version", "0.1")], prefix=0) f.write("This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\n") # First toplevel body part: metadata md = toplevel.nextpart() md.startmultipartbody("knowbot-metadata", "802spam999") # Metadata part 1 md1 = md.nextpart() md1.addheader("KP-Metadata-Type", "simple") md1.addheader("KP-Access", "read-only") m = MimeWriter(md1.startbody("message/rfc822")) for key, value in SIMPLE_METADATA: m.addheader("KPMD-" + key, value) m.flushheaders() del md1 # Metadata part 2 md2 = md.nextpart() for key, value in COMPLEX_METADATA: md2.addheader("KP-" + key, value) f = md2.startbody("text/isl") f.write(SELLER) del md2 # Metadata part 3 md3 = md.nextpart() f = md3.startbody("message/external-body", [("access-type", "URL"), ("URL", "hdl://cnri.kss/generic-knowbot")]) m = MimeWriter(f) for key, value in EXTERNAL_METADATA: md3.addheader("KP-" + key, value) md3.startbody("text/isl") # Phantom body doesn't need to be written md.lastpart() # Second toplevel body part: code code = toplevel.nextpart() code.startmultipartbody("knowbot-code", "803spam999") # Code: buyer program source buyer = code.nextpart() buyer.addheader("KP-Module-Name", "BuyerKP") f = buyer.startbody("text/plain") f.write(BUYER) code.lastpart() # Third toplevel body part: state state = toplevel.nextpart() state.addheader("KP-Main-Module", "main") state.startmultipartbody("knowbot-state", "804spam999") # State: a bunch of assignments st = state.nextpart() st.addheader("KP-Module-Name", "main") f = st.startbody("text/plain") f.write(STATE) state.lastpart() # End toplevel body parts toplevel.lastpart() self.assertEqual(buf.getvalue(), OUTPUT) def test_main(): run_unittest(MimewriterTest) if __name__ == '__main__': test_main()