"""\ minidom.py -- a lightweight DOM implementation. parse("foo.xml") parseString("") Todo: ===== * convenience methods for getting elements and text. * more testing * bring some of the writer and linearizer code into conformance with this interface * SAX 2 namespaces """ import string _string = string del string from xml.dom import HierarchyRequestErr, EMPTY_NAMESPACE # localize the types, and allow support for Unicode values if available: import types _TupleType = types.TupleType try: _StringTypes = (types.StringType, types.UnicodeType) except AttributeError: _StringTypes = (types.StringType,) del types import xml.dom if list is type([]): class NodeList(list): def item(self, index): if 0 <= index < len(self): return self[index] length = property(lambda self: len(self), doc="The number of nodes in the NodeList.") else: def NodeList(): return [] class Node(xml.dom.Node): allnodes = {} _debug = 0 _makeParentNodes = 1 debug = None childNodeTypes = () namespaceURI = None # this is non-null only for elements and attributes parentNode = None ownerDocument = None def __init__(self): self.childNodes = NodeList() if Node._debug: index = repr(id(self)) + repr(self.__class__) Node.allnodes[index] = repr(self.__dict__) if Node.debug is None: Node.debug = _get_StringIO() #open("debug4.out", "w") Node.debug.write("create %s\n" % index) def __nonzero__(self): return 1 def toxml(self): writer = _get_StringIO() self.writexml(writer) return writer.getvalue() def toprettyxml(self, indent="\t", newl="\n"): # indent = the indentation string to prepend, per level # newl = the newline string to append writer = _get_StringIO() self.writexml(writer, "", indent, newl) return writer.getvalue() def hasChildNodes(self): if self.childNodes: return 1 else: return 0 def _get_firstChild(self): if self.childNodes: return self.childNodes[0] def _get_lastChild(self): if self.childNodes: return self.childNodes[-1] try: property except NameError: def __getattr__(self, key): if key[0:2] == "__": raise AttributeError, key # getattr should never call getattr! if self.__dict__.has_key("inGetAttr"): del self.inGetAttr raise AttributeError, key prefix, attrname = key[:5], key[5:] if prefix == "_get_": self.inGetAttr = 1 if hasattr(self, attrname): del self.inGetAttr return (lambda self=self, attrname=attrname: getattr(self, attrname)) else: del self.inGetAttr raise AttributeError, key else: self.inGetAttr = 1 try: func = getattr(self, "_get_" + key) except AttributeError: raise AttributeError, key del self.inGetAttr return func() else: firstChild = property(_get_firstChild, doc="First child node, or None.") lastChild = property(_get_lastChild, doc="Last child node, or None.") def insertBefore(self, newChild, refChild): if newChild.nodeType == self.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: for c in tuple(newChild.childNodes): self.insertBefore(c, refChild) ### The DOM does not clearly specify what to return in this case return newChild if newChild.nodeType not in self.childNodeTypes: raise HierarchyRequestErr, \ "%s cannot be child of %s" % (repr(newChild), repr(self)) if newChild.parentNode is not None: newChild.parentNode.removeChild(newChild) if refChild is None: self.appendChild(newChild) else: index = self.childNodes.index(refChild) self.childNodes.insert(index, newChild) newChild.nextSibling = refChild refChild.previousSibling = newChild if index: node = self.childNodes[index-1] node.nextSibling = newChild newChild.previousSibling = node else: newChild.previousSibling = None if self._makeParentNodes: newChild.parentNode = self return newChild def appendChild(self, node): if node.nodeType == self.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: for c in tuple(node.childNodes): self.appendChild(c) ### The DOM does not clearly specify what to return in this case return node if node.nodeType not in self.childNodeTypes: raise HierarchyRequestErr, \ "%s cannot be child of %s" % (repr(node), repr(self)) if node.parentNode is not None: node.parentNode.removeChild(node) if self.childNodes: last = self.lastChild node.previousSibling = last last.nextSibling = node else: node.previousSibling = None node.nextSibling = None self.childNodes.append(node) if self._makeParentNodes: node.parentNode = self return node def replaceChild(self, newChild, oldChild): if newChild.nodeType == self.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE: refChild = oldChild.nextSibling self.removeChild(oldChild) return self.insertBefore(newChild, refChild) if newChild.nodeType not in self.childNodeTypes: raise HierarchyRequestErr, \ "%s cannot be child of %s" % (repr(newChild), repr(self)) if newChild.parentNode is not None: newChild.parentNode.removeChild(newChild) if newChild is oldChild: return index = self.childNodes.index(oldChild) self.childNodes[index] = newChild if self._makeParentNodes: newChild.parentNode = self oldChild.parentNode = None newChild.nextSibling = oldChild.nextSibling newChild.previousSibling = oldChild.previousSibling oldChild.nextSibling = None oldChild.previousSibling = None if newChild.previousSibling: newChild.previousSibling.nextSibling = newChild if newChild.nextSibling: newChild.nextSibling.previousSibling = newChild return oldChild def removeChild(self, oldChild): self.childNodes.remove(oldChild) if oldChild.nextSibling is not None: oldChild.nextSibling.previousSibling = oldChild.previousSibling if oldChild.previousSibling is not None: oldChild.previousSibling.nextSibling = oldChild.nextSibling oldChild.nextSibling = oldChild.previousSibling = None if self._makeParentNodes: oldChild.parentNode = None return oldChild def normalize(self): L = [] for child in self.childNodes: if child.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE: data = child.data if data and L and L[-1].nodeType == child.nodeType: # collapse text node node = L[-1] node.data = node.nodeValue = node.data + child.data node.nextSibling = child.nextSibling child.unlink() elif data: if L: L[-1].nextSibling = child child.previousSibling = L[-1] else: child.previousSibling = None L.append(child) else: # empty text node; discard child.unlink() else: if L: L[-1].nextSibling = child child.previousSibling = L[-1] else: child.previousSibling = None L.append(child) if child.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE: child.normalize() self.childNodes[:] = L def cloneNode(self, deep): import new clone = new.instance(self.__class__, self.__dict__.copy()) if self._makeParentNodes: clone.parentNode = None clone.childNodes = NodeList() if deep: for child in self.childNodes: clone.appendChild(child.cloneNode(1)) return clone # DOM Level 3 (Working Draft 2001-Jan-26) def isSameNode(self, other): return self is other # minidom-specific API: def unlink(self): self.parentNode = self.ownerDocument = None for child in self.childNodes: child.unlink() self.childNodes = None self.previousSibling = None self.nextSibling = None if Node._debug: index = repr(id(self)) + repr(self.__class__) self.debug.write("Deleting: %s\n" % index) del Node.allnodes[index] def _write_data(writer, data): "Writes datachars to writer." replace = _string.replace data = replace(data, "&", "&") data = replace(data, "<", "<") data = replace(data, "\"", """) data = replace(data, ">", ">") writer.write(data) def _getElementsByTagNameHelper(parent, name, rc): for node in parent.childNodes: if node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and \ (name == "*" or node.tagName == name): rc.append(node) _getElementsByTagNameHelper(node, name, rc) return rc def _getElementsByTagNameNSHelper(parent, nsURI, localName, rc): for node in parent.childNodes: if node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE: if ((localName == "*" or node.localName == localName) and (nsURI == "*" or node.namespaceURI == nsURI)): rc.append(node) _getElementsByTagNameNSHelper(node, nsURI, localName, rc) return rc class DocumentFragment(Node): nodeType = Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE nodeName = "#document-fragment" nodeValue = None attributes = None parentNode = None childNodeTypes = (Node.ELEMENT_NODE, Node.TEXT_NODE, Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE, Node.ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE, Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE, Node.COMMENT_NODE, Node.NOTATION_NODE) class Attr(Node): nodeType = Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE attributes = None ownerElement = None childNodeTypes = (Node.TEXT_NODE, Node.ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) def __init__(self, qName, namespaceURI=EMPTY_NAMESPACE, localName=None, prefix=None): # skip setattr for performance d = self.__dict__ d["localName"] = localName or qName d["nodeName"] = d["name"] = qName d["namespaceURI"] = namespaceURI d["prefix"] = prefix Node.__init__(self) # nodeValue and value are set elsewhere def __setattr__(self, name, value): d = self.__dict__ if name in ("value", "nodeValue"): d["value"] = d["nodeValue"] = value elif name in ("name", "nodeName"): d["name"] = d["nodeName"] = value else: d[name] = value def cloneNode(self, deep): clone = Node.cloneNode(self, deep) if clone.__dict__.has_key("ownerElement"): del clone.ownerElement return clone class NamedNodeMap: """The attribute list is a transient interface to the underlying dictionaries. Mutations here will change the underlying element's dictionary. Ordering is imposed artificially and does not reflect the order of attributes as found in an input document. """ def __init__(self, attrs, attrsNS, ownerElement): self._attrs = attrs self._attrsNS = attrsNS self._ownerElement = ownerElement try: property except NameError: def __getattr__(self, name): if name == "length": return len(self._attrs) raise AttributeError, name else: length = property(lambda self: len(self._attrs), doc="Number of nodes in the NamedNodeMap.") def item(self, index): try: return self[self._attrs.keys()[index]] except IndexError: return None def items(self): L = [] for node in self._attrs.values(): L.append((node.nodeName, node.value)) return L def itemsNS(self): L = [] for node in self._attrs.values(): L.append(((node.namespaceURI, node.localName), node.value)) return L def keys(self): return self._attrs.keys() def keysNS(self): return self._attrsNS.keys() def values(self): return self._attrs.values() def get(self, name, value = None): return self._attrs.get(name, value) def __len__(self): return self.length def __cmp__(self, other): if self._attrs is getattr(other, "_attrs", None): return 0 else: return cmp(id(self), id(other)) #FIXME: is it appropriate to return .value? def __getitem__(self, attname_or_tuple): if type(attname_or_tuple) is _TupleType: return self._attrsNS[attname_or_tuple] else: return self._attrs[attname_or_tuple] # same as set def __setitem__(self, attname, value): if type(value) in _StringTypes: node = Attr(attname) node.value = value node.ownerDocument = self._ownerElement.ownerDocument else: if not isinstance(value, Attr): raise TypeError, "value must be a string or Attr object" node = value self.setNamedItem(node) def setNamedItem(self, node): if not isinstance(node, Attr): raise HierarchyRequestErr, \ "%s cannot be child of %s" % (repr(node), repr(self)) old = self._attrs.get(node.name) if old: old.unlink() self._attrs[node.name] = node self._attrsNS[(node.namespaceURI, node.localName)] = node node.ownerElement = self._ownerElement return old def setNamedItemNS(self, node): return self.setNamedItem(node) def __delitem__(self, attname_or_tuple): node = self[attname_or_tuple] node.unlink() del self._attrs[node.name] del self._attrsNS[(node.namespaceURI, node.localName)] self.length = len(self._attrs) AttributeList = NamedNodeMap class Element(Node): nodeType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE nextSibling = None previousSibling = None childNodeTypes = (Node.ELEMENT_NODE, Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE, Node.COMMENT_NODE, Node.TEXT_NODE, Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE, Node.ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE) def __init__(self, tagName, namespaceURI=EMPTY_NAMESPACE, prefix=None, localName=None): Node.__init__(self) self.tagName = self.nodeName = tagName self.localName = localName or tagName self.prefix = prefix self.namespaceURI = namespaceURI self.nodeValue = None self._attrs = {} # attributes are double-indexed: self._attrsNS = {} # tagName -> Attribute # URI,localName -> Attribute # in the future: consider lazy generation # of attribute objects this is too tricky # for now because of headaches with # namespaces. def cloneNode(self, deep): clone = Node.cloneNode(self, deep) clone._attrs = {} clone._attrsNS = {} for attr in self._attrs.values(): node = attr.cloneNode(1) clone._attrs[node.name] = node clone._attrsNS[(node.namespaceURI, node.localName)] = node node.ownerElement = clone return clone def unlink(self): for attr in self._attrs.values(): attr.unlink() self._attrs = None self._attrsNS = None Node.unlink(self) def getAttribute(self, attname): try: return self._attrs[attname].value except KeyError: return "" def getAttributeNS(self, namespaceURI, localName): try: return self._attrsNS[(namespaceURI, localName)].value except KeyError: return "" def setAttribute(self, attname, value): attr = Attr(attname) # for performance d = attr.__dict__ d["value"] = d["nodeValue"] = value d["ownerDocument"] = self.ownerDocument self.setAttributeNode(attr) def setAttributeNS(self, namespaceURI, qualifiedName, value): prefix, localname = _nssplit(qualifiedName) # for performance attr = Attr(qualifiedName, namespaceURI, localname, prefix) d = attr.__dict__ d["value"] = d["nodeValue"] = value d["ownerDocument"] = self.ownerDocument self.setAttributeNode(attr) def getAttributeNode(self, attrname): return self._attrs.get(attrname) def getAttributeNodeNS(self, namespaceURI, localName): return self._attrsNS.get((namespaceURI, localName)) def setAttributeNode(self, attr): if attr.ownerElement not in (None, self): raise xml.dom.InuseAttributeErr("attribute node already owned") old = self._attrs.get(attr.name, None) if old: old.unlink() self._attrs[attr.name] = attr self._attrsNS[(attr.namespaceURI, attr.localName)] = attr # This creates a circular reference, but Element.unlink() # breaks the cycle since the references to the attribute # dictionaries are tossed. attr.ownerElement = self if old is not attr: # It might have already been part of this node, in which case # it doesn't represent a change, and should not be returned. return old setAttributeNodeNS = setAttributeNode def removeAttribute(self, name): attr = self._attrs[name] self.removeAttributeNode(attr) def removeAttributeNS(self, namespaceURI, localName): attr = self._attrsNS[(namespaceURI, localName)] self.removeAttributeNode(attr) def removeAttributeNode(self, node): node.unlink() del self._attrs[node.name] del self._attrsNS[(node.namespaceURI, node.localName)] removeAttributeNodeNS = removeAttributeNode def hasAttribute(self, name): return self._attrs.has_key(name) def hasAttributeNS(self, namespaceURI, localName): return self._attrsNS.has_key((namespaceURI, localName)) def getElementsByTagName(self, name): return _getElementsByTagNameHelper(self, name, []) def getElementsByTagNameNS(self, namespaceURI, localName): return _getElementsByTagNameNSHelper(self, namespaceURI, localName, []) def __repr__(self): return "" % (self.tagName, id(self)) def writexml(self, writer, indent="", addindent="", newl=""): # indent = current indentation # addindent = indentation to add to higher levels # newl = newline string writer.write(indent+"<" + self.tagName) attrs = self._get_attributes() a_names = attrs.keys() a_names.sort() for a_name in a_names: writer.write(" %s=\"" % a_name) _write_data(writer, attrs[a_name].value) writer.write("\"") if self.childNodes: writer.write(">%s"%(newl)) for node in self.childNodes: node.writexml(writer,indent+addindent,addindent,newl) writer.write("%s%s" % (indent,self.tagName,newl)) else: writer.write("/>%s"%(newl)) def _get_attributes(self): return NamedNodeMap(self._attrs, self._attrsNS, self) try: property except NameError: pass else: attributes = property(_get_attributes, doc="NamedNodeMap of attributes on the element.") def hasAttributes(self): if self._attrs or self._attrsNS: return 1 else: return 0 class Comment(Node): nodeType = Node.COMMENT_NODE nodeName = "#comment" attributes = None childNodeTypes = () def __init__(self, data): Node.__init__(self) self.data = self.nodeValue = data def writexml(self, writer, indent="", addindent="", newl=""): writer.write("%s%s" % (indent,self.data,newl)) class ProcessingInstruction(Node): nodeType = Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE attributes = None childNodeTypes = () def __init__(self, target, data): Node.__init__(self) self.target = self.nodeName = target self.data = self.nodeValue = data def writexml(self, writer, indent="", addindent="", newl=""): writer.write("%s%s" % (indent,self.target, self.data, newl)) class CharacterData(Node): def __init__(self, data): if type(data) not in _StringTypes: raise TypeError, "node contents must be a string" Node.__init__(self) self.data = self.nodeValue = data self.length = len(data) def __repr__(self): if len(self.data) > 10: dotdotdot = "..." else: dotdotdot = "" return "" % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.data[0:10], dotdotdot) def substringData(self, offset, count): if offset < 0: raise xml.dom.IndexSizeErr("offset cannot be negative") if offset >= len(self.data): raise xml.dom.IndexSizeErr("offset cannot be beyond end of data") if count < 0: raise xml.dom.IndexSizeErr("count cannot be negative") return self.data[offset:offset+count] def appendData(self, arg): self.data = self.data + arg self.nodeValue = self.data self.length = len(self.data) def insertData(self, offset, arg): if offset < 0: raise xml.dom.IndexSizeErr("offset cannot be negative") if offset >= len(self.data): raise xml.dom.IndexSizeErr("offset cannot be beyond end of data") if arg: self.data = "%s%s%s" % ( self.data[:offset], arg, self.data[offset:]) self.nodeValue = self.data self.length = len(self.data) def deleteData(self, offset, count): if offset < 0: raise xml.dom.IndexSizeErr("offset cannot be negative") if offset >= len(self.data): raise xml.dom.IndexSizeErr("offset cannot be beyond end of data") if count < 0: raise xml.dom.IndexSizeErr("count cannot be negative") if count: self.data = self.data[:offset] + self.data[offset+count:] self.nodeValue = self.data self.length = len(self.data) def replaceData(self, offset, count, arg): if offset < 0: raise xml.dom.IndexSizeErr("offset cannot be negative") if offset >= len(self.data): raise xml.dom.IndexSizeErr("offset cannot be beyond end of data") if count < 0: raise xml.dom.IndexSizeErr("count cannot be negative") if count: self.data = "%s%s%s" % ( self.data[:offset], arg, self.data[offset+count:]) self.nodeValue = self.data self.length = len(self.data) class Text(CharacterData): nodeType = Node.TEXT_NODE nodeName = "#text" attributes = None childNodeTypes = () def splitText(self, offset): if offset < 0 or offset > len(self.data): raise xml.dom.IndexSizeErr("illegal offset value") newText = Text(self.data[offset:]) next = self.nextSibling if self.parentNode and self in self.parentNode.childNodes: if next is None: self.parentNode.appendChild(newText) else: self.parentNode.insertBefore(newText, next) self.data = self.data[:offset] self.nodeValue = self.data self.length = len(self.data) return newText def writexml(self, writer, indent="", addindent="", newl=""): _write_data(writer, "%s%s%s"%(indent, self.data, newl)) class CDATASection(Text): nodeType = Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE nodeName = "#cdata-section" def writexml(self, writer, indent="", addindent="", newl=""): writer.write("" % self.data) def _nssplit(qualifiedName): fields = _string.split(qualifiedName, ':', 1) if len(fields) == 2: return fields elif len(fields) == 1: return (None, fields[0]) class DocumentType(Node): nodeType = Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE nodeValue = None attributes = None name = None publicId = None systemId = None internalSubset = None entities = None notations = None def __init__(self, qualifiedName): Node.__init__(self) if qualifiedName: prefix, localname = _nssplit(qualifiedName) self.name = localname class DOMImplementation: def hasFeature(self, feature, version): if version not in ("1.0", "2.0"): return 0 feature = _string.lower(feature) return feature == "core" def createDocument(self, namespaceURI, qualifiedName, doctype): if doctype and doctype.parentNode is not None: raise xml.dom.WrongDocumentErr( "doctype object owned by another DOM tree") doc = self._createDocument() if doctype is None: doctype = self.createDocumentType(qualifiedName, None, None) if not qualifiedName: # The spec is unclear what to raise here; SyntaxErr # would be the other obvious candidate. Since Xerces raises # InvalidCharacterErr, and since SyntaxErr is not listed # for createDocument, that seems to be the better choice. # XXX: need to check for illegal characters here and in # createElement. raise xml.dom.InvalidCharacterErr("Element with no name") prefix, localname = _nssplit(qualifiedName) if prefix == "xml" \ and namespaceURI != "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace": raise xml.dom.NamespaceErr("illegal use of 'xml' prefix") if prefix and not namespaceURI: raise xml.dom.NamespaceErr( "illegal use of prefix without namespaces") element = doc.createElementNS(namespaceURI, qualifiedName) doc.appendChild(element) doctype.parentNode = doctype.ownerDocument = doc doc.doctype = doctype doc.implementation = self return doc def createDocumentType(self, qualifiedName, publicId, systemId): doctype = DocumentType(qualifiedName) doctype.publicId = publicId doctype.systemId = systemId return doctype # internal def _createDocument(self): return Document() class Document(Node): nodeType = Node.DOCUMENT_NODE nodeName = "#document" nodeValue = None attributes = None doctype = None parentNode = None previousSibling = nextSibling = None implementation = DOMImplementation() childNodeTypes = (Node.ELEMENT_NODE, Node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE, Node.COMMENT_NODE, Node.DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE) def appendChild(self, node): if node.nodeType not in self.childNodeTypes: raise HierarchyRequestErr, \ "%s cannot be child of %s" % (repr(node), repr(self)) if node.parentNode is not None: node.parentNode.removeChild(node) if node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE \ and self._get_documentElement(): raise xml.dom.HierarchyRequestErr( "two document elements disallowed") return Node.appendChild(self, node) def removeChild(self, oldChild): self.childNodes.remove(oldChild) oldChild.nextSibling = oldChild.previousSibling = None oldChild.parentNode = None if self.documentElement is oldChild: self.documentElement = None return oldChild def _get_documentElement(self): for node in self.childNodes: if node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE: return node try: property except NameError: pass else: documentElement = property(_get_documentElement, doc="Top-level element of this document.") def unlink(self): if self.doctype is not None: self.doctype.unlink() self.doctype = None Node.unlink(self) def createDocumentFragment(self): d = DocumentFragment() d.ownerDoc = self return d def createElement(self, tagName): e = Element(tagName) e.ownerDocument = self return e def createTextNode(self, data): t = Text(data) t.ownerDocument = self return t def createCDATASection(self, data): c = CDATASection(data) c.ownerDocument = self return c def createComment(self, data): c = Comment(data) c.ownerDocument = self return c def createProcessingInstruction(self, target, data): p = ProcessingInstruction(target, data) p.ownerDocument = self return p def createAttribute(self, qName): a = Attr(qName) a.ownerDocument = self a.value = "" return a def createElementNS(self, namespaceURI, qualifiedName): prefix, localName = _nssplit(qualifiedName) e = Element(qualifiedName, namespaceURI, prefix, localName) e.ownerDocument = self return e def createAttributeNS(self, namespaceURI, qualifiedName): prefix, localName = _nssplit(qualifiedName) a = Attr(qualifiedName, namespaceURI, localName, prefix) a.ownerDocument = self a.value = "" return a def getElementsByTagName(self, name): return _getElementsByTagNameHelper(self, name, []) def getElementsByTagNameNS(self, namespaceURI, localName): return _getElementsByTagNameNSHelper(self, namespaceURI, localName, []) def writexml(self, writer, indent="", addindent="", newl=""): writer.write('\n') for node in self.childNodes: node.writexml(writer, indent, addindent, newl) def _get_StringIO(): # we can't use cStringIO since it doesn't support Unicode strings from StringIO import StringIO return StringIO() def _doparse(func, args, kwargs): events = apply(func, args, kwargs) toktype, rootNode = events.getEvent() events.expandNode(rootNode) events.clear() return rootNode def parse(*args, **kwargs): """Parse a file into a DOM by filename or file object.""" from xml.dom import pulldom return _doparse(pulldom.parse, args, kwargs) def parseString(*args, **kwargs): """Parse a file into a DOM from a string.""" from xml.dom import pulldom return _doparse(pulldom.parseString, args, kwargs) def getDOMImplementation(): return Document.implementation