.. _packaging-pysetup-servers: =============== Package Servers =============== Pysetup supports installing Python packages from *Package Servers* in addition to PyPI indexes and mirrors. Package Servers are simple directory listings of Python distributions. Directories can be served via HTTP or a local file system. This is useful when you want to dump source distributions in a directory and not worry about the full index structure. Serving distributions from Apache --------------------------------- :: $ mkdir -p /var/www/html/python/distributions $ cp *.tar.gz /var/www/html/python/distributions/ ServerAdmin webmaster@domain.com DocumentRoot "/var/www/html/python" ServerName python.example.org ErrorLog logs/python.example.org-error.log CustomLog logs/python.example.org-access.log common Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews Order allow,deny Allow from all Add the Apache based distribution server to :file:`.pypirc`:: [packaging] package-servers = apache [apache] repository: http://python.example.org/distributions/ Serving distributions from a file system ---------------------------------------- :: $ mkdir -p /data/python/distributions $ cp *.tar.gz /data/python/distributions/ Add the directory to :file:`.pypirc`:: [packaging] package-servers = local [local] repository: file:///data/python/distributions/