import faulthandler import json import os import queue import sys import threading import time import traceback import types from test import support from test.libregrtest.runtest import ( runtest, INTERRUPTED, CHILD_ERROR, PROGRESS_MIN_TIME, format_test_result) from test.libregrtest.setup import setup_tests # Display the running tests if nothing happened last N seconds PROGRESS_UPDATE = 30.0 # seconds # If interrupted, display the wait progress every N seconds WAIT_PROGRESS = 2.0 # seconds def run_test_in_subprocess(testname, ns): """Run the given test in a subprocess with --slaveargs. ns is the option Namespace parsed from command-line arguments. regrtest is invoked in a subprocess with the --slaveargs argument; when the subprocess exits, its return code, stdout and stderr are returned as a 3-tuple. """ from subprocess import Popen, PIPE ns_dict = vars(ns) slaveargs = (ns_dict, testname) slaveargs = json.dumps(slaveargs) cmd = [sys.executable, *support.args_from_interpreter_flags(), '-u', # Unbuffered stdout and stderr '-m', 'test.regrtest', '--slaveargs', slaveargs] if ns.pgo: cmd += ['--pgo'] # Running the child from the same working directory as regrtest's original # invocation ensures that TEMPDIR for the child is the same when # sysconfig.is_python_build() is true. See issue 15300. popen = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, universal_newlines=True, close_fds=( != 'nt'), cwd=support.SAVEDCWD) with popen: stdout, stderr = popen.communicate() retcode = popen.wait() return retcode, stdout, stderr def run_tests_slave(slaveargs): ns_dict, testname = json.loads(slaveargs) ns = types.SimpleNamespace(**ns_dict) setup_tests(ns) try: result = runtest(ns, testname) except KeyboardInterrupt: result = INTERRUPTED, '' except BaseException as e: traceback.print_exc() result = CHILD_ERROR, str(e) print() # Force a newline (just in case) print(json.dumps(result), flush=True) sys.exit(0) # We do not use a generator so multiple threads can call next(). class MultiprocessIterator: """A thread-safe iterator over tests for multiprocess mode.""" def __init__(self, tests): self.interrupted = False self.lock = threading.Lock() self.tests = tests def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): with self.lock: if self.interrupted: raise StopIteration('tests interrupted') return next(self.tests) class MultiprocessThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, pending, output, ns): super().__init__() self.pending = pending self.output = output self.ns = ns self.current_test = None self.start_time = None def _runtest(self): try: test = next(self.pending) except StopIteration: self.output.put((None, None, None, None)) return True try: self.start_time = time.monotonic() self.current_test = test retcode, stdout, stderr = run_test_in_subprocess(test, self.ns) finally: self.current_test = None if retcode != 0: result = (CHILD_ERROR, "Exit code %s" % retcode) self.output.put((test, stdout.rstrip(), stderr.rstrip(), result)) return False stdout, _, result = stdout.strip().rpartition("\n") if not result: self.output.put((None, None, None, None)) return True result = json.loads(result) self.output.put((test, stdout.rstrip(), stderr.rstrip(), result)) return False def run(self): try: stop = False while not stop: stop = self._runtest() except BaseException: self.output.put((None, None, None, None)) raise def run_tests_multiprocess(regrtest): output = queue.Queue() pending = MultiprocessIterator(regrtest.tests) test_timeout = regrtest.ns.timeout use_timeout = (test_timeout is not None) workers = [MultiprocessThread(pending, output, regrtest.ns) for i in range(regrtest.ns.use_mp)] print("Run tests in parallel using %s child processes" % len(workers)) for worker in workers: worker.start() def get_running(workers): running = [] for worker in workers: current_test = worker.current_test if not current_test: continue dt = time.monotonic() - worker.start_time if dt >= PROGRESS_MIN_TIME: running.append('%s (%.0f sec)' % (current_test, dt)) return running finished = 0 test_index = 1 get_timeout = max(PROGRESS_UPDATE, PROGRESS_MIN_TIME) try: while finished < regrtest.ns.use_mp: if use_timeout: faulthandler.dump_traceback_later(test_timeout, exit=True) try: item = output.get(timeout=get_timeout) except queue.Empty: running = get_running(workers) if running and not regrtest.ns.pgo: print('running: %s' % ', '.join(running)) continue test, stdout, stderr, result = item if test is None: finished += 1 continue regrtest.accumulate_result(test, result) # Display progress ok, test_time = result text = format_test_result(test, ok) if (ok not in (CHILD_ERROR, INTERRUPTED) and test_time >= PROGRESS_MIN_TIME and not regrtest.ns.pgo): text += ' (%.0f sec)' % test_time elif ok == CHILD_ERROR: text = '%s (%s)' % (text, test_time) running = get_running(workers) if running and not regrtest.ns.pgo: text += ' -- running: %s' % ', '.join(running) regrtest.display_progress(test_index, text) # Copy stdout and stderr from the child process if stdout: print(stdout, flush=True) if stderr and not regrtest.ns.pgo: print(stderr, file=sys.stderr, flush=True) if result[0] == INTERRUPTED: raise KeyboardInterrupt test_index += 1 except KeyboardInterrupt: regrtest.interrupted = True pending.interrupted = True print() finally: if use_timeout: faulthandler.cancel_dump_traceback_later() # If tests are interrupted, wait until tests complete wait_start = time.monotonic() while True: running = [worker.current_test for worker in workers] running = list(filter(bool, running)) if not running: break dt = time.monotonic() - wait_start line = "Waiting for %s (%s tests)" % (', '.join(running), len(running)) if dt >= WAIT_PROGRESS: line = "%s since %.0f sec" % (line, dt) print(line) for worker in workers: worker.join(WAIT_PROGRESS)