"""Tests for the packaging.install module.""" import os import logging from tempfile import mkstemp from sysconfig import is_python_build from packaging import install from packaging.pypi.xmlrpc import Client from packaging.metadata import Metadata from packaging.tests.support import (LoggingCatcher, TempdirManager, unittest, fake_dec) try: import threading from packaging.tests.pypi_server import use_xmlrpc_server except ImportError: threading = None use_xmlrpc_server = fake_dec class InstalledDist: """Distribution object, represent distributions currently installed on the system""" def __init__(self, name, version, deps): self.metadata = Metadata() self.name = name self.version = version self.metadata['Name'] = name self.metadata['Version'] = version self.metadata['Requires-Dist'] = deps def __repr__(self): return '' % self.metadata['Name'] class ToInstallDist: """Distribution that will be installed""" def __init__(self, files=False): self._files = files self.install_called = False self.install_called_with = {} self.uninstall_called = False self._real_files = [] self.name = "fake" self.version = "fake" if files: for f in range(0, 3): fp, fn = mkstemp() os.close(fp) self._real_files.append(fn) def _unlink_installed_files(self): if self._files: for fn in self._real_files: os.unlink(fn) def list_installed_files(self, **args): if self._files: return self._real_files def get_install(self, **args): return self.list_installed_files() class MagicMock: def __init__(self, return_value=None, raise_exception=False): self.called = False self._times_called = 0 self._called_with = [] self._return_value = return_value self._raise = raise_exception def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.called = True self._times_called = self._times_called + 1 self._called_with.append((args, kwargs)) iterable = hasattr(self._raise, '__iter__') if self._raise: if ((not iterable and self._raise) or self._raise[self._times_called - 1]): raise Exception return self._return_value def called_with(self, *args, **kwargs): return (args, kwargs) in self._called_with def get_installed_dists(dists): """Return a list of fake installed dists. The list is name, version, deps""" objects = [] for name, version, deps in dists: objects.append(InstalledDist(name, version, deps)) return objects class TestInstall(LoggingCatcher, TempdirManager, unittest.TestCase): def _get_client(self, server, *args, **kwargs): return Client(server.full_address, *args, **kwargs) def _get_results(self, output): """return a list of results""" installed = [(o.name, str(o.version)) for o in output['install']] remove = [(o.name, str(o.version)) for o in output['remove']] conflict = [(o.name, str(o.version)) for o in output['conflict']] return installed, remove, conflict @unittest.skipIf(threading is None, 'needs threading') @use_xmlrpc_server() def test_existing_deps(self, server): # Test that the installer get the dependencies from the metadatas # and ask the index for this dependencies. # In this test case, we have choxie that is dependent from towel-stuff # 0.1, which is in-turn dependent on bacon <= 0.2: # choxie -> towel-stuff -> bacon. # Each release metadata is not provided in metadata 1.2. client = self._get_client(server) archive_path = '%s/distribution.tar.gz' % server.full_address server.xmlrpc.set_distributions([ {'name': 'choxie', 'version': '', 'requires_dist': ['towel-stuff (0.1)'], 'url': archive_path}, {'name': 'towel-stuff', 'version': '0.1', 'requires_dist': ['bacon (<= 0.2)'], 'url': archive_path}, {'name': 'bacon', 'version': '0.1', 'requires_dist': [], 'url': archive_path}, ]) installed = get_installed_dists([('bacon', '0.1', [])]) output = install.get_infos("choxie", index=client, installed=installed) # we don't have installed bacon as it's already installed system-wide self.assertEqual(0, len(output['remove'])) self.assertEqual(2, len(output['install'])) readable_output = [(o.name, str(o.version)) for o in output['install']] self.assertIn(('towel-stuff', '0.1'), readable_output) self.assertIn(('choxie', ''), readable_output) @unittest.skipIf(threading is None, 'needs threading') @use_xmlrpc_server() def test_upgrade_existing_deps(self, server): client = self._get_client(server) archive_path = '%s/distribution.tar.gz' % server.full_address server.xmlrpc.set_distributions([ {'name': 'choxie', 'version': '', 'requires_dist': ['towel-stuff (0.1)'], 'url': archive_path}, {'name': 'towel-stuff', 'version': '0.1', 'requires_dist': ['bacon (>= 0.2)'], 'url': archive_path}, {'name': 'bacon', 'version': '0.2', 'requires_dist': [], 'url': archive_path}, ]) output = install.get_infos("choxie", index=client, installed=get_installed_dists([('bacon', '0.1', [])])) installed = [(o.name, str(o.version)) for o in output['install']] # we need bacon 0.2, but 0.1 is installed. # So we expect to remove 0.1 and to install 0.2 instead. remove = [(o.name, str(o.version)) for o in output['remove']] self.assertIn(('choxie', ''), installed) self.assertIn(('towel-stuff', '0.1'), installed) self.assertIn(('bacon', '0.2'), installed) self.assertIn(('bacon', '0.1'), remove) self.assertEqual(0, len(output['conflict'])) @unittest.skipIf(threading is None, 'needs threading') @use_xmlrpc_server() def test_conflicts(self, server): # Tests that conflicts are detected client = self._get_client(server) archive_path = '%s/distribution.tar.gz' % server.full_address # choxie depends on towel-stuff, which depends on bacon. server.xmlrpc.set_distributions([ {'name': 'choxie', 'version': '', 'requires_dist': ['towel-stuff (0.1)'], 'url': archive_path}, {'name': 'towel-stuff', 'version': '0.1', 'requires_dist': ['bacon (>= 0.2)'], 'url': archive_path}, {'name': 'bacon', 'version': '0.2', 'requires_dist': [], 'url': archive_path}, ]) # name, version, deps. already_installed = [('bacon', '0.1', []), ('chicken', '1.1', ['bacon (0.1)'])] output = install.get_infos( 'choxie', index=client, installed=get_installed_dists(already_installed)) # we need bacon 0.2, but 0.1 is installed. # So we expect to remove 0.1 and to install 0.2 instead. installed, remove, conflict = self._get_results(output) self.assertIn(('choxie', ''), installed) self.assertIn(('towel-stuff', '0.1'), installed) self.assertIn(('bacon', '0.2'), installed) self.assertIn(('bacon', '0.1'), remove) self.assertIn(('chicken', '1.1'), conflict) @unittest.skipIf(threading is None, 'needs threading') @use_xmlrpc_server() def test_installation_unexisting_project(self, server): # Test that the isntalled raises an exception if the project does not # exists. client = self._get_client(server) self.assertRaises(install.InstallationException, install.get_infos, 'unexisting project', index=client) def test_move_files(self): # test that the files are really moved, and that the new path is # returned. path = self.mkdtemp() newpath = self.mkdtemp() files = [os.path.join(path, str(x)) for x in range(1, 20)] for f in files: open(f, 'ab+').close() output = [o for o in install._move_files(files, newpath)] # check that output return the list of old/new places for file_ in files: name = os.path.split(file_)[-1] newloc = os.path.join(newpath, name) self.assertIn((file_, newloc), output) # remove the files for f in [o[1] for o in output]: # o[1] is the new place os.remove(f) def test_update_infos(self): tests = [[ {'foo': ['foobar', 'foo', 'baz'], 'baz': ['foo', 'foo']}, {'foo': ['additional_content', 'yeah'], 'baz': ['test', 'foo']}, {'foo': ['foobar', 'foo', 'baz', 'additional_content', 'yeah'], 'baz': ['foo', 'foo', 'test', 'foo']}, ]] for dict1, dict2, expect in tests: install._update_infos(dict1, dict2) for key in expect: self.assertEqual(expect[key], dict1[key]) def test_install_dists_rollback(self): # if one of the distribution installation fails, call uninstall on all # installed distributions. old_install_dist = install._install_dist old_uninstall = getattr(install, 'uninstall', None) install._install_dist = MagicMock(return_value=[], raise_exception=(False, True)) install.remove = MagicMock() try: d1 = ToInstallDist() d2 = ToInstallDist() path = self.mkdtemp() self.assertRaises(Exception, install.install_dists, [d1, d2], path) self.assertTrue(install._install_dist.called_with(d1, path)) self.assertTrue(install.remove.called) finally: install._install_dist = old_install_dist install.remove = old_uninstall def test_install_dists_success(self): old_install_dist = install._install_dist install._install_dist = MagicMock(return_value=[]) try: # test that the install method is called on each distributions d1 = ToInstallDist() d2 = ToInstallDist() # should call install path = self.mkdtemp() install.install_dists([d1, d2], path) for dist in (d1, d2): self.assertTrue(install._install_dist.called_with(dist, path)) finally: install._install_dist = old_install_dist def test_install_from_infos_conflict(self): # assert conflicts raise an exception self.assertRaises(install.InstallationConflict, install.install_from_infos, conflicts=[ToInstallDist()]) def test_install_from_infos_remove_success(self): old_install_dists = install.install_dists install.install_dists = lambda x, y=None: None try: dists = [] for i in range(2): dists.append(ToInstallDist(files=True)) install.install_from_infos(remove=dists) # assert that the files have been removed for dist in dists: for f in dist.list_installed_files(): self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(f)) finally: install.install_dists = old_install_dists def test_install_from_infos_remove_rollback(self): old_install_dist = install._install_dist old_uninstall = getattr(install, 'uninstall', None) install._install_dist = MagicMock(return_value=[], raise_exception=(False, True)) install.uninstall = MagicMock() try: # assert that if an error occurs, the removed files are restored. remove = [] for i in range(2): remove.append(ToInstallDist(files=True)) to_install = [ToInstallDist(), ToInstallDist()] temp_dir = self.mkdtemp() self.assertRaises(Exception, install.install_from_infos, install_path=temp_dir, install=to_install, remove=remove) # assert that the files are in the same place # assert that the files have been removed for dist in remove: for f in dist.list_installed_files(): self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(f)) dist._unlink_installed_files() finally: install._install_dist = old_install_dist install.uninstall = old_uninstall def test_install_from_infos_install_succes(self): old_install_dist = install._install_dist install._install_dist = MagicMock([]) try: # assert that the distribution can be installed install_path = "my_install_path" to_install = [ToInstallDist(), ToInstallDist()] install.install_from_infos(install_path, install=to_install) for dist in to_install: install._install_dist.called_with(install_path) finally: install._install_dist = old_install_dist def test_install_permission_denied(self): # if we don't have access to the installation path, we should abort # immediately project = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'package.tgz') # when running from an uninstalled build, a warning is emitted and the # installation is not attempted if is_python_build(): self.assertFalse(install.install(project)) self.assertEqual(1, len(self.get_logs(logging.ERROR))) return install_path = self.mkdtemp() old_get_path = install.get_path install.get_path = lambda path: install_path old_mod = os.stat(install_path).st_mode os.chmod(install_path, 0) try: self.assertFalse(install.install(project)) finally: os.chmod(install_path, old_mod) install.get_path = old_get_path def test_suite(): suite = unittest.TestSuite() suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(TestInstall)) return suite if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main(defaultTest='test_suite')