"""Easy to use dialogs. Message(msg) -- display a message and an OK button. AskString(prompt, default) -- ask for a string, display OK and Cancel buttons. AskPassword(prompt, default) -- like AskString(), but shows text as bullets. AskYesNoCancel(question, default) -- display a question and Yes, No and Cancel buttons. bar = Progress(label, maxvalue) -- Display a progress bar bar.set(value) -- Set value bar.inc( *amount ) -- increment value by amount (default=1) bar.label( *newlabel ) -- get or set text label. More documentation in each function. This module uses DLOG resources 260 and on. Based upon STDWIN dialogs with the same names and functions. """ from Carbon.Dlg import GetNewDialog, SetDialogItemText, GetDialogItemText, ModalDialog from Carbon import Qd from Carbon import QuickDraw from Carbon import Dialogs from Carbon import Windows from Carbon import Dlg,Win,Evt,Events # sdm7g from Carbon import Ctl from Carbon import Controls from Carbon import Menu import MacOS import string from Carbon.ControlAccessor import * # Also import Controls constants import macfs import macresource _initialized = 0 def _initialize(): global _initialized if _initialized: return macresource.need("DLOG", 260, "dialogs.rsrc", __name__) def cr2lf(text): if '\r' in text: text = string.join(string.split(text, '\r'), '\n') return text def lf2cr(text): if '\n' in text: text = string.join(string.split(text, '\n'), '\r') if len(text) > 253: text = text[:253] + '\311' return text def Message(msg, id=260, ok=None): """Display a MESSAGE string. Return when the user clicks the OK button or presses Return. The MESSAGE string can be at most 255 characters long. """ _initialize() d = GetNewDialog(id, -1) if not d: print "EasyDialogs: Can't get DLOG resource with id =", id, " (missing resource file?)" return h = d.GetDialogItemAsControl(2) SetDialogItemText(h, lf2cr(msg)) if ok != None: h = d.GetDialogItemAsControl(1) h.SetControlTitle(ok) d.SetDialogDefaultItem(1) d.AutoSizeDialog() d.GetDialogWindow().ShowWindow() while 1: n = ModalDialog(None) if n == 1: return def AskString(prompt, default = "", id=261, ok=None, cancel=None): """Display a PROMPT string and a text entry field with a DEFAULT string. Return the contents of the text entry field when the user clicks the OK button or presses Return. Return None when the user clicks the Cancel button. If omitted, DEFAULT is empty. The PROMPT and DEFAULT strings, as well as the return value, can be at most 255 characters long. """ _initialize() d = GetNewDialog(id, -1) if not d: print "EasyDialogs: Can't get DLOG resource with id =", id, " (missing resource file?)" return h = d.GetDialogItemAsControl(3) SetDialogItemText(h, lf2cr(prompt)) h = d.GetDialogItemAsControl(4) SetDialogItemText(h, lf2cr(default)) d.SelectDialogItemText(4, 0, 999) # d.SetDialogItem(4, 0, 255) if ok != None: h = d.GetDialogItemAsControl(1) h.SetControlTitle(ok) if cancel != None: h = d.GetDialogItemAsControl(2) h.SetControlTitle(cancel) d.SetDialogDefaultItem(1) d.SetDialogCancelItem(2) d.AutoSizeDialog() d.GetDialogWindow().ShowWindow() while 1: n = ModalDialog(None) if n == 1: h = d.GetDialogItemAsControl(4) return cr2lf(GetDialogItemText(h)) if n == 2: return None def AskPassword(prompt, default='', id=264, ok=None, cancel=None): """Display a PROMPT string and a text entry field with a DEFAULT string. The string is displayed as bullets only. Return the contents of the text entry field when the user clicks the OK button or presses Return. Return None when the user clicks the Cancel button. If omitted, DEFAULT is empty. The PROMPT and DEFAULT strings, as well as the return value, can be at most 255 characters long. """ _initialize() d = GetNewDialog(id, -1) if not d: print "EasyDialogs: Can't get DLOG resource with id =", id, " (missing resource file?)" return h = d.GetDialogItemAsControl(3) SetDialogItemText(h, lf2cr(prompt)) pwd = d.GetDialogItemAsControl(4) bullets = '\245'*len(default) ## SetControlData(pwd, kControlEditTextPart, kControlEditTextTextTag, bullets) SetControlData(pwd, kControlEditTextPart, kControlEditTextPasswordTag, default) d.SelectDialogItemText(4, 0, 999) Ctl.SetKeyboardFocus(d.GetDialogWindow(), pwd, kControlEditTextPart) if ok != None: h = d.GetDialogItemAsControl(1) h.SetControlTitle(ok) if cancel != None: h = d.GetDialogItemAsControl(2) h.SetControlTitle(cancel) d.SetDialogDefaultItem(Dialogs.ok) d.SetDialogCancelItem(Dialogs.cancel) d.AutoSizeDialog() d.GetDialogWindow().ShowWindow() while 1: n = ModalDialog(None) if n == 1: h = d.GetDialogItemAsControl(4) return cr2lf(GetControlData(pwd, kControlEditTextPart, kControlEditTextPasswordTag)) if n == 2: return None def AskYesNoCancel(question, default = 0, yes=None, no=None, cancel=None, id=262): """Display a QUESTION string which can be answered with Yes or No. Return 1 when the user clicks the Yes button. Return 0 when the user clicks the No button. Return -1 when the user clicks the Cancel button. When the user presses Return, the DEFAULT value is returned. If omitted, this is 0 (No). The QUESTION string can be at most 255 characters. """ _initialize() d = GetNewDialog(id, -1) if not d: print "EasyDialogs: Can't get DLOG resource with id =", id, " (missing resource file?)" return # Button assignments: # 1 = default (invisible) # 2 = Yes # 3 = No # 4 = Cancel # The question string is item 5 h = d.GetDialogItemAsControl(5) SetDialogItemText(h, lf2cr(question)) if yes != None: if yes == '': d.HideDialogItem(2) else: h = d.GetDialogItemAsControl(2) h.SetControlTitle(yes) if no != None: if no == '': d.HideDialogItem(3) else: h = d.GetDialogItemAsControl(3) h.SetControlTitle(no) if cancel != None: if cancel == '': d.HideDialogItem(4) else: h = d.GetDialogItemAsControl(4) h.SetControlTitle(cancel) d.SetDialogCancelItem(4) if default == 1: d.SetDialogDefaultItem(2) elif default == 0: d.SetDialogDefaultItem(3) elif default == -1: d.SetDialogDefaultItem(4) d.AutoSizeDialog() d.GetDialogWindow().ShowWindow() while 1: n = ModalDialog(None) if n == 1: return default if n == 2: return 1 if n == 3: return 0 if n == 4: return -1 screenbounds = Qd.GetQDGlobalsScreenBits().bounds screenbounds = screenbounds[0]+4, screenbounds[1]+4, \ screenbounds[2]-4, screenbounds[3]-4 kControlProgressBarIndeterminateTag = 'inde' # from Controls.py class ProgressBar: def __init__(self, title="Working...", maxval=0, label="", id=263): self.w = None self.d = None _initialize() self.d = GetNewDialog(id, -1) self.w = self.d.GetDialogWindow() self.label(label) self.title(title) self.set(0, maxval) self.d.AutoSizeDialog() self.w.ShowWindow() self.d.DrawDialog() def __del__( self ): if self.w: self.w.BringToFront() self.w.HideWindow() del self.w del self.d def title(self, newstr=""): """title(text) - Set title of progress window""" self.w.BringToFront() self.w.SetWTitle(newstr) def label( self, *newstr ): """label(text) - Set text in progress box""" self.w.BringToFront() if newstr: self._label = lf2cr(newstr[0]) text_h = self.d.GetDialogItemAsControl(2) SetDialogItemText(text_h, self._label) def _update(self, value): maxval = self.maxval if maxval == 0: # an indeterminate bar Ctl.IdleControls(self.w) # spin the barber pole else: # a determinate bar if maxval > 32767: value = int(value/(maxval/32767.0)) maxval = 32767 progbar = self.d.GetDialogItemAsControl(3) progbar.SetControlMaximum(maxval) progbar.SetControlValue(value) # set the bar length # Test for cancel button ready, ev = Evt.WaitNextEvent( Events.mDownMask, 1 ) if ready : what,msg,when,where,mod = ev part = Win.FindWindow(where)[0] if Dlg.IsDialogEvent(ev): ds = Dlg.DialogSelect(ev) if ds[0] and ds[1] == self.d and ds[-1] == 1: self.w.HideWindow() self.w = None self.d = None raise KeyboardInterrupt, ev else: if part == 4: # inDrag self.w.DragWindow(where, screenbounds) else: MacOS.HandleEvent(ev) def set(self, value, max=None): """set(value) - Set progress bar position""" if max != None: self.maxval = max bar = self.d.GetDialogItemAsControl(3) if max <= 0: # indeterminate bar bar.SetControlData(0,kControlProgressBarIndeterminateTag,'\x01') else: # determinate bar bar.SetControlData(0,kControlProgressBarIndeterminateTag,'\x00') if value < 0: value = 0 elif value > self.maxval: value = self.maxval self.curval = value self._update(value) def inc(self, n=1): """inc(amt) - Increment progress bar position""" self.set(self.curval + n) ARGV_ID=265 ARGV_ITEM_OK=1 ARGV_ITEM_CANCEL=2 ARGV_OPTION_GROUP=3 ARGV_OPTION_EXPLAIN=4 ARGV_OPTION_VALUE=5 ARGV_OPTION_ADD=6 ARGV_COMMAND_GROUP=7 ARGV_COMMAND_EXPLAIN=8 ARGV_COMMAND_ADD=9 ARGV_ADD_OLDFILE=10 ARGV_ADD_NEWFILE=11 ARGV_ADD_FOLDER=12 ARGV_CMDLINE_GROUP=13 ARGV_CMDLINE_DATA=14 ##def _myModalDialog(d): ## while 1: ## ready, ev = Evt.WaitNextEvent(0xffff, -1) ## print 'DBG: WNE', ready, ev ## if ready : ## what,msg,when,where,mod = ev ## part, window = Win.FindWindow(where) ## if Dlg.IsDialogEvent(ev): ## didit, dlgdone, itemdone = Dlg.DialogSelect(ev) ## print 'DBG: DialogSelect', didit, dlgdone, itemdone, d ## if didit and dlgdone == d: ## return itemdone ## elif window == d.GetDialogWindow(): ## d.GetDialogWindow().SelectWindow() ## if part == 4: # inDrag ## d.DragWindow(where, screenbounds) ## else: ## MacOS.HandleEvent(ev) ## else: ## MacOS.HandleEvent(ev) ## def _setmenu(control, items): mhandle = control.GetControlData_Handle(Controls.kControlMenuPart, Controls.kControlPopupButtonMenuHandleTag) menu = Menu.as_Menu(mhandle) for item in items: if type(item) == type(()): label = item[0] else: label = item if label[-1] == '=' or label[-1] == ':': label = label[:-1] menu.AppendMenu(label) ## mhandle, mid = menu.getpopupinfo() ## control.SetControlData_Handle(Controls.kControlMenuPart, ## Controls.kControlPopupButtonMenuHandleTag, mhandle) control.SetControlMinimum(1) control.SetControlMaximum(len(items)+1) def _selectoption(d, optionlist, idx): if idx < 0 or idx >= len(optionlist): MacOS.SysBeep() return option = optionlist[idx] if type(option) == type(()): if len(option) == 4: help = option[2] elif len(option) > 1: help = option[-1] else: help = '' else: help = '' h = d.GetDialogItemAsControl(ARGV_OPTION_EXPLAIN) if help and len(help) > 250: help = help[:250] + '...' Dlg.SetDialogItemText(h, help) hasvalue = 0 if type(option) == type(()): label = option[0] else: label = option if label[-1] == '=' or label[-1] == ':': hasvalue = 1 h = d.GetDialogItemAsControl(ARGV_OPTION_VALUE) Dlg.SetDialogItemText(h, '') if hasvalue: d.ShowDialogItem(ARGV_OPTION_VALUE) d.SelectDialogItemText(ARGV_OPTION_VALUE, 0, 0) else: d.HideDialogItem(ARGV_OPTION_VALUE) def GetArgv(optionlist=None, commandlist=None, addoldfile=1, addnewfile=1, addfolder=1, id=ARGV_ID): _initialize() d = GetNewDialog(id, -1) if not d: print "EasyDialogs: Can't get DLOG resource with id =", id, " (missing resource file?)" return # h = d.GetDialogItemAsControl(3) # SetDialogItemText(h, lf2cr(prompt)) # h = d.GetDialogItemAsControl(4) # SetDialogItemText(h, lf2cr(default)) # d.SelectDialogItemText(4, 0, 999) # d.SetDialogItem(4, 0, 255) if optionlist: _setmenu(d.GetDialogItemAsControl(ARGV_OPTION_GROUP), optionlist) _selectoption(d, optionlist, 0) else: d.GetDialogItemAsControl(ARGV_OPTION_GROUP).DeactivateControl() if commandlist: _setmenu(d.GetDialogItemAsControl(ARGV_COMMAND_GROUP), commandlist) if type(commandlist[0]) == type(()) and len(commandlist[0]) > 1: help = commandlist[0][-1] h = d.GetDialogItemAsControl(ARGV_COMMAND_EXPLAIN) Dlg.SetDialogItemText(h, help) else: d.GetDialogItemAsControl(ARGV_COMMAND_GROUP).DeactivateControl() if not addoldfile: d.GetDialogItemAsControl(ARGV_ADD_OLDFILE).DeactivateControl() if not addnewfile: d.GetDialogItemAsControl(ARGV_ADD_NEWFILE).DeactivateControl() if not addfolder: d.GetDialogItemAsControl(ARGV_ADD_FOLDER).DeactivateControl() d.SetDialogDefaultItem(ARGV_ITEM_OK) d.SetDialogCancelItem(ARGV_ITEM_CANCEL) d.GetDialogWindow().ShowWindow() d.DrawDialog() if hasattr(MacOS, 'SchedParams'): appsw = MacOS.SchedParams(1, 0) try: while 1: stringstoadd = [] n = ModalDialog(None) if n == ARGV_ITEM_OK: break elif n == ARGV_ITEM_CANCEL: raise SystemExit elif n == ARGV_OPTION_GROUP: idx = d.GetDialogItemAsControl(ARGV_OPTION_GROUP).GetControlValue()-1 _selectoption(d, optionlist, idx) elif n == ARGV_OPTION_VALUE: pass elif n == ARGV_OPTION_ADD: idx = d.GetDialogItemAsControl(ARGV_OPTION_GROUP).GetControlValue()-1 if 0 <= idx < len(optionlist): option = optionlist[idx] if type(option) == type(()): option = option[0] if option[-1] == '=' or option[-1] == ':': option = option[:-1] h = d.GetDialogItemAsControl(ARGV_OPTION_VALUE) value = Dlg.GetDialogItemText(h) else: value = '' if len(option) == 1: stringtoadd = '-' + option else: stringtoadd = '--' + option stringstoadd = [stringtoadd] if value: stringstoadd.append(value) else: MacOS.SysBeep() elif n == ARGV_COMMAND_GROUP: idx = d.GetDialogItemAsControl(ARGV_COMMAND_GROUP).GetControlValue()-1 if 0 <= idx < len(commandlist) and type(commandlist[idx]) == type(()) and \ len(commandlist[idx]) > 1: help = commandlist[idx][-1] h = d.GetDialogItemAsControl(ARGV_COMMAND_EXPLAIN) Dlg.SetDialogItemText(h, help) elif n == ARGV_COMMAND_ADD: idx = d.GetDialogItemAsControl(ARGV_COMMAND_GROUP).GetControlValue()-1 if 0 <= idx < len(commandlist): command = commandlist[idx] if type(command) == type(()): command = command[0] stringstoadd = [command] else: MacOS.SysBeep() elif n == ARGV_ADD_OLDFILE: fss, ok = macfs.StandardGetFile() if ok: stringstoadd = [fss.as_pathname()] elif n == ARGV_ADD_NEWFILE: fss, ok = macfs.StandardPutFile('') if ok: stringstoadd = [fss.as_pathname()] elif n == ARGV_ADD_FOLDER: fss, ok = macfs.GetDirectory() if ok: stringstoadd = [fss.as_pathname()] elif n == ARGV_CMDLINE_DATA: pass # Nothing to do else: raise RuntimeError, "Unknown dialog item %d"%n for stringtoadd in stringstoadd: if '"' in stringtoadd or "'" in stringtoadd or " " in stringtoadd: stringtoadd = `stringtoadd` h = d.GetDialogItemAsControl(ARGV_CMDLINE_DATA) oldstr = GetDialogItemText(h) if oldstr and oldstr[-1] != ' ': oldstr = oldstr + ' ' oldstr = oldstr + stringtoadd if oldstr[-1] != ' ': oldstr = oldstr + ' ' SetDialogItemText(h, oldstr) d.SelectDialogItemText(ARGV_CMDLINE_DATA, 0x7fff, 0x7fff) h = d.GetDialogItemAsControl(ARGV_CMDLINE_DATA) oldstr = GetDialogItemText(h) tmplist = string.split(oldstr) newlist = [] while tmplist: item = tmplist[0] del tmplist[0] if item[0] == '"': while item[-1] != '"': if not tmplist: raise RuntimeError, "Unterminated quoted argument" item = item + ' ' + tmplist[0] del tmplist[0] item = item[1:-1] if item[0] == "'": while item[-1] != "'": if not tmplist: raise RuntimeError, "Unterminated quoted argument" item = item + ' ' + tmplist[0] del tmplist[0] item = item[1:-1] newlist.append(item) return newlist finally: if hasattr(MacOS, 'SchedParams'): apply(MacOS.SchedParams, appsw) del d def test(): import time, sys Message("Testing EasyDialogs.") optionlist = (('v', 'Verbose'), ('verbose', 'Verbose as long option'), ('flags=', 'Valued option'), ('f:', 'Short valued option')) commandlist = (('start', 'Start something'), ('stop', 'Stop something')) argv = GetArgv(optionlist=optionlist, commandlist=commandlist, addoldfile=0) for i in range(len(argv)): print 'arg[%d] = %s'%(i, `argv[i]`) print 'Type return to continue - ', sys.stdin.readline() ok = AskYesNoCancel("Do you want to proceed?") ok = AskYesNoCancel("Do you want to identify?", yes="Identify", no="No") if ok > 0: s = AskString("Enter your first name", "Joe") s2 = AskPassword("Okay %s, tell us your nickname"%s, s, cancel="None") if not s2: Message("%s has no secret nickname"%s) else: Message("Hello everybody!!\nThe secret nickname of %s is %s!!!"%(s, s2)) text = ( "Working Hard...", "Hardly Working..." , "So far, so good!", "Keep on truckin'" ) bar = ProgressBar("Progress, progress...", 0, label="Ramping up...") try: if hasattr(MacOS, 'SchedParams'): appsw = MacOS.SchedParams(1, 0) for i in xrange(20): bar.inc() time.sleep(0.05) bar.set(0,100) for i in xrange(100): bar.set(i) time.sleep(0.05) if i % 10 == 0: bar.label(text[(i/10) % 4]) bar.label("Done.") time.sleep(1.0) # give'em a chance to see "Done." finally: del bar if hasattr(MacOS, 'SchedParams'): apply(MacOS.SchedParams, appsw) if __name__ == '__main__': try: test() except KeyboardInterrupt: Message("Operation Canceled.")