import ast from dataclasses import dataclass import re from typing import Any, Dict, IO, Optional, List, Text, Tuple, Set from enum import Enum from pegen import grammar from pegen.grammar import ( Alt, Cut, Gather, GrammarVisitor, Group, Lookahead, NamedItem, NameLeaf, NegativeLookahead, Opt, PositiveLookahead, Repeat0, Repeat1, Rhs, Rule, StringLeaf, ) from pegen.parser_generator import ParserGenerator EXTENSION_PREFIX = """\ #include "pegen.h" """ EXTENSION_SUFFIX = """ void * _PyPegen_parse(Parser *p) { // Initialize keywords p->keywords = reserved_keywords; p->n_keyword_lists = n_keyword_lists; return start_rule(p); } """ class NodeTypes(Enum): NAME_TOKEN = 0 NUMBER_TOKEN = 1 STRING_TOKEN = 2 GENERIC_TOKEN = 3 KEYWORD = 4 CUT_OPERATOR = 5 BASE_NODETYPES = { "NAME": NodeTypes.NAME_TOKEN, "NUMBER": NodeTypes.NUMBER_TOKEN, "STRING": NodeTypes.STRING_TOKEN, } @dataclass class FunctionCall: function: str arguments: Optional[List[Any]] = None assigned_variable: Optional[str] = None return_type: Optional[str] = None nodetype: Optional[NodeTypes] = None force_true: bool = False comment: Optional[str] = None def __str__(self) -> str: parts = [] parts.append(self.function) if self.arguments: parts.append(f"({', '.join(map(str, self.arguments))})") if self.force_true: parts.append(", 1") if self.assigned_variable: parts = ["(", self.assigned_variable, " = ", *parts, ")"] if self.comment: parts.append(f" // {self.comment}") return "".join(parts) class CCallMakerVisitor(GrammarVisitor): def __init__( self, parser_generator: ParserGenerator, exact_tokens: Dict[str, int], non_exact_tokens: Set[str], ): self.gen = parser_generator self.exact_tokens = exact_tokens self.non_exact_tokens = non_exact_tokens self.cache: Dict[Any, Any] = {} self.keyword_cache: Dict[str, int] = {} def keyword_helper(self, keyword: str) -> FunctionCall: if keyword not in self.keyword_cache: self.keyword_cache[keyword] = self.gen.keyword_type() return FunctionCall( assigned_variable="_keyword", function="_PyPegen_expect_token", arguments=["p", self.keyword_cache[keyword]], return_type="Token *", nodetype=NodeTypes.KEYWORD, comment=f"token='{keyword}'", ) def visit_NameLeaf(self, node: NameLeaf) -> FunctionCall: name = node.value if name in self.non_exact_tokens: if name in BASE_NODETYPES: return FunctionCall( assigned_variable=f"{name.lower()}_var", function=f"_PyPegen_{name.lower()}_token", arguments=["p"], nodetype=BASE_NODETYPES[name], return_type="expr_ty", comment=name, ) return FunctionCall( assigned_variable=f"{name.lower()}_var", function=f"_PyPegen_expect_token", arguments=["p", name], nodetype=NodeTypes.GENERIC_TOKEN, return_type="Token *", comment=f"token='{name}'", ) type = None rule = self.gen.all_rules.get(name.lower()) if rule is not None: type = "asdl_seq *" if rule.is_loop() or rule.is_gather() else rule.type return FunctionCall( assigned_variable=f"{name}_var", function=f"{name}_rule", arguments=["p"], return_type=type, comment=f"{node}", ) def visit_StringLeaf(self, node: StringLeaf) -> FunctionCall: val = ast.literal_eval(node.value) if re.match(r"[a-zA-Z_]\w*\Z", val): # This is a keyword return self.keyword_helper(val) else: assert val in self.exact_tokens, f"{node.value} is not a known literal" type = self.exact_tokens[val] return FunctionCall( assigned_variable="_literal", function=f"_PyPegen_expect_token", arguments=["p", type], nodetype=NodeTypes.GENERIC_TOKEN, return_type="Token *", comment=f"token='{val}'", ) def visit_Rhs(self, node: Rhs) -> FunctionCall: def can_we_inline(node: Rhs) -> int: if len(node.alts) != 1 or len(node.alts[0].items) != 1: return False # If the alternative has an action we cannot inline if getattr(node.alts[0], "action", None) is not None: return False return True if node in self.cache: return self.cache[node] if can_we_inline(node): self.cache[node] = self.visit(node.alts[0].items[0]) else: name = self.gen.name_node(node) self.cache[node] = FunctionCall( assigned_variable=f"{name}_var", function=f"{name}_rule", arguments=["p"], comment=f"{node}", ) return self.cache[node] def visit_NamedItem(self, node: NamedItem) -> FunctionCall: call = self.visit(node.item) if call.assigned_variable = return call def lookahead_call_helper(self, node: Lookahead, positive: int) -> FunctionCall: call = self.visit(node.node) if call.nodetype == NodeTypes.NAME_TOKEN: return FunctionCall( function=f"_PyPegen_lookahead_with_name", arguments=[positive, call.function, *call.arguments], return_type="int", ) elif call.nodetype in {NodeTypes.GENERIC_TOKEN, NodeTypes.KEYWORD}: return FunctionCall( function=f"_PyPegen_lookahead_with_int", arguments=[positive, call.function, *call.arguments], return_type="int", comment=f"token={node.node}", ) else: return FunctionCall( function=f"_PyPegen_lookahead", arguments=[positive, call.function, *call.arguments], return_type="int", ) def visit_PositiveLookahead(self, node: PositiveLookahead) -> FunctionCall: return self.lookahead_call_helper(node, 1) def visit_NegativeLookahead(self, node: NegativeLookahead) -> FunctionCall: return self.lookahead_call_helper(node, 0) def visit_Opt(self, node: Opt) -> FunctionCall: call = self.visit(node.node) return FunctionCall( assigned_variable="_opt_var", function=call.function, arguments=call.arguments, force_true=True, comment=f"{node}", ) def visit_Repeat0(self, node: Repeat0) -> FunctionCall: if node in self.cache: return self.cache[node] name = self.gen.name_loop(node.node, False) self.cache[node] = FunctionCall( assigned_variable=f"{name}_var", function=f"{name}_rule", arguments=["p"], return_type="asdl_seq *", comment=f"{node}", ) return self.cache[node] def visit_Repeat1(self, node: Repeat1) -> FunctionCall: if node in self.cache: return self.cache[node] name = self.gen.name_loop(node.node, True) self.cache[node] = FunctionCall( assigned_variable=f"{name}_var", function=f"{name}_rule", arguments=["p"], return_type="asdl_seq *", comment=f"{node}", ) return self.cache[node] def visit_Gather(self, node: Gather) -> FunctionCall: if node in self.cache: return self.cache[node] name = self.gen.name_gather(node) self.cache[node] = FunctionCall( assigned_variable=f"{name}_var", function=f"{name}_rule", arguments=["p"], return_type="asdl_seq *", comment=f"{node}", ) return self.cache[node] def visit_Group(self, node: Group) -> FunctionCall: return self.visit(node.rhs) def visit_Cut(self, node: Cut) -> FunctionCall: return FunctionCall( assigned_variable="_cut_var", return_type="int", function="1", nodetype=NodeTypes.CUT_OPERATOR, ) class CParserGenerator(ParserGenerator, GrammarVisitor): def __init__( self, grammar: grammar.Grammar, tokens: Dict[int, str], exact_tokens: Dict[str, int], non_exact_tokens: Set[str], file: Optional[IO[Text]], debug: bool = False, skip_actions: bool = False, ): super().__init__(grammar, tokens, file) self.callmakervisitor: CCallMakerVisitor = CCallMakerVisitor( self, exact_tokens, non_exact_tokens ) self._varname_counter = 0 self.debug = debug self.skip_actions = skip_actions def unique_varname(self, name: str = "tmpvar") -> str: new_var = name + "_" + str(self._varname_counter) self._varname_counter += 1 return new_var def call_with_errorcheck_return(self, call_text: str, returnval: str) -> None: error_var = self.unique_varname() self.print(f"int {error_var} = {call_text};") self.print(f"if ({error_var}) {{") with self.indent(): self.print(f"return {returnval};") self.print(f"}}") def call_with_errorcheck_goto(self, call_text: str, goto_target: str) -> None: error_var = self.unique_varname() self.print(f"int {error_var} = {call_text};") self.print(f"if ({error_var}) {{") with self.indent(): self.print(f"goto {goto_target};") self.print(f"}}") def out_of_memory_return( self, expr: str, cleanup_code: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: self.print(f"if ({expr}) {{") with self.indent(): if cleanup_code is not None: self.print(cleanup_code) self.print("p->error_indicator = 1;") self.print("PyErr_NoMemory();"); self.print("return NULL;") self.print(f"}}") def out_of_memory_goto(self, expr: str, goto_target: str) -> None: self.print(f"if ({expr}) {{") with self.indent(): self.print("PyErr_NoMemory();") self.print(f"goto {goto_target};") self.print(f"}}") def generate(self, filename: str) -> None: self.collect_todo() self.print(f"// @generated by from {filename}") header = self.grammar.metas.get("header", EXTENSION_PREFIX) if header: self.print(header.rstrip("\n")) subheader = self.grammar.metas.get("subheader", "") if subheader: self.print(subheader) self._setup_keywords() for i, (rulename, rule) in enumerate(self.todo.items(), 1000): comment = " // Left-recursive" if rule.left_recursive else "" self.print(f"#define {rulename}_type {i}{comment}") self.print() for rulename, rule in self.todo.items(): if rule.is_loop() or rule.is_gather(): type = "asdl_seq *" elif rule.type: type = rule.type + " " else: type = "void *" self.print(f"static {type}{rulename}_rule(Parser *p);") self.print() while self.todo: for rulename, rule in list(self.todo.items()): del self.todo[rulename] self.print() if rule.left_recursive: self.print("// Left-recursive") self.visit(rule) if self.skip_actions: mode = 0 else: mode = int(self.rules["start"].type == "mod_ty") if "start" in self.rules else 1 if mode == 1 and self.grammar.metas.get("bytecode"): mode += 1 modulename = self.grammar.metas.get("modulename", "parse") trailer = self.grammar.metas.get("trailer", EXTENSION_SUFFIX) if trailer: self.print(trailer.rstrip("\n") % dict(mode=mode, modulename=modulename)) def _group_keywords_by_length(self) -> Dict[int, List[Tuple[str, int]]]: groups: Dict[int, List[Tuple[str, int]]] = {} for keyword_str, keyword_type in self.callmakervisitor.keyword_cache.items(): length = len(keyword_str) if length in groups: groups[length].append((keyword_str, keyword_type)) else: groups[length] = [(keyword_str, keyword_type)] return groups def _setup_keywords(self) -> None: keyword_cache = self.callmakervisitor.keyword_cache n_keyword_lists = ( len(max(keyword_cache.keys(), key=len)) + 1 if len(keyword_cache) > 0 else 0 ) self.print(f"static const int n_keyword_lists = {n_keyword_lists};") groups = self._group_keywords_by_length() self.print("static KeywordToken *reserved_keywords[] = {") with self.indent(): num_groups = max(groups) + 1 if groups else 1 for keywords_length in range(num_groups): if keywords_length not in groups.keys(): self.print("NULL,") else: self.print("(KeywordToken[]) {") with self.indent(): for keyword_str, keyword_type in groups[keywords_length]: self.print(f'{{"{keyword_str}", {keyword_type}}},') self.print("{NULL, -1},") self.print("},") self.print("};") def _set_up_token_start_metadata_extraction(self) -> None: self.print("if (p->mark == p->fill && _PyPegen_fill_token(p) < 0) {") with self.indent(): self.print("p->error_indicator = 1;") self.print("return NULL;") self.print("}") self.print("int _start_lineno = p->tokens[_mark]->lineno;") self.print("UNUSED(_start_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro") self.print("int _start_col_offset = p->tokens[_mark]->col_offset;") self.print("UNUSED(_start_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro") def _set_up_token_end_metadata_extraction(self) -> None: self.print("Token *_token = _PyPegen_get_last_nonnwhitespace_token(p);") self.print("if (_token == NULL) {") with self.indent(): self.print("return NULL;") self.print("}") self.print("int _end_lineno = _token->end_lineno;") self.print("UNUSED(_end_lineno); // Only used by EXTRA macro") self.print("int _end_col_offset = _token->end_col_offset;") self.print("UNUSED(_end_col_offset); // Only used by EXTRA macro") def _check_for_errors(self) -> None: self.print("if (p->error_indicator) {") with self.indent(): self.print("return NULL;") self.print("}") def _set_up_rule_memoization(self, node: Rule, result_type: str) -> None: self.print("{") with self.indent(): self.print(f"{result_type} _res = NULL;") self.print(f"if (_PyPegen_is_memoized(p, {}_type, &_res))") with self.indent(): self.print("return _res;") self.print("int _mark = p->mark;") self.print("int _resmark = p->mark;") self.print("while (1) {") with self.indent(): self.call_with_errorcheck_return( f"_PyPegen_update_memo(p, _mark, {}_type, _res)", "_res" ) self.print("p->mark = _mark;") self.print(f"void *_raw = {}_raw(p);") self.print("if (_raw == NULL || p->mark <= _resmark)") with self.indent(): self.print("break;") self.print(f"_resmark = p->mark;") self.print("_res = _raw;") self.print("}") self.print(f"p->mark = _resmark;") self.print("return _res;") self.print("}") self.print(f"static {result_type}") self.print(f"{}_raw(Parser *p)") def _should_memoize(self, node: Rule) -> bool: return node.memo and not node.left_recursive def _handle_default_rule_body(self, node: Rule, rhs: Rhs, result_type: str) -> None: memoize = self._should_memoize(node) with self.indent(): self._check_for_errors() self.print(f"{result_type} _res = NULL;") if memoize: self.print(f"if (_PyPegen_is_memoized(p, {}_type, &_res))") with self.indent(): self.print("return _res;") self.print("int _mark = p->mark;") if any(alt.action and "EXTRA" in alt.action for alt in rhs.alts): self._set_up_token_start_metadata_extraction() self.visit( rhs, is_loop=False, is_gather=node.is_gather(),, ) if self.debug: self.print('fprintf(stderr, "Fail at %d: {}\\n", p->mark);') self.print("_res = NULL;") self.print(" done:") with self.indent(): if memoize: self.print(f"_PyPegen_insert_memo(p, _mark, {}_type, _res);") self.print("return _res;") def _handle_loop_rule_body(self, node: Rule, rhs: Rhs) -> None: memoize = self._should_memoize(node) is_repeat1 ="_loop1") with self.indent(): self._check_for_errors() self.print("void *_res = NULL;") if memoize: self.print(f"if (_PyPegen_is_memoized(p, {}_type, &_res))") with self.indent(): self.print("return _res;") self.print("int _mark = p->mark;") self.print("int _start_mark = p->mark;") self.print("void **_children = PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(void *));") self.out_of_memory_return(f"!_children") self.print("ssize_t _children_capacity = 1;") self.print("ssize_t _n = 0;") if any(alt.action and "EXTRA" in alt.action for alt in rhs.alts): self._set_up_token_start_metadata_extraction() self.visit( rhs, is_loop=True, is_gather=node.is_gather(),, ) if is_repeat1: self.print("if (_n == 0 || p->error_indicator) {") with self.indent(): self.print("PyMem_Free(_children);") self.print("return NULL;") self.print("}") self.print("asdl_seq *_seq = _Py_asdl_seq_new(_n, p->arena);") self.out_of_memory_return(f"!_seq", cleanup_code="PyMem_Free(_children);") self.print("for (int i = 0; i < _n; i++) asdl_seq_SET(_seq, i, _children[i]);") self.print("PyMem_Free(_children);") if self.print(f"_PyPegen_insert_memo(p, _start_mark, {}_type, _seq);") self.print("return _seq;") def visit_Rule(self, node: Rule) -> None: is_loop = node.is_loop() is_gather = node.is_gather() rhs = node.flatten() if is_loop or is_gather: result_type = "asdl_seq *" elif node.type: result_type = node.type else: result_type = "void *" for line in str(node).splitlines(): self.print(f"// {line}") if node.left_recursive and node.leader: self.print(f"static {result_type} {}_raw(Parser *);") self.print(f"static {result_type}") self.print(f"{}_rule(Parser *p)") if node.left_recursive and node.leader: self._set_up_rule_memoization(node, result_type) self.print("{") if is_loop: self._handle_loop_rule_body(node, rhs) else: self._handle_default_rule_body(node, rhs, result_type) self.print("}") def visit_NamedItem(self, node: NamedItem) -> None: call = self.callmakervisitor.visit(node) if call.assigned_variable: call.assigned_variable = self.dedupe(call.assigned_variable) self.print(call) def visit_Rhs( self, node: Rhs, is_loop: bool, is_gather: bool, rulename: Optional[str] ) -> None: if is_loop: assert len(node.alts) == 1 for alt in node.alts: self.visit(alt, is_loop=is_loop, is_gather=is_gather, rulename=rulename) def join_conditions(self, keyword: str, node: Any) -> None: self.print(f"{keyword} (") with self.indent(): first = True for item in node.items: if first: first = False else: self.print("&&") self.visit(item) self.print(")") def emit_action(self, node: Alt, cleanup_code: Optional[str] = None) -> None: self.print(f"_res = {node.action};") self.print("if (_res == NULL && PyErr_Occurred()) {") with self.indent(): self.print("p->error_indicator = 1;") if cleanup_code: self.print(cleanup_code) self.print("return NULL;") self.print("}") if self.debug: self.print( f'fprintf(stderr, "Hit with action [%d-%d]: %s\\n", _mark, p->mark, "{node}");' ) def emit_default_action(self, is_gather: bool, node: Alt) -> None: if len(self.local_variable_names) > 1: if is_gather: assert len(self.local_variable_names) == 2 self.print( f"_res = _PyPegen_seq_insert_in_front(p, " f"{self.local_variable_names[0]}, {self.local_variable_names[1]});" ) else: if self.debug: self.print( f'fprintf(stderr, "Hit without action [%d:%d]: %s\\n", mark, p->mark, "{node}");' ) self.print( f"_res = _PyPegen_dummy_name(p, {', '.join(self.local_variable_names)});" ) else: if self.debug: self.print( f'fprintf(stderr, "Hit with default action [%d:%d]: %s\\n", mark, p->mark, "{node}");' ) self.print(f"_res = {self.local_variable_names[0]};") def emit_dummy_action(self) -> None: self.print("_res = _PyPegen_dummy_name(p);") def handle_alt_normal(self, node: Alt, is_gather: bool) -> None: self.join_conditions(keyword="if", node=node) self.print("{") # We have parsed successfully all the conditions for the option. with self.indent(): # Prepare to emmit the rule action and do so if node.action and "EXTRA" in node.action: self._set_up_token_end_metadata_extraction() if self.skip_actions: self.emit_dummy_action() elif node.action: self.emit_action(node) else: self.emit_default_action(is_gather, node) # As the current option has parsed correctly, do not continue with the rest. self.print(f"goto done;") self.print("}") def handle_alt_loop(self, node: Alt, is_gather: bool, rulename: Optional[str]) -> None: # Condition of the main body of the alternative self.join_conditions(keyword="while", node=node) self.print("{") # We have parsed successfully one item! with self.indent(): # Prepare to emit the rule action and do so if node.action and "EXTRA" in node.action: self._set_up_token_end_metadata_extraction() if self.skip_actions: self.emit_dummy_action() elif node.action: self.emit_action(node, cleanup_code="PyMem_Free(_children);") else: self.emit_default_action(is_gather, node) # Add the result of rule to the temporary buffer of children. This buffer # will populate later an asdl_seq with all elements to return. self.print("if (_n == _children_capacity) {") with self.indent(): self.print("_children_capacity *= 2;") self.print("void **_new_children = PyMem_Realloc(_children, _children_capacity*sizeof(void *));") self.out_of_memory_return(f"!_new_children") self.print("_children = _new_children;") self.print("}") self.print("_children[_n++] = _res;") self.print("_mark = p->mark;") self.print("}") def visit_Alt( self, node: Alt, is_loop: bool, is_gather: bool, rulename: Optional[str] ) -> None: self.print(f"{{ // {node}") with self.indent(): self._check_for_errors() # Prepare variable declarations for the alternative vars = self.collect_vars(node) for v, var_type in sorted(item for item in vars.items() if item[0] is not None): if not var_type: var_type = "void *" else: var_type += " " if v == "_cut_var": v += " = 0" # cut_var must be initialized self.print(f"{var_type}{v};") if v == "_opt_var": self.print("UNUSED(_opt_var); // Silence compiler warnings") with self.local_variable_context(): if is_loop: self.handle_alt_loop(node, is_gather, rulename) else: self.handle_alt_normal(node, is_gather) self.print("p->mark = _mark;") if "_cut_var" in vars: self.print("if (_cut_var) return NULL;") self.print("}") def collect_vars(self, node: Alt) -> Dict[Optional[str], Optional[str]]: types = {} with self.local_variable_context(): for item in node.items: name, type = self.add_var(item) types[name] = type return types def add_var(self, node: NamedItem) -> Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[str]]: call = self.callmakervisitor.visit(node.item) return self.dedupe( if else call.assigned_variable), call.return_type