\section{\module{EasyDialogs} --- Basic Macintosh dialogs} \declaremodule{standard}{EasyDialogs} \platform{Mac} \modulesynopsis{Basic Macintosh dialogs.} The \module{EasyDialogs} module contains some simple dialogs for the Macintosh. All routines take an optional resource ID parameter \var{id} with which one can override the \constant{DLOG} resource used for the dialog, provided that the dialog items correspond (both type and item number) to those in the default \constant{DLOG} resource. See source code for details. The \module{EasyDialogs} module defines the following functions: \begin{funcdesc}{Message}{str\optional{, id\optional{, ok=None}}} Displays a modal dialog with the message text \var{str}, which should be at most 255 characters long. The button text defaults to ``OK'', but is set to the string argument \var{ok} if the latter is supplied. Control is returned when the user clicks the ``OK'' button. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{AskString}{prompt\optional{, default\optional{, id\optional{, ok\optional{, cancel}}}}} Asks the user to input a string value via a modal dialog. \var{prompt} is the prompt message, and the optional \var{default} supplies the initial value for the string (otherwise \code{""} is used). The text of the ``OK'' and ``Cancel'' buttons can be changed with the \var{ok} and \var{cancel} arguments. All strings can be at most 255 bytes long. \function{AskString()} returns the string entered or \code{None} in case the user cancelled. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{AskPassword}{prompt\optional{, default\optional{, id\optional{, ok\optional{, cancel}}}}} Asks the user to input a string value via a modal dialog. Like \function{AskString()}, but with the text shown as bullets. The arguments have the same meaning as for \function{AskString()}. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{AskYesNoCancel}{question\optional{, default\optional{, yes\optional{, no\optional{, cancel\optional{, id}}}}}} Presents a dialog with prompt \var{question} and three buttons labelled ``Yes'', ``No'', and ``Cancel''. Returns \code{1} for ``Yes'', \code{0} for ``No'' and \code{-1} for ``Cancel''. The value of \var{default} (or \code{0} if \var{default} is not supplied) is returned when the \kbd{RETURN} key is pressed. The text of the buttons can be changed with the \var{yes}, \var{no}, and \var{cancel} arguments; to prevent a button from appearing, supply \code{""} for the corresponding argument. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{ProgressBar}{\optional{title\optional{, maxval\optional{, label\optional{, id}}}}} Displays a modeless progress-bar dialog. This is the constructor for the \class{ProgressBar} class described below. \var{title} is the text string displayed (default ``Working...''), \var{maxval} is the value at which progress is complete (default \code{0}, indicating that an indeterminate amount of work remains to be done), and \var{label} is the text that is displayed above the progress bar itself. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{GetArgv}{\optional{optionlist\optional{ commandlist\optional{, addoldfile\optional{, addnewfile\optional{, addfolder\optional{, id}}}}}}} Displays a dialog which aids the user in constructing a command-line argument list. Returns the list in \code{sys.argv} format, suitable for passing as an argument to \function{getopt.getopt()}. \var{addoldfile}, \var{addnewfile}, and \var{addfolder} are boolean arguments. When nonzero, they enable the user to insert into the command line paths to an existing file, a (possibly) not-yet-existent file, and a folder, respectively. (Note: Option arguments must appear in the command line before file and folder arguments in order to be recognized by \function{getopt.getopt()}.) Arguments containing spaces can be specified by enclosing them within single or double quotes. A \exception{SystemExit} exception is raised if the user presses the ``Cancel'' button. \var{optionlist} is a list that determines a popup menu from which the allowed options are selected. Its items can take one of two forms: \var{optstr} or \code{(\var{optstr}, \var{descr})}. When present, \var{descr} is a short descriptive string that is displayed in the dialog while this option is selected in the popup menu. The correspondence between \var{optstr}s and command-line arguments is: \begin{tableii}{l|l}{textrm}{\var{optstr} format}{Command-line format} \lineii{\code{x}} {\programopt{-x} (short option)} \lineii{\code{x:} or \code{x=}} {\programopt{-x} (short option with value)} \lineii{\code{xyz}} {\longprogramopt{xyz} (long option)} \lineii{\code{xyz:} or \code{xyz=}} {\longprogramopt{xyz} (long option with value)} \end{tableii} \var{commandlist} is a list of items of the form \var{cmdstr} or \code{(\var{cmdstr}, \var{descr})}, where \var{descr} is as above. The \var{cmdstr}s will appear in a popup menu. When chosen, the text of \var{cmdstr} will be appended to the command line as is, except that a trailing \character{:} or \character{=} (if present) will be trimmed off. \versionadded{2.0} \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{AskFileForOpen}{ \optional{message} \optional{, typeList} \optional{, defaultLocation} \optional{, defaultOptionFlags} \optional{, location} \optional{, clientName} \optional{, windowTitle} \optional{, actionButtonLabel} \optional{, cancelButtonLabel} \optional{, preferenceKey} \optional{, popupExtension} \optional{, eventProc} \optional{, previewProc} \optional{, filterProc} \optional{, wanted} } Post a dialog asking the user for a file to open, and return the file selected or \var{None} if the user cancelled. \var{message} is a text message to display, \var{typeList} is a list of 4-char filetypes allowable, \var{defaultLocation} is the pathname, FSSpec or FSRef of the folder to show initially, \var{location} is the \code{(x, y)} position on the screen where the dialog is shown, \var{actionButtonLabel} is a string to show in stead of ``Open'' in the OK button, \var{cancelButtonLabel} is a string to show in stead of ``Cancel'' in the cancel button, \var{wanted} is the type of value wanted as a return: \class{string}, \class{unicode}, \class{FSSpec}, \class{FSRef} and subtypes thereof are acceptable. For a description of the other arguments please see the Apple Navigation Services documentation and the EasyDialogs sourcecode. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{AskFileForSave}{ \optional{message} \optional{, savedFileName} \optional{, defaultLocation} \optional{, defaultOptionFlags} \optional{, location} \optional{, clientName} \optional{, windowTitle} \optional{, actionButtonLabel} \optional{, cancelButtonLabel} \optional{, preferenceKey} \optional{, popupExtension} \optional{, fileType} \optional{, fileCreator} \optional{, eventProc} \optional{, wanted} } Post a dialog asking the user for a file to save to, and return the file selected or \var{None} if the user cancelled. \var{savedFileName} is the default for the file name to save to (the return value). See AskFileForOpen for a description of the other arguments. \end{funcdesc} \begin{funcdesc}{AskFolder}{ \optional{message} \optional{, defaultLocation} \optional{, defaultOptionFlags} \optional{, location} \optional{, clientName} \optional{, windowTitle} \optional{, actionButtonLabel} \optional{, cancelButtonLabel} \optional{, preferenceKey} \optional{, popupExtension} \optional{, eventProc} \optional{, filterProc} \optional{, wanted} } Post a dialog asking the user to select a folder, and return the folder selected or \var{None} if the user cancelled. See AskFileForOpen for a description of the arguments. \end{funcdesc} \subsection{ProgressBar Objects \label{progressbar-objects}} \class{ProgressBar} objects provide support for modeless progress-bar dialogs. Both determinate (thermometer style) and indeterminate (barber-pole style) progress bars are supported. The bar will be determinate if its maximum value is greater than zero; otherwise it will be indeterminate. \versionchanged[Support for indeterminate-style progress bars was added]{2.2} The dialog is displayed immediately after creation. If the dialog's ``Cancel'' button is pressed, or if \kbd{Cmd-.} or \kbd{ESC} is typed, the dialog window is hidden and \exception{KeyboardInterrupt} is raised (but note that this response does not occur until the progress bar is next updated, typically via a call to \method{inc()} or \method{set()}). Otherwise, the bar remains visible until the \class{ProgressBar} object is discarded. \class{ProgressBar} objects possess the following attributes and methods: \begin{memberdesc}[ProgressBar]{curval} The current value (of type integer or long integer) of the progress bar. The normal access methods coerce \member{curval} between \code{0} and \member{maxval}. This attribute should not be altered directly. \end{memberdesc} \begin{memberdesc}[ProgressBar]{maxval} The maximum value (of type integer or long integer) of the progress bar; the progress bar (thermometer style) is full when \member{curval} equals \member{maxval}. If \member{maxval} is \code{0}, the bar will be indeterminate (barber-pole). This attribute should not be altered directly. \end{memberdesc} \begin{methoddesc}[ProgressBar]{title}{\optional{newstr}} Sets the text in the title bar of the progress dialog to \var{newstr}. \end{methoddesc} \begin{methoddesc}[ProgressBar]{label}{\optional{newstr}} Sets the text in the progress box of the progress dialog to \var{newstr}. \end{methoddesc} \begin{methoddesc}[ProgressBar]{set}{value\optional{, max}} Sets the progress bar's \member{curval} to \var{value}, and also \member{maxval} to \var{max} if the latter is provided. \var{value} is first coerced between 0 and \member{maxval}. The thermometer bar is updated to reflect the changes, including a change from indeterminate to determinate or vice versa. \end{methoddesc} \begin{methoddesc}[ProgressBar]{inc}{\optional{n}} Increments the progress bar's \member{curval} by \var{n}, or by \code{1} if \var{n} is not provided. (Note that \var{n} may be negative, in which case the effect is a decrement.) The progress bar is updated to reflect the change. If the bar is indeterminate, this causes one ``spin'' of the barber pole. The resulting \member{curval} is coerced between 0 and \member{maxval} if incrementing causes it to fall outside this range. \end{methoddesc}